Weekly Steam News (26/08/05)

Opposing Force: Source? Blue Shift: Source?

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Planet Half Life video interview

Q: Any plans to release any more old games on Source, OF? BS?
A: Perhaps
SimonomiS said:
That's not a yes.

with Valve who knows,

"Lost Coast in a couple of weeks" January 2005

August 2005 "Lost Coast in a couple of weeks"
dogboy73 said:
The worse thing about Lost Coast is that everyone's wetting their pants over it & it's probably going to contain about half hours gameplay tops! But the longer Valve take to release it the more dissapointed people are going to be. I wonder what the delay is exactly?

You're a selfish asshole for complaining about how long a COMPLETELY FREE level of HL2 is going to be.
TheSomeone said:
You're a selfish asshole for complaining about how long a COMPLETELY FREE level of HL2 is going to be.
I'm not complaining. I'm merely pointing out to the people who are getting all worked up about Lost Coast. Sure it's going to be great to see (if it will run on my system!) but it's obviously not going to be a huge amount of gameplay. I was just warning the people who might be expecting to much. You think I'm complaining? Wait until a few hours after Lost Coast is released & the 'All this wait for half hour's gameplay' type threads start appearing!
Lets all just say that valve is giving people time to upgrade their system for HDR and all that jazz. I remember counting down the days for HL2, then looking like an asshat to everyone when they asked "so hours the game?" and tell them it was delayed. Well, that turned out to be a good thing, because then I was able to upgrade my computer so then it could actually play the game. I waited till a few days before it came out, and got a graphics card that was over 50% less than it was when HL2 was first said to come out.

Anyways, if someone gets all pissed off at Valve for not releasing Lost Coast yet, then shut your face, they are doing it for free. Same with a bunch of other stuff. And if you think about it, there's a shit load of things they have to do, so no wonder everything gets delayed.
Obligatory: "What was the last thing Valve released that wasn't almost unusable for the bugs?"

Obligatory (albeit redundant): "What was the last thing Valve released on time?"
Raeven0 said:
Obligatory: "What was the last thing Valve released that wasn't almost unusable for the bugs?"

People always seem to bitch that all of their Valve games are completely filled with bugs, and they can't do anything. These people seem to just be complete morons. It's either their computer is too shitty running windows ME, or they will get rocked in a game, then find something to blame it on. Please someone tell me these 'bugs' that make their games almost unplayable, so I can laugh at you.

If you think Valve is bad and all the games they make suck, then what are you doing on this forum?

You only payed for 1 game(...only the smart gamers) and you get 16 games for free. Why are you complaining?
I play all the steam games and I never have problems with bugs.
Is one from each release enough? I don't want to ramble on endlessly.

Initial Steam release: random errors that make no sense (ClassInvariant assertion failed, etc.). These errors have since died down except in rare cases.

Initial HL2 release: widespread stutter bug, seemingly evenly distributed between bad computers and a buggy game. The stutter bug is no longer the center of attention, implying either that it's been largely fixed, or that the people who got it stopped trying.

Initial CS:S release: first implementation of CS:S's Magic Bullets That Curve Around Walls. This issue has not been corrected.

Initial HL2DM release: crouched model hitboxes not aligned with model itself, making crouching a vicious exploit. This was fixed after a significant amount of time passed.

Initial Source SDK release: any update to a game breaks the SDK (gameinfo.txt or launcher.dll errors).

Still waiting for VAC2 to be fully released so that Valve can inevitably release crucial patches for it. I estimate it will desperately need to be patched within 24 hours of its release.

Betelgeuze: I didn't pay for HL2 (it was a gift), but assuming I did, this page offers the startling implication that the $85 USD that one pays for HL2 Gold is for a package, containing, specifically:

· Half-Life 2
· Counter-Strike: Source
· Half-Life: Source
· Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
· Day of Defeat: Source*
· Valve's back catalog available on Steam

None of this is free. People who payed for this package paid for all of it.
dogboy73 said:
I'm not complaining. I'm merely pointing out to the people who are getting all worked up about Lost Coast. Sure it's going to be great to see (if it will run on my system!) but it's obviously not going to be a huge amount of gameplay. I was just warning the people who might be expecting to much. You think I'm complaining? Wait until a few hours after Lost Coast is released & the 'All this wait for half hour's gameplay' type threads start appearing!


