Weekly Steam News (15/04/04)

Northwood83 said:
Well as someone said the orange eyes stood out to me, Maybe to escape Gordon is dressed as a combine or he has become a combine soldier but retained his mind?

Not very likely. That wouldn't be fun, nor would it make for a good storyline.
All the screenshot confirms is:
- We fight in the Citadel
- Stalkers will be there (we may fight them, we may free them)
- Valve have done a reskin job on the Soldiers - we don't know the reason for the differentiation. (new eyes, new symbols can be seen on the uniform)

However, all 3 of these facts were already known if you've seen the PCGamer article... so this is a pretty big let down...
Iced_Eagle said:
Yea VAC2 beta has already begun... They just didn't announce it or else the cheaters would know, they give the cheaters a week warning, and if they didn't stop it's there fault ;)

What are you talking about? They said "Vac 2 beta stage has started." or something to that effect in a weekly steam update. Hell they even recommended that if you were using hacks that you should uninstall them.

As for the people that say VAC2 is poor. Keep in mind 2 things.
1). Vac2 is at a beta stage currently all its doing is gathering information and steamids. Its not banning anyone currently.
2). Just like Vac 1 I'm gonna bite the bullet and assume that VAC2 won't ban immediately it will wait for awhile and then ban at some asupicious moment.
i want new valve-made maps/remakes for hl2dm..

guess that's asking too much :(
the combine looks scary, and i cant wait for de_ports :D
That's one ugly screen. I wish they'd get cubemaps sorted in low light levels. :/ And start using bloody AA!

The soldier looks like a cross between elite and regular, wouldn't mind knowing what's going on there.
You know what's really amusing to me?

Here's a little scenario:

Week 1 - Valve release an update for CS:S. HL2DM fans say "I wish Valve would do something new for HL2DM. They never give us anything"

Week 2 - Valve release an update for HL2DM. CS:S fans say "I wish Valve would do something new for CS:S. They never give us anything"

This happens week after week after week. I've never seen so much bitching about free content. You bunch of pansies.
free content?

there are updates for css weekly fixing bugs/adding new maps/etc.
hl2dm has been out for over 5 months now i believe with no bug fixs to date..and there are tons..it's sad the lack of support valve has given hl2dm
i see 2 new maps for css coming out shortly when hl2dm has a TOTAL of 6...3 of which were community made and 2of which are so bug ridden/badly made its not even funny
steamlabs can't even be ran on servers due to crashing/lagging so bad

so when you actually try to play hl2dm and you crash the 4th time with a memory error or die in the acid on underpass and cant get sprint back or lag with 50+ choke for no reason or take fps hits when breaking a box with a nice spec comp..remember how much valve loves hl2dm
That screen and info is more important that it looks :p. It says we'll play as Gordon and the screenshot shows the Citadel is standing, two major things we didn't know for sure.
Sorry? How much did you pay for HL2DM?
Screenshot is actually a sneak peek. ;)
There is one thing that still intrigues me - they call it "an episode", so what do they mean, if it's not an expansion pack? That it'd be for free? That's almost impossible. Lol.. or maybe it's just a byword for EP :dozey: ?
Unimita said:
That screen and info is more important that it looks :p. It says we'll play as Gordon and the screenshot shows the Citadel is standing, two major things we didn't know for sure.
Both of which were facts that we DID know for sure. Even the Eurogamer article from which the initial announcement was taken by the HL2 sites said that we play as Freeman and the Citadel is still standing. The only doubt in people's minds was spread by the dual issue that people are naturally stupid and so are PC Gamer journalists...
bi0_gauss said:
i payed for hl2 hl2dm and css in a silver package
found here

by adding it under the list of what you get..it becomes their product that needs support/bug fixs
where's your point?

HL2: DM was added free after release. They have put it on there as a future incentive for customers. If you happen to read that page after they add it up, tough. There is no contract to say they are binded to fix things that come in those packages.

Edit: Ah, thanks kupoartist, sorry.
that's like saying css and dods are free add ons and to not expect any bugfixs

they are also now advertising it IN the package...therefore anyone that buys it now is paying for it thus they have a right to complain as paying customers
Pi Mu Rho said:
HL2DM wasn't part of the initial HL2 release. It was a free add-on created later.
Whilst it's true, that doesn't stop their initial decision to make no HL2DM available a bad one. Not everyone likes the CS style of gameplay and it's in their interests to keep as wide an audience interested in their products for as long a time as possible.
bi0_gauss said:
that's like saying css and dods are free add ons and to not expect any bugfixs

No, it's not, CSS was always going to be included in the original package, and DOD:S is going to cost you. HL2DM was added later; people who bought the game early on had no idea they'd get it and it didn't cost them anything. It was FREE.

EDIT: Kupoartist, their initial decision to not include HL2DM was most probably because it wasn't ready. If you would have rather waited another couple months, that's cool, but the rest of the community wanted HL2 ASAP
I didn't say not to expect any bugfixes.

