weed..whats the big deal??

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Jul 9, 2003
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Seriously i just looked at the charges for Texas and its freakin insane. I dont see the big deal, is it the idea of everyone being "out of control"? Thats the only thing i can think of, i mean really if they were to legalize it it would actually help us it would:

-help our economy

-Save us 40 billion dollars that is spent yearly due to the over population of prisons. Funny thing is is that the crime rate has actually droped in the last 2-3 years but the pop. keeps growing because of strict marijuna laws. Dont believe me? Texas can actually send you away for life for havin 50 lbs.

-The government could tax the hell out of it. Alot of people smoke weed or want to so thats a instant profit for the government, which is what they are more concerned about.

-Also i dont think anyone should be able to stand in front of someone and tell them what or what they cant do with their bodies. So that would give people more personal choices.

So am i missing something or what? Feel free to add, critcize or whatever.
Im with you, up here in Canada, its our Prime MInisters Last year and he want to leave decriminalizing weed as part of his lagacy. What this means is , with the current bill, that if your aught with 20 grams or less you get no charges on your ciminal record and all you get is a hundred dollar fine or so. Our PM says as soon as its passed he'll have a joint in one hand and a fine in the other. My kinda guy.
I don't really care. I just hate when people ask me to smoke [put drug name here].
-help our economy

Lets leagalize ecstasy then. Why stop at weed. We want our economy to be good huh? Then lets shoot for cocain aswell.

Save us 40 billion dollars that is spent yearly due to the over population of prisons.

We could legalize murder, that would save alot of money too. Yea, murder is too wrong. How about something small, like rape or child abuse? Yea that sounds good.

Funny thing is is that the crime rate has actually droped in the last 2-3 years but the pop. keeps growing because of strict marijuna laws.

They are breaking the Law =/ If alot of people are breaking the law, and the prisons are getting crowded, you dont slacken the law to compensate. you build more prisons.

If you loosen the law a bit, instead of prisons being crowded with low life pot heads and violent drug dealers, our community streets would be over crowded with them. That sound better?

The government could tax the hell out of it. Alot of people smoke weed or want to so thats a instant profit for the government, which is what they are more concerned about.

Alot of people like to have sex, why not leagalize prostitution and tax it? Because if you do that sex disease, morally corrupt wemon and men, and other consequences would rise. Likewise, if everyone and their momma can go to the dollar store and get shit faced off weed, then violent crimes caused by shitfaced people on weed would rise, sexual crimes perpitrated by shitfaced people on weed would rise, automotive homocide by shitfaced people on weed would rise, the number of shitfaced underaged kids would rise, leading to a lifetime of being shitfaced and adding to the various crimes shitfaced people commit.

Also i dont think anyone should be able to stand in front of someone and tell them what or what they cant do with their bodies.

Its not only illegal because its terribly bad for you. Other things which are also terribly bad are perfectly legal. One of the main reasons its illegal is not because what harm it does to you, but the harm it influences you to do to others. Through wreckless behavior, influencing your decisions at imperative moments, and so on.

I mean really, this world is screwed up enough. Adding to the number of legal intoxicants, especially one as popular and deadly as weed, will only **** the world up more.
weed isn't all that. it's just a feel good thing and a social thing. nothing heavy that will get you addicted or anything.

only reason i wouldn't advise large amounts of it is because no-one really know what it does to you. i drink alcohol because i know it's killing a few braincells and hurting my liver. i have no idea what weed does to a person so i wouldn't advise abusing this substance.
I toke every now and then, like every weekend, its really not that bad and cant you addicted. You dont lose control like you do with alcohol and that perfectly legal, you ccan buy it anywhere. Fact is that weed is less harmful the alcohol and if thats leagal then weed should be too.