Lol I just think its hilarious that Lost Coast was announced months and months ago and it's not released yet. Like it's some expansion pack or something. They've shown a trailer of it, so it clearly has HDR in it already, and the map seemed to be done or at least highly developed, so seriously, how much more refining should it take? Valve, don't announce anything until you're 89% finished.
Hey, here's a crazy idea:

How about you stop acting like the Valve developers owe you a favor and start being somewhat grateful that real human beings with real lives and families are spending money to pay employees that are also human beings with lives in order to provide free content for you? All that effort just so you can whine?

You are not royalty, and you should be satisfied with the fact valve is giving this out for free to ungrateful brats like you. You were shown a trailer that shows off a very small part of the map as well as 3 screenshots, how can you dare judge how far into development they are?

Valve promised a single level! they NEVER said it would be a full length expension pack. I would be surprised if the Lost Coast was even a full half-hour.

And on subject of DOD: Source, you AGREED that you were gonna have to wait when you bought the Silver or Gold package. No one made you buy it!
TheSomeone said:
Hey, here's a crazy idea:

How about you stop acting like the Valve developers owe you a favor and start being somewhat grateful that real human beings with real lives and families are spending money to pay employees that are also human beings with lives in order to provide free content for you? All that effort just so you can whine?

You are not royalty, and you should be satisfied with the fact valve is giving this out for free to ungrateful brats like you. You were shown a trailer that shows off a very small part of the map as well as 3 screenshots, how can you dare judge how far into development they are?

Valve promised a single level! they NEVER said it would be a full length expension pack. I would be surprised if the Lost Coast was even a full half-hour.

And on subject of DOD: Source, you AGREED that you were gonna have to wait when you bought the Silver or Gold package. No one made you buy it!

To the max.
Idonotbelonghere said:
Wow that screen looks awesome...except...anyone else think he shouldn't be so hunched over?

Edit: eh nvm, probably just a bad angle...

Nazism- it bends minds and backs.
Is't just me or but I can't say I'm nuts with excitment over DOD. ?

Over on steam forum there is a small competiton in the forums among the users. And I have said I think valve wil release lost coast on november 16 (one year since hl2 release).

I could be spot on.
Im just interested how well or poor my computer will run HDR, i dont even thinkg the level will be that great anyways but waiting more then 6 months for a 20min tech demo is outrageous really and uptodate they still cant say exactly when its gonna come out.
None of this is free. People who payed for this package paid for all of it.
for only 70 euro and what about the other games? (HL, HL:B, CS, CS:CZ, DOD, ...?)
TheSomeone said:
Hey, here's a crazy idea:

How about you stop acting like the Valve developers owe you a favor and start being somewhat grateful that real human beings with real lives and families are spending money to pay employees that are also human beings with lives in order to provide free content for you?
Free? We payed for the bloody game! This was all supposed to be part of it originally. And people are not whining. They're just a bit peaved that Valve announce this stuff & then take forever to release it.

One reason they get peaved is because of the way the Lost Coast saga has played out. It's like a mini HL2 all over again! People get suspicious & wonder exactly what the idea is behind the whole project. There's ideas surficing that the whole thing is just a PR stunt to promote Ati hardware as some sort of payback for the f**k up they made with HL2. A f**k up that no doubt cost Ati some emberassment (not to mention Vivendi & Valve themselves) especially after the big HL2/Ati promotion party that was staged not long before the orignal release date. There's also the idea that it's being held back to co-incide with the release of new Ati hardware.

Free? You don't get anything for free in this world! Lost Coast is going to help line someones pockets there's no doubt about that. I suspect that when it does finally appear it will do so along with a fan fair from Ati promoting new cards needed to get the best out of HDR lighting in HL2! Maybe where HL2 failed to promote Ati adequeatly I suspect that Ati will be now hoping that the token Lost Cost levels a year on (that will raise the graphical antie somewhat) will succeed where HL2 failed.
dogboy73 said:
Free? We payed for the bloody game! This was all supposed to be part of it originally. And people are not whining. They're just a bit peaved that Valve announce this stuff & then take forever to release it.
HL2 Packages on November the 16th 2004 included:

B/S/G: Half-Life 2
B/S/G: Counter Strike: Source
S/G: Half-Life: Source
S/G: Day of Defeat: Source (when it gets released)

That is all ANYONE ever paid for. Valve have no obligation to anyone to release anything but those four titles to the people they sold them to. Bitch about DOD:S if you want, but no-one has a right to HL2: Lost Coast, CS:Source models or even HL2: Deathmatch.

