Weekly Steam News (02/09/05)

Whine, whine, whine... A. If you don't have a credit card too bad, you adjust to the world, not the world to you. If its that bad just get a friend +18 to get a debit card. Sheesh.
B. Comparing HL2 with DoD? Isn't that something GOOD? HL2 was really good, so why are you whining? You'll get something really good again, probably. Yeah , it's a wait, but there are many other games coming out soon, along with Dystopia mod.

Yeah that's all- I am getting a new computer as soon as lost coast is released, so I am fine, heh.
also, for anyone who doesnt have a credit card:

many banks offer "gift cards" on which you place money. these are essentially pre-loaded debit cards which you can use at any store that accepts debit/credit cards, as well as internet purchases.
Not everybody have credit cards, and not every body wants to pay for some thing they dont avtually get phisecly.
I prefer having my games in boxes and getting a nice strategy guide and a box....
Maybe Valve would be kined enough to put 2 CD-KEYs in the retaile packege.
one for CSS and one for DOD.
Im so sad that I have Silver but dont DSl anymore..............:(
Inflame007 said:
Maybe Valve would be kined enough to put 2 CD-KEYs in the retaile packege.
one for CSS and one for DOD.

That wouldn't acheive anything!

I don't think Valve are gonna be charging for CSS again, I imagine CSS will be the 'freebie' for buying DoD:S in the retail package..which will probably be cheap anyway. Do you really think they expect anyone buying retail to have to buy CSS again?!
Juggy said:
Bah! In the stores with CS:S?! I already have CS:S, it came with HL2! And buying it over Steam is no option for me, I'm NOT willing to get myself a Credit Card, so I can buy a game. And no, I don't know anyone that has a Credit Card I can borrow.
GJ Valve!
I just realized, the characters look like male supermodels, facewise.
We have to pay to play DOD?! That's just ****ing greedy...
You're quick. It's obvious that we have to pay for DoD:S.
f u c k DOD:S, I want my TF2 Already!!!
Now there is something worth paying for...
Sufferin-rebel said:
You mind tellin me how that is possible? I am curious since i want to upgrade as well

It only works if you got the free HL2 offer in some ATi cards back a few years ago. If you have it, and click on the DoD: S icon it shows up as the regular price minus the bronze price, so Silver is $10.
Very cool. Will be getting this very soon.
loadqm said:
Guess it's time to upgrade my ATi HL2 Bronze to Silver...

how is it possible if you have already bought bronze, to upgrade to silver?
I think there is a simple problem in corrolation between kids and old people- kids try to live in the future and make an image of what should be. (Don't give me DOD give me TF2, then that comes out and it's TF3 cuse TF2 sucks sooo much) then you have old people, hey it used to be easier/cooler/etc etc. Both are annoying and you just want to tell them to stfu and live in the present. So- until they realize that reality isn't how they think it should be, but simply reality, no they wont be happy.

As for DOD- I always sucked at it, so ill have fun watching my body tumble around
Frank said:
We have to pay to play DOD?! That's just ****ing greedy...
you dont want to pay for their work, want something for nothing....that wouldnt be greedy would it.

Unless people do charity for a living and make absolutly no money from it they shouldnt expect developers to work for free. It's pretty disconcerning being a student heading into technology when we live in a world where for some reason everyone expects Software to be free. It takes months and years and millions to produce games and people criticise developers for being greedy for charing for the services. I wonder what percentage of people with photoshop have actually bought it, probably very small. I heard a case of another game, perhaps star seige troibes where only one in 10 copies was actually a bought copy. This doesnt seem to happen in other industries, it's just such an insanely bad attitude some people have in regards to software development.
Smigit said:
you dont want to pay for their work, want something for nothing....that wouldnt be greedy would it.

Unless people do charity for a living and make absolutly no money from it they shouldnt expect developers to work for free. It's pretty disconcerning being a student heading into technology when we live in a world where for some reason everyone expects Software to be free. It takes months and years and millions to produce games and people criticise developers for being greedy for charing for the services. I wonder what percentage of people with photoshop have actually bought it, probably very small. I heard a case of another game, perhaps star seige troibes where only one in 10 copies was actually a bought copy. This doesnt seem to happen in other industries, it's just such an insanely bad attitude some people have in regards to software development.

I've thought about this alot, and I've come to the conclusion that it has to do with alot of gamers being so young. When you're young, you have no money, but probably have an internet connection. Since you have no money, you find something to justify downloading pirated software(or not, you could just download it, knowing it's wrong, like yours truly), and you go ahead doing so, because you can't pay for all the juicy goodness coming out of the gaming industry. I think it's not only wrong because you're essentially stealing from the developers, but also because you enjoy a game so much more when you've bought it. For me this is true. I buy a game, and I enjoy it because I'm compelled to, or else I would've wasted 50 bucks. If you download a game, you can play it a bit, then delete it, knowing there will be more where that came from. A good example is Dungeon Siege 2. I got that game in my mail not long ago, and I've played it religiously since then. Now, by no means is this a bad game, but I wouldn't have played it this much hadn't I paid for it.

I'm talking too much, I'm shutting up. I should also say DoDS will own you, your dog, and quite possibly your assorted relatives...
All I have to say is that it's about damn time.

It's been so long I honestly forgot I already bought it...
I thought that DOD.S was coming out retail as well

why don't you guys wait till then

im glad i used my girl's cerdit card to get my HL2 from Steam....girls and there shopping!
just play it and you will enjoy the game trust me DOD.S will own all!!