We have 7.6 billion years left.


Jun 22, 2006
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A new calculation predicts that Earth will be swallowed up by the sun in 7.6 billion years, capping off a longstanding debate over whether the sun's gravitational pull will have weakened enough for Earth to escape final destruction or not.


Makes you wonder if in one, two, or three billion years humans will have the capacity to colonize other galaxies. This is all considering we dont obliterate ourselves.
7.6 billion year.. wow who knows what could happen in between that time.

just makes you wonder, when i look at that figure i feel so small and weak.
To be honest as long as I'm not around when we either obliterate ourselves, or the world explodes, I'm alright with it.
We will kill our planet ourselves much sooner than that

To be honest as long as I'm not around when we either obliterate ourselves, or the world explodes, I'm alright with it.

Actually I'm kind of curious about either one of those events.
Yeah, we'll probably wipe ourselves out way before that time. :)
How would we survive if Earth did escape, anyway? Yay! Floating planet!

And it it comes close (and we're not dead) we'll point all our resources at trying to escape.

Besides, 7 billion years is just an enormous amount of time. If we're not dead, we'll probably be able to do some awesome stuff by then.
Like the article said, the planet wont be hospitable in a billion years, let alone 7.5
considering homosapiens have around for only 200,000 years or so as a species then im pretty positive our species wont be around to see the destruction of the earth even if we do colonise space.... we'll either have died out as a species or evolved into something else and/or diverged into several other species.
By then we may be advanced enough to alter the sun to not destroy the earth
The sci-fi nerd in me would like to think humanity, assuming we survive our own youth, can drag earth away from the sun, and maintain it as the Motherworld ship, our vast grasp of science and technology allowing us to keep it habitable.

The lesser option would be to toe its dead lifeless husk away and keep it as a sacred monument to our own godlike existence. :|

Most likely though we'll die off soon enough and the Earth will die an unceremonious death.

Unless another sapien species arises and succeeds where we failed.
considering homosapiens have around for only 200,000 years or so as a species then im pretty positive our species wont be around to see the destruction of the earth even if we do colonise space.... we'll either have died out as a species or evolved into something else and/or diverged into several other species.
The most logical thing I've seen so far.
The way I see it, by that time we will be in one of two places:

1) Extinct. The most likely one. Whether wiped out by our own arrogence or by natures fury, our chances of surviving the next millenium let alone 7 billion years is slim.

2) In a boundless utopia beyond human imagination. We will live in a world where pain, disease, possibly even death itself has been conquered by science. The universe will be our plaything. Unless we make some serious changes in the next thousand years, I doubt we will reach this.

Utopia or oblivion. Life or death. We at the turning point.
****! ****! ****! ****!

Where the hell are my jeans and my car keys? There's no time dammit. Son of a bitch, we have to act quickly or else it'll be too late!
Breaking news! The earth is going to end in a few billion years time!!! Let the looting and mad random sex with strangers ensue!!!
Besides, 7 billion years is just an enormous amount of time. If we're not dead, we'll probably be able to do some awesome stuff by then.

7 billion years is an incredibly short amount of time considering infinity.
I see us not even looking like humans in a few thousand years. We will be to advanced.
Everyone knows that the world is going to end in 2012, it's just a fact. No one knows how so discuss, also there's not much time left so lets begin with the forced procreation.......fer lulz.
7.6 billion years? That's really naive expectation. Our probability of extinction before 2100 AD is around 50 per cent.
7.6 billion years? That's really naive expectation. Our probability of extinction before 2100 AD is around 50 per cent.

Insert made up random statistic here. ^^
Even barring out human exctinction or death by other factors, the planet will be made inhospitable by the dying star long before it is swallowed up by it. For instance, the planet's atmosphere will be blown into space and the planet itself will become a waterless, airless desert planet as the sun grows in size. The sun itself will gobble up an earth that looks more like mercury than the modern planet we now sit on.
I already knew this as fact.
How is this 'news'?

We knew that the sun would grow to massive proportions, but we did not know whether or not the decreasing density would result in a change in Earth's orbital trajectory which would push us to the outer reaches of the solar system, rather than be swallowed up by the sun.

Up until this point, the calculations required to make such a prediction were rather difficult, so scientific debate has been stewing for decades over whether or not the Earth would survive the sun's red giant phase.

The "news" is that the latest calculations show that we will indeed be swallowed up by the sun.
In a few million years we will be long gone from Earth.
I wish people would stop predicting the end of the world... For one there is really no way for us to know, accept to wait it out, and when the time comes, I don't want to be the guy losing his mind cause I'm about to die. I want it to go like this:

"the end of the world? OHH SHI-" the end. Thank you.
Thanks for that bit of information. Really. Now i know to ship off this rock before the clock hits 7.6billion years.

Cheers mate :|

lol jus joking, tis an interesting fact
Don't be silly God will have taken us all up to heaven by then, a guy just came to the door and told me so. He also said this guy loves me, I don't want to go to the home of a guy that loves me...

What were we talking about again.
I doubt there will be much left of the Earth in 7.6 billion years so it hardly matters.
Even barring out human exctinction or death by other factors, the planet will be made inhospitable by the dying star long before it is swallowed up by it. For instance, the planet's atmosphere will be blown into space and the planet itself will become a waterless, airless desert planet as the sun grows in size. The sun itself will gobble up an earth that looks more like mercury than the modern planet we now sit on.

Damn.....well, then it's your job to push it out of the way.
Somehow I can't see us surviving as a species until 3008 =/
Holy shit, 3008 sounds like an awesome year to be around. Cryogenic stasis is the way to go :p
Even barring out human exctinction or death by other factors, the planet will be made inhospitable by the dying star long before it is swallowed up by it. For instance, the planet's atmosphere will be blown into space and the planet itself will become a waterless, airless desert planet as the sun grows in size. The sun itself will gobble up an earth that looks more like mercury than the modern planet we now sit on.

I don't see why anyone should care though tbh.

Oh, and that Mayian/Aztec (I think it was?) prediction about the world ending on 2012 is probably a big hoax.
They never actually predicted the end of the world, and people who say so are alarmist dumbasses. It is simply the end of the mayan calender - the begininng of a new age.

****ing new agers.