Dont compare smokin weed with rape.
EvilEwok2.0 you're comments are a bit ill-informed.

for one i don't think you've tried weed otherwise you'd know the effects of it, and not just what daytime tv and the news has fed you to believe.

have you ever been to amsterdam? some of the nicest folk in the world live there. and pretty much all of them are high on something or other. drugs are only bad for morons. just like games, only ****ing twats go out and kill people after playing Doom. i don't know anyone who smoked some weed and went out to rape, pillage and destroy. don't be so stupid.
Originally posted by The Terminator
I toke every now and then, like every weekend, its really not that bad and cant you addicted. You dont lose control like you do with alcohol and that perfectly legal, you ccan buy it anywhere. Fact is that weed is less harmful the alcohol and if thats leagal then weed should be too.

Gee I havent heard that faulted argument repeated in every 'weed r teh gewd' post ever. It gets old. This thread has a good number of immature replies with bad grammar and language skills , not much to debate.
Yes, alchohol should be illegal aswell. But thats no reason to legalize weed.

Weed effects you in many many ways, including the decision making process, your ability to properly handel situations, and others. NONE of the effects are positive. Not one.

Weed effects society in many many ways. NONE of them are positive. Not one.

This does not sound like a substance that should be legal to me, does it to you?

Bottom line is, weed not only effects the people who smoke it, but it also effects people that the pot heads interact with. The rate of vehicular homocide by people who are high on weed is very high, for example. Legalizing it would only increase these situations. There is no reason to do that.
EvilEwok2.0 have you tried it?

do you know anyone who's tried it?

i've tried it a few times...am i a complete faliure? i'm at the top of my class at my university, i'm lead designer for an up and coming FPS project, does that sound like a faliure to you? i also drink quite a lot of alcohol. i know lots of people who follow the same lifestyle as me, none of them are messed up like you're led to believe.

you should search for some stuff by Bill Hicks. he might educate you. for every person you see on the news doing bad stuff under the influence, there are 50 who enjoy it every now and then and have a normal life. who are these morons that can't take their drugs?

go try it then continue preaching to us.
EvilEwok2.0 you're comments are a bit ill-informed.

Regardless of your opinion on how informed i am on the subject, legalizing weed leads to negative consequences for society. Only potheads could construe this to be positive, since they are the only ones who would benifit from it while the rest of society is harmed by it.

I have gone through my weed phase, just like 90% of the rest of my generation. Its sad that more people dont grow out of it, and get caught in the loop. But smoking weed does NOT make me or you an expert on its effects on the body. Thankfully, people who are much much more informed than you OR i make the decisions, and they have deemed that it should be illegal. Period.
Man, you need to chill and go smoke a J. Weed just makes you chill out and laugh, you are pretty much in control, you should try it sometime. Itl'l change you mind you SQUARE. And sayin that potheads have bad grammar or whatever is stupid, lots of people spell stuff wrong doesnt mean they are potheads and not all potheads are morons. You make too many generalizations.
The governemt should just legalize it, that way they can sell it in stores and tax it. Instead they choose to pussyfart around trying to prevent kids from using it, even though the majority still does.
Originally posted by The Terminator
Man, you need to chill and go smoke a J. Weed just makes you chill out and laugh, you are pretty much in control, you should try it sometime. Itl'l change you mind you SQUARE. And sayin that potheads have bad grammar or whatever is stupid, lots of people spell stuff wrong doesnt mean they are potheads and not all potheads are morons. You make too many generalizations.

....Good arguments , jk , they suck.
I never said anyone who smoked a sinlge joint would be ****ed u pfor life. I said that weed only adds to the problems we have.

Sure some poeple can smoke it occasionally and still keep a level head. The same goes for alchohol. Yet, alchohol is still the cause of so much crime and negative situations that its rediculous it could be legal. And if we legalize weed, it would only add to that.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
Lets leagalize ecstasy then. Why stop at weed. We want our economy to be good huh? Then lets shoot for cocain aswell.

We could legalize murder, that would save alot of money too. Yea, murder is too wrong. How about something small, like rape or child abuse? Yea that sounds good.

They are breaking the Law =/ If alot of people are breaking the law, and the prisons are getting crowded, you dont slacken the law to compensate. you build more prisons.

