weed..whats the big deal??

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Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
I didnt say crack has positive uses, i only said that using crack as a drug is an improper use. Same goes for weed.

Then how is it a positive use? Just like i said in my other posts you ignored i said weed has many other uses AS a drug. It was used china (wayyy back) as a pain killer when doing surgery, it was also used to cure common illnesses that could very will be deadly. For example, loss of appetite.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Seriously i just looked at the charges for Texas and its freakin insane. I dont see the big deal, is it the idea of everyone being "out of control"? Thats the only thing i can think of, i mean really if they were to legalize it it would actually help us it would:

-help our economy

-Save us 40 billion dollars that is spent yearly due to the over population of prisons. Funny thing is is that the crime rate has actually droped in the last 2-3 years but the pop. keeps growing because of strict marijuna laws. Dont believe me? Texas can actually send you away for life for havin 50 lbs.

-The government could tax the hell out of it. Alot of people smoke weed or want to so thats a instant profit for the government, which is what they are more concerned about.

-Also i dont think anyone should be able to stand in front of someone and tell them what or what they cant do with their bodies. So that would give people more personal choices.

So am i missing something or what? Feel free to add, critcize or whatever.

I've argued the same thing myself and I don't even use pot anymore. We waste all this money trying to fight distribution of pot when we could probably be more successful spending that same money on more drug education programs with this money generated by taxing legal marijuana. By making it illegal, the government drives up prices and forces it all underground which hurts everybody. Personally, I think if the government simply made drugs legal and regulated them, everyone would be better off. The drugs would have to be of a safer quality (less impurities) and prices would drop. Most of the crime associated iwth drugs is due to the amounts of money involved with the drug trade. Some countries have drug clinics where addicts of serious drugs like heroine can get their fix so they're not robbing someone to get the cash for it. I think there are probably a lot better ways out there to deal with drug abuse that could better society overall, but I know that most of them are too radical for the entire population to endorse it. When it all really boils down, there are always going to be drugs and people that want to use those drugs. And why is it that you can abort an unborn child in western societies, but you can't smoke a plant or use other substances produced from plants, such as cocaine, if that's what you want to do. It's your body. Shouldn't it be your decision? Our society can be very bass ackwards and hypocritical.

At the very least they should decriminalize drug use so that taxpayers don't end up wasting money putting non violent offenders in jail.
Re: Re: weed..whats the big deal??

Originally posted by dis
I've argued the same thing myself and I don't even use pot anymore. We waste all this money trying to fight distribution of pot when we could probably be more successful spending that same money on more drug education programs with this money generated by taxing legal marijuana. By making it illegal, the government drives up prices and forces it all underground which hurts everybody. Personally, I think if the government simply made drugs legal and regulated them, everyone would be better off. The drugs would have to be of a safer quality (less impurities) and prices would drop. Most of the crime associated iwth drugs is due to the amounts of money involved with the drug trade. Some countries have drug clinics where addicts of serious drugs like heroine can get their fix so they're not robbing someone to get the cash for it. I think there are probably a lot better ways out there to deal with drug abuse that could better society overall, but I know that most of them are too radical for the entire population to endorse it. When it all really boils down, there are always going to be drugs and people that want to use those drugs. And why is it that you can abort an unborn child in western societies, but you can't smoke a plant or use other substances produced from plants, such as cocaine, if that's what you want to do. It's your body. Shouldn't it be your decision? Our society can be very bass ackwards and hypocritical.

