Weekly Steam Update (14/10/05)


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
My favourite apocalypse premise, after nuclear fallout and Godzilla, has to be zombies. I mean you really can’t get much cooler than the living undead; rotting flesh, desire for brains, lack of a pulse… who wouldn’t want to be attacked by zombies? [br] [br] …Well, OK, maybe not everyone craves to have their brains scooped out of their cold skulls and eaten like jelly by something that’s clinically dead, but at least I’m not alone in my fetish for zombies- VALVe, with their latest Steam Update promoting a short film called "Zombie Movie", obviosuly love the blighters too. Rock on! ...Or shamble on... or something. [br]
[br]See for yourself by reading this week‘s Steam update; click here or restart Steam.

. So, this week we're stepping outside of our usual focus to tell you about our new favorite short film. It's called Zombie Movie. [br] A Valve employee named Mike Asquith is one of 2chums, who made the movie. Its official world-premiere is tomorrow (Saturday October 15) at Screamfest L.A. (click for show time and details), and we think that every Steam user in the area should be there. Ideally, attendance should reach call-the-fire-marshal levels.
Nuclear fallout and zombies often mix with sechsy results.

Sadly, there has yet to be a Godzilla-zombie crossover.

But then again, the myriad G characters have come back from the dead often enough that they might count.
I was hoping for a second that they'd seen ZM :O
Humm, seems interesting, wish i could go see it :/
These Steam updates are beginning to become power abuse. I don't want to sit there along with ten-trillion other people and read about something that I can only do if I live in another city.

Tired of these excessive, worthless news flashes.
I was secretly hoping for They Hunger Source
*dies of disappointment*
Valve's Steam Update said:
Be sure to say hi to Mike when you see him at the screening. (And just so you don't feel the need to ask him personally when HL2 Lost Coast is going to be released: we're shooting for the end of the month.)

You guys saw this right? (If you didn't already know)...
Dario D. said:
Tired of these excessive, worthless news flashes.

Quit bitching and disable them if you're tired of it. Jesus christ.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Quit bitching and disable them if you're tired of it. Jesus christ.
Steam updates are good. I want to see them. But 1: I don't want a moment by moment play of what's going on with a title, and 2: I don't want to read through an update only to realize it's an utter waste of time. The updates that aren't 1 or 2, I want to see. So do the millions of other steam users who are now reading about the festival in LA that they cant attend, showing the video about zombies that they don't care about. Maybe one day they can make an update when everyone can watch it.

Think before venting off.
Dario D. said:
Steam updates are good. I want to see them. But 1: I don't want a moment by moment play of what's going on with a title, and 2: I don't want to read through an update only to realize it's an utter waste of time. The updates that aren't 1 or 2, I want to see. So do the millions of other steam users who are now reading about the festival in LA that they cant attend, showing the video about zombies that they don't care about. Maybe one day they can make an update when everyone can watch it.

Think before venting off.

But you forget one thing: How do they know who wants to see it and who doesn't? I live in Alabama and, who knows, maybe I am that much of a freak to want to go to this thing. And I, for one, am going to watch this movie the second I can. I am interested in it. I am glad they told me about it. I'm glad Valve is getting some well deserved attention (no matter how vague it may seem). The fact is, they want to announce good news that has to do with them in ANY way. They can't figure out who is going to care and who isn't. Solution? Give it to everyone. Cheers.
I don't know if I like all of this tons of stuff sold on steam, deal. It's becoming some kind of digital shopping network, and really I am only interested in what its made for- Valve games.
i absolutely love steam and what valve are doing with it. it feels nice to get these messages from such a successful company sent directly to me, just to let me know whats going on.
Dario D. said:
Steam updates are good. I want to see them. But 1: I don't want a moment by moment play of what's going on with a title, and 2: I don't want to read through an update only to realize it's an utter waste of time. The updates that aren't 1 or 2, I want to see. So do the millions of other steam users who are now reading about the festival in LA that they cant attend, showing the video about zombies that they don't care about. Maybe one day they can make an update when everyone can watch it.

Think before venting off.
I live in England and I'm interested.
Dario D. said:
Steam updates are good. I want to see them. But 1: I don't want a moment by moment play of what's going on with a title, and 2: I don't want to read through an update only to realize it's an utter waste of time. The updates that aren't 1 or 2, I want to see. So do the millions of other steam users who are now reading about the festival in LA that they cant attend, showing the video about zombies that they don't care about. Maybe one day they can make an update when everyone can watch it.

Think before venting off.