HL2:LC promotes next-level hardware? Well, didn't see that one coming! It's a 15 minute long tech demo which you will no doubt bitch about WHEN it gets released because you seem to have had it in your head that it's something more. The project wasn't codenamed "the ATI Levels" because they were going to sell Dr Breen action figures through the valve software store. This said, what exactly is your point? Why does anyone whine about Lost Coast so much, if they should know full well that it's just a Tech Demo?!

LC is "Free" for so long as it doesn't make me rush out and buy a new video card. Anyone who does is either an idiot or stinking rich. And as for ATI finding HL2 an embarassment? They sure shifted one hell of a lot of 9800 cards due to HL2 whether the game arrived or not.
kupoartist said:
LC is "Free" for so long as it doesn't make me rush out and buy a new video card. Anyone who does is either an idiot or stinking rich.

I rushed out to buy a new graphics card.....:eek:.

Actually I'm upgrading for Quake 4, Prey, and Quake Wars: Enemy Territory.
kupoartist said:
Valve have no obligation to anyone to release anything but those four titles to the people they sold them to. Bitch about DOD:S if you want, but no-one has a right to HL2: Lost Coast.
True. But I thought Lost Coast was originally supposed to be part of HL2? So Valve leave it out, give it to use a year later as a gift?

What exactly is your point? Why does anyone whine about Lost Coast so much, if they should know full well that it's just a Tech Demo?!
Yet again (for the hard of hearing) I'm not whining. I'm merely pointing out the same as what you just have i.e. The Lost Coast is going to be more of a tech demo than anything else & a lot of people are getting very worked up about it & therefore making it out to be something that it's almost certainly not going to be. I was also predicting a lot of disgruntled posts following it's eventual release complaining of how short it was. So Valve keep everyone on tenterhooks for God knows how long now & it's all over in 20 minutes? I don't think to many people are going to be grateful for that kind of freebie unless they are fully aware of exactly what the Lost Coast is all about.

LC is "Free" for so long as it doesn't make me rush out and buy a new video card. Anyone who does is either an idiot or stinking rich.
Obviously Ati are hoping that's exactly what happens! You've only got to look at the amount of posts asking, 'will my PC run Lost coast?'. People are concerned they are going to miss out! How many HL2 owners are NOT going to want to download Lost Coast when it's released? That's the power of HL2 & Valve/Ati are going to use that to it's fullest potential. It would be bad business not to!!

And as for ATI finding HL2 an embarassment? They sure shifted one hell of a lot of 9800 cards due to HL2 whether the game arrived or not.
Surely they found it just a tad emberassing after promoting 9600XT HL2 packs complete with a copy of the game & then, when Valve failed to deliver on time, had to replace the game with a lousy token that couldn't be used for a year!!
I thought Lost Coast was originally supposed to be part of HL2? So Valve leave it out, give it to use a year later as a gift?
A lot of ideas for games have to be dropped during development be they levels, enemies or gameplay features, and HL2 is no exception. Originally, HL2 was going to begin on a big tanker (very Metal Gear Solid 2 style), the Hydra monster is now no where to be seen and in the infamous leaked version of HL2 there were all sorts of map ideas, sounds and voice acting that never got used in the finished version.

So it could've been Lost Coast or maybe this missing Tanker chapter or whatever, but Valve have probably just chosen Lost Coast because it'll have the most eye candy in terms of how open the environment will look and how they can utilise the HDR lighting.

In any case it's Valve's game, it's their property, and no matter what you say, be it very clever wording or some extreme moaning and whining, they still have the final decision. They can do whatever the hell they want. They could decide to not release Lost Coast if they wanted to. It'd piss off a lot of people in the process, but they could do it.

Anyway, wasn't this thread supposed to be about the new DoDS screen? Looks great! Can't wait :)
aeroripper said:
lol, like they would actually admit that their waiting for ATI. Valve even said early in lost coast announcement that these were originally planned as the "ati" levels.

I really don't trust valve that much to tell the truth when it comes to delays.

Nah, I'll take their word on it, and they were only CODENAMED ATi levels.

IF they are waiting for the r520....well, we're looking at an october-november release.
Dogboy73, you're a dumbass if you think anyone is going to buy a new Ati Radeon card just to play Lost Coast. If anything they'd probably buy a 7800GTX.

dogboy73 said:
Yet again (for the hard of hearing) I'm not whining. I'm merely pointing out the same as what you just have i.e. The Lost Coast is going to be more of a tech demo than anything else & a lot of people are getting very worked up about it & therefore making it out to be something that it's almost certainly not going to be. I was also predicting a lot of disgruntled posts following it's eventual release complaining of how short it was. So Valve keep everyone on tenterhooks for God knows how long now & it's all over in 20 minutes? I don't think to many people are going to be grateful for that kind of freebie unless they are fully aware of exactly what the Lost Coast is all about.

