website hosting.


Aug 3, 2004
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what is a good website host? what is a decent free one? how much can i expect to pay for a decent website host that offers about 250 MB of space and nice bandwidth?
I can't tell you a name of a host that is good in your area but I use this one :
Obviously don't pick that one since it is in Sherbrooke, Canada but here are the infos you must know :

- 100 MB (I personnaly find that it is alright since if I need to host big files I can use my computer as an ftp server or use a free host for files)
- 5 GB of bandwidth
- If you pay for one year, you get the domain name for free, example :

- 10 Mail accounts
- Unlimited aliases
- Automatic replies
- WebMail

- 10 FTP accounts
- Updates 24/24 7/7
- File manager

- PHP4
- 1 MySQL database
- Unlimited simultaneous connexions to MySQL
- PHPMyAdmin
- Mail Php is active
- Frontpage extensions

- Detailed stats
- Logs

- An additionnal domain name
- Sub domain

- Administration Pannel
- Personalisable error pages (like the 404 error page)
- Backup everyday
- Folders protection
- Firewall
- Cron jobs

- Illimited support 24/24 7/7, by mail, phone etc...

- Upgradable to another plan at any time

Cost per year : 71.40$ CAN = 45E = $58.48 USD

There is also the 200 MB plan with 10 GB of bandwidth for 119,40$ CAN = 75E = $97.80 USD
ok the site appears to be french so i'm probably gonna have trouble using it. do you know a site that offers free service? i just need a temporary site to post up some stuff. i have some sites that i use regularly but they are unprofessional. they have TONS of popups and other annoying things. for 60 dollars a year, that is pretty impressive. i'm gonna do some browsing. i also only know advanced html and some java, i dont know any CG scripts of php. do you know where i can find a script for forums? all i know how to do is get the physical look of a site up(the design), and i need help on all the technical stuff like logging in for members and forums. if someone could send me a site explaining how to set all that up, that would be awesome. :) thanks in advance
As far as forums go, I believe there is a free program called phpBB, which is very nice (judging by the ones I've seen in action), which you just put on your server and it's all set. Also, InvisionFree has pretty boards which you don't need to host yourself, but they may have ads I'm not sure.

I don't know nothing about computers and whatnot, though. :(
First, yon won't find any good hosting for free, without banners and things like that.

Second, I really, really suggest you to learn php, it's a very powerfull langage, it's free (you can start a test server on your machine and do stuff with php and a MySQL database). PHP will allow you to change the content of your Web site dynamically. Say you want to add screenshots of your MOD into your Web page, you would have an interface that would let you select an image on your hard drive and then you would click on a button and it would upload that image, and display it correctly into the screenshot section of your Web site. That's a very basic example, but the possibilities are endless.

If you need forums or things like that, there are alot of free forums on the net (like phpBB) and they are easy to install and to use, of course you will need a host that supports PHP and MySQL.

Start with that and later on if you need any specific help on Web site design or programming you can post it here and we'll help you :)

(Im a professionnal Web designer and programmer btw :upstare: ) (California based, if that matters)

decent packages for reasonable prices. i only use mine for hosting files, but i could set up a site, forums, all that jazz if i wanted to. some people have said their customer support sucks, but any time i had a problem i used the chat system and problem was fixed in under 5 minutes, so i dunno...

and whoever that is up in you're getting screwed. $60 a year for 100mb and 5gb transfer? when i bought the same package ipowerweb is currently doing @ $8/mo it was 2gb storage and 80gb transfer a month. now it's 3gb and but it dropped to 50gb transfer.
do what I do : host your images on one place (like or and host your HTM(L) files on, there's no popups, banners or whatever there. Well, at least I haven't encountered any.
First, yon won't find any good hosting for free, without banners and things like that.
Actually you just takes....a long long time...
Trust me when I want hosting....I spend about 4 days non stop googling and searching.. my last one was dhost...
100megs of space... 300 gig of traffic(was actually reached once), Ftp, Mysql, PHP 4. Whats the catch? Have some real content(in other words...can't be used for a mass downloading site which has no real content at all), and 1 user a week(you could visit it once a week and it would stay up).