My man you said it more elequently then i could have, this is the exact thing i was getting at.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
Ok, nolimit. Ill read your post and respond since you said please, but if its the same old bullshit, and you retort with the same old bullshit again, i wont reply. Its old. :cool:
You can't possibly say that what I say is the same old bullshit when the only argument you presented is that its harmful to society. As my post stated it is a lot less harmful than alcohol which is legal. Any time someone asks the question of why weed is illegal the supporters for keeping it illegal tap dance around all the questions about why it should be legal and respond with the same old bullshit arguments every single time.
Originally posted by No Limit
You can't possibly say that what I say is the same old bullshit when the only argument you presented is that its harmful to society. As my post stated it is a lot less harmful than alcohol which is legal. Any time someone asks the question of why weed is illegal the supporters for keeping it illegal tap dance around all the questions about why it should be legal and respond with the same old bullshit arguments every single time.

Yup thats exactly what he is doing he knows everyone is right and he avoids to take on anything directly.
Well, Canada is moving towards decriminalization of marijuana, so we can hope that eventually, the US will see how smart it would be to do the same. If drugs were legalized, you'd see large corporations taking over the drug trade - from production to distribution. The government could then properly regulate the drug industry and tax it like cigarettes. The taxes could help fund anti drug education which is much more effective at fighting drug abuse then throwing dealers/users in jail. All this just seems more logical to me - bring the whole industry into the open so that we at least can attempt to have safer control over these drugs because whether we like it or not, there is always going to be a segment of the population that will want to use them.
Comparing weed to cocaine is like comparing a toothpick and a gun, the gun will probably hurt you a lot more. Marijuana is not nearly as harmful and addicting as cocaine is. A marijuana high will last about 1 hour and is very mild, you have total control of yourself and can still do most things. You have a lot more control of yourself than you have with alcohol. This is not the case with cocaine or basically any other illegal drug. These drugs will make you lose control of your body leading to many problems with people doing stupid actions that get them killed.

I wasnt trying to make the case that weed and cocain are an equal in the amount of damage they cause.

I was just trying to say that its simply wrong to legalize a substance that is harmfull to our society simply to improve our economy. Its counter productive.

As a wise man once said, Every kingdom that is devided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.

When you rape or kill someone you are doing damage to them, when you smoke some pot you are only doing damage to yourself.

My last post covers this, and i cant say it any more clearly than i did there. Weed is not only harmfull to ones self, it is also harmfull to others.

it has to do with easing the law because it might be too strict.

Yes, the law is strict. And for good reason. It doesnt make sense that it should be loosened. Weed laws are in place to protect our society against the harmfull effects of this substance. Period. If you slacken these laws it will only lessen our protection against this substance.

? Its not clear as to why smoking weed is any more wrong than smoking a cigarette

Smoking a ciggarette is not harmfull to others, it is only harmful lto yourself. This is because it only effects you physically. Weed effects you on many more levels.

or having a drink and no one has been able to come up with a good argument for this.

Alchohol is just as bad as weed in my view, and should be illegal aswell. But because it is legal now for the time being doesnt mean weed should be legal too. We have enough dangerous substances out there, we dont need more. That is only adding to the problem. =/

Therefore, is it right to lock someone away for many years because they enjoy getting high?

Your missing the point. Its not illegal because it makes you feel good, its illegal because it effects society in a negative way. Smarter people than you or I realized this when they made illegal.

You cant slacken the law simply because some retard who just wanted to get high is busted with an illegal substance. The laws are in place for the betterment of society. If anyone breaks the law, for whatever reason, they pay the penelty. If you just wanna get high, then you do so at risk of being arrested. Thats just the way it is. And no one who smokes is ignorant of the risk. Everyone knows its illegal. I have no sympathy for idiots who get caught and dont think they have done anything wrong.

If the government decided that skateboarding is not right because it can lead to violence and decides to lock up anyone that does it would you agree with it?

I agree with the mentality that anything that increases the amount of vioelnce in our society, or negativity in general, shoul dbe made illegal IF the numbers add up. What i mean is that games lead to violence too, to a degree. But i dont belive they should be illegal because there is more to it than that, and the numbers dont add up. The cases of this happening are just so rare, and there are usually more factors involved other than just games. Weed is wholly different.

You might not but an old fart in congress thinks its the right thing to do so you should believe the same way.