And you base this on what? The thousands of people you've surveyed perhaps? Obviously everyone here isn't expecting more than a tech demo.
TheSomeone said:
Dogboy73, you're a dumbass if you think anyone is going to buy a new Ati Radeon card just to play Lost Coast. If anything they'd probably buy a 7800GTX.
... Or one of the new Ati cards maybe?

And you base this on what? The thousands of people you've surveyed perhaps? Obviously everyone here isn't expecting more than a tech demo.
Cool. So there won't be any complaints about the Lost coast when it's released? Everyone will be singing it's praise. it'll be like, 'Great. We've been waiting for this for like 6 months & it's the best 20 minutes of tech demo ever! Thanks Valve, your the greatest'. If your right then why is everyone wetting their kecks over Lost coast?
TheAmazingRando said:
Loast Coast will have the headcrab artellary cannon. Need I say more?
Not a word. That's reason enough for a change of under wear!
dogboy73 said:
... Or one of the new Ati cards maybe?

If anyone buys a new ati card just to play Lost Coast, they deserve to be deceived.

Cool. So there won't be any complaints about the Lost coast when it's released? Everyone will be singing it's praise. it'll be like, 'Great. We've been waiting for this for like 6 months & it's the best 20 minutes of tech demo ever! Thanks Valve, your the greatest'. If your right then why is everyone wetting their kecks over Lost coast?

No, there shouldn't. They were never promised more than 20 minutes. They are wetting their kecks because it looks amazing, not because they think it'll be 10 extra hours of gameplay.
bigdeezy23 said:
Current things from Valve to be released soon:
New models for CS:S
Some info on TF2
Lost Coast
(anything else? can't remember)

HL2 for the XBox
HL1DM: Source
Lost Coast was a part that was cut from HL2.... no one remembers this from an interview somewhere?

I'd imagine it is about 1-2 hours long. Since, from my view it seems to be a chapter (Say like "Anti Citizen One".).
It's not a chapter... Aftermath is a chapter. Lost Coast is A MAP.
ThrasherX9 said:
It's not a chapter... Aftermath is a chapter. Lost Coast is A MAP.
Aftermath is several "chapters" in the Half-Life sense. It may have been discribed as a new "episode". As for Lost Coast being 1 to 2 hours long: dream on. The gameplay video released from E3 shows the entire thing up till after Gordon completes the main object and the poop hits the fan kind of thing. Expect 15 minutes. But then, I can't say any chapter in HL2 lasted me "1 to 2 hours" even when I was being extra-specially explorative.
kupoartist said:
Aftermath is several "chapters" in the Half-Life sense. It may have been discribed as a new "episode".
Aftermath is going to be an expansion pack for HL2 is it not? Hopefully that equates to more than a few chapters. We'll see I guess ........... One day! I don't expect to see Aftermath much before Xmas though.

As for Lost Coast being 1 to 2 hours long: dream on. The gameplay video released from E3 shows the entire thing up till after Gordon completes the main object and the poop hits the fan kind of thing. Expect 15 minutes. But then, I can't say any chapter in HL2 lasted me "1 to 2 hours" even when I was being extra-specially explorative.
It could be longer if they made it harder! The same goes for HL2 itself. It was so bloody easy that you could get throuh most chapters in no time at all. I don't think a map/area has to be huge to take a long time. It just needs to offer a significant challenge & provide solid gameplay to keep the player immersed. One good example of this in HL2 is the Strider battle towards the end of the game. A lot of time is spent battling in the big open court yard area. A lot was made of that one area & it was used a couple of times. It's one of the most exciting parts of the game & it shows that maps don't have to be huge to take time to get through.
Check this;


The lost Coast, an additional Half-Life 2 level that is designed to put your system to the limit, will be more than just a tech demo; It will also reveal parts of the Half-Life 2 storyline, mainly how Ravenholm was invaded by headcrabs

If thats the case then people are really going to want to play this now. You think people are not going to be concerned that their hardware won't handle this now it appears it's going to reveal parts of the story? Why is a tech demo revealing parts of the story anyway? If this is true then it will raise the profile of the Lost Coast & it WILL promote gfx card sales.