We need screenshots & movies! PLEASE!

No ones playing it yet because its still locked. Just be pateint.Im at a cyber cafe now. Ill post when its unlocked.
It isn't unlocked until Midday US Pacific time, which is about 8.00PM GMT
Damn Americans :P (I'm married to one before you all start flaming away ;)). I don't know why companies don't use UTC. Would then be fair to the entire smegging planet! :thumbs:
That sucks.. they should just use GMT.. it's the international time standard anyway..
yeah, I don't know why people in north america sorta don't recognize GMT as the global standard :/ could it be envy? :P j/k
So what time? When is "mid-day"? 3:00 PM Eastern Standard? 12:00 GMT?
lePobz said:
It isn't unlocked until Midday US Pacific time, which is about 8.00PM GMT

12:00 Pacific is 3:00 Eastern. I presume this is so that when schools get out (for those who are IN school that play CS) kids can goto the cafe after their homework is done and they can play.

JUST FOR EAST though..I dont know why they made it noon pacific?
TST_Devgru Seal said:
12:00 Pacific is 3:00 Eastern. I presume this is so that when schools get out (for those who are IN school that play CS) kids can goto the cafe after their homework is done and they can play.

JUST FOR EAST though..I dont know why they made it noon pacific?

It should be: I presume this is so that when schools get out (for those who are IN school that play CS) kids can goto the cafe and they can play.

TST_Devgru Seal said:
12:00 Pacific is 3:00 Eastern. I presume this is so that when schools get out (for those who are IN school that play CS) kids can goto the cafe after their homework is done and they can play.

JUST FOR EAST though..I dont know why they made it noon pacific?

Sounds plausable mate.
hehe, is that sarcasm? I'm not too good at sensing sarcasm over the internet lol..

It helps to know your timezones :P If you know what I mean lol..but you're welcome :E

SubK, I put the homework in, so that the teachers wouldn't get on here and start flaming us :O

TST_Devgru Seal said:
12:00 Pacific is 3:00 Eastern. I presume this is so that when schools get out (for those who are IN school that play CS) kids can goto the cafe after their homework is done and they can play.

JUST FOR EAST though..I dont know why they made it noon pacific?

I assume that it's to do with Valve being the in the Pacific time zone and the fact that they need to sleep, so won't unlocked it at stupidly early times.

The Preload started about 14 hours ago.

Why is everyone so impatient?

And what would be so exciting about screenshots?
Well Feath, they would be SS taken by Joe Public, rather than released by VALVe so it'll give us a more accurate idea of how the game will look on our PC's. IMHO anyway.
painLord since ur at a cafe wen CSS is unlocked create a shortcut and check the applaunch thing
marty905 said:
painLord since ur at a cafe wen CSS is unlocked create a shortcut and check the applaunch thing

Why's that? VALVe already fixed that problem. CS:S cannot be preloaded any earlier now. That was a small loophole someone found. As I said before, its been fixed.
Cant you just wait.
I thing the valve people "forget" to unlock the CS Source to see your response. (sory Valve guys) So dont wait it to bee out soon :)
When is it going to be unlocked Eastern time? Please? Thank you.
how many more hours lkeft till to be unlocked IM CA Time :thumbs:
TST_Devgru Seal said:
12:00 Pacific is 3:00 Eastern. I presume this is so that when schools get out (for those who are IN school that play CS) kids can goto the cafe after their homework is done and they can play.

JUST FOR EAST though..I dont know why they made it noon pacific?

except that it is summer still and no one is in school....


EDIT: 1 hour 50 minutes until unlock!
Good news for you all :)

HalfLife2.net have teamed up with a cybercafe owner who will be providing us with some fantastic media which you'll see first on HL2.net.

More soon... ;)
Thanks Chris, can't wait!!

Please make huge screenshots! like 1600x1200 8x AF & 4X AA :P also bink movies would be preferred :)
how much you pay to be cyber cafe thing and play cs:source
glHalfLife said:
Damn, I can't believe people are playing the game right now :devil:
Still locked. Keep looking at www.steampowered.com news section. They will say when its unlocked.

Homie, the trick isnt the cash, its to have one thats withn 500 miles of where you live.
i have a cyber cafe within 10 minutes from me if i go can i play cs:s and is it free?
Homie said:
i have a cyber cafe within 10 minutes from me if i go can i play cs:s and is it free?
You have to pay per hour to use their computers.