If you loosen the law a bit, instead of prisons being crowded with low life pot heads and violent drug dealers, our community streets would be over crowded with them. That sound better?

Alot of people like to have sex, why not leagalize prostitution and tax it? Because if you do that sex disease, morally corrupt wemon and men, and other consequences would rise. Likewise, if everyone and their momma can go to the dollar store and get shit faced off weed, then violent crimes caused by shitfaced people on weed would rise, sexual crimes perpitrated by shitfaced people on weed would rise, automotive homocide by shitfaced people on weed would rise, the number of shitfaced underaged kids would rise, leading to a lifetime of being shitfaced and adding to the various crimes shitfaced people commit.

Its not only illegal because its terribly bad for you. Other things which are also terribly bad are perfectly legal. One of the main reasons its illegal is not because what harm it does to you, but the harm it influences you to do to others. Through wreckless behavior, influencing your decisions at imperative moments, and so on.

I mean really, this world is screwed up enough. Adding to the number of legal intoxicants, especially one as popular and deadly as weed, will only **** the world up more.

I actually didnt want to hit on the other drugs or prostitution, but i guess i got too. I think both should be legalized, like i said i dont believe anyone should be able to stand in front of me and say i can or cant do this with my life. I only mentioned weed because its a mild hallucinogenic and legalizing it would be the first step into giving us more personal freedom.

You obviously arent takin anything from my original post by saying if we are going to legalize weed why not legalize rape, child abuse and such. Go back and read my post i said noone should stand in front of anyone and tell them what to do. So thats where you draw the line when people start messing with the affairs of others.

Build more prisons?? Are you that naive?? We could use the money saved to help others in this country, what about the kids starving to death? What about the homless that outnumber those that are in homes in NY? Why should we ignore helping them and instead throw someone in jail for smoking weed? Something they are only doing to themselves.

How is being shitfaced on weed any different than from being shitfaced on beer? You act like everything is going to go to hell if it was, it wouldnt. If people are dumb enough to do crack they should be able to do it. Its their life you dont have the power to stand over someone and say you can or cant do this.

How does it influence you to do bad on society? Soceity influences your behavior, not drugs all drugs do is alter your perception, get you high..etc. So i guess some of the people down my street including me and my dad are doing bad things to society? Just normal people who smoke weed occasionally doing their own things. What about the weed pubs around the world? Oh yea they are doin alot of harm smoking weed in a pub and not bothering anyone.

You act as though drugs are the source of all that is evil. Drugs are not the source human nature is, there is always going to be people who want to kill others you cant do anything about that. And weed is deadly?? Oh dear thats why its been through so many cultures to cure common illnesses and used wildly as a pain killer during surgery! Surly it is much more dangerous than cigerattes that have rat poison in them right?? Yea go back and get some real facts before coming on here and preaching to me.
EvilEwok2.0 you're talking about the 2% of the world's population who have no self control, no self respect, and no ****ing sense. yes those people give everyone else a bad name. you're generalising to the extreme it's unbelievable.

in the grand scheme of things, yes we're all dying, second by second we're all dying. if i want to make an hour or so of my life feel a bit better then why should a ****ing wanker who doesn't know shit tell me whether i can or not? (i'm talking about the government not you don't get offended).

the only reason so called 'potheads' would see legalisation as positive would be that they could do it more freely and it wouldn't be such a taboo.

do you smoke cigarettes? do you drink alcohol? in doing so you're being a hypocrite. are you religious? if so then i can understand your extremist attitude. otherwise don't be so forceful because from where i'm sitting, what you're saying seems so backwards and out of date, no offense meant by that on you personally.
I think both should be legalized, like i said i dont believe anyone should be able to stand in front of me and say i can or cant do this with my life.

People like you have absolutely NO insight on how such a decision liek legalizing weed would effect the whole of society. None. And its people like you, whith no insight of how their personal decisions would effect those around them, that cause most of the trouble our society is plauged with.

The ONLY people who want to legalize weed are people who smoke it. Doesnt that say something? If not you need to wake up.