We put the old farts there in congress to do just that. to make those decisions. Its the way it works. But if some old fart, whos grandson starts skateboarding and subsequently becomes violent for some reason, if the old fart decides skateboarding should be illegal, he cant single handedly make it so. There is a process to decide if it should indeed be illegal, and the subject is put under a light. And the subject of weed has been put underlight, and smarter people than use made what i believe to be the right decision.

I'm not sure if you have ever seen a stoned person, they are almost never violent unlike drunk people that want to beat on their kids or wife because they had too much to drink. I have never heard of a violent crime committed because someone was high, I've heard of many of these crimes because someone was drunk.

I have seen many stoned people, and i have been stoned myself. Yet i have never felt violent, and i have seen very few violent crimes committed by others who are stoned. But that doest matter.

When i say you people have no insight this is what i mean. You get high, you feel good. your freinds get high, they feel good too. No one gets killed. No one gets raped. No one starts fights. So you come to the conlusion that its good, it just makes you feel good and everything is peachy.

But the numbers disagree. And i say you have no insight because you cant look past what is infront of you(you and your freinds getting hgh) and see the heart of the matter. And the causes/effects of the matter.

Besides that, many negative concsequences arent caused by weed making people violent. My cousin lost his arm in a carwreck 2 years ago. He was a great driver, never had any trouble behin dthe wheel. And the guy that hit him was the same. But the guy that hit him also happened to be high for the first tim eof his life. Weed. They dont call it shitfaced because it makes you smarter, better looking, quicker, more able to react.

How so? Not sure if heard of a little place called Amsterdam, but they legalized it and crime has decrease by a huge margin. Their economy has also boomed from all the tax revenues and tourism.

There, all you pot heads move to amsterdam. Sounds perfect for you.

The rest of your post simply ignores the fact that weed is illegal for a reason. Its because its harmful lto society. No good will come from legalizing it. you can theorise about how not as many kids wil lsmoke it if its legal(which is bullshit), how crime involving weed will decrease(which is bullshit) and the rest.

Heres the truth. The bottom line.

If you make weed more available to the public, then you spread its use. If you spread its use, then the negative aspects spread with it. Legalizing weed doesnt abolis hthe negative aspects of weed, it gives them free reign on our society. Weed is harmful lto our society in its controlled state, making it uncontrolled will only increase how harmfull it is. Anyone can see this.
all i said is everyone is their own and should be able to do whatever they want with their lifes.

This shows that you still havnt gotten it, and most likely never will.

Yes, you can do whatever you want with your life UP TO THE POINT that it doesnt effect others who didnt make the same choice. Weed not only effect the smoker in a negative way, it also effects the non smokers, WHO NEVER WANTED ANYTHING TO OD WITH IT in a negative way.

THIS is why its illegal, and should remain that way.
I must say I agree with most of EvilEwok2.0's points, although I'm not going to try to reiterate them. I just have an interesting thought to share.

If weed was legalized, what comes next? Everyone wants to legalize a different drug that is only slightly more harmful? Then another, and another? Where would it end?

Have any of you people read Brave New World? Aldous Huxley predicts that ~500 years from now people will live in a utopia where individuals are mass-produced into various social classes, while each person lives only for instant gratification. The point is that this is what the world could become if society continues on the course it is currently headed.
In the story, everyone frequently uses soma, a "perfect drug," to cloud the reality of the situation they live in so they will be happy all the time. Not only is this drug legal, it is encouraged by the government to promote social stability.

