We have found a colony planet for when we inevitably leave the earth a lifeless husk


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
...and it's only 42 light years aways WHEEEEEE! cant wait to visit

Meet GJ 1214b, the most Earth-like planet ever found outside our solar system.

It’s not exactly Earth’s twin: It’s about six times bigger, a whole lot hotter and made mostly of water. But compared to the giant gas balls that account for nearly every other extrasolar planet ever found, it’s pretty darn close. And through a fortunate happenstance of cosmic geometry, astronomers will be able to study GJ 1214b in great detail.

“If you want to describe in one sentence what this planet is, it’s a big, hot ocean,” said Harvard University astronomer David Charbonneau. “We can even study its atmosphere. This planet will occupy us for years. That’s part of what’s so exciting about it.”

What are we supposed to build a colony on, the boiling hot ocean, or the BOILING HOT OCEAN?
Will it have Tina Majorino?

Edit: whoa I haven't seen what she looked like in a long-ass time; nm, she got real ugly after growing up
What are the temperatures there? I wouldnt be suprised if life has evolved.
6 times bigger, call Bulmas dad to build everyone a gravity machine so we can practice on the way to our new home.

Seriously though that's great, maybe in the next 1000 years we can build a spaceship that can travel as fast(or faster) than light and visit there.

Except, you're pretty much going to have to say bye to your loved ones forever because by the time you get back 84 years would've passed on earth :(

We need some artists rendition of this place asap.

cool story bro.
What are the temperatures there? I wouldnt be suprised if life has evolved.

the scientists suggest the planet might bee too hot for life as we know it to evolve.

"With an estimated temperature of 370 degrees Fahrenheit, GJ 1214b is an unlikely incubator (Earth’s toughest extremophile, a microbe that lives in deep-sea volcanic vents, maxes out at 284 degrees) but it’s not impossible."
We need some artists rendition of this place asap.
Maybe we'll get to watch Kevin Costner boil?
What I'd like to know is that does that boiling water-balloon have an atmosphere?
What I'd like to know is that does that boiling water-balloon have an atmosphere?

Yes but it says in the article they aren't sure of its composition, they just assume it's similar to other terrestrial planets.

I wonder how deep the oceans are, the article says "extraordinarily" so.

If there's life on this thing, it's not any kind that has ever been seen on Earth.

What excites me most about this is that if we've found a planet COVERED in water after only a few tries with this new telescope (only around the 400th extrasolar planet ever discovered), not only must terrestrial water-bearing planets be incredibly common in the universe, but that also implies that LIFE must be relatively common, even if this planet is lifeless.
You know whats ****ed up? The fact that the universe is so ****ing big with stars and shit, and we can't even use our super saiyan like teleportation to go to ****ing places. And even if we could we'd like melt, freeze, or depressurize. Thats goddamn bullshit.
You know whats ****ed up? The fact that the universe is so ****ing big with stars and shit, and we can't even use our super saiyan like teleportation to go to ****ing places. And even if we could we'd like melt, freeze, or depressurize. Thats goddamn bullshit.

Which goes to show that human beings are still animals, no matter how far we manage to move forward with our technology.
Okay, that's TWO separate DBZ references in a thread talking about REAL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES.

"... and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you."
Okay, that's TWO separate DBZ references in a thread talking about REAL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES.

"... and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you."

Just some raw desire my friend.
cool!! what happened to the scientists saying they could build a massive glass dome on the moon and make a city in it. Moon city. anyone remember that story?
I say we build an underwater dome city. Would be awesome with aliens swimming around our glass dome. And as long as we have central air, we'd be all set.
Have fun weighing something like 6x your normal weight.
You earthlings would just become jealous of our massive muscle bound physiques, so im ok with that.
Good thing we're warming up our planet. Otherwise we wouldn't have the experience to survive once we make it to that other planet!
Good thing we're warming up our planet. Otherwise we wouldn't have the experience to survive once we make it to that other planet!

We aren't warming up the planet. We're just helping. Don't believe the hype.
Experience shmexperience. Humans become weaker and weaker physically as the generations go on, as we rely more and more on technology.

Our technology will be all we need to inhabit this planet.

I ain't derailing anything. Raziaar started it :)

But on topic then, I really like the idea, as Ennui said, that life is really pretty common in the Universe. That leaves still so much to discover.
I personally like the fact that it's an ocean planet... a HUGE ocean planet. Our ocean still contains so many mysteries to us... I bet that planet's ocean would allow for thousands of years of exploration and discovery!
Alcubierre only works when you already have a series of stations to generate a gravitational disturbance already along the chosen path.


Well , I have a feeling that once we unlock the secrets of the universe in the LHC , FTL travel will be possible.I'm no physicist so don't attack me damn it.