Legalizing weed would not lead to a single positive consqeunce. On the flip side, it would only make weed available to more people. And more poeple smoking weed will only lead to more negative effects.
"The ONLY people who want to legalize weed are people who smoke it. Doesnt that say something? If not you need to wake up."

those who have tried it have been 'enlightened'. they know what it's all about and know it isn't a deadly substance. isn't it funny how those who haven't tried it do not want to legalise it. if i know nothing about a substance, how can i make a decision on it's distribution.

answer this please EvilEwok2.0, are you religious? i'm not going to flame you or anything, it'll just make my understanding of your point of view a bit better.
EvilEwok2, thanks for coming in here so I have someone to argue with :).

Lets leagalize ecstasy then. Why stop at weed. We want our economy to be good huh? Then lets shoot for cocain aswell.
Comparing weed to cocaine is like comparing a toothpick and a gun, the gun will probably hurt you a lot more. Marijuana is not nearly as harmful and addicting as cocaine is. A marijuana high will last about 1 hour and is very mild, you have total control of yourself and can still do most things. You have a lot more control of yourself than you have with alcohol. This is not the case with cocaine or basically any other illegal drug. These drugs will make you lose control of your body leading to many problems with people doing stupid actions that get them killed.
We could legalize murder, that would save alot of money too. Yea, murder is too wrong. How about something small, like rape or child abuse? Yea that sounds good.
When you rape or kill someone you are doing damage to them, when you smoke some pot you are only doing damage to yourself.
They are breaking the Law =/ If alot of people are breaking the law, and the prisons are getting crowded, you dont slacken the law to compensate. you build more prisons.

If you loosen the law a bit, instead of prisons being crowded with low life pot heads and violent drug dealers, our community streets would be over crowded with them. That sound better?
This has nothing to do with easing the law because a lot of people commit this crime, it has to do with easing the law because it might be too strict. Everyone knows that murder, rape, etc... is wrong except for mentally ill people, we let these people go with treatment because they did not know they were committing a crime. When smoking weed who decides if this is wrong or right? Its not clear as to why smoking weed is any more wrong than smoking a cigarette or having a drink and no one has been able to come up with a good argument for this. Therefore, is it right to lock someone away for many years because they enjoy getting high? If the government decided that skateboarding is not right because it can lead to violence and decides to lock up anyone that does it would you agree with it? You might not but an old fart in congress thinks its the right thing to do so you should believe the same way.
Alot of people like to have sex, why not leagalize prostitution and tax it? Because if you do that sex disease, morally corrupt wemon and men, and other consequences would rise. Likewise, if everyone and their momma can go to the dollar store and get shit faced off weed, then violent crimes caused by shitfaced people on weed would rise, sexual crimes perpitrated by shitfaced people on weed would rise, automotive homocide by shitfaced people on weed would rise, the number of shitfaced underaged kids would rise, leading to a lifetime of being shitfaced and adding to the various crimes shitfaced people commit.
Prostitution is legal in Vegas and they seem to be fine ;), however, that is not the issue here so lets get back to the point. I'm not sure if you have ever seen a stoned person, they are almost never violent unlike drunk people that want to beat on their kids or wife because they had too much to drink. I have never heard of a violent crime committed because someone was high, I've heard of many of these crimes because someone was drunk.
Its not only illegal because its terribly bad for you. Other things which are also terribly bad are perfectly legal. One of the main reasons its illegal is not because what harm it does to you, but the harm it influences you to do to others. Through wreckless behavior, influencing your decisions at imperative moments, and so on.
The same thing I said above applies here.
I mean really, this world is screwed up enough. Adding to the number of legal intoxicants, especially one as popular and deadly as weed, will only **** the world up more.
How so? Not sure if heard of a little place called Amsterdam, but they legalized it and crime has decrease by a huge margin. Their economy has also boomed from all the tax revenues and tourism.

Here are some other points I would like to add that the original poster didn't.