I'm not saying that this prediction would come true as a result of the legalization of weed, but how many other drugs would eventually be legalized later? Scary thought...
You keep saying that weed is harmful to society. This is true, however, it is not as bad as you make it seem. The fact is there are rarely crimes that occur because someone was stoned. On the other hand there are hundreds of thousands of crimes committed where a pot head owns a drug dealer money and gets shot in the head. Many of it is not that severe but it is very bad on society. Making weed legal would solve this part of the problem. If you could find me 1 good news story where some violently killed someone simply because they were high I will debate the "weed is bad for society", until then your argument is the same old bullshit we've heard over and over again.
Originally posted by Snakebyte
I must say I agree with most of EvilEwok2.0's points, although I'm not going to try to reiterate them. I just have an interesting thought to share.

If weed was legalized, what comes next? Everyone wants to legalize a different drug that is only slightly more harmful? Then another, and another? Where would it end?

I'm not saying that this prediction would come true as a result of the legalization of weed, but how many other drugs would eventually be legalized later? Scary thought...
This is simply not true. All the other drugs out there make you lose control of yourself, this is simply not the case with weed. Yes, your reactions are slowed slightly and you become quite a bit dumber; however, you don't have as likely of a chance to get in a car wreck is you are stupid enough to drive high as you do with alcohol and other drugs. You can still think clearly in most cases and you become very peaceful, not violent (sometimes suicidal) like with other drugs.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
no limit, are you high?
This is exactly my point. You are tap dancing around the question. I will not take anything in this thread personal and hope you don't too, but if you won't anwser my questions I won't waste my time.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
.This shows that you still havnt gotten it, and most likely never will.

Yes, you can do whatever you want with your life UP TO THE POINT that it doesnt effect others who didnt make the same choice. Weed not only effect the smoker in a negative way, it also effects the non smokers, WHO NEVER WANTED ANYTHING TO OD WITH IT in a negative way.

THIS is why its illegal, and should remain that way.

Godamnit go back and read the entire post I AGREE WITH YOU THAT IT HAS NEGATIVE EFFECTS ON OTHERS BUT SO DOES EVERY ****ING THING ELSE. Damn i swear i dont even know what to say, you choose to exaggerate the bad and ignore the good that could come out of this.

I live in a bad part of town where alot of violence is cause over drugs, if it were legalized and regulated it wouldnt be that big of a deal here.
THis is the last thing I'm going to say here. Simple because you legalize drugs doesn't mean that more people will use them. Most people don't use drugs because their illegal but beccause they know that they are harmful to them. I don't think you'd see massive droves of people start using coke just because it was made legal - I sure as hell wouldn't. Cigarettes have always been legal, but use has declined dramatically just because people know it's bad for you health and those around you that inhale the second hand smoke - my best friend in high school has terrible asthma because his parents smoke all the time since he was born. So whether drugs or illegal or not, the number of users won't be greatly affected. There are always going to be users of drugs whether their legal or illegal, and making them illegal pushes all traffick underground, drives up costs, and makes the drugs possibly even more harmful with questionable ingredients. I'm not arguing whether drugs are good or bad because they're certainly bad, but making them illegal solves nothing. All these crackheads end up back on the streets soon with the same desire to smoke more crack. Making drugs illegal and throwing people in jail for the use of them isn't the way to fight drug abuse.
You keep saying that weed is harmful to society. This is true, however, it is not as bad as you make it seem. The fact is there are rarely crimes that occur because someone was stoned. On the other hand there are hundreds of thousands of crimes committed where a pot head owns a drug dealer money and gets shot in the head. Many of it is not that severe but it is very bad on society. Making weed legal would solve this part of the problem.

Again, your forgetting that weed is illegal for a reason. If you legalize it, it would not decrease the amount of negative aspects of weed, it would increase them.

The following is what it means to have insight.

Yea, jo sho on the corner may not kill willy billy next week for not paying up, but 100 other people will be buying weed form the corner store behing jo shmo because they htink its ok sinc eits legal. Then 50 out of those 100 people will become long time weed smokers. Then 20 of those 50 will, at some point or another, cause a negative effect in someone elses life due to their smoking. And maybe 5 of those 20 will get shitfaced at the wrong time and the worng place and hurt someone due to their neglagence.