I had them for a few months...then I eventually stopped with my website...(as I just got bored).

There extremely hard to find...but there out there....since they are so hard to's what makes them special. The harder the better. Only the hardcore searchers will find them..which means less people...which usually means they wont screw everybody over and start adding paid packages n shit, and the harder ones usually have less downtime.

Anyway, the only thing about free ones that are extremely this:
-Them becoming Sell outs and making there Free Packages lower and adding in paid packages.(Though there isn't anything wrong with makin money).
-Reliability(This is the biggest one, but usually they work real well).

Second, I really, really suggest you to learn php, it's a very powerfull langage, it's free (you can start a test server on your machine and do stuff with php and a MySQL database). PHP will allow you to change the content of your Web site dynamically. Say you want to add screenshots of your MOD into your Web page, you would have an interface that would let you select an image on your hard drive and then you would click on a button and it would upload that image, and display it correctly into the screenshot section of your Web site. That's a very basic example, but the possibilities are endless.
Sooo right... I love PHP. I made my own login\logout\register scripts..(My first one would only allow 1 user per account, log you out after 15mins of inactivity, only 1 account with a certain email\username(obviously), verify emails), a tagboard(one of my first), this was also with mysql. heh PHP rules....

and host your HTM(L) files on, there's no popups, banners or whatever there.
What about your PHP files?
thanx a lot guys. keep posting because someone might have something better. at the moment i'm gonna take a look at dhost. i'll get some tutorials on php. yeah that kind of stuff.
I use 1asphost personally, but I only use it for storing files and testing html.
ASP support
100 MB
1 Gb bandwidth

Not really what you're looking for but maybe a good alternative.
ok i'm currently learning php but i think its gonna take a while before i can create a login / logout system. i'm familiar with code because i've been around it my whole life(not an actual programmer but i've experimented), but creating all this from scratch is gonna take a while. what are the benefits of having registered members to a site?
EDIT: i've learned the basics of php now, loops, reading, writing, appending, unlinking, post, get, ect. you get the point. i havnt engraved these teachings into my permanent memory yet so i can't write some brilliant piece of work yet. give me a couple of days for the information to sink in.
Registered members can have access to privileged information. They can subscribe to a mailing list, a forum. By giving access levels, you can use the same login system for everyone and display/authorise certain users to view/use certain parts of your Web site. The admin can access the administration section of the Web site and modify the content of the site at will, from anywhere. The members of the MOD can post their works, they can view things visitors can't see. You could also give the possibility for registered users to participate in the beta testing of the MOD. You can do anything.
yeah i figured that much...but....i mean for like ordinary users. it doesnt seem to be much of a difference unless ur hiding like TOP SECRET info from the general public. :| i was thinking of basically a forums. that would be the most useful part of having a login and logout system. as for modifying the site at will for admins...thats seems a bit too much work for me...i would probably find it easier just to edit the html code than write a large php code file just to do that. could u also point me in the right direction about all the things i need to include in a login/logout system(so it isnt faulty). like an example: find out if the user is at my site for the first time(if statement i believe), ask them to register(or just have a link there), get the register info and make sure its valid(dont know how to check for valid emails and such....), send the info to register.php which will have a subdirectory of "'members" so you can write files containing the register info for all the members. access that info whenever u need it ect. change the value of the guest to member and allow him to acces whatever a member can.
ok thats what i thought about it. but its probably a lot more complicated(and once again, i don't have the code memorized yet so the way i view it may be totally wrong). help would be really awesome. :)
If you're looking for hosting for a mod, offers good free hosting.

If you're looking for personal hosting, I'm a huge fan of for 3.99/month, you get 400MB sapce and 15gb bandwidth per month. and you get cPanel as well. I use it for my personal site.
You don't need to add an a module for the Admin for everything but it is very usefull for pages you change often.

