weapons wishes

Second the call for a flamethrower -- that incindiary cannon looks neat but not quite as satisfying... there's nothing like the smell of recently toasted blastable-nasty in the morning...

HMG: something along the lines of an FN MAG or Minimi.

HK G11 (latest ver. with the overly optimistic bayonet...).


Musket (although there'll be plenty to go around in the Gettysburg mod).


Stukabat on your arm like some hunting hawk.

Sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads (to take care of those annoying Icthyosaurs).

Eludium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator (kind of like the Egon, Gauss gun and OpFor's Displacer all rolled into one).

Note that the heartbeat sensor (DK Lifeguard?) as seen in Tom Clancy's techno-thrillers is actually unworkable IRL... there's a page debunks it at: http://www.sandia.gov/LabNews/LN04-24-98/detector_story.html
and why does every barrel you shoot explode? i'd like to shoot a barrel or two that just gets knocked over or rolls around...
Not every barrel is explosive, i'm pretty sure I've seen them shoot a barrel and not explode, but some are filled with gasoline or some such so those ones will explode.
Originally posted by Alzxul
Not every barrel is explosive, i'm pretty sure I've seen them shoot a barrel and not explode, but some are filled with gasoline or some such so those ones will explode.
yeah.. just like in hl.. some crates were marked "explosive" some were not.. in the movies.. you probably saw mostly explosive barrels.. because.. damn explosions are cool.
because.. damn explosions are cool.
Damn straight :cool: After watching the video again, it seems there are two main types of barrels. Orangey rusty ones and blueish ones. The orange ones seem to explode while the blue ones dont.
Originally posted by Alzxul
Damn straight :cool: After watching the video again, it seems there are two main types of barrels. Orangey rusty ones and blueish ones. The orange ones seem to explode while the blue ones dont.
good work!
thats true except, in the video where the zombie kicks that barell at gordon, and gordon ducks under that "propeller thingy" and it cuts all the zombies in half... well that barell is blue and it explodes when he shoots it, and it blows the zombie in half.

I also thought it would be distinguished by color before I saw that, now I think there might be something else, perhaps barells that are dented dont explode... or something ah well, heres to september 30th! :)
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
thats true except, in the video where the zombie kicks that barell at gordon, and gordon ducks under that "propeller thingy" and it cuts all the zombies in half... well that barell is blue and it explodes when he shoots it, and it blows the zombie in half.

I also thought it would be distinguished by color before I saw that, now I think there might be something else, perhaps barells that are dented dont explode... or something ah well, heres to september 30th! :)
OR.. it might be random from barrel to barrel.. it's not like you know if a barrel will explode in real life without checking inside it first..
Originally posted by worldspawn
OR.. it might be random from barrel to barrel.. it's not like you know if a barrel will explode in real life without checking inside it first..

omg do you have a life? :dozey:
Does it matter?

He still leaves in the real world.

But what is the real world?

We are not in the real world.

There is no spoon.
Must-have weapons:

.50 caliber rifle
pocket knife
bear trap
blow torch
flyable blackhawk helicopter with mounted gun and rockets
jet pack
shrink ray
fish net

That is all.
Maybe with the barrels you ahve to decide if they are full or not or perhaps there are tectures that look similar but give the barrel slightly different properties such as 'explosive'

P.S. A flamethrower would be cool, and a chainsaw....and the jetpack idea and cheese wire. Oh and A continuos laser beam to chop things up with, perhaps use the same ammo as gauss but more likse the Gluon....

...Spikes, they would be good, having them on the front of a car to impale zombies on. And a mounted minigun. Perhaps a tank. Striders would be cool too. Napalm, oooh yeah that would be fun. Or maybe you could spray Petrol all over the place and then set it alight. Maybe i should stop now i could probably just list every weapon there is and not be finnished. :borg:
This is getting me more excited about the game! :bounce:
i like fire-grenade lancher thingy better than flame-thrower.

flame thrower is over used.
flame thrower is a must.

an m60 would be good aslong as it means u can only walk, or not run very fast while carrying but is inacurate, is more accurate once deployed on tripod and will solve the "having to have mounted machine guns to operate arround the game" problem of half-life and have the added advantage of you being able to deploy in whatever position you wanted, meaning tatics, deployment in open areas would leave you liable to be attacked and killed from behind and out-flanked, depolyment behind cover could prove devistating but may obstruct the field of fire if not properly deployed.

like to see a silenced sniper gun in it aswell as a usp with attachable silencer to pick off the combine without alerting others to you're presence
A sack of angry blood thirsty toy poodles to throw at people (to replace the snarks).
thats true except, in the video where the zombie kicks that barell at gordon, and gordon ducks under that "propeller thingy" and it cuts all the zombies in half... well that barell is blue and it explodes when he shoots it, and it blows the zombie in half.
Hmmm yeah I suppose thats true, but either way there will be barrels which won't explode, which is what one of the people who posted here was worried about there not being.
I know it was in the first game, but I'd like to see the badass .357 Magnum return :cool:
How about a mission where the object is to capture a human enemy without killing him. You need him alive to interrogate and get some some important information out of him. Some pepper spray could come in handy. It would be cool to spray someone and watch them writhing in pain as you wack them over the head with your crowbar knocking them out. then you can tie them up with some rope. The trick is to get close enough to disarm him and apply the spray on him before he shoots you first. This would require some unscripted strategy. Some kind of hand to hand combat feature would be cool too.
what about the crossbow!!!

