Weekly Art Contest: Hall of Champions


Aug 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hmm. I couldn't really decide on the right name for this thread but this will do for now. This thread is going to be updated weekly after the voting results for the art contest come in and will showcase all past contest winners. People can come here to see the ideas that we've had in the past and maybe gain some inspiration. The Post will be updated in segments, because it will take me a while to add them all, so if you don't see Week # ___ , don't worry, it will be up soon! I'll also put a link to the other entries so you can see the other entries... Let me know if you think this is a good idea :). And with that said...


Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 1
Posted by: SpuD
Link: http://halflife2.homelan.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13135

Hippie Power
This weeks challenge will be to convert a photo of a military vehicle so it looks psychedelic, or turn a hippie vehicle into an all-out war machine.

Number of Entries: 9
Winner: pixartist
Percent of Vote: 42.22%



Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 2
Posted by: SpuD
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13579

HL Smilies!
Design smilies like the ones here, only hl related. Make them look good, maybe they will be added in. :dozey:
Please keep them small, like the size they are now.
Try to stay away from animation, but if they are make it small, dont make a smilie take up a large amount of space.

Number of Entries: 15
Winner: Tim8604
Percent of Vote: 59.26%



Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 3
Posted by: SpuD
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13945

Cell Shaded hl pics
Turn a character or whatever from a screenshot into a cell shaded character.
Topic idea by GhostValkyrie

Number of Entries: 13
Winner: Tim8604
Percent of Vote: 35%



Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 4
Posted by: SpuD
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14274

Spuds in space!
Take a picture of any type of potato, work your magic, then put it into a picture, somewhere odd, like Space, underwater, in a cave, etc...
Make it blend in as good as possible.
(you can also dress it up)

Number of Entries: 37
Winners: Element Alpha, Flyingdebris
Percent of Vote: 17.86%




Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 5
Posted by: Abom
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14674

Half-Life, or Real-Life?
Take something from Half-Life and add it into a scene from a photo, or put something from real-life into Half-Life.
Examples: put a headcrab in a hamster cage, or add your best friend into the lambda complex.
Many thanks to tim8604 for the topic idea!

Number of Entries: 13
Winners: Tim8604
Percent of Vote: 31.11%



Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 6
Posted by: SpuD
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14999

What would the world be like without currency?
Imagine a world where people had to pay for everything by trading, like it used to be.....
example: man putting bag of rocks on counter for a candy bar
Submitted by Tim8604

Number of Entries: 7
Winner: nw909
Percent of Vote: 50%

(Entry link, I have no space to upload to)


Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 7
Posted by: SpuD
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15349

DVD cover parody
make fun of a DVD or VHS cover. Change it into something obsene, funny, politically incorrect, etc..
No porn though! and especially no goatse!
example: Teh l33t m4tr1x: b4s3m3nt haxorz

Number of Entries: 16
Winner: OMoss
Percent of Vote: 26.83%



Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 8
Posted by: tim8604
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15766

Original Comic/Cartoon
Come up with a new cartoon that may or may not be based on hl2. Anything is game. All that is required is that you do not rip off another cartoon/comic.
example: Turn your favorite joke into a small comic strip.

Number of Entries: 1
Winner: Insid
Percent of Vote: 100%



Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 9
Posted by: tim8604
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15937

Design Your Own Alien
Self-explanatory, but try to keep it Half-Life-esque, like something that would end up in the game. Realism is key: the creepier, the better!
Maybe Valve will put your alien in the game (or a sequel).
Fun to be had by all!

Number of Entries: 10
Winner: Mechagodzilla
Percent of Vote: 60%

(Entry link, I have no space to upload to)


Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 10
Posted by: Abom
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=16269

Santa of the Future!
Create your own futuristic Santa Claus, in whatever style or fashion you like. Might he have ditched his sleigh for a jetpack? Or perhaps he dropped the old red jacket for a modernized titanium overcoat? The decision is yours.

Number of Entries: 5
Winner: Mechagodzilla
Percent of Vote: 35%

(Entry link, I have no space to upload to)


Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 11
Posted by: tim8604
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=16513

Create a Picture of Munro
Design a character that could be our faithful founder Munro. You may exaggerate him to be a monster if that's how you think of him, or just as a normal person. You decide. There are no limits here, just remember that he is British ;).

Number of Entries: 17
Winner: Abom
Percent of Vote: 55.56%


(I'm so dead, again).


Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 12
Posted by: tim8604
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=16806

Design your own mech
Create a futuristic "Mech Style" Fighting machine

Number of Entries: 9
Winners: Stone and Sulkdodds
Percent of Vote: 20% each


(Entry links, I have no space to upload to)


Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 13
Posted by: tim8604
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=17133

Design the box for HL3
What new things will be implimented in HL3? Create a package that shows some of these things or new ideas.

Number of Entries: 5
Winners: Snowball, Sulkdodds and Mechagodzilla
Percent of Vote: 23.08% each

(Entry links, I have no space to upload to)

Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 14
Posted by: tim8604
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=17771

Create a new HEV suit for Gordon
Design what you think would be a great new suit for Gordon, whether it be made of tinfoil, old AOL trial cds, or titanium alloy.

Number of Entries: 4
Winners: Mechagodzilla
Percent of Vote: 45%

(Entry links, you get the idea by now.)


Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 15
Posted by: tim8604
Link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=18454

Create a screenshot for HL2, but in 8 bit style
Create a screenshot of what you think HL2 would look like on an old style system (C64, spectrum, etc) . ~aka pixel art

here are some examples:

[Votes not omitted for this contest, reason: lack of entries]

I think out of all of the contests I have entered, my two favorite entries were the cel-shaded one and the Half-Life / Real-Life ones. Both of these took a ton of time. My favorite entry that was not done by me would probably have to be Stone's Cel-Shaded one. I think i've entered all but maybe 2 or 3 contests over the months we've been doing this.

To put the contest into perspective, the first one was started on October the 19th. We've been at this a while, let's see if we can make it all the way to October again :thumbs:
The combine in the forest Tim did was a really good one. I love the colors in it.
This is an excellent idea, but i think the pictures should be links/ uploaded files and i think all 13 should be shown. The reason i say this is that it would make it a lot easier to manage, even when approaching # 20 etc. its just a thought
Suicide42 said:
This is an excellent idea, but i think the pictures should be links/ uploaded files and i think all 13 should be shown.

"more will be added soon...this is a lot of work" ;)

And for now I guess I'll just leave them how they are, it's actually faster for me to do it this way rather than trying to "attach" tons of pictures. This way I can just do it through ftp and change the links a little.
yes, i guess. the thing is for 56k users they will have trouble loading up 15- 20 images, ynow?
Ah, that makes more sense. I didn't know you meant it like that. I just thought you meant organization wise. That's a good point. I'll have to think about it. Anyone else have a view either way?
If any mods have any free time, feel free to add a few entries :). I'm going to be very busy with (2) senior research papers so I probably won't be able to add any till the weekend.
Yes, please put them as attachments, or my modem will spontaeneously combust. That said, do all the compo winners get in to the 'fan art' section?
I don't have the power to add stuff to that section, and the guy who does is too busy to, so no. Maybe eventually though.
Sulkdodds said:
Yes, please put them as attachments, or my modem will spontaeneously combust. That said, do all the compo winners get in to the 'fan art' section?
When we have the CMS up, yes :)

(If I have my way) These really are very good, keep it up :D
this page will seriosly be so cool when its finished. si i URGE you to finish it!! pleeeeeease? pretty please?
Walks in the forest, with my friend the Metrocop.
Thanks for the memories, Tim. (This is on my desk.)


  • desk_photo.jpg
    75.5 KB · Views: 387
  • desk_photo2.jpg
    73 KB · Views: 375
Looking good, greg! I love the way you guys always blend into the community. :D
Whoa, that's pretty sweet. Glad you like it! I emailed it off to gabe a while back along with an interview doug said he'd take care of for me, but didn't get any response back on either ;). This makes it worth it though, just to see it on your desk.

Think I could get a tshirt or something? haha.
Do you have a Moto Guzzi Greg or are you into buying one,my best friend have 3 Moto Guzzi and he loves them.
Ten more contests added, but some of the winning images are attachments. I personally only have a crappy tripod account to upload to, I wouldn't be able to handle everyone looking at multiple entries, tripod would axe my account. Feel free to upload them to your space, tim.

I also had to continue it into your second post of the thread, tim, since the 10000 character limit kicked in on the first post.
Haha, thanks abom. Yeah i've been pretty busy with work lately. My job is a lab tech at this rapid prototyping company, and they leaving me with little free time.

i'll upload those when I get home from work.
Glad to see the thread updated, although it's reminded me of how horribly crappy my christmas entry was. :x

Excellent work with the Valve recognition Tim! That definitely was the best out of all the contests. :thumbs:
Um, could someone make a combine-head-mask smiley? That would be awesome.