Legalizing it just to save willy billy(WHO SMADE THE DECISION TO SMOKE), and causing al lthe other trouble at the same time(FOR PEOPLE WHO DID NOT MAKE THE DECISION TO SMOKE), is simply not acceptable. This is why its remained illegal despite the crime involved with illegal drugs.

And heres the kicker that you dont seem to realize either.

All the jo shmos out there who dont work, and get by selling weed and always have, what do you think they will do if its legalized? You think they will say "Oh well, ebtter become a productive member of sopciety now and get a minimum wage job making 1/4 of what i was mkaing off of selling weed."? No, they will move on to another illegal drug so that they can keep up their chosen lifestyle. It wont decrease the illegal drug crimes by any significant extent.
Most people wouldn't run out and buy pot just because it's legal. If that were true then why has cigarette use declined even though it's always been legal. The reason is education. If you spend more money educating people on how these drugs screw up your health and life then you fight the desire to use drugs. This is exactly why so many people are disgusted by cigarettes these days - in the 50's it was almost normal to smoke and everyone accepted it.
Most people wouldn't run out and buy pot just because it's legal.

It doesnt take most people. Only a small number could cause an unacceptable amount of dammage.

*Please forgive the rampant spelling errors in the last post lol.
Read dis's reply as it covers the argument of people smoking weed more if it would be legal, he said it well and there is no reason for me to repeat it.

All the jo shmoc out there who dont work, and get by selling weed and always have, what do you think they will do if its legalized? You think they will say "Oh well, ebtter become a productive member of sopciety now and get a minimum wage job making 1/4 of what i was mkaing off of selling weed."? No, they will move on to another illegal drug so that they can keep up their chosen lifestyle. It wont decrease the illegal drug crimes by any significant extent.
Yes, they will probably move onto other drugs; however, there is a much smaller market for harder drugs and the same number of people will do harder drugs wether weed is legal or not. This means that the illegal drug market which is turning the poor neighborhoods of this country into total hell would be cut by billions of dollars of revenue each year. You can not argue that this would be a bad thing. Harder drugs are also a lot easier for the government to control, especially since something minor like weed has been taken off their shoulders.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
It doesnt take most people. Only a small number could cause an unacceptable amount of dammage.

*Please forgive the rampant spelling errors in the last post lol.
Please do us all a favor and actually provide some backup, how in the hell would the same number of people that smoke weed now cause more damage than they do now simply because weed was legal?
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0

Yea, jo sho on the corner may not kill willy billy next week for not paying up, but 100 other people will be buying weed form the corner store behing jo shmo because they htink its ok sinc eits legal. Then 50 out of those 100 people will become long time weed smokers. Then 20 of those 50 will, at some point or another, cause a negative effect in someone elses life due to their smoking. And maybe 5 of those 20 will get shitfaced at the wrong time and the worng place and hurt someone due to their neglagence.

Legalizing it just to save willy billy(WHO SMADE THE DECISION TO SMOKE), and causing al lthe other trouble at the same time(FOR PEOPL EWHO DID NOT MAKE THE DECISION TO SMOKE), is simply not acceptable. This is why its remained illegal despite the crime involved with illegal drugs.

And heres the kicker that you dont seem to realize either.

All the jo shmoc out there who dont work, and get by selling weed and always have, what do you think they will do if its legalized? You think they will say "Oh well, ebtter become a productive member of sopciety now and get a minimum wage job making 1/4 of what i was mkaing off of selling weed."? No, they will move on to another illegal drug so that they can keep up their chosen lifestyle. It wont decrease the illegal drug crimes by any significant extent.

It would save more than willy billy. Cigarrettes are legal, but i dont smoke them cause i know its harmful. We should give people the choice of doing them or not doing them not going to any extremity. Just like dis says the answer is education not making something illegial. But im not going to sit here and recit what ive said before you just ignore anyway cause you know im right.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
It doesnt take most people. Only a small number could cause an unacceptable amount of dammage.

