Weekly Steam News (23/02/05)

The servers are really laggy, and I get the "Bad Challenge" error alot. I did manage to play both maps, and cs_compound is pretty cool. Not a big fan of de_train though. New CT models look awsome.
Whats the deal with the bad challenge message? i seem to only really get it with train. then when i do connect to a de_train server, it says my map differs from the servers. arrggghhh!
Also, whenever the map is about to change, it never loads for me?
my fps droped to an awesome 30 fps when I use to get 70, I cant see my health but only my armor, I lag soo much I cant play but that's IF I manage to connect to a server which only happens when I m lucky. the monkeys used to test Valve's updates must be on strike.
i keep getting that bad challenge message aswell everynow and again :(