Weird Arguments #1


Mar 3, 2005
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Pretend that this is how WWIII started, lets say that USA acts as Germany (they are comparable powers). Now lets say that for some reason the US says "Hey Canada we want your Beavers!" and then they take over Canada. The UN is angry and tells the US to get out of Canada, the US says "No, we like them Beavers!" So feeling confident the US begins to invade Mexico, the rest of the world is really mad now so they begin to try and forcibly stop the US from taking over all of North America. And thus WWIII begins.

The main point of this is do you think the US would be able to fight the whole world and win? In WWII of course the allies won, but it was close, and now the US is probably even stronger today than Germany was back in the 1930's and 1940's. I don't think any country even comes close to the military strength of the US. So who do you think would win the US or World and why? ... assuming we don't destroy ourselves with nuclear weapons.

BTW I know this is really stupid, its just today I have nothing better to do, and maybe we can get a good discussion going. :cheers:
Yea, Russia would roll over us. They got some crazy shit now...
Tough to say. We've got a strong military, but we've also got an assload more territory to try and hold than Germany did in WWII. Also, Germany had a bunch of allies.
Deadline said:
Yea, Russia would roll over us. They got some crazy shit now...

Russia WAS strong... during the cold war.
As soon as the US tried to take a nuclear armed country, nuclear war would break out.
Noone would win, we'd be ash.
bliink said:
As soon as the US tried to take a nuclear armed country, nuclear war would break out.
Noone would win, we'd be ash.

Me says:
assuming we don't destroy ourselves with nuclear weapons.
The US against the entire world? Uh, I love my country and all, but uh, the odds are not with us on that. :)
Jeez bliink. Aren't mods supposed to read the entire post?
I wouldnt mind America uniting the world, it's just it.. takes time and appreciation for other peoples views and ways of life, and neo conservatives arnt ideal world leader's in that respect.

global capitalist society? no thanks.. that would get us nowhere fast, think of all the selfishness, and corruption.. argh the pain. Id have to say Russia ,, they occupy the largest land mass on the planet, The rest of the world is the cheese, America and Russia are the top and bottom pieces of bread, if they squeeze, we get flattened or squished out the side... but recent tension build up is due to critical energy demand which has been a factor in fueling recent event's.. who ever holds control of world oil supplies atm, is basically in charge of the world that we have created for ourselves.
Wow, I thought that everyone would think that the US would kick the world's ass, C'mon they have alien technology at their disposal :laugh:
true that,, but its not really alien :P,, although aliens could possess the same technology, I know what they have though, and how it works. They just would never own up to having top secret black project's... that the American tax payer unknowingly funds.
Deadline said:
Yea, Russia would roll over us. They got some crazy shit now...
They may have 100000 tanks but they can't get them over here, a little thing called Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Thats another thing, the US has toooo many top secret/experimental military projects to count.
Datrix said:
Thats another thing, the US has toooo many top secret/experimental military projects to count.
Thats a bad thing? :smoking:
Milkman said:
Thats a bad thing? :smoking:

Not for us. :) I bet we got the Canadians shaking in their fur coats though. :P But the WHOLE world?! At once?! I dunno, seems like a long shot to me.
Well, to start off - The US wouldn't be able to take Canada over because Canada owns and we'd kill all y'all ma ****as lol
Well I guess its not a bad thing If you live in the US

now that depends what they are using it for,, this is 1940's/1950's discovered technology that has been ignored because of the already established status quo, the antigravity technologies arnt just new technology, they give insight into other operandi of our universe, that changes peoples view of science and life quite drastically, for the established status quo thats not a good thing atall, it threatens the integrity of their job, and belief's, so the technology is easy to contain, It render's rocket's obsolete , not good news for fuel company's, it superseed's the potential for everything transport based not good news for lockheed, and boeing's present market. Also most pronounceably because we are perpetuated to believe that it's 'science fiction' and therefore isnt real. What people cant concieve or calculate often result's in ignorance and lack of belief, but its not about belief its about the physical reality of these covert technologies, that are astounding, eletrokinetic's is another coined phraise for antigravity , google it.