*Please forgive the rampant spelling errors in the last post lol.

Plenty of people smoke weed now, they arent hurting anyone.
Plenty of people may smoke weed occasionally, but if it becomes legal a lot more people would probably smoke it a lot more.
Oh, and what makes you think the people who do smoke it now aren't hurting anyone? Haven't you ever heard of accidents caused by people who are high?
I certainly don't think drug use should be legal in public. But if my neighbor's in his own house and he wants to roll up a J and smoke it, then by all means I think he should be able to do it. In the end, I just believe that if we were really concerned for our fellow man that we would do something better then say it's illegal and throw the sucker in jail. There are a whole lot of ethical issues with legalizing drugs, but I truly believe that society could be better off with all drugs being made legal with full regulation by the government. If the offenders aren't violent then why do we waste our time and money locking them up. There's always going to be a segment of society that is unproductive and involved with crime, and making drugs illegal doesn't alleviate that problem. People should stay away from drug abuse because they know it's bad for their health and life. If people are using drugs, then as a society we haven't provided them with the right education and opportunities and we need to help them rather than simply locking them up. Illegalization isn't the answer to the problem. It doesn't make drug abuse go away. Wow, I've always considered myself Republican, but that's a pretty liberal point of view. lol, I'm just glad that we live in a society where we can at least disagree on these things.
We should give people the choice of doing them or not doing them not going to any extremity.

Kid, you still havnt grasped the fact that weed not only hurst people who smoke it.

If someone cvhoses to do something and it ends up hurting a number of other people who chose not to even be involved with it, thats why its illegal. I dont know why you can grasp this.

Plenty of people smoke weed now, they arent hurting anyone.

This has been said the first or second post in this thread, and its still being said despite myself showing that while not everyone that smokes weed effects society in a negative way, some do.

A certaint percentage of weed smokers are very harmful lto the greater populace. If you legalize weed you increase the amount of weed smokers, thereby increasing the amount of smokers who are harmful to the general populace. This is unacceptable.

You dont solve a problem by giving it free reing on the general public. Thats like saying we should open the border to mexico and let the poor mexicans come through in droves. Sure, not all of them are rapists or criminals, but some are. And if we let them just come as they please, we open ourselves to a much greater threat than they pose now while our boarders are closed.

We are just saying the same shit back an fforth. Waste of time.

This is my last post. Ive proven my points, you either buy it or you dont. Good luck.
Originally posted by Snakebyte
Plenty of people may smoke weed occasionally, but if it becomes legal a lot more people would probably smoke it a lot more.
Oh, and what makes you think the people who do smoke it now aren't hurting anyone? Haven't you ever heard of accidents caused by people who are high?

Yea, but the same goes for alcohol. You do have a point, but then why have we said "this drug is ok, but this one is not." I don't think the government should be making that decision. Ultimately it should be left up to the individual.
Originally posted by Snakebyte
Plenty of people may smoke weed occasionally, but if it becomes legal a lot more people would probably smoke it a lot more.
Oh, and what makes you think the people who do smoke it now aren't hurting anyone? Haven't you ever heard of accidents caused by people who are high?
People will smoke the same amount wether its legal or not, the government simply has to make sure to regulate the prices so they remain high. Also, I can honestly say that I have never heard of an accident because someone was high. I'm sure that car accidents happen when someone is high but its so rare no one catches it. You can not say the same for alcohol where I turn on the news and every night I hear a family dying because some drunk asshole went the wrong way on the freeway and ran into them.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
Kid, you still havnt grasped the fact that weed not only hurst people who smoke it.