As my original post quite clearly stated, I was referring to the people that bitch about the new content for Mod X when they only play Mod Y.
eh new content i could care less about really

i just want the bugs to be gone in hl2dm :(
its just the updates i see for css all the time while hl2dm gets worse and worse is annoying
a working scoreboard ...spectator mode...match functions would be nice
jondyfun said:
Kupoartist, their initial decision to not include HL2DM was most probably because it wasn't ready. If you would have rather waited another couple months, that's cool, but the rest of the community wanted HL2 ASAP
That's a possibilty, but we don't really know why HL2DM came into being. It may have been always planned, just delayed, but it also seems likely that they started to make it only because of the outcry at CS:Source being the only MP. As I understand it, HL2DM was the work of a single guy - sounds very much like a lone-wolf's thank you for buying the game, especially as it was a total surprise when it did appear. All along they said "CS is Multiplayer" - In doing so, they risked alienating customers that felt that CS is a pile of steaming donkey crap. Why do that if you're planning an alternative to appear sometime after release?

If they did plan it all along though, it can't really be argued that we got it for Free - HL2DM would therefore be part of the retail package. It's an interesting part of the whole Developer / Customer relationship though: Where does the game we pay for in the box end and the "free" content begin? What if Valve turned round and said that the last three chapters of HL2 SP were actually "free", and they took them away from us?
That screenie could have been taken in regular HL2 anyway, but characters shown there were in it. Of course I know it's an expansion, but hopefully we'll see something new soon :)

Very excited about Aftermath :D
Why are they focusing so much on the combine soldier in that picture?
Maybe it's adrian shepard :O

Let the theories begin :p
Imho, that's the worst picture of anything in a long time. You can hardly see shit. It's pretty black. I see orange eyes & some weirdo in the background. That's it. Wow ;)
AfterMath: Cool. More HL2 SP is always good news. I wonder how long it will be? Plenty of theories blowing around about who, what, where & when. I don't give a hoot about any of that. I just want more HL2 SP ;) I hope they make it tougher than HL2 was. Thats my only wish.

CS: New maps? Sweet. Port sounds good but no doubt it's going to cause more AWP complaints than any other map! Personaly I think AWP'ing, as well as what some people call 'camping' as soon as anyone stands still for more than a few seconds, is all part of the game. Deal with it. If theres a sniper lay down some cover i.e. smoke. Thats what its for. Check round corners & obstacles for enemy 'campers'. All part of the game & what makes it so good IMO. New Inferno as well? Can't wait for that.
Not complaining, but that was a bad picture to decide to use by Valve. You cant even tell its an expansion really. :-/
Ah well, good things come to those who wait. ;)
I think it was valves intention to show a screenshot that features nothing (except a new, but rather dark combine) really, maybe to piss people off, or just tease them.
how about you play as Barney and so a combine soldier, they never said we d play as Gordon.
jondyfun said:
No, it's not, CSS was always going to be included in the original package, and DOD:S is going to cost you. HL2DM was added later; people who bought the game early on had no idea they'd get it and it didn't cost them anything. It was FREE.
I dont play HL2DM anyway and would rather CS:S updates anyday but I agree with this person. Sure, HL2DM was added after HL2 was released, but they have added it to their games list and do you know whether this guy bought HL2 at release? Potentially he bought HL2 for the HL2DM components durring December or something and has received little for the money hes invested. Furthermmore even if CS:S was announced as a major component, that doesnt really mean they had to give it the post release support it has received does it? Im glad they have, but stating that as a reason that CS:S gets more attention than HL2DM is a bit null. Its most likely just a popularity thing.

Im sure they will get around to it eventually, but vavlvue seems to be dipping in a tad many projects of late olike CS:S, HL2DM, HL2 Lost Coast, HL2 Expansion Pack and HL3, unfortunatly HL2DM may be suffering as a rewsult.

Anyway I cant wait for inferno, i loved that map.
wow, Valve must have put lots of effort in creating a half black image :cheers:
Pi Mu Rho said:
You know what's really amusing to me?

Here's a little scenario:

Week 1 - Valve release an update for CS:S. HL2DM fans say "I wish Valve would do something new for HL2DM. They never give us anything"

Week 2 - Valve release an update for HL2DM. CS:S fans say "I wish Valve would do something new for CS:S. They never give us anything"

This happens week after week after week. I've never seen so much bitching about free content. You bunch of pansies.
Hahaha, and the DoD fans writhe around constantly in silent, silent anguish.
I think that

you will play with whom you think is gordon all the way down the citadel through the city to K'mans lab only to discover you are in fact Alyx.... role on the expansion pack beginning point.. nice lead up.
tba said:
I think that

you will play with whom you think is gordon all the way down the citadel through the city to K'mans lab only to discover you are in fact Alyx.... role on the expansion pack beginning point.. nice lead up.
Yeah such a nice prank would rock :D Games need more plot twists ;)
Some_God said:
Yes... it does! The SMGs are now pemanently attached to the combine soldiers (see left palm).
The combine ideal smg animation is always like that, But the fire animation is correct.

Correct me if i am wrong.