Weekly Steam News (30/09/05)


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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The Steam News Update for this Friday is now up.
We hope everyone who is playing Day of Defeat: Source is having as much fun playing it as we had building it. Most of the team has been spending this week jumping around on servers and playing with people. It's great to get on and play something you've worked on for a number of months with a wider group of people.[br]Next week we'll start preloading Rag Doll Kung Fu, leading up to its release on Wednesday, October 12th at 3:00 pm PST. Coming ahead of its release will be a Steam update which restructures the way games are presented in Steam to accommodate the release of more products.[br]We recently refreshed the hardware survey that helps give us and other game developers a better sense of the community's hardware. This latest version of the survey has had over 800,000 responses. You can head over to the webpage to see where your individual hardware fits in.
You know the drill. Restart Steam to receive the news update, or you can click here.
Awesome, good news to see the team at least having some fun after a release!


That would be cool to face off against a valve!

As for the games go, the restructuring of steam is nice, but I was looking forward to maybe a patch for DOD to fix some lag issues, maybe next week ;)
Another boring update packed full of very interesting news. My god this is the pits.
jocky68 said:
Another boring update packed full of very interesting news. My god this is the pits.
What would you have rather they had done? Out of interest.
Yay, my PC is high-range. But of course, I already knew that :E

Something i dont know already, something to look forward to, something about aftermath or lost coast. You name it, not just "hope you enjoyed the new dod stuff we all know about. Sorry im just getting a bit restless.
by the way 15000 posts dark elf? christ!
jocky68 said:
Something i dont know already, something to look forward to, something about aftermath or lost coast. You name it, not just "hope you enjoyed the new dod stuff we all know about. Sorry im just getting a bit restless.
by the way 15000 posts dark elf? christ!
They can't give too much info out. There's not much there to give

Lost Coast - a map thats taking a year to make. It's free and hasn't much going for it beyond the first 5 minutes wow factor, little benefit in pimping that to people, there's really nothing there to talk about anyway

Some Kung Fu game - Sounds different, probably worth pimping to show source can do something that looks different from HL2, makes a nice change.

Aftermath - can't give out much info on that without spoiling it for everyone, and since a lot is relying on it being popular they'll likely not want to risk anything.

They've just released DoD:S, naturally they'll want to pimp it as much as they can, business n all that.
WritingARequiem said:
Ragdoll Kung Fu doesn't use the Source engine. I'm just as surprised.:D

It doesn't? ... *goes and finds out about it* ahh ok I see now.. It's basically just a pretty flashing light to distract people from the fact nothing else is actually happening. *shrugs* I would have been impressed had it been made by Valve to show Source is useful in other forms rather than the current HL clone mods doing the rounds. :|
The Dark Elf said:
It doesn't? ... *goes and finds out about it* ahh ok I see now.. It's basically just a pretty flashing light to distract people from the fact nothing else is actually happening. *shrugs* I would have been impressed had it been made by Valve to show Source is useful in other forms rather than the current HL clone mods doing the rounds. :|

I think it's great that other game developers are taking notice to Steam. RDKF, SiN, etc. It may sound like this stuff is insignificant, but it really isn't.
-smash- said:
I think it's great that other game developers are taking notice to Steam. RDKF, SiN, etc. It may sound like this stuff is insignificant, but it really isn't.

Couldn't agree with you more. It's great Steam is getting noticed finally.

But to put a devs pet project before business isn't a good thing. Unless your Mark Healey, in which case your gonna do great from this and just saved yourself a lot of time getting it noticed. I wish him luck with it. But Valve need to concentrate on themselves and those things that will bring in real money. Or there wont be a steam system to develop and improve upon after very long. Great for publishers who want all the benefits and profits with none of the work, bad for the end user and developers themselves.
I guess they are just changing how 'My Games' works... I guess the friends network won't be up then... Rats... But if by chance is it working then, all of you get freebies.
I actually kinda want Lost Coast to NOT come out -- just out of spite... or something.... but anyway, it would be satisfying in some strange way. Anyone else feel the same?
bigdeezy23 said:
I actually kinda want Lost Coast to NOT come out -- just out of spite... or something.... but anyway, it would be satisfying in some strange way. Anyone else feel the same?