DAMN lmao you cant read can you? Go back and read my last post I ****ING AGREED WITH YOU THAT IT HARMS OTHERS! I DONT SEE HOW YOU CAN MISS SHIT LIKE THAT.
EvilEwok, you are saying the same thing over and over again, you are not providing any new evidence. We already talked about weed being harmful to society, I asked you to provide some back up for this and you are yet to do it. I provided more than enough information to show the opposite. We are saying the same thing over and over because you are using the same bullshit argument when we disproved it many times.
Ok. THIS is my last post. Promise this time.

DAMN lmao you cant read can you? Go back and read my last post I ****ING AGREED WITH YOU THAT IT HARMS OTHERS! I DONT SEE HOW YOU CAN MISS SHIT LIKE THAT.

You may have said that, but your still saying that it should be legal and the choice shoul dbe left to the individual if he wants to smoke or not.

And you say the government shouldnt be making that choice for the individual.

Now pay attention.

As you admitted to, weed harms those who dont chose to smoke also. This is why the government makes the decision, to protect the innocent and unlucky ****er whos is accidentally shot in the face because the stoned teenager with the gun whos house he was in was too shitfaced to realise it was loaded and that he was pointing it at his freind.

Your argument is that the government shouldnt be making the choices for the indevidual who may want to smoke, and they arent. They are making the choice for the innocent who dont want to smoke.
We knows it harms others. Like my other post above: both cigarettes and alcohol affect others. Cigarettes through second hand smoke and alcohol through the ways it affects people's judgements - people cause a lot of accidents while drunk and it influences some people to murder others because it lowers their inhibitions. But these two drugs are considered OK by the federal government. It's ridiculous that a bunch of old, rich, white guys decide for all of society what is OK to use. I think that simple because we here discussing this shows that there is a growing segment that realizes that making drugs illegal doesn't inherently help anyone when the desire to use drugs is still there. Marijuana will most likely be decriminalized (not the same thing as legalization) within the next 30 years.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
Ok. THIS is my last post. Promise this time.

You may have said that, but your still saying that it should be legal and the choice shoul dbe left to the individual if he wants to smoke or not.

And you say the government shouldnt be making that choice for the individual.

Now pay attention.

As you admitted to, weed harms those who dont chose to smoke also. This is why the government makes the decision, to protect the innocent and unlucky ****er whos is accidentally shot in the face because the stoned teenager with the gun whos house he was in was too shitfaced to realise it was loaded and that he was pointing it at his freind.

Your argument is that the government shouldnt be making the choices for the indevidual who may want to smoke, and they arent. They are making the choice for the innocent who dont want to smoke.

Then why is alcohol and cigarette use permitted? They harm others as well.
We already talked about weed being harmful to society, I asked you to provide some back up for this and you are yet to do it.

If i need to prove this to you then we are wasting our time from the start. Why the **** do you think they made it illegal in the first place dipshit.

ALL of this is pointless anyway because thankfully the people in power arent as nearsighted as you people, and they will continue to make the right decisions for our society. Thankfully.
Originally posted by dis
Marijuana will most likely be decriminalized (not the same thing as legalization) within the next 30 years.
Damn, too late for me to enjoy it :dork:.

EvilEwok, if you come back with some evidence as to how making weed legal would affect the society in a negative way moreso than alcohol please post back. But if you don't have any new information and will repeat the same old crap without any evidence its best that you don't post as we will continue to beat a dead horse. Thanks for playing, it was a good debate and I would love to keep discussing it if you provide some evidence.
You haven't said one thing with regards to all the points and questions that I have posed. Maybe it because you realize the hypocrisy and have no answer. How can society say that one drug is ok, but another is not. I'd be interested in seeing a comparison between the number of those killed by cigarette/alcohol use including all kinds of accidents caused by drunkeness and the number of those killed by drug use including murders within the drug trade.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
If i need to prove this to you then we are wasting our time from the start. Why the **** do you think they made it illegal in the first place dipshit.
Forget my last post, I posted it before I saw this reply. Now you are just being immature because you are losing this debate and I do not want to have a mature discussion with kids like you that can't handle it.
Then why is alcohol and cigarette use permitted? They harm others as well.