For example a page that displays the members of the MOD. If you know they will always be the same and you won't hire more people, then you can hardcode everything in the page but if you know there will be changes, some people will drop off the MOD and some people will join, some people will change their infos (email adress, their job in the MOD (programmer, modeler etc.) then you can do it in php. And oh, surprise, those informations will be taken in the same table you use for the login system (the registered user table).

It is actually faster to code a loop that will display the members of the MOD automatically than copy paste some line of code 5-6-7-34654 times and change the infos manually, plus the code will be cleaner with php.

And you can also have access to detailed statistics about the visitors/members of the site, you can make Polls (and ask them if what you want to implement in the MOD is a good feature and things like that).

Before coding anything, you should sit down and write all the modules that will be included in your Web page (the Poll would be a module, the login would be a module etc...). Because the next step will be to create the database.

This is a very basic example of what the Member table would look like :

Id, Login, Password, JoinDate, Ip, FirstName, LastName, Address, City, PhoneNumber, AccessLevel, MailList

So that's how you should start, think about all the tables and fields you will need and write em down. You can add/remove/edit the database later so it doesn't matter if you don't get everyting one shot/headshot.

And the last thing, you will need to learn SQL to do your query (take/change/add the data in the database). Don't say : Not another langage to learn!?! hehe, SQL is VERY EASY. This is an example of a query in php to access the content of the Member Table and then display it on a Web page:

// First you will need to connect to the database then you can do the following query
$query = "SELECT * FROM Member"; // The * means it will choose all the fields
$result = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){
     echo 'First name : '.$row->FirstName.'[br]';
     echo 'Last name : '.$row->LastName.'[br]';
     echo 'Join date : '.$row->JoinDate.'[br]';
     echo 'City : '.$row->City.'[br]';
     echo '[br]';

Sorry for the long post.
i like long posts(as long as it has useful stuff). :) yeah i figured i needed to have a list of all the stuff i would need to ask in the member register thing(name, email, addres ect.), but i didnt know i needed SQL for that. ummm is it ok to do it my way for my register.php to have a subdirectory of members where it writes all the members info down?
EDIT: i mean i dont really know the best way to do it so its foolproof(i dont want people to be able to view it).
If I understand correctly, you want to make something like .txt files that would contain the informations of the members...? This method is very uncommon, it is feasable to a certain extend but not very effective and very very slow.

Trust me the best method is to use a MySQL database. Plus it will be very easy for you to find tutorials and examples on the net on how to do it that way.
Ti133700N said:
If I understand correctly, you want to make something like .txt files that would contain the informations of the members...? This method is very uncommon, it is feasable to a certain extend but not very effective and very very slow.

Trust me the best method is to use a MySQL database. Plus it will be very easy for you to find tutorials and examples on the net on how to do it that way.
Listen to him.
my SQL database got it. k thanks. if i have more questions i'll post them here. :)
ok i'm a bit confused. my webhost doesnt have a cpanel or any of that stuff so how do i set up a mySQL database manually? i'm having trouble setting up mySQL.....:(
EDIT: i downloaded mySQL and the php program but i dont really know what to do with them. i mean i can write php code in notepad and save it as .php right? i'm confused.
DOUBLEDIT: how the hell do i set up my god damn table? god damnit this is seriously pissing me off. arg. i'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air. shit...
As you might have guessed, php is interpreted on a server so you need to set up a server with MySQL and php mod. You can do it on your comp if you wish, it will be easier. Download easyphp, it comes with all the stuff you need, easy to install. Then to make your database and the tables, I suggest you to use DBManager, free and very professionnal and powerfull.
i do i set this stuff up? to like get it up on my webhost so i can start using it? (i have to make a server out of my computer right?) is there a way to just get all this on the internet so my computer doesnt have to do anything?
EDIT: will those programs do it for me?
DOUBLEEDIT: i already downloaded the real php software as well as mySQL, do i need these in unison with easyphp and DBManager?
TRIPLEEDIT: i just got both of those programs and easyphp seems to be just an easy program to set up a server(if i'm not wrong), and DBManager is scaring the shit out of me.
If you're using another server to host your stuff they'll usually have those services set up for you. So then all you'll need to do is upload the php files. Not quite sure about mySQL though.
Limpet said:
If you're using another server to host your stuff they'll usually have those services set up for you. So then all you'll need to do is upload the php files. Not quite sure about mySQL though.
yes they do have php and sql support but i dont know how to set up my databases and such. usually they are supposed to have a cpanel or something and a visual interface for you to create things but mine doesnt. so i'm lost.
EDIT: i'm messing around with my DBManager and i dont know how to get my files(.php) from my webhost to connect to my server. could someone help me out?
DOUBLEDIT: how do i link the .php from my webhost to the servers i'm running on my comp? i cant seem to do this. read above for more trouble i have.
Ok if your server supports php and MySQL then you odn't need to set up a server on your comp so you can forget the stuff about easyphp.