i mean seriously!! shooting someone and going up to find where the bolt hit an stuff, it would be cool!!!
1 of those nukes u can site on and ride like a cowboy. drop that moth****a out of a plane sittign on it when hellof a ride before u die and kill a billion headcrab bastards.
ya know, if u think about it....u dont really need all the weapons we will be getting. all we need is a pointy stick that shoots bullets and flings grenades. wed have world domination inn the palm of our hands.
Crowbar Nunchucks

Crow-chucks, yo! :cheese:

Anyway, I'd like to see more makeshift weapons, like a board with a nail in it, or a lead pipe.
i think it would be cool if you didn't have to use the manipulator and you could just use your hands to pick up stuff and throw it.
i think the code would be too difficult to write to make gordon pick up something as a human would. possible objects could include everything from a lance to a mattress, and getting gordon's hands and arms in the right place, and making gordon balance the object so he could carry it, *and* going between that and a suitable throwing animation... doesn't seem very realistic yet with the current technology. even for half-life 2.
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
thats true except, in the video where the zombie kicks that barell at gordon, and gordon ducks under that "propeller thingy" and it cuts all the zombies in half... well that barell is blue and it explodes when he shoots it, and it blows the zombie in half.

I also thought it would be distinguished by color before I saw that, now I think there might be something else, perhaps barells that are dented dont explode... or something ah well, heres to september 30th! :)

I thought the "barrel" Gordon shot was a propane tank, not an actual barrel. I could be wrong. In any case, I think it would be cool to have some sort of grapple gun. Not one that would let you climb up, but you could shoot it at a zombie, and it would wrap around him, then you could reel him in. Example: You're on a balcony, and there are zombies below, you could shoot one, then reel him up about half way, let him dangle, watch him as he tries to untie himself, then either shoot him, or cut the rope and watch him fall. Probably too much work to code something like that, and not as good as just putting a cap in his head....but it would be fun. :monkee:
***Very weird Weapons***
panzershreck, Thompson
and all WW2 weapons.. dont want to list them here.
Suomi KP :cheese:
60 mm Anti Tank gun
Double Berettas
double Deagles
Mobile phone (some very old model, damn huge one)
Beer bottle
Barret .50 caliber Sniper Rifle :afro: :afro:
PSG-1 Sniper Rifle
Apache 64 with Rockets and machineguns
Coastal Gun
Two Handed Sword
M4 with M203
AK 47
Steyr AUG
i have too many ideas...:dork:
actually I think it would be cool if you had a lawn-mower(sp?) like in "Brain Dead"...y'know a portable version of that propeller thing would be nice...

alternate fire you could like go...."go go gadget helicopter!" and fly p to places you wouldn't normally be able to get at...
yeh teh flame thrower would pwone walking zombies on fire :D
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
actually I think it would be cool if you had a lawn-mower(sp?) like in "Brain Dead"...y'know a portable version of that propeller thing would be nice...

alternate fire you could like go...."go go gadget helicopter!" and fly p to places you wouldn't normally be able to get at...

I like the first idea...the portable propeller thing...but the go go gadget helicopter is gettin a little to over the top for me lol (me and my no imagination brain ;)).
Weapons I like to see

sorry, if they are not all the best ideas but...

weapon ideas

50. cal sniper rifle
rail gun (w/alt veiw modes)
c-4 (with trigger)
proximity mines
choke wire
anti-tank gun
sulfer/napalm launcher (explodes and lights on contact)
heavy machine gun
freeze grenade (liquid nitrogen?)
moltov cocktails
shrapnel grenades
gas/smoke grenades
chainsaw (like previously suggested)
guass gun
sticky bombs
assult rifles
shotguns (DB and assult)
crowbar (of course)

non-weapon options

single handed daul weapons
scope upgrades (for rifle like weaponry)
gas mask
steal their uniforms (new hud)
shrapnel grenade would be soooooo cool.

imagine all the nails stuck in the walls and zombie heads :afro:
A briefcase nuke .. not for fun, but so it can be used to collapse the citadel or something
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
A briefcase nuke .. not for fun, but so it can be used to collapse the citadel or something


I don't think you need a nuke to take down a building. Isn't that a little overkill?
I'd like to see sorta the reverse of a flamethrower. Basically instead of a flame, it would spray out a jet of liquid nitrogen, so you could freeze something (even the water hydra thingy) then smash it. And if it is used on something quite chunky, it would slow the thing down instead of killing it.
Originally posted by Lupus
I'd like to see sorta the reverse of a flamethrower. Basically instead of a flame, it would spray out a jet of liquid nitrogen, so you could freeze something (even the water hydra thingy) then smash it. And if it is used on something quite chunky, it would slow the thing down instead of killing it.

that would be kind of fun...