Weapon Errors



Nine millimeter USP Matches can come with 18 round magazines. If you watch the videos closely you will see that Gordon often appears to have 18 rounds in his USP Match. I would imagine that it has at least an 18 round capacity, and that it probably has exactly an 18 round capacity.

Go here and scroll down to where they list the statistics.


And a picture with 18 rounds in the pistol is here.


Additionally, the submachine gun does not appear to me to be a PDW. Not only does it appear to have a 45 round capacity (you've stated correctly that PDW magazines come in 20 and 40 round capacities), but additionally it's much too large.

Information on and pictures of the PDW can be found here.


Pictures demonstrating the submachine gun’s magazine's 45 (at least 45 that is, although I think I saw Gordon reload it in one of the videos where it popped back up to 45-just saying I'm betting it turns out to be 45 in the final version) round capacity and its larger size can be found here.


I, of course, apologize if this has already been brought up. I am new and am unsure. I also apologize if you think I'm being overly anal about this. I just watched a few videos, and then upon reading some stuff on various sites I noticed an incongruence or two and felt the desire to have them addressed. If you don't care then by all means feel free to not post to this topic, or even better, post to this thread a statement expressing how little you care for this topic.
Uh...the guns are BASED off real life guns, lets not get lost in cyberspace
h4vvok said:
Uh...the guns are BASED off real life guns, lets not get lost in cyberspace
What does that have to do with my post?

The fact that the USP Match is a real gun and can carry 18 rounds. Only goes to support what I've said. I wasn't claiming it wasn't based off the USP match, I was claiming it carried 18 or more rounds, not 15 as this site claims.

As far as the PDW goes, this site says that the gun is a PDW. It does not say that it is based off of one. Secondly, I don't see how you'd begin to draw a connection anyways. It might as well be based off of any other submachine gun in comparison. It sure doesn't look like a PDW. Nothing I see indicates it's a PDW, feel free to show me something about it that makes it at all resemble the PDW more than any other submachine gun.
this is also about 15 years into the future.

quit being such a wet blanket

edit: thats right I comment without reading posts.

whatcha gonna do about it.

just ignore me, for chrissake...
shatteredmind said:
Nine millimeter USP Matches can come with 18 round magazines. If you watch the videos closely you will see that Gordon often appears to have 18 rounds in his USP Match. I would imagine that it has at least an 18 round capacity, and that it probably has exactly an 18 round capacity.

Go here and scroll down to where they list the statistics.


And a picture with 18 rounds in the pistol is here.


Additionally, the submachine gun does not appear to me to be a PDW. Not only does it appear to have a 45 round capacity (you've stated correctly that PDW magazines come in 20 and 40 round capacities), but additionally it's much too large.

Information on and pictures of the PDW can be found here.


Pictures demonstrating the submachine gun’s magazine's 45 (at least 45 that is, although I think I saw Gordon reload it in one of the videos where it popped back up to 45-just saying I'm betting it turns out to be 45 in the final version) round capacity and its larger size can be found here.


I, of course, apologize if this has already been brought up. I am new and am unsure. I also apologize if you think I'm being overly anal about this. I just watched a few videos, and then upon reading some stuff on various sites I noticed an incongruence or two and felt the desire to have them addressed. If you don't care then by all means feel free to not post to this topic, or even better, post to this thread a statement expressing how little you care for this topic.
Thank you for bringing that to our attention
Me. but why the hell is this in "Site Discussion." It has nothiung to do with the site.

This should be in "nitpickers 'r' us"
Hmm..Hl2 also has a incediary Irifle. what does HK say about that? is it modeled realistically in hl2?
ohhh wow. See I'm a member of CDG and a skins reviewer for CSNation, so when it comes to realism I tend to be kinda picky in matching what it's supposed to look like. But those guns come as close as can be expected from default models. But never fear as soon as the SDK is out I'll have those models replaced with ones I like, espiecally that usp match...horrible, and beter PDW's exist.
wait a minute, u mean there is NO manipulator in existence? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! *dies*
lol @ dr.a
just cause the site stated something, doesnt mean it is right, take the old staem packages think, there was no bas thing

Just like h4vvok said, the guns in most arcade-style games are based on real ones... Just because a few things dont match doesnt mean that its not based on the RL weapon. When they were creating the content for the game i'm sure the process went something like this:
"We need an automatic rifle/SMG model, go find a cool looking one."
"Ok, howabout the MP7?"
"Sure, now make it look good by adding modifications to it"
"Ok all done"
"Great. Now we will change power/ammo/features based on balancing"

Thats a bit simplified but you get my point. They start with a real gun (for ones that are supposed to be real) then change it for what they need. The USP has 18 rounds in real life and is semi-auto? Great, thats what they needed. The MP7 CAN hold 45 rounds, ok that will work, but they need a grenade launcher too? ok just add one onto it, no biggie.
Ehm...in a game where I'm fighting alien zombies and an oppressive police state in a European nation..I doubt I'm going to care whether my gun carries 5 rounds or 100...
Just like to point out that the game is in a pre-release stage and not everything is known about it yet.

Look at the enemies page for example, not much is really known at all.

As soon as the full game is released, all the content pages will be re-done with new/updated/correct information gained from the game (and the strategy guide, although they won't admit it) .

Right now, it doesn't really matter what the page says as it's all just speculation and unknown, so to nit-pick about this in the tone that you are using "this is wrong and should be changed" is futile - if they change it to what you say, it could easily change again once the game is out. Easier not to waste time and just leave it as-is until the game comes out, as it's not really doing anyone any harm.
MiccyNarc said:
Ehm...in a game where I'm fighting alien zombies and an oppressive police state in a European nation..I doubt I'm going to care whether my gun carries 5 rounds or 100...