DBManager is used for the MySQL database only, not php. You should already have a Database set up with your account (your host should have provided you with the name of the database, your username and password). Then you only need to put those infos in DBmanager and you'll see all the tables in the database (there shouldn't be any yet). Then you can add tables, fields and data directly into dbmanager, no need of something else.

Edit: Ok a have a good idea, tell me the name and URL of your host and I'll try to find the infos you need to set up DBManager.
i'm currently using (i'm pretty sure it supports php and mysql) if it doesnt then tell me so i can find another one. yeah i know DBManager is for MySQL only but i wanted my php files to interact with my database(put in info / extract info / create login stuff / etc.). hostultra doesnt have like a thats why i was lost...
EDIT: nvm doesnt support mysql. i'll have to find a free one just to start learning mysql. ugh...(how do i run a server though)?
i'll take a look but i need to find a mysql supporting host. urg. even learning is becoming hard. :|
thanx 1337, imma try out 100 webspace. :)
EDIT: ok now i can connect to my mysql database. do i use post in php to get the info from a form they fill out(registering), and send the info to my mysql database to create a new row of data? or do i make it create a new member for mysql database(with a username and password) so they can connect to it? can someone explain briefly how most modern sites(login / logout / forums) work? just like an outline of where the information goes and what happens to it so that someone can gain login privileges. thanks in advance.
Did you make the structure of your tables in the DB? If yes then now you need to make a registration form. Suppose you have a field for the email of the guy who wants to register:
<FORM name="Form" id="Form" action="valid_inscription.php" method="post">
<input TYPE="text" name="Email" id="Email" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="50">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="postcheck" value="1">
<INPUT type="submit" value="Send">

Then in valid_inscription.php you would get the data in the POST, validate the stuff and then add the data into the database.

$Good = 0;
  $Email = trim($_POST["Email"]);
  if($Email != ''){
     $query = "INSERT INTO Members (Email) VALUES ('".$Email."')";
     $mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error().' - '.$query);
     $Good = 1;
if($Good == 1){
   echo 'Thank you';
   echo 'You suck';

Of course instead of just the email in the Form you will put all the fields you need (name, username, pass, pass verification etc...)

Start with that and then we'll talk about the actual login very soon :)

That's very cool that you want to learn all that stuff by yourself, you're doing really good :)
1337 ur gonna need to help me out. ok i got this far so far.
mysql_connect("", "my username", "my password") or die(mysql_error());
echo "Connected to MySQL[br]";
mysql_select_db("my database") or die(mysql_error());
echo "Connected to Database[br]";
$Good = 0;
$Email = trim($_POST["Email"]);
if($Email != '')
$query = "INSERT INTO Members (Email) VALUES ('".$Email."')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error().' - '.$query);
$Good = $Good+1;
$Username = trim($_POST["Username"]);
if($Username != '')
$query = "INSERT INTO Members (Username) VALUES ('".$Username."')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error().' - '.$query);
$Good = $Good+1;
if($Good == 2)
echo 'Thank you';
echo 'You suck';
now this is working fine(no connecting errors or posting erros), but when it writes down the info into the database its on two different rows. i know i could probably just add a comma here:
$query = "INSERT INTO Members (Email, Username) VALUES ('".$Email."', '".$Username."')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error().' - '.$query);
$Good = $Good+1;
but then...i don't know how to make sure they write down in both fields. like what if they left one empty and it records it empty? how do i put up things that make sure it checks that you put something down while writing it all down on the same row? need help :|
EDIT: your gonna also need to explain why you put postcheck and what "if($Email != '')" does. those are kinda throwing me off. i understand how the code is working but some parts are confusing(i know in general whats happening).
The postcheck hidden field is not mandatory but it has multiple purposes. With that check you are sure that the user posted the data from this form. Suppose you have more than one forms in your page, there can be confusion because the post data can be send from any forms.