1. Organized crime would significantly decrease because they wouldn't have any business in weed as stores could carry it if it was legal. This would probably cost less and would be safer so there would be no point of a dealer.

2. Underage smoking would decrease. Research has shown that weed is a lot easier for high school kids to get than alcohol. The reason for this is because dealers don't ask to see your ID, they would sell it to you if you were 10. This is not the case when you have to have permission to sell weed because you have to see an ID before you sell.

In point, weed does not cause you to lose control of yourself and cause damage to others. This is not the case with legal drugs like alcohol where many people feel like they have to drive and run into a family of 5 going 90 MPH. Weed would decrease crime in this country significantly, it would free up prison space, and it would make the economy boom bringing in hundreds of thousands of jobs. Yes, weed is bad for you and I am not saying anyone should do it; however, if you want to do it you should be allowed to.
isn't it funny how those who haven't tried it do not want to legalise it.

This isnt true, the vast majority of people in our society, including those who are in power to make such decisions, have tried weed at one point in their life.

answer this please EvilEwok2.0, are you religious? i'm not going to flame you or anything, it'll just make my understanding of your point of view a bit better.

Im very spiritual, im not religious. Im very much against religious mentality. But i dont see how it would shed light on my point of view. Did you expect me to say "im christian and jesus said if you smoke weed you burn in hell!" ? And if so did you plan to retort with "but God created weed, therefore its ok to smoke" ?

It only takes common sense and insight to realize that legalizing yet another harmful intoxicant will lead only to negative consequences.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
People like you have absolutely NO insight on how such a decision liek legalizing weed would effect the whole of society. None. And its people like you, whith no insight of how their personal decisions would effect those around them, that cause most of the trouble our society is plauged with.

The ONLY people who want to legalize weed are people who smoke it. Doesnt that say something? If not you need to wake up.

Legalizing weed would not lead to a single positive consqeunce. On the flip side, it would only make weed available to more people. And more poeple smoking weed will only lead to more negative effects.

Ha alright whatever. Your trying to sit here and say it would be all negative, what about all the nice people and such someone posted about earlier? What about the other points i made in my post, you avoided all of them cause you know im right.

Many people i talk with agree with me and some dont even smoke weed. Who are they? Philosophers. With a hell of alot more sense and insight then you. Ive been studying philosophy for the past 4 years and 90%of the philosophers ive come across have always said it should be legalized wether they did it or not.

There will always be some effect one way or another from what we do on others. A kid playing HL may walk down the street with a crowbar and kill someone with it. Thats something you cant control. Murder is ilegial but that doesnt keep it from happening does it?
EvilEwok2.0, i was asking if you were religious because i wanted to say thing to you: weed is a natural occuring substance in this planet, by making it illegal, you're saying god made a mistake while creating the earth.

but you're not religious so i guess it doesn't apply. but think about it, it's a naturally occuring substance, maybe we were intended to use it at some point. *cue parellels with stupid naturally occuring substances that are so obviously wrong and whatever else*

can you name me a few government officials who've tried weed? i bet the number is really really low. and what percentage of that minority are for and opposed to legalising weed?

Bill Hicks = God
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
And if so did you plan to retort with "but God created weed, therefore its ok to smoke" ?

God also created hedgehogs, thus we now place them in our anus.
What about the other points i made in my post, you avoided all of them cause you know im right.

No, i didnt ignore them. I just didnt bother to read any further. There is no point. Trust me, ive had this whole debate before many times. I have already heard every point you might even think about trying to make. Ive even argued this debate from the opposite side a few times back when i smoked weed and didnt know any better. You see, i used to be just like you. I used to think the way you do and feel the same about this subject.

Then i grew up, opened my eyes and really looked at the world and what was happening in it, and wised up. I hope you will do the same eventually.

EvilEwok2.0, i was asking if you were religious because i wanted to say thing to you: weed is a natural occuring substance in this planet, by making it illegal, you're saying god made a mistake while creating the earth.

Yes, i saw this coming as soon as you asked if i were religious. In other words, your saying just as i suspected, that if God created weed then its ok to smoke it.