No, Stop Bitchin! Bitch
Disaable if you feel the need to come over here and bitch about it, you diserve to be bitch slaped.
It's not like this is some dry, corporate thing. Someone at Valve has made this, and everybody there is proud of it and want us to know. Who cares if it isn't directly related to Steam (even though as someone pointed out, it is)? Open your mind a little. The guys writing these things are humans too, you know.
hmm ok... nice but why should I care about this movie? LA is almoste at the other side of the world for me.

Ow and why do they send movie news on a game network system?
Betelgeuze said:
hmm ok... nice but why should I care about this movie? LA is almoste at the other side of the world for me.

Ow and why do they send movie news on a game network system?

So you are pissed off because valve wasted a minute of your life?
Betelgeuze said:
hmm ok... nice but why should I care about this movie? LA is almoste at the other side of the world for me.

Ow and why do they send movie news on a game network system?
Maybe it is something to do with the fact that it is being released on Steam? It says so right on their website
guchi said:
So you are pissed off because valve wasted a minute of your life?
Well, from his lacking of showing us a REASON to be upset because he decided he wanted to read a pop-up from Steam...I'd say it took him a good 5-10 minutes.

Seriously dude..you don't like it, don't read it. If your minutes are so precious, why do you waste time with games/game message boards/reading pop-ups?
WTF... My Steam looks different now... Any way to change it back?
Kouler said:
WTF... My Steam looks different now... Any way to change it back?

That made me laugh real hard. Thanks.

But seriously, no. That is the new GUI.
Dario D. said:
These Steam updates are beginning to become power abuse. I don't want to sit there along with ten-trillion other people and read about something that I can only do if I live in another city.

Tired of these excessive, worthless news flashes.

Well, we can choose between two kinds of updates.
1. Updates every week, where most updates are fairly uninteresting to most.
2. Updates right before something concerning valve-games is actually going to happen.

I know some people would prefer 2, but I, and I suspect the wast majority, prefers 1. I like getting life-signs from VALVe, even though nothing is being released in the coming week. Sure, I don't truly need 8 news-updates about a 40minute tech-demo, but I truly like getting them.

VALVe are also using the steam-network to pimp things that are not directly related to themselves. Examples being rdkf and this movie. I suppose that's what you're refering to as "power abuse"? Well, guess what? That's the exact thing steam is meant to do! Steam is a multi purpose content deliviery platform, and, despite its many shortcomings, currently the best in the world. They have the power to pick up tiny games like rdkf and promote things their employees work on like this movie. That is indeed true power. Abuse? I don't think so.

boglito is right. The majority will choose for number one, and so shall I.

And those updates are far from uninteresting to me tbh.
Dario D. said:
Steam updates are good. I want to see them. But 1: I don't want a moment by moment play of what's going on with a title, and 2: I don't want to read through an update only to realize it's an utter waste of time. The updates that aren't 1 or 2, I want to see. So do the millions of other steam users who are now reading about the festival in LA that they cant attend, showing the video about zombies that they don't care about. Maybe one day they can make an update when everyone can watch it.

Think before venting off.

Ok, we'll tell to Valve to update only with the news interesting for you. Other news, maybe interesting for someone else, will not be on Steam update. Steam has been made for you alone, of course :)
Lol, nice update news :D

@the complainers

May I remind you this is about the third update news this week

We have got Ragdoll Kung Fu and the New Steam GUI

Valve has done a hellava lot this week
Dario D. said:
These Steam updates are beginning to become power abuse. I don't want to sit there along with ten-trillion other people and read about something that I can only do if I live in another city.

Tired of these excessive, worthless news flashes.

You are so right, this realy suckz!!!
So you are pissed off because valve wasted a minute of your life?
Who said I was pissed flameboy? Its from people like you that I get pissed off.
The fact is that this steam news is realy useless for European gamers, and that has nothing to do with complaining or wasting a min of my life.

3 Month ago I was in the US for the first time and I realy like the country and the poeple, but you people should remember you are not the only gamers in the world. A little more respect for European gamers would be nice.

-US gamers already had the PSP for 4 months when it was released in Europe.
-DOD:S was released on Tuesday 1AM in Belgium(in the US Monday at 4PM)
-This news post is only for US people because, LA is almoste at the other side of the world for us.
-For European people its hard to buy games from steam.
-If we dont talk English in-game we get kicked or banned.
I can give a lot of examples like this

Those are all small things and its not a big problem for me, but its still not nice.
Lost Coast

RaBiD WeAzEL said:
Valve's Steam Update said:
Be sure to say hi to Mike when you see him at the screening. (And just so you don't feel the need to ask him personally when HL2 Lost Coast is going to be released: we're shooting for the end of the month.)

You guys saw this right? (If you didn't already know)...