The if($Email != '') is the answer to your question "how do i put up things that make sure it checks that you put something down". Usually, you will make a javascript function that will validate the basic data (it's done on the client's comp). Then you will make a php function before the INSERT to validate again the data to be sure everything is ok (sometimes the user doesn't have javascript so you can't validate by javascript, but the advantage of javascript is that you don't need to repost the page, you can send an alerts messages and the form won't be posted as long as the data is not correct.

Now something very important, you have to insert all the stuff on the same row (one row = one inscription). Otherwise it means nothing, the DB strong point is its way of storing the data and also the relations between the tables.

Finally: $Good=$Good; ???
1=1, 2=2, $Good=$Good=useless :)

I'll post a complete example in a few minutes, let me write all that code down... then you can use it or parts of it (the javascripts functions can be a pain in the arse sometimes).

But before, can you give me all the names of the fields in the Members table please?

Oh and what do you use to code? Notepad?
include "config.php";

// THIS IS THE CONTENT OF config.php //
//Connection to the database
$dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "user", "pass") or die ('Cannot connect to the database: ' . mysql_error());
$ptr_baseDonneesMySQL=mysql_select_db ("nameofthedb");

$Checked = 'checked';

<script language="javascript">
function Validate(){
	var Good        = 1; // Assume everything is ok
	var re = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/; // Alphanumerical characters
	var User        = document.getElementById('user').value;
	var Pass        = document.getElementById('pass').value;
	var Passconfirm = document.getElementById('passconfirm').value;
	var Email       = document.getElementById('email').value;
	// Trim all the fields (removes spaces before)
	User        = User.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"");
	Pass        = Pass.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"");
	Passconfirm = Passconfirm.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"");
	Email       = Email.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"");
	if(User == ''){
		Good = 0;
		alert('The username cannot be blank.');
	}else if(!re.test(User)){
		Good = 0;
		alert('The username must contains alphanumerical characters only.');
	}else if(Pass == ''){
		Good = 0;
		alert('The password cannot be blank.');
	}else if(!re.test(Pass)){
		Good = 0;
		alert('The password must contains alphanumerical characters only.');
	}else if(Pass != Passconfirm){
		Good = 0;
		alert('The password and the confirmation doesn\'t match.');
		document.getElementById('passconfirm').value = "";
	}else if(Email == ''){
		Good = 0;
		alert('The email cannot be blank.');
	}else if(Email.indexOf(".") <= 0){
		Good = 0;
		alert('The email is not valid.');
	}else if(Email.indexOf("@") <= 0){
		Good = 0;
		alert('The email is not valid.');
	if(Good == 1){

<?php if(isset($_POST["PostCheck"])){ ?>

	if($_POST["Maillist"] != 1){
		$Checked = '';

