We Lost!!!


Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
so halflife 2 lost the game of the year award, or was that just for spike tv? i mean san andraos is good but common have some class !
Naw, it was just the Spike TV one

Don't worry, when TRUE gamers get to pick the GOTY, it will swing the right way.
i m a half life 2 fan aswelll but i put my vote down for chorinicles of riddick its way better interims of game play than half life 2...

flame on
Citizen 1150421 said:
i m a half life 2 fan aswelll but i put my vote down for chorinicles of riddick its way better interims of game play than half life 2...

flame on

The only thing Chronicles of Riddick had goin for it was VIn Diesel.. not gameplay.
CoR had some great gameplay IMO.
San Andreas no way deserved GotY... but this is Spike TV, did you really expect more PC Gamers to vote than Console gamers?
conspiracy, I'm a strong believer in PC FPS dominance, but Chronicles of Riddick, on the xbox alone, was one of the best FPSs I've played in a looooong time. Second only to hl2 in my opinion, beating FarCry, UT2004 (though hardly comparable), Doom 3 (meh) and other big title shooters this year.

The level of immersion in the game rivals hl2, and the gameplay is just awesome. Pick up and try,

HL2 won best PC game and Best Graphics
That is very good effort considering the competition and the console oriented award.
sure someone will post:" We PC gamers are more mature in general than console fanboys who go ballistic over their game losing an awards show"

I am 100% sure
In my opinion Halo 2 and HL2 are going to have some serious competition...but thats just me. But Im going for HL2.
If only Half-Life 2 was released September 30th 2003. It probably would have won every award that could be won.
We PC gamers are more mature in general than console fanboys who go ballistic over their game losing an awards show.

Mr-Fusion said:
If only Half-Life 2 was released September 30th 2003. It probably would have won every award that could be won.
It wouldn't be the same as the Half-life 2 released right now.

im not to sure what this spike TV is but it sounds kiddish, anyway GTA: SA is an awesome game and so is Chronicles of Riddick
Dasparov said:
It wouldn't be the same as the Half-life 2 released right now.
Obviously. But i'm just making the point from a parallel universe perspective where Valve actually met their schedule and beat other next gen games by a full half year.

In the end Half-Life 2 was released at the worst time to release a game in the history of games, because of the immense amount of competition. And you're kidding yourself if you don't think console games are competition. Consoles are completely raping the PC industry and it's only getting worse.
Consoles are completely raping the PC industry and it's only getting worse.

Not really, for a while the PC was in a massive pit of boring games and low sales, but this year sales have actually made a sharp spike upwards and we have some awesome games. Granted the consoles still own the PC in sales, but the PC industry is actually going up for the first time in years after the release of HL2, Doom 3, and WoW.

Oh, and Spike is a channel made for 13 year olds that aren't quite through puberty, but still feel to need to see "sexy" women with which they please themselves. Come to think of it, it's odd that Halo 2 didn't win GoTY...

It's a joke! Don't kill me!
I don't know. Personally, I prefer a more "In our face" style gameplay as opposed to stealth elements. CoR is fun, don't get me wrong, but I like to throw a shotgun blast to the face as opposed to a stealth kill. So, HL2 for me.
Spike TV is good for watching five straight hours of CSI, and that's about it.
The day they make a TV program about videogames that isn't inherently awful is the day I vomit a lawn tractor.
Of course Spike TV would choose GTA: SA... couldn't you tell all of the people there were from 'da hood'?

BTW, I do not mean this as a racial comment.
Mr-Fusion said:
you're kidding yourself if you don't think console games are competition. Consoles are completely raping the PC industry and it's only getting worse.

I have to agree here. I myself am primarily a PC gamer, but a certain recently-released XBOX game got a LOT of my attention last month. If it weren't for the fact that not one store in this town could keep an xbox for more than 2 hours, I would've bought one myself by now and probably never bought HL2.

I'm sure there are many people right now with outdated computers who are getting sick of the ever-increasing system requirements, who are looking for a cheaper/easier way to play games. Consoles are the answer for them.
Mechagodzilla said:
Spike TV is good for watching five straight hours of CSI, and that's about it.
The day they make a TV program about videogames that isn't inherently awful is the day I vomit a lawn tractor.

Electric Playground was good back in the day, when they still had zoe flower and stuff
tommy tallarico is such an insufferable prick, he makes my heart sing
Cypher19 said:
We PC gamers are more mature in general than console fanboys who go ballistic over their game losing an awards show.


Have you ever been to Steampowered.com's forums? I don't think there are any mature posters there, sure, there used to be before beta 2 and the 'final' release but thats about it.

I didn't really expect HL2 to win game of the year on SpikeTV. like people have said, most shows like that *seem* to be biased towards PC gaming.

Mechagodzilla said:
Spike TV is good for watching five straight hours of CSI, and that's about it.
The day they make a TV program about videogames that isn't inherently awful is the day I vomit a lawn tractor.

*sniff* First few series of GamesMaster? :(
Duracell said:
Have you ever been to Steampowered.com's forums? I don't think there are any mature posters there, sure, there used to be before beta 2 and the 'final' release but thats about it.

I didn't really expect HL2 to win game of the year on SpikeTV. like people have said, most shows like that *seem* to be biased towards PC gaming.

he was being facetious
Ive nva seen this spike TV :) im bloody australian so wtf ya gonna do, but by the sounds of the awards they dont go by how good a game is but by how much the game sells ;) thats my theory anyhow.
Btw: I was raised on console games like most gamers, we old moved onto PC gaming because it shows alot more promise then some silly console that sits beside or under your TV.
My two cents, deal with it or face the spooncrab mod!
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
The only thing Chronicles of Riddick had goin for it was VIn Diesel.. not gameplay.