Did anyone of you read RaBiD WeAzEL's Post? Search it for "Lost Coast"...
Betelgeuze said:
Who said I was pissed flameboy? Its from people like you that I get pissed off.
The fact is that this steam news is realy useless for European gamers, and that has nothing to do with complaining or wasting a min of my life.

3 Month ago I was in the US for the first time and I realy like the country and the poeple, but you people should remember you are not the only gamers in the world. A little more respect for European gamers would be nice.

-US gamers already had the PSP for 4 months when it was released in Europe.
-DOD:S was released on Tuesday 1AM in Belgium(in the US Monday at 4PM)
-This news post is only for US people because, LA is almoste at the other side of the world for us.
-For European people its hard to buy games from steam.
-If we dont talk English in-game we get kicked or banned.
I can give a lot of examples like this

Those are all small things and its not a big problem for me, but its still not nice.
The fact is that valve are based in the US, its not like its going to move to Belgium just so it can please people in europe. The earth is round, I know, it sucks.
Sure, the movie is being screened in LA, but im sure that if Mike Asquith got the chance to put it in cinemas in Europe, or anywhere else in the world for that matter, he definently would. And as people already have pointed out, it is apparently being released on steam, so there you go.

How is it hard to buy games from steam if you're in Europe? its global, I had no problem with it at all. The fact that steam offers 13 languages is pretty multiculturaly friendly enough.

And, Valve has nothing to do with the PSP or the server admins kicking people for not speaking english, I know you never said they did, but there is no point in complaining about injustice to Europe here.
The fact is that valve are based in the US, its not like its going to move to Belgium just so it can please people in europe. The earth is round, I know, it sucks.
Yes, thats the same thing I was saying! I never said they had to move to Europe or release the movie in Europe, I only said that I didnt care of the fact that the movie will be release in LA. I thinks its nice for Mike Asquith to have a news post like this but for me its useless. Nothings in this newspost is intresting or exciting for me.

How is it hard to buy games from steam if you're in Europe? its global, I had no problem with it at all. The fact that steam offers 13 languages is pretty multiculturaly friendly enough.
Look at all the complains when a new game is released from about people who cant buy the game.

And, Valve has nothing to do with the PSP or the server admins kicking people for not speaking english, I know you never said they did, but there is no point in complaining about injustice to Europe here.
I know that Valve has nothing to do with PSP and those server admins... Its only an example.
And Im not complaining, Im telling facts! I also said those things are not a big problem for me. Read before you post, and dont post things that are not treu.
Betelgeuze said:
Who said I was pissed flameboy? Its from people like you that I get pissed off.
The fact is that this steam news is realy useless for European gamers, and that has nothing to do with complaining or wasting a min of my life.

3 Month ago I was in the US for the first time and I realy like the country and the poeple, but you people should remember you are not the only gamers in the world. A little more respect for European gamers would be nice.

-US gamers already had the PSP for 4 months when it was released in Europe.
-DOD:S was released on Tuesday 1AM in Belgium(in the US Monday at 4PM)
-This news post is only for US people because, LA is almoste at the other side of the world for us.
-For European people its hard to buy games from steam.
-If we dont talk English in-game we get kicked or banned.
I can give a lot of examples like this

Those are all small things and its not a big problem for me, but its still not nice.

Did you seriously just play the country card? Geez... sometimes I wonder if people know what respect really means.
Betelgeuze said:
Who said I was pissed flameboy? Its from people like you that I get pissed off.
The fact is that this steam news is realy useless for European gamers, and that has nothing to do with complaining or wasting a min of my life.

3 Month ago I was in the US for the first time and I realy like the country and the poeple, but you people should remember you are not the only gamers in the world. A little more respect for European gamers would be nice.

-US gamers already had the PSP for 4 months when it was released in Europe.
-DOD:S was released on Tuesday 1AM in Belgium(in the US Monday at 4PM)
-This news post is only for US people because, LA is almoste at the other side of the world for us.
-For European people its hard to buy games from steam.
-If we dont talk English in-game we get kicked or banned.
I can give a lot of examples like this

Those are all small things and its not a big problem for me, but its still not nice.

Want some whine with that cheees?
^Ben said:
Want some whine with that cheees?
It's cheese with that wine, moron. You sound like Biff.

I think everyone needs to stop arguing and let Betelgeuze express his complaints without being hammered down. Don't agree with him? Then go away. He has his right to complain. And he even has some valid points there! I'd much rather prefer weekly news posts that aren't about some new movie coming out in some random place. Remember the old ones?
Thx vegeta. I do nothing wrong by telling that this steam news is useless for me and I dont care what you people think about that. Im not going to lie about it! "Cool, a movie at the other side of the world, very intresting!"

If you fanboys only want to flame then talk to the hand! Starting a flamewar is as useless as the steam news because I dont care.