<?php }else{ ?>
	<form name="Form" id="Form" action="<?php echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
	<input name="PostCheck" id="PostCheck" type="hidden" value="1">
	<table align="left"  cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" >
	<tr><td align="right">Username :</td><td><input type="text" name="user" id="user" maxlength="20" size="25" value="<?php echo $_POST['user']; ?>"></td></tr>
	<tr><td align="right">Password :</td><td><input type="password" name="pass" id="pass" maxlength="20" size="25" value="<?php echo $_POST['pass']; ?>"></td></tr>
	<tr><td align="right">Confirm password :</td><td><input type="password" name="passconfirm" id="passconfirm" maxlength="20" size="25" value="<?php echo $_POST['passconfirm']; ?>"></td></tr>
	<tr><td align="right">Email :</td><td><input type="text" name="email" id="email" maxlength="200" size="35" value="<?php echo $_POST['email']; ?>"></td></tr>
	<tr><td align="right"></td><td></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="2">Subscribe to the mailing list <input type="checkbox" name="Maillist" id="Maillist" value="1" <?php echo $Checked; ?>></td></tr>
	<tr><td align="right"></td><td></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="button" name="Register" id="Register" value="Register" onClick="Validate();"></td></tr>
<?php } ?>

Note that I always use name and id properties for the controls in the form because with the javascript method getElementById you need to specify the id, otherwise it won't work in Firefox.

Hum, I'm a little tired so i'm gonna give you the first part (the form and the javascript) and I'll post the rest later.
ugh wow i'm suprised. i thought that if i learned php i wouldnt need to learn java. i used to know pretty good javascript back then but i've forgotten most of it. and i also expected php to be able to do more than java but it seems that u use java for a large portion of your code. let me look at the code and i'll post what i've done so far later. :) thanks
EDIT: my printers also been out which is why i havn't been able to learn this stuff quite that fast. hopefully i can print out like 100 pages tonight so i can memorize a large chunk of what does what.
DOUBLE EDIT: so far i only have Username, password, email, and Real name in my DB(Table) and yes i use notepad. :)
Javascript != Java (they are quite similar though). You can perfectly make a registration form without javascript (that's what I was doing before) but it has its advantages. And now that you've got that code it won't take alot of time to add more validations. (you could add a validation for the number of characters in the login and pass).

PHP is really really powerfull, but you use javascript and php for different purposes. Javascript is executed on the client's machine so you don't have to reload the page to do execute the functions. But you can't access a DB with javascript. So the only time I will use javascript is for validations and little tricks like mouseovers (for buttons and images) stuff like that, nothing real impressive or fancy. So I don't think you will have to mess alot with javascript, just copy paste and modify that code and it will be fine.

For the fields in the Members table you will need these :
Id VERY IMPORTANT(Primary key, integer)
Username (varchar(25))
Password (varchar(25)) (You could encrypt it but it will be easier for you if you don't and it doesn't really matter)
Email (varchar(50))
Name (varchar(70))
AccessLevel (tinyint) (If you want access levels)

Oh my... notepad, do yourself a favor and try this app: Dreamweaver 2004

Syntax coloring, WYSIWYG + Code + Both, you can make rollover images in a few clicks without coding anything in javascript, it recognizes the php, javascript functions and of course the tags, the styles etc...
rollovers and all that other stuff is pretty simple for me. i used to be top knotch at graphics wise at what a site could look like. i used to use javascript for time and date and other stuff but i've forgotten all of it now. i do however have dreamweaver. i also have fireworks(i used to be decent with this and i could create drop down menus, and other stuff which required lots of CGI scripts, ect.), flash, and freehand. i'd rather prefer using the notepad than dreamweaver because its nothing fancy. i just want the mechanics of my site to work, and i can deal with the actual look of the site later. i'll add those fields into members. one question: do i need to turn auto increment on? when i try to turn in on throught the visual interface it gives me errors and i don't think they allow me to edit the actual hard code. thanks :)
edit: shouldnt username and email also be primary key because u dont want the same ones on the table?
The Id should be set to primary key, his data type to integer and auto increment on.
The Username and email could be set to unique (if you really want to play safe) unique != primary key
By setting unique, if you try to insert a row with a username or a email that already exists, it will give you an error. Since you will validate if the username and password already exist, you won't get any errors but that's a good way to protect the database in case something happens.
How about Atgig?

15MB file size limit
Absolutely No-Ads
24/7 File Manager
1 GB of web space
100 GB of transfer/mo

Tech support (never tried it)

I signed up to this, I put up a temporary site to test the things out, there is a simple control panel for uploading files etc.

It seems to be pretty good.