But Russia also has the technology, its a black project stand off. The real power here comes from knowledge ;)
xLostx said:
Well, to start off - The US wouldn't be able to take Canada over because Canada owns and we'd kill all y'all ma ****as lol

No, unfortunatly we would probably surrender within the first few minutes :laugh: And Clarky I don't think Russia has technology even close to the advanced technology that the US posseses.
I think you'll find they very much do atleast possess the same amount of knowledge of its operation atleast. But we dont really know, but my guess is Russia wont of given up its project's so lightly.. black project's operate outside the juristiction of government. They could of collapsed when the soviet union collapsed, but there's no way of telling.
clarky003 said:
I think you'll find they very much do atleast possess the same amount of knowledge of its operation atleast. But we dont really know, but my guess is Russia wont of given up its project's so lightly.. black project's operate outside the juristiction of government. They could of collapsed when the soviet union collapsed, but there's no way of telling.

I don't know, I never seen a country feed money into its military like the US does (maybe North Korea too :) )
true that :P, Im so looking forward to the day these project's are exposed, they are treading thin ice, the public arnt as stupid as they used to be, all that tied into a new wave of science that explain's the technologies operation and you have outside awareness to naw into the secretive ways of these Biggot's in charge of it all.
The US keeps asking for permission to weaponize space, but we all know that there is a nuke hidden inside the Hubble telescope ;) :laugh:
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Jeez bliink. Aren't mods supposed to read the entire post?

I took a liberty.
Such a war would be impossible without nukes getting involved.

Its like asking, "Assuming deep space was full of air, what kind of spaceship would you prefer? The enterprise, or an x-wing?"
The U.S would own. Think about it, who else in the world comes remotley close to the U.S?
Britian, China and Russia of course. But since Datrix says no nukes there goes Russia which only leaves Britian and China as the main defence against an onslaught and of course New Zealand...
bliink said:
I took a liberty.
Such a war would be impossible without nukes getting involved.

Its like asking, "Assuming deep space was full of air, what kind of spaceship would you prefer? The enterprise, or an x-wing?"
You don't think mutually assured destruction would keep the nukes at bay? You think countries would rather be totally obliterated than be under our occupation? I submit that such a war is ENTIRELY possible without the involvment of nukes.
Ha, England will fall to America over my cold dead body.
In other words, no.
bliink said:
I took a liberty.
Such a war would be impossible without nukes getting involved.

Its like asking, "Assuming deep space was full of air, what kind of spaceship would you prefer? The enterprise, or an x-wing?"

Wow, jeez, thankyou for making my question look sssoooo dumb, I know thats its impossible... but just pretend that Canada sent out all of there Beavers to chew on the nukes, ok? :D
lePobz said:
Ha, England will fall to America over my cold dead body.
In other words, no.
Truely, the US military shudders at the might of lePobz's bouncy avatar.
We need to settle this in a game of BF2 one day.
lePobz said:
Ha, England will fall to America over my cold dead body.
In other words, no.

*Cough* Revolutionary War. *Cough* :P
dart321 said:
*Cough* Revolutionary War. *Cough* :P
Jesus man, how old do you think I am? :laugh:

Shens ... good idea, does BF2 support animated sprays? :D
Datrix said:
Wow, jeez, thankyou for making my question look sssoooo dumb, I know thats its impossible... but just pretend that Canada sent out all of there Beavers to chew on the nukes, ok? :D

Hmm.. well, someone like china that has a massive standing army would smash the US if it could get its troops over there.
I think it would pan out much differently.

I think if the United States started doing that, some nations would object and declare war. But nations like China and others would stay neutral for trade and to prevent mutually assured destruction, and simply start doing the same to to places like Taiwan.

Eventually the wars would end, and there'd be like 3-5 superpowers, in a 1984esque world. Maybe without the authoritarianism to THAT extent, but at least as far as the political situation goes.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I think it would pan out much differently.

I think if the United States started doing that, some nations would object and declare war. But nations like China and others would stay neutral for trade and to prevent mutually assured destruction, and simply start doing the same to to places like Taiwan.

Eventually the wars would end, and there'd be like 3-5 superpowers, in a 1984esque world. Maybe without the authoritarianism to THAT extent, but at least as far as the political situation goes.

Yeah I think some countries would stay neutral untill they are attacked (sorta like Pearl Harbour in WWII)
bliink said:
Hmm.. well, someone like china that has a massive standing army would smash the US if it could get its troops over there.

US has air superiority over China (and just about all countries with the exception of England and maybe Russia (soon to change with the F/A-22)). If we fought them on Chinese soil, we would most probably win statistically speaking. Now if they came over here ... uh oh.
dart321 said