
Aug 2, 2003
Reaction score

This is a futurist art contest. Every week a futurist member will choose a topic, then you show off your image creation, editing and futurist skills.

Only posts with submissions in them will be allowed in this thread. DO NOT discuss the pictures in this thread, another thread will be made for that.

You will have FIVE days to enter your futurist piece(s), followed by TWO days to vote on the submissions.

The winner will receive a small prize...

The contest will end on Sunday - June 24th, 2007 at 19:00 (Central Time) Futurist Time (Military Time(7PM Central Time for anyone who doesn't know what military time is and by relation what futurist time is)). Voting will begin the morning of Monday - June 25th, 2007 at 09:00 Futurist Time (7AM Central Time). Voting will end the night of Tuesday - June 25th, 2007 at 19:00 (Central Time) Futurist Time (7PM Central Time). Following the conclusion of the voting, the winner will be posted. In the event of a tie, the winner of the contest will be decided by a fight to the death, or both can be declared winners (discuss this in the discussion thread please).

These are fixed for the contest, they will not change for the duration of it.[/b]

1.) Only posts with submissions in them will be allowed in this thread. DO NOT discuss the pictures in this thread, another thread will be made for that.
2.) No pornographic images.
3.) Stick to the topic.
4.) Don't steal other peoples work.
5.) You may have two entries. You can use only one though, if you wish.

6.) Make sure to clearly highlight what number entry yours is.
Use this as an example:
Entry #1 by Tim8604

7.) Once the entry is submitted DO NOT edit the post unless you are removing your entry from the contest by deleting the post.
8.) Your entry may be drawn, sketched, painted (digitally or by hand), constructed from clay, developed in photoshop by using multiple source images, branded onto a cow, or created in any other medium, as long as the final look is your own work and not directly copied from another contest or forum.
9.) You may not vote for yourself when the time comes, in order to make this a fair competition, you can only place your vote for other people. Anyone that breaches this rule will automatically disqualify themselves.

Future Intersection
In the future, the type of vehicle that is used to get from place to place could be anything. How will future vehicles create a need for updated roadways and intersections. Your task is to show your fellow futurist what an intersection might look like in the future. How far into the future is up to you.

As a small prize, the winner will gain a cameo appearance in my upcoming webcomic. You are also fighting for satisfaction and for the smug look on your face when you haplessly beat down your opposition, which are probably worth a lot more.

Good luck all and make sure to submit ideas for next week's contest in the discussion thread!

this is so amazing yet confusing, dam if i din have exams i would go for it..dam mid years.
I think we should make it clear first, since it sounds new to this forum.

First, I think one example is needed. If not, I may make a wrong one.
Second, what is the line for pornography? Note that nudity is by no means porn.
Third, the copyright, you know.
What's the matter with you can't you read.

1.) Only posts with submissions in them will be allowed in this thread

Also I don't know if this will work out...
I know!
We won't NEED intersections in the future! Cause we'll all be flying!
I think you shouldn't be able to submit your own photo, somebody else has to 'nominate' you.
this is so amazing yet confusing, dam if i din have exams i would go for it..dam mid years.

I think we should make it clear first, since it sounds new to this forum.

3d art included?

I know!
We won't NEED intersections in the future! Cause we'll all be flying!

Only posts with submissions in them will be allowed in this thread. DO NOT discuss the pictures in this thread, another thread will be made for that.

I think you shouldn't be able to submit your own photo, somebody else has to 'nominate' you.

You may not vote for yourself when the time comes, in order to make this a fair competition, you can only place your vote for other people. Anyone that breaches this rule will automatically disqualify themselves.

That's 6 posts breaking the rules, several of which asked questions that were answered in the original post. Doesn't anyone read anymore? Now I'm forced to break my own rules because no one even noticed the other thread I made. Perhaps I should have recorded my voice reading the rules and put it on a flash cartoon with dancing panda bears to get my message across.

What's the matter with you can't you read.

Also I don't know if this will work out...

Glad to see at least 1 person in this forum has some sense. I had no idea this forum had fallen into a state of such inactivity. I was hoping it was still somewhat of an active place to post and view artwork in various mediums rather than its current state as the sewer runoff for the rest of the forums. (this of course excludes the actual artwork here, I am referring more to various posts and replies I've been reading in here lately).