We Salute You, Samurai Legends.

Geogriffith said:
I can't beleive they're being rewarded with careers for failing to finish the same project that got them the careers. That's just so... undeserved. It just says that all you need to get a nice job is a lot of PR- and a golden parachute.
Lucky bastards. I hope their respective companies also have a failure to follow through on games.

I think this is the fundamental flaw of today's businesses. The complete lack of professionalism in most industries (not just the game industry) has made me sick. It's as if all the trust-funders and free-riders don't really want to work and they get the jobs over the people still down in the trenches busting their asses for scant paychecks.

I somewhat agree with the above (quoted) statement and Pi Mu Rho's perspective in that we're not seeing any products here...we're seeing an incomplete class-assignment that landed some people jobs.

How does this make the rest of us MODders feel; The people unable to afford the exorbitant tuition and people-connections? I can't speak for any other team nor can I speak for the members within my own project but I can voice my opinion:

I feel like a mexican immigrant groundskeeper for one of Martha Stewart's mansions. :(

Am I jealous? Hell yes! Disappointed? you bet! Surprised? Not at all.
That is the most narrowminded peice of kack i have read on these comments.
Im working on a mod for more then 2 years, and I have a job to! Im not a pro gamedesigner and I can do it! They cant... thats what I call narrowminded.
Making a game/mod isnt only about your skills but its also about the people who you are making it for.

What a wast of steam news, mods who are going to be finished could have been on that steam news. They get all the attention... for nothing, they didnt deserve it!

Release what you have, or let a new team(fans?) work on it.
Pi Mu Rho said:
and they want to be game developers?

Way to be an asshole, you think half-life 2 beta didn't have bugs?

By the way, stop acting like the developers owe you a favor.
TheSomeone said:
Way to be an asshole, you think half-life 2 beta didn't have bugs?

By the way, stop acting like the developers owe you a favor.

That's uncalled for. Pi's actually been in the game industry, he knows his stuff.

-Angry Lawyer
TheSomeone said:
Way to be an asshole, you think half-life 2 beta didn't have bugs?

By the way, stop acting like the developers owe you a favor.

Way to completely misunderstand what I wrote.
Of course it had bugs. However, Valve didn't decide to stop fixing them and go off and do other things instead, which is what I object to these guys doing.

I don't think any developers owe me anything. Having been one, I know exactly what it's like on the other end.
Pi Mu Rho said:
and they want to be game developers?

exactly... commitment and planning creates a mod... it looks like they were low on both
Pi Mu Rho said:
and they want to be game developers?

Well, I'd say they're a little further in the "game development" stage than you.

Typically, the older are wiser...perhaps those further along in the process know a little more than those trying to change the world one post at a time.

All in friendly taste, Pi. ;)
Pi Mu Rho said:
Way to completely misunderstand what I wrote.
Of course it had bugs. However, Valve didn't decide to stop fixing them and go off and do other things instead, which is what I object to these guys doing.

You didn't understand what I meant either. Valve is getting big bucks from HL2. :dozey:

I don't think any developers owe me anything. Having been one, I know exactly what it's like on the other end.

Then why are you complaining that they stopped?

EDIT: Maybe I'm a bit too resentful for my own good. Sorry Pi.
Intamin said:
Well, I'd say they're a little further in the "game development" stage than you.

Typically, the older are wiser...perhaps those further along in the process know a little more than those trying to change the world one post at a time.

All in friendly taste, Pi. ;)

Except I've been working in the industry for the last 5 years. So they're not further along than I am.
Pi Mu Rho said:
However, Valve didn't decide to stop fixing them and go off and do other things instead, which is what I object to these guys doing.
Do you honestly feel that all the employtees would be doing that if they werent being payed by valve when they could be elsewhere doing the same thing (making games) and being paid for it. It's a totally different scenario.

Perhaps gabe and one or two others would do it without being payed, but they are worth enough to retire today should they want. The other 100+ employees, theyd probably tell valve to go get stuffed.
Yes, it is a totally different scenario. I didn't bring Valve up as an analogy here.
fair enough, what you quoted didnt mention it so I missed the link you were pointing out. ahh well, see it in the "Half-Life 2"

*sigh* this has gone a bit off track hasn't it.
I'm just gonna jump in and say, other than "Hi, new member, been lurking since release", that the Samurai Legends Beta is at the hardfought forums, or maybe not anymore. But that doesn't matter at this point. The fact is that the mod is out there and all you have to do is download it and give it a try. It's looking pretty slick if I may say so myself. Dunno if this is a good first impression to make, but I felt it was my obligation to let any followers know that the game actually is out there even though development has stopped.

And that's it from me.

I'm just gonna jump in and say, other than "Hi, new member, been lurking since release", that the Samurai Legends Beta is at the hardfought forums, or maybe not anymore. But that doesn't matter at this point. The fact is that the mod is out there and all you have to do is download it and give it a try. It's looking pretty slick if I may say so myself. Dunno if this is a good first impression to make, but I felt it was my obligation to let any followers know that the game actually is out there even though development has stopped.
...yes Im to lazy to search for a link... I have a job!
I'll get right on that...

[EDIT] Looky here! From there, click "Files" on the left and go on from there. You need to register, but it isn't exactly a big deal.
yea, i can't blame them for getting gigs, but also, i mean a mod would be a cool way to keep in touch with your college buds anyways.

about passing it on to another team, I dunno if i would do that, as they could end up taking cred for most of your work, and getting all the glory.

but depending on how long they had their domain for, I wouldn't shut it down, but make it a part time thing like the rest of us. most of us have full time jobs, and we have to mod at nights and on weekends, they coulda done the same thing. but alot of you need to understand, when you work in gaming, your putting in a 60 hour work week every week. when you go home, you don't want to keep making games.
.. and like I said, the vast majority of them will be relocating. Do people honestly think it's easy to keep a mod team together when that kind of stuff is going on? It's bad enough losing one or two people to RL stuff when you've got a huge Internet-based mod on the go -- try losing most of your (until then) dedicated team to RL for a few months and see how much work gets done. Their team was comprised of only ~14 people, which is pretty damn small for a mod team, particularly due to the fact that only two programmers were involved. Lose the services of a fraction of those and a single coder, and you've got serious problems to contend with.

Yes it's nice to get things done, it also looks a lot better on your CV if you can say "I shipped this" or "I completed that". I would personally see through my involvement in FF if I were to gain a paid position in a company (i'm not looking and I'm not good enough yet, just speaking hypothetically), but I know it's pretty much unrealistic to expect everyone else to do the same thing. Sometimes life conspires against stuff like mod teams.
you only need internet to make a mod, Ive never seen my team mates in real life and we can do it.
The point is, if you know them in real life and can work with them face to face, your team will be more productive. Take that closeness away, and you lose a lot of the organisational benefits. Also, since the mod team is small, any casualties in terms of numbers (particularly any of the coders) has severe implications and they may be unwilling to bring an 'outsider' into the mod team.