Spite towards who?
TheMastahC said:

Spite towards who?
Spite towards the hundreds of people who can't read that are going to say "OMFG I JUST PLAYED TEH LOST COSTE AND I ONLY HAD 15 MINS GAYMEPLA OUT OF TI!!!11 VALVE SUZORZS ****ING BASTARDS!¬!!£"
I actually kinda want Lost Coast to NOT come out -- just out of spite... or something.... but anyway, it would be satisfying in some strange way. Anyone else feel the same?
I kinda agree with you. DOD:S already took away 'WoW' factor from HDR, so why do we need this 5min level with pretty textures and the high-poly oldman.
Well, I think HDR in DoD:S isn't nearly as fancy as in Lost Coast. Plus Lost coast was just made it be ungodly awesome looking. I just want to play Lost Coast to hear Gabe Newell's Hot sexy voice as my hand slowly goes down my pants.
I just want to play Lost Coast to hear Gabe Newell's Hot sexy voice
Yeah I forgot about that. When I guess we need lost coast, NOW!
I take my hat off to the two people with Steam that had <24MB of RAM. Probably the same two with HDD capacity < 1GB :D
Old Skchool Retro-Chic. . . . . . .. ... F T Winzors!!!
Yawn, wheres Lost Coast Info, HLS DM info, CSS New models
Personally, I think Valve should go back to not giving weekly updates to the vast amount of ingrates who constantly want more, now. No matter what news Valve give, it's always "this sux0rs, wheres the new models/maps/game mode????!" or "Valve sux!! They should release <insert product/mod name> now!!!1111"
Pi Mu Rho said:
Personally, I think Valve should go back to not giving weekly updates to the vast amount of ingrates who constantly want more, now. No matter what news Valve give, it's always "this sux0rs, wheres the new models/maps/game mode????!" or "Valve sux!! They should release <insert product/mod name> now!!!1111"
That's why I don't usually even look at the Update comments. Or when I do, I end up calling people big words they can't understand, like "unintelligent":D
Few things to say and ask from this surprisingly small update:
-Thankfully they changed the CPU recording information, correct me if I'm wrong but the last few times they just assigned them into mhz groups. Grouping them in mhz within AMD and Intel groups makes so much more sense.
-Any word on the RDKF demo, I heard there was going to be a demo around release?
-I try not to bitch, but where in the hell is the new SAS model for CS:S? It's been at least a month since we saw an in game picture of it and surely it should be completed now. Unless they are making addtional maps and/or models to release at once (oh please god yes)
They should give monthly updates, it seems that they are starting to run out of things they can actually talk about.

And plus, it will stop me having to read the whiners comments.
I heard the RDKF demo won't be out till after release :(

And as for The Lost Cost. I think the HDR effects are exactly the same as in DoD:S. It's just that it has insanely detailed textures so it needs really high spec systems (9800Pro minimum graphics card - my card :D)
2Fast4U said:
DOD:S already took away 'WoW' factor from HDR, so why do we need this 5min level with pretty textures and the high-poly oldman.
I think that's a good point. Lost coast is basically intended as a tech demo for HDR lighting. But we've already seen this at work in an actual game which if anything takes away the main purpose of Lost coast. All it means is that Lost coast now has even less to offer.
mezz said:
I heard the RDKF demo won't be out till after release :(

And as for The Lost Cost. I think the HDR effects are exactly the same as in DoD:S. It's just that it has insanely detailed textures so it needs really high spec systems (9800Pro minimum graphics card - my card :D)
The textures are double/triple the size they are in DOD: Source and all of the models are much higher poly
mezz said:
I heard the RDKF demo won't be out till after release :(

And as for The Lost Cost. I think the HDR effects are exactly the same as in DoD:S. It's just that it has insanely detailed textures so it needs really high spec systems (9800Pro minimum graphics card - my card :D)

Sir I challenge thee with my 9600 pro. Currently running hl2 at 1024x768 max settings 2xAA 4xAF.
Chris_D said:
The textures are double/triple the size they are in DOD: Source and all of the models are much higher poly
Do you think if we're good little boys for Christmas they'll throw in the rooftop HDR scene aswell?

Pi Mu Rho said:
Personally, I think Valve should go back to not giving weekly updates to the vast amount of ingrates who constantly want more, now. No matter what news Valve give, it's always "this sux0rs, wheres the new models/maps/game mode????!" or "Valve sux!! They should release <insert product/mod name> now!!!1111"

Agreed, this is part of the problem I mentioned elsewhere in the lost coast thread. Basically at this rate, by the time HL3 comes along, if its not completely photorealistic with all the bells and whistles, running on DX7, people are going to bitch like they've never bitched before, because it wont be anything new.

The relative silence between HL1 and HL2 was perfect. We hadn't a clue save for a few images then binks which were just enough to get interest and not cause much whining.. Until it got stolen but thats another story.
I have to agree; some of the magic is lost when VALVe simply reveal everything to us. Two weeks ago, we were getting "exclusive" looks at the Lost Coast which basically gave away everything that was supposed to be special about it. We already know exactly what The Lost Coast will look like and play like, which takes most of the point out of it. Wouldn't you prefer if all we knew about The Lost Coast was that tiny little icon in the "My Games" list? Then when it actually arrived, even if it was only 15 minutes long, it would be all the sweeter.