**I submitted too soon, i havnt finished writing this lol. I complete this message with another post.
i've seen a lot of good arguments FOR the legalisation of weed on this thread. the only ones AGAINST the legalisation have been a little weak and outdated as they're the ones we've been hearing for the past god knows how long and they're losing they're lustre a bit.

EvilEwok2.0 why don't you tell us about your weed experience. have you witnessed something first hand that happened as a result of weed? have you personally done something that you regret while under the influence? don't avoid the questions because that's the only way you can justify and prove your argument.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
No, i didnt ignore them. I just didnt bother to read any further. There is no point. Trust me, ive had this whole debate before many times. I have already heard every point you might even think about trying to make. Ive even argued this debate from the opposite side a few times back when i smoked weed and didnt know any better. You see, i used to be just like you. I used to think the way you do and feel the same about this subject.

Then i grew up, opened my eyes and really looked at the world and what was happening in it, and wised up. I hope you will do the same eventually.

You havent grown up, go back and read my post. If you had grown up you would have noticed that EVERY PERSON IS THEIR OWN NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO STAND OVER ANOTHER AND TELL THEM TO DO OR NOT TO DO SOMETHING WITH THEIR LIFE. I think weed has negative effects, i totally agree with you on that.

I dont sit here and smoke weed all day, if you try to apply that sterotypical bullshit to me your just judging a book by its cover. At the most i may smoke weed once a week or month, hell before this weekend i didnt smoke it for 6 months. Nor do i drink or smoke, infact i am very physically active so im not some pothead who sits on his ass all day.

Again though you only take parts of my posts and try to tear them down while avoiding all my other points that shed light and back up one another. Go back and read my entire posts and challege them and ill be happy.
but you're not religious so i guess it doesn't apply. but think about it, it's a naturally occuring substance, maybe we were intended to use it at some point. *cue parellels with stupid naturally occuring substances that are so obviously wrong and whatever else*

No, i do know that the universe is a construct, therefore we can argue this point if you like.

Just as nw909 said, although not the manner in which i would have, there are both proper and improper uses for every created thing. If we humans use soemthing in an improper way, that is no discredit to any being who may have created that thing. Everything here is neutral. Its just here. Its neither good or bad. Weed is neither good or bad. Cocain is neither good or bad. But there ARE improper uses for these substances. And by improper i mean harmful to ourselves and others and counter productive to society and the greater populace.

can you name me a few government officials who've tried weed? i bet the number is really really low.

I dont keep track of the personal backrounds of government officials, and these people would rather keep this information in the dark. I do know of one off the top of my head who admitted it publibly though, the one and only Bill Clinton. You only need to look at the statistics. Last time i checked it was something like 80-90% of the people in our society have smoked weed at one point in their life.
ok i'm gonna leave you guys to it because it's 2am here and i need my sleep.

keep the debate going, i hope to see some progress made by tomorrow.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
But there ARE improper uses for these substances. And by improper i mean harmful to ourselves and others and counter productive to society and the greater populace.

That is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. Everything has some kind of effect on ourselves and society, thats true, but how is crack good? How can we use crack (or cocaine however you wanna take it) to benefit us??

Your in a crossfire, you keep ignoring all the points i make. Im still waiting for you to say why the government should have the right to tell us what we can and cant do with ourselves.
Again though you only take parts of my posts and try to tear them down while avoiding all my other points that shed light and back up one another. Go back and read my entire posts and challege them and ill be happy.

I wont go back and reread anything because there is no point debating the finer details of this subject with you when you fail to understand the very basics. which is this.......


Your entire argument is based on this belief. That it should be a personal choice for one to smoke weed, since it only harms ones self. But this isnt true, and until you understand this simple fact which i will state again for you, this wont go anywhere.

