Weekly Steam News (6/05/05)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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Some news regarding Counter-Strike: Source and Valve's plans for E3 this week:
We're planning on releasing de_port and de_inferno next week. Along with the two new maps, we'll be releasing an updated version of the current CT model. There is a screenshot below of the new CT in the Source version of Inferno.[br]</br>We'll also be showing off some products at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo. Half-Life 2 Xbox will be shown in the Xbox area of Microsoft’s booth. Meanwhile Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, which is the new, single-player level created to introduce High-Dynamic Range (HDR) lighting to the Source engine, is slated to appear in the Games for Windows area at the show.
Good news in other words for CS:S enthusiasts, and those interested in The Lost Coast level or the upcoming Xbox version of Half-Life 2 will get their treats at the next E3.[br]</br>
One question that remains however is whether Valve will showcase their upcoming episode Half-Life 2: Aftermath or not at E3, something that appears not to be the case from their latest newspost.[br]</br>
Although it might just be their way of surprising the fans and E3 visitors, so we'll have to wait and see.[br]

Oh man! We need a new t model! But i'm happy though..
Sweet, can't wait to see the HDR demos :D
very nice stuff again!
I wish they added new player models instead of replacing them however.

and on the other hand, CSS has become somewhat awkward to play, but that is well known by now. Too bad though, because right now CoD has me hooked at shooting online :)
The inferno screenie looks great. Though if I can find fault with it, that washing on the line looks rubbish, it looks like somebody has just painted a picture on the wall. They'd be better just leaving the wall blank.
Roper said:
The inferno screenie looks great. Though if I can find fault with it, that washing on the line looks rubbish, it looks like somebody has just painted a picture on the wall. They'd be better just leaving the wall blank.

That's because it's a sprite.
iI can see them making all the previous player models avaliable. you just pick which one you want at the start of the round, like the old CS. (its almost like their having an in-house modeling comp' the way they keep changing it)

Shame their not doing many T models though. Apart from that crappy one you can find in the model viewer.
That CT model doesn't look all that great to me... Where are those cool Ski Goggles they added in the last model????

They should stop wasting time designing new models and get on with the levels.

Although a new Terrorist skin would be welcome :)
Gunner said:
That's because it's a sprite.
It's not a sprite. Sprites look exactly the same from all angles.

It's a decal.
Chris_D said:
It's not a sprite. Sprites look exactly the same from all angles.

It's a decal.
God (aka Chris_D) has spoken... :O
just_hamish said:
Although a new Terrorist skin would be welcome :)

there is one in the sdk


  • terr_urban.JPG
    18.8 KB · Views: 442
I love the new CT model. I do want a new T model though. Can't wait for E3 as well.
I really don't care about new or revamped player models. THey really don't affect gameplay at all, except visibility, and I don't see a problem with visibility because of the improved graphics. I say whatever they have, that's fine. I'd like other stuff to be finished, but I'm not going to be a gr33dy h4x0r newb!!!!1
I wish they'd stick in the 4 choices again, instead of making us have the one model. But maybe with more different models, fps will drop like mad? I dont know....

Inferno looks great, i love that map sooo much. :)
I hape that they will make new models where you can see if a person has kelvar and helmet.
Chris_D said:
It's not a sprite. Sprites look exactly the same from all angles.

It's a decal.

Actually I think it's a texture with a transparent background ;). And if the clothes were agaisnt the wall (which isn't clear on the screenshot) it's an overlay (the new decal technique for HL2).
Why do they replace the models? It would be better if we could choose. Next week we would have 3 CT models to choose.
Personally, I love the new model. It looks more Swat/Army-ish rather than the Navy Seal-Delta Force type skin. I dont see anything wrong with the Terror model we have now, but the other one isnt too bad. Heh, not to mention, the new CT model looks like my avatar. ;)

What they should do is fix a certain model to a certain map, like winter maps should get the old T model, while maps more like Aztec should get the new one...
CrazyHarij said:
One question that remains however is whether Valve will showcase their upcoming episode Half-Life 2: Aftermath or not at E3, something that appears not to be the case from their latest newspost.
Although it might just be their way of surprising the fans and E3 visitors, so we'll have to wait and see.

From the "e-mail responses from VALVe" thread:
My question to Gabe Newell:

is Valve going to attend E3 2005?
I know Valve is not on the list of exhibitors, however Valve could make
a guest appearance at another company's booth?

The reply:
Yes. We'll be in the MS booth showing HL-2 X-Box and Aftermath.
CT looks good... but I find it's really strange the way they keep modding the CT skin, but the Terrorist skin stays the same...
I'm always up for new stuff... so why not give us a new Terrorist skin/model too? :)
Okay no matter what kind of technique is used for the clothes, the fact still remains the same. It's butt ugly :E I want 110% interactive environments ;) Imaigne dropping a huge MOAB on de_dust. Nothing left. Run straight to the CT base & plant the bomb ;) That is some serious gameplay improvement :LOL:
Why can't they just hire a couple of people whose job would be ONLY to make new models? It shouldn't be taking this long.
bigdeezy23 said:
Why can't they just hire a couple of people whose job would be ONLY to make new models? It shouldn't be taking this long.
They are perfectionists, so they need time. :cheese:
Jarman said:
They are perfectionists, so they need time. :cheese:

They are taking a long time

A new CT Model plus a New T Model was promised last year in the "December Timeframe"

Although this new CT model kicks ass
Ok new Ct model, wow, the point? To be more appealing to the eye? Last time i checked the core of a game is the gameplay. Ok well i see an effort done to improve it , with the release of two "new" maps... since inferno is going to be an exact replica of the original one. De_port i give a big plus.

Though , spawning, killing, last man standing - hostage rescued/ bomb disarmed... so repetitive. Ok it's fun, though they should explore new gameplay features: such as the old escort mod, i think it was in all CSs, though , was rare, you could be the VIP and the CT team would have to escort him to a heli or vehicule as the terrorists hunt him down. Other less "realistic" features could be a CTF or a simple DM, though a DM would not last too long. I dont know , i wish a new sort of gameplay to expand on thej original and kinda give a new face to CS, since when you think about it, it has always been the SAME gameplay! Whats the deal? lol it seems people havent ever realized that it never has changed, in other games , which try to immitate such a similar/repetitive gameplay dont last so long. Vehicles could be thought of, a game released today -without a predecessor- , has to include vehicles or else it wont make it . Though we all know Valve doesnt like vehicles... lol

I also agree that the model and skin should be chosen by the player at the beginning as in previous CS versions. I also think weapon choice should be expanded, for we all know at one point were always taking the AK 47 / Colt for assault rifles, handguns - Desert Eagle - etc. Sometimes some players take the shotgun for variety , though, there... it stops there.

De_Estate should also be converted to CS:S , i presonally liked it a lot.
I think they should fix the hitboxes instead of making new models, new models is fun for about 5 minutes.
Laguna said:
I think they should fix the hitboxes instead of making new models, new models is fun for about 5 minutes.
I totally agree with you, thats what i always complain about, and forgot to mention it , its rediculous, im seeing it more and more, the hitboxes are horrible, how many times have u been blank range with ur AK47 the guy kills you , you then check your consol and it says 0 damage... :flame:

So i decided to put new skins on the models to see where i hit them clearly... and here is what i oftenly get!

I don't like this new CT model...I prefer the current one. Hopefully they'll have all the CSS models available for selection at some point.
Hobo89 said:
So i decided to put new skins on the models to see where i hit them clearly... and here is what i oftenly get!

Dude, those "skins"... it's a model hack.