Mind you, I don't think things are going to change, because VALVe have said many times that the future of gaming is not in bells and whistles, but in customer-developer relationships. The example they gave was World of Warcraft- Blizzard listen to their fans extensively, and mould the game depending on the feedback they recieve. That's what VALVe are aiming for; a completely open relationships, and they're going about it quite well at the moment.
Suicide42 said:
I have to agree; some of the magic is lost when VALVe simply reveal everything to us. Two weeks ago, we were getting "exclusive" looks at the Lost Coast which basically gave away everything that was supposed to be special about it. We already know exactly what The Lost Coast will look like and play like, which takes most of the point out of it. Wouldn't you prefer if all we knew about The Lost Coast was that tiny little icon in the "My Games" list? Then when it actually arrived, even if it was only 15 minutes long, it would be all the sweeter.

Yep, imagine the response if they had said nothing atall. Days go by, just normal days, some source update comes along, fixes some bugs, but completely fails to mention what the lost coast actually is thats just appeared in steam.. Cue thousands of posts, everyone trying to work it out.

Few weeks later, switches the coming soon to a specific date. More crazy posting wondering what its about. Then it appears in two flavors, the high end one and the regular version (to cover the possibile dissapointment at not being able to play atall as might happen with how it is right now)

Stunts like that would have worked great.
Has anyone had the survey form yet? I've not seen it.
The survey was earlyer they just showed the results no?

And it would be nice if they used the steam update to do some Q&A's
and perhaps use the system to anouce and apoligize when there are problems out of respect of their players.

The Camelot herald for Dark Age of Camelot is a good example how to keep the players informed, but ofcourse they have a higher interest in that I think as they have to satisfy the players who have a ongoing subscription.
They let us know when there are sertain problems or bugs in a patch and that its being adressed, for HL2 you can only see its a common problem when the steam forums are full of it (or down :) ) and rely on the cummunity sites.
The Dark Elf said:
Yep, imagine the response if they had said nothing atall. Days go by, just normal days, some source update comes along, fixes some bugs, but completely fails to mention what the lost coast actually is thats just appeared in steam.. Cue thousands of posts, everyone trying to work it out.

Few weeks later, switches the coming soon to a specific date. More crazy posting wondering what its about. Then it appears in two flavors, the high end one and the regular version (to cover the possibile dissapointment at not being able to play atall as might happen with how it is right now)

Stunts like that would have worked great.

Meh, no they wouldn't. You'd still get boatloads of people complaining that they couldn't run it, or it's too short, or the sky is the wrong colour, or their beer was too warm.
All we want is everything!

I feel that the majority of whiners and bitchers out there just don't understand what has happend since HL1 hit the scene. I can remember buying that game having no idea that it would change my life. Ya I know that makes me sound like an increadible nerd, but it really did :dork: . I never owned a game before that I just couldn't get away from. I updated my computer so that I could get better frame rates. Once I did that I finished the single player game and jumped into DM with both feet and a 56k modem. After duking it out at 350 pings I then updated my connection to DSL, and after a couple months to cable. Then CS, FrontLineForce, DOD, and every night was a possbile frag fest with my friends online. Just looking back on it makes me realize how much just one game has impacted my life. I even saved up and dropped over $3k and built my current system so that I could play HL2 with all the graphics cranked up. My god, it's amazing! :bounce: Now, I may not be the usual player, but I know there are lots of freaks like me out there, and we all understand. But then there's those who just don't understand and don't care how much Valve has done in the realm of gaming. If you don't like their style fine, but I don't think anyone can argue against how much they have changed the face of computer gaming. Sure it easy to bitch about how you want things your way, this isn't "exactly" what I want, I can't kill everyone on the map without cheating ;( I want everything to look like it's covered in vasoline like some other crappy game....whatever! Valve has had so much success that they realize that all it takes is one disaster to cancel out years of work so they have to be carefull. I for one feel that Valve has done an outstanding job of working with the community to produce free games to anyone who bought HL and HL2. They do one hell of a job and I'm tired of people who just sit around complaining:flame:
Kyo said:
Sir I challenge thee with my 9600 pro. Currently running hl2 at 1024x768 max settings 2xAA 4xAF.

Well, the bit-tech.net benchmarks imply that you won't quite be able to run it with a decent FPS. However, valve may have done some work improving how well it runs so it may run on your card.

The info:

Low-end: Less than Radeon 9600, GeForceFX 5900 - not playable, less than 5FPS
Mid-range: Around Radeon 9800, Radeon X700, GeForce 5950, GeForce 6600 - playable at 800x600 with AA turned off
High-end: Radeon X800, GeForce 6800 - playable at 1024x768 or 1280x1024, with AA and AF depending on the exact model of card
Bleeding-edge: GeForce 7800 - playable at 1600x1200 with full AF