Vin Diesel is one of the worst things I can imagine in the world today. I would gladly pay not to have to watch another second of his "acting" or here another of his "witty" (yet dark and mysterious :dozey: ) one liners...

In other news, who cares what awards the game wins. Doesn't make any difference to the product - it's all posthumous recognition really. I mean it's not like anyone here had any say in actually making the product and so any reason to be proud of its achievements.

I guess it's like aiming for success through affiliation - if the things you like are popular or successful, it makes you feel similarly. Who knows! Ain't amateur psychology fun! :angel:
We PC gamers are more mature in general than console fanboys who go ballistic over their game losing an awards show, :)
HL2 will not get GoTY from:


cos theyre too up their own ass to give it to a PC game....

however, their reders poll awards will show HL2 is the firm fav amongst the fans. just as it did with Gamespot back for HL1:


damm jap luvvas :D
Mechagodzilla said:
Spike TV is good for watching five straight hours of CSI, and that's about it.
The day they make a TV program about videogames that isn't inherently awful is the day I vomit a lawn tractor.

I do like X-Play, Adam makes me laugh and I tent to agree with them quit offen.

I knew long before the show aired that GTA:SA was going to win GotY. Lets face it the awards were voted on by the public. More people have played GTA then HL² due to many reasons, mainly becuase it's cheaper to own a console then a PC, and you don't have to worry about system requirements (some PC owners many have skiped HL² for fear of the system requirements being to high).

I never cared about an award show based on public oppinion, as the public is never well informed. It's like asking me if I like Coke or 7up, when I have never had a 7up before. Just wait till game review mags start to give their GotY's, atlest they have played all the games and can form a real oppinion.
early 2000's - dumbing down of PC games in order to appeal to console generation market

2005 - next gen SHaFT console released by microsoft, broadband enabled and equipped to compete with top end PC's, upgrade-able (by Microsoft)

2007 - waning PC market due to rising costs, and neverending upgrade requirements - games continue to decline in quality and innovation and steer toward the younger market

2008 - Microsoft release upgrade addon pod for SHaFT.

Top 3 popular games at the moment:
1 Dancetard 50 50 50
2 Sims - kama sutra version
3 Gonna steal your car and knife you in the face, motherf****r

2009 - Microsoft release upgrade addon pod 2 for SHaFT

Magnetic data storage replaced with the new japanese Plutonium Accelerator chip

PC Japanese home hardware development market flourishes, certain radioactive upgrades deemed illegal in some US states

Russian home software development takes off with the black market release of 'Suicide bomb Sim'

2010 - Nuclear PC component trade becomes illegal in most countries and dubbed as 'possible terrorist threat', home computers become obsolete

SHaFT upgrade pod 3 released, upgrade prices stabilise at equivalent price of original console

Top 3 popular games at the moment:
1 Half Life 3 (new release)
2 Suicide bomb Sim addon - vehicle expansion pack
3 Gonna steal your car, knife you in the face, THEN blow up some cops, motherf****r

2011 - Microsoft terrorist plot thwarted, SHaFT console found to be 'stuffed to buggery' with Plutonium upgrade components, simultaneous worldwide detonation to be triggered via Steam, Bill Gates' right hand man Doug Lombardi also arrested

2012 - Consoles deemed illegal, television back in fashion

A month later television deemed illegal with return of Dawson's Creek
I watched both Spike's VGA and Gphoria last year, innagural years for both of them. I found both to not only be media whores for console games, but based less on any kind of academic analysis of the games and more of a pandering to the numbers generated by unit sales.

However of the two of them, I found Spike's picks to be the least in line with what I personally thought were good games. I also felt like Spike was less "gameresque", and for that reason I gave Gphoria's picks more legitimacy.

What we need is an acedemic body like the Motion Picture industry has to evaulate these games.
Spike TV's Video Game Awards was a popularity contest. Consoles traditionally command a bigger audience and so any straight popularity contest will inevitably swing towards console games. Still, the fact that Half-Life 2 won Best Graphics and Best PC Game is great news.
Cypher19 said:
We PC gamers are more mature in general than console fanboys who go ballistic over their game losing an awards show.


thats was the reaction of many people in the HL2 boards of gamespot
GTA:SA Is the better game.

You can't judge HL2 by it's mods, don't forget that. They have nothing to do with the game.
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
The only thing Chronicles of Riddick had goin for it was VIn Diesel.. not gameplay.

Chronicles of Riddick is without a doubt a great game, after HL2 it's my favorite pc-game of 2004.

I think that, looking at the new technologies ( realistic lip-sync ) and new gameplay type ( with physics), HL2 is the game of the year.

BUT, I say it again: Chronicles of Riddick is great..imo it's better then doom 3 AND far cry, and I've played them all.
Mr.Wotsit said:
I mean it's not like anyone here had any say in actually making the product and so any reason to be proud of its achievements.

we as gamers are THE say when it comes to making the product, they make the product FOR us!?? If a game comes out and we all think it's rubbish then it doesn't sell and they go out of business! :( Power to the people and all that

Consoles just happen to be less hassle so they sell more, I don't think it's as much to do with what games you can buy as it is do with the cost and time spent on getting your games up and running, I didn't buy a PC just to play games! I doubt many people here did
for some obscure reason, I've never enjoyed playing ANY game as much as I enjoyed 'Hired Guns' on the Amiga 1200 when I was like 15yrs old! that's goin back over a decade incidentally

actually, can I get that on the PC? anyone know of a emulator for it or summit?
The conensus at another BBS I frequent is that the Spike VG Awards show was a popularity contest, not an impartial evaluation of the contenders. I wholly agree with this notion.