True Valve would of changed what they like to balance out the game, e.g they could make a sniper rifle that fires autmatically like mp5 with no recoil, it just doesnt matter
Icarus said:
Thank you for bringing that to our attention

Icarused tbh!! Feel lucky he didnt ban / close this because..well just because its a little... TOO FAR lol. Well done, i suppose...kinda, but hey, if you want UBER realism, play something like BAttlefield or Cod :stare:
DavE0r said:
Icarused tbh!! Feel lucky he didnt ban / close this because..well just because its a little... TOO FAR lol. Well done, i suppose...kinda, but hey, if you want UBER realism, play something like BAttlefield or Cod :stare:

I'm sorry, did you just mention Battlefield 1942 and Realism in the same sentence? Go die. Please.
For the love of god...why do people complain about every mother f***ing thing in HL2, it's a game, deal with it, if you want complete realism, accuracy, and weaponry, go join the army...
Dead-Inside said:
I'm sorry, did you just mention Battlefield 1942 and Realism in the same sentence? Go die. Please.

I hope not.

Also, you called them weapon errors. They're not.
I never understood this either. Why is it so hard for developers to take, literally, 1 minute to type in the name of the weapon in google and find the correct magazine capacity? Such a simple thing....
Man, what's with the harsh reaction? The guy wasn't even complaining, he was just pointing out some stuff to anyone who was interested. I was impressed to see on the site he linked to, in a video of the USP, it sounds just like the one in the Bink videos. Good job Valve, I say.
Wait hold on, how are you guys responding to this? Am I the only one who really didnt understand what the hell he was trying to say in his post? I read the whole thing twice, and he says the USP has 18 bullets in it and in real life it can carry 18 bullets, but the mp7 has 45 and in real life it will have 45... and your point? The game is copying real life guns?
P.S. Im not being mean, or harsh, i really do not understand what he is trying to say lol. :monkee:
shatteredmind, nice post. I am also annoyed by some of the very basic errors on valve's part to accurately represent certian weapons in-game.

I have made a few posts at other forums about the weapon errors in HL2, but haven't made any here.

In reference to "remember its just a game/future/alternate reality" ..... if it isn't obvious, some of the weapons are based off of existing weapons (USP match, MP7, Spas 12) so to want realistic versions of those specific weapons in game is justified IMHO
The USP is a man's gun, and should use a .45 - a MAN's caliber.
Not some piddly 9mm bish... [sniffles]
hell yah. that gun's sweet.

One of my medium-term goals is to model the S&W Model 500. Except the 8+3/8in. version.

Except... I've never bloody modelled a thing in my life. Oh well. needa start somewhere.
I think some people need educating in the art of game development.

Early in a game's development, things like the weapons will be decided on. Let's take a theoretical example - the developers decided to put a USP Match in.

Later in the game's development, it's realised that the USP isn't really as powerful in-game as they'd like it to be. So they increase the damage per bullet. Playtests indicate that people playing the game aren't really using the USP at all, because it doesn't seem effective.
So they increase the Rate of Fire. To compensate for that, they increase the clip size slightly.

We like to call this "balance"

Realism does not automatically equal fun.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Ever heard of extended or high capacity magazines?

:eek: :eek: You mean the can really zip the bullets?!?!?! :eek: :eek: ;)

I agree with Pi Mu Rho's upper post. The mysterious art of game developing...
has it ever occured to you that it's a computer game? you know... entertainment. hell, the aliens in half life aren't real either, and city 17 doesn't even exist! omg this game is so stupid!
Man, I cant believe all the people bitching about this guy making a point.

Some of you seriously need to STFU.

If this guy wants to take issue with the lack of continuity, I say LET HIM. We all know that HL2 is geared towards total immersion. This is what makes HL2 so f'n great. So if gun hobbiests are pulled out of the game by these innacuracys, it is a legitamate gripe.

The only one who made a real point against him is Pi Mu Rho, who explayed WHY its innaccurate instead of giving the bullshit "its just a game" response.

I am not into guns, and do not have a clue how they compare to real weapons. But as a fan of pure realism as a gateway to immersion, I think this post is a valuable contribution to the forum.

Stupid flamers. :flame:
groovy said:
has it ever occured to you that it's a computer game? you know... entertainment. hell, the aliens in half life aren't real either, and city 17 doesn't even exist! omg this game is so stupid!

Yeah, i get what you're saying... but aren't all the tests that everyone's been talking about hinting at the fact that City 17 is based in a real location near the Caspian Sea? Blah..blah....blah..... all those co-ordinates, pictures of European cities etc... And also a thread started about the guns in HL2 not being accurate, or that they are being accurate is interesting, just because he failed to think that some people are going to come along and start with the, "But this is a computer game...", and start complaining about his thread. Maybe he forgot and was only wanting to save you from wasting your precious time reading the rest of his thread?

Also, i think that it is interesting; both about games accurately modelling real life weapons, and also about taking liberties to balance out the weapons. In both cases there are negatives and positives, so really no one can ever be happy, just wait till all the mod makers get out there and start messing with the balancing making the "REAL-Life" mod of HL2, and the "psycho-insane-see-thru-wall-gun-with-pink-neon-lights-while-you're-a-mouse" mods, for those people that like unrealistic stuff.

BTW; go mice levels
Eon Blue said:
Are they flaming, or are you?
"lets not get lost in cyberspace"
"quit being such a wet blanket"
"For the love of god...why do people complain about every mother f***ing thing in HL2"
"has it ever occured to you that it's a computer game?"

Clearly both. But saying 'you all' was too strong.. so I took it back.

Saying that they dont care is valid, but to make a judgement about shatteredmind because of their personal bias is totally ungrounded.