WEED NOT ONLY EFFECTS YOU, BUT OTHERS IN SOCIETY. Look at another intoxicant, alchohol. Look how many deaths it causes. Look how much crime it causes. Look at how many homes it has broken. Look at how many people it has broken. Look at how many lives have been ruined because of it. NOT ONLY THE LIVES OF THE DRINKER, BUT ALSO THE LIVES OF THE POPLE WHOM THE DRINKER MIGHT INTERACT WITH. No, not every person who drinks does any of these things. But some do. And the same goes for weed. Not everyone who smoked it does these things, but some do. And if weed is made more available, it will only increase how often these things occur.

There isnt any point debating any further if you cant understand that fact. That weed only leads to more of these same negative situations that are already too numerous for us to deal with. If you want to leagalize weed, its not a matter of convincing me that its not harmfull. Because the simple fact is that it IS harmfull to society. Instead, if you want to debate this with me then you have to realize that simple fact, and then tell me why all the negative aspects of legalizing weed is acceptable. And this is pointless infact, since nothing yu could say would convince me that all of the negative aspects of legalizing weed is acceptable. Because there simply arent any positives to outweigh the negatives.
That is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. Everything has some kind of effect on ourselves and society, thats true, but how is crack good? How can we use crack (or cocaine however you wanna take it) to benefit us??

I didnt say crack has positive uses, i only said that using crack as a drug is an improper use. Same goes for weed.
EvilEwok, please read my post, I want to see how you go up against it so I can shoot back :).
Ok, nolimit. Ill read your post and respond since you said please, but if its the same old bullshit, and you retort with the same old bullshit again, i wont reply. Its old. :cool:
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
I wont go back and reread anything because there is no point debating the finer details of this subject with you when you fail to understand the very basics. which is this.......

Your entire argument is based on this belief. That it should be a personal choice for one to smoke weed, since it only harms ones self. But this isnt true, and until you understand this simple fact which i will state again for you, this wont go anywhere.

WEED NOT ONLY EFFECTS YOU, BUT OTHERS IN SOCIETY. Look at another intoxicant, alchohol. Look how many deaths it causes. Look how much crime it causes. Look at how many homes it has broken. Look at how many people it has broken. Look at how many lives have been ruined because of it. NOT ONLY THE LIVES OF THE DRINKER, BUT ALSO THE LIVES OF THE POPLE WHOM THE DRINKER MIGHT INTERACT WITH. No, not every person who drinks does any of these things. But some do. And the same goes for weed. Not everyone who smoked it does these things, but some do. And if weed is made more available, it will only increase how often these things occur.

There isnt any point debating any further if you cant understand that fact. That weed only leads to more of these same negative situations that are already too numerous for us to deal with. If you want to leagalize weed, its not a matter of convincing me that its not harmfull. Because the simple fact is that it IS harmfull to society. Instead, if you want to debate this with me then you have to realize that simple fact, and then tell me why all the negative aspects of legalizing weed is acceptable. And this is pointless infact, since nothing yu could say would convince me that all of the negative aspects of legalizing weed is acceptable. Because there simply arent any positives to outweigh the negatives.

I didnt say it wasnt harmful, all i said is everyone is their own and should be able to do whatever they want with their lifes. Yes drinking alchohol does effect others, i cant disagree with that. But everything has some sort of effect on others, murdering is illigeal but it still happens doesnt it? Some(like ive stated and just about every post in this thread) people are always going to want to hurt others you cant do anything about that.

Actually weed is less lethal than alchol. Out of 40 drivers, 20 high and 20 sober, of the 20 chosen for best doing a driving test, 17 of them (85%) were high. Not only that but weed doesnt kill brain cells it temporarily numbs them.

And think about on the time our cops are wasting chasing people who smoke weed around. it can't be effectively enforced and its a limit on peoples' freedom. The cops should spend more time arresting mass murderers and less time harrasing people who enjoy smoking a drug.

If someone is killing someone while they are high you cant do anything about that, just arrest them or whatever. But what about other people that dont? Who just like to smoke on occasions like myself? I do it to relax im not killing or harming anyone, why should i be harassed for doing something that helps me get by while someone down my street gets murdered?
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