This is the stupidest argument for legalizing weed i have ever heard, and its really depressing that it is even brought up.

You cant legalize a problematic substance just because two other problematic substances are legal. If you legalize problematic substance number 3, in addition to the already legal problematic substances 1 and 2, then instead of having 2 problematic substances available legally, you have 3.

3 problematic substances are worse than 2. Amazing huh? Who ever thougth up this stuff.

Ok, this is truely my last and final post in this thread. i swaer, honest to god.

Nolimit, i havnt lost anything lol. this isnt a compitition. We are just discussing our point of views, and your happens to be wrong. Its not a matter of winning.

As i said earlier, ive already won because the people in power arent as nearsighted as you potheads and they will make the right decision AGAIN.

GG_you lose.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
Ok. THIS is my last post. Promise this time.

You may have said that, but your still saying that it should be legal and the choice shoul dbe left to the individual if he wants to smoke or not.

And you say the government shouldnt be making that choice for the individual.

Now pay attention.

As you admitted to, weed harms those who dont chose to smoke also. This is why the government makes the decision, to protect the innocent and unlucky ****er whos is accidentally shot in the face because the stoned teenager with the gun whos house he was in was too shitfaced to realise it was loaded and that he was pointing it at his freind.

Your argument is that the government shouldnt be making the choices for the indevidual who may want to smoke, and they arent. They are making the choice for the innocent who dont want to smoke.

Dude jesus your not understanding anything i say. I understand it is harmful to others as well as oneself, but so is many other things. Just like i said before murdering is illigeal but its still done things are going to effect others, everything effects everyone. What about if someone who isnt stoned runs and shots someone? What are you going to outlaw then? What about if he had choked him? What about that? People can make the choice to be in to drugs or not thats the point. Things are going to effect others anyway.
Nice way to take his point out of context completely. He didn't say that weed should be legal because alcohol and cigarettes are legal. He simply showed the fact that its crazy to have 2 drugs legal and have another illegal expecially when the illegal drug is less harmful than the legal drug. Your argument is "why do you think they made weed illegal in the first place, dipship". With that same stupid reasoning I can say "why do you think they made alcohol legal in the first place, dipshit". They made alcohol illegal once, do you remember what happened? Crime and drinking actually increased. It suddenly became cool to drink and people in the office wanted to be part of the crowd so they drank. Organized crime also took the opportunity to cash in on this. Give it up unless you will provide some good evidance.
First, let me say this - I am not posting these "stories" in order to show my support for one side of the argument or the other, I simply want to share my experiences.

I have known many many people that have used weed. I'll share what happened to three.

1. I had two friends in florida before I moved to North Carolina, (I'll call em' Bob and Bill :p ). Shortly after I moved, I started talking to them and I learned they were both using weed. eventually my friend bob stopped but bill continued to use it and even became a semi-dealer. Bill started stealing money (and anything else he could find) out of cars and just generally getting into trouble. Bill barely graduated high school and to be honest I don't know what hes doing right now. Bob stopped talking to him before all that happened, but bill even threatened him a couple times and threw a cinderblock into his windshield. I don't talk to bill anymore either.

2. When I was in 10th grade this kid used to come into our art class high almost every day. He was never really focused always talking about making weed legal, I remember him making art for the "millenium marijuana march". I believe he dropped out next year.

3. There is this guy I know who I am pretty good friends with. He uses weed all time and always tries to get me to try it. One day his car was searched and a pipe was found. He lost his license for a year and was kicked out of his dad's house. Hes a cool guy but I wish he would just quit screwing around, because he has the potential to make something of himself.

I honestly tried to think of some people I know who had used pot regularly who didn't go into a downward spiral, but I couldn't. These are just my experiences, many of yours will differ. I just wanted to give some examples. :cheers:
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