Weather effects ?

Possibly. Look at this picture. Notice the cloud on top. Well it may not be a weather effect, but its a black cloud. Not something you normally see over here in San Diego, Cali.
If you watch the trailer closely you can see that there is light snow or dust particles slowly drifting from the heavens.
dat crazy dj said:
Possibly. Look at this picture. Notice the cloud on top. Well it may not be a weather effect, but its a black cloud. Not something you normally see over here in San Diego, Cali.

I think thats some odd effect happening due to the meltdown of the reactor. Some sort of dark energy swelling above the Citadel.

Yeah, there will be, you can see droplets in the trailer. I doubt its rain, somehow - something linked to the Citadel affecting the weather I'd say.
I'd say the black cloud like substance you see in the pic is probably smoke, ya know, from the Citadel blowing up and all... ;)
Right at the end of the trailer what looks like rain appears as the words HL2 come up. I doubt it is actually 'rain' though.
Yeah Gordon's probably just in a building with a sprinkler system which goes off.
There is a weathercontrol device outside city 17, it's prolly broken after the explosion...
gusIII said:
There is a weathercontrol device outside city 17, it's prolly broken after the explosion...
It was cut so there may or may not be.
Samon said:
I doubt its rain, somehow - something linked to the Citadel affecting the weather I'd say.

Could that affect be..oh I don't know CAUSING IT TO RAIN!!!
JPSurratt2005 said:
I'd say the black cloud like substance you see in the pic is probably smoke, ya know, from the Citadel blowing up and all... ;)

I think its something a little less generic than smoke ;)
Besides, I doubt smoke would form like that.

Mr.Magnetichead said:
Could that affect be..oh I don't know CAUSING IT TO RAIN!!!

.....Somehow, I don't think its rain. If its rain, its crap rain. Less of the moronic sarcasm please.
I didn't say it was rain. I was pointing out that your post was somewhat contradictory. It was like saying 'No it's not rain but maybe the citadel was causing a strange weather effect that made water fall from the sky'.

Rain is afterall snow when it initially falls, and snow is caused when dust or dirt particles are blown into the atmosphere and have moisture adhere to them.
Yes, you are absoolutely right in what you say - it was how you phrased it.
Isn't the stuff falling from the sky ash from all the fires etc. in the Citadel...It does a similar thing when you get a good sized volcanoe going off (Mount St. Helens for example). Goodness knows what nasties are burning in something big, alien and wierd like the Citadel. One point though: with volcano ash, the material falling isn't burnt, it's super-fine pulverised the citadel stuff probably won't have been caused by the same process; however, it'll probably look cool in the context of a game.)
Theres nothing to burn. The citadel fire can only be fuel/reactor based. I doubt an advanced slien alloy is cerceptable to heat alone.
Heat? More like desintigration! (sp?)

Who knows what sort of crazy weather will be in the next few HL games. War of the Worlds style lightning storm anyone? :E
Mr.Magnetichead i love your avatar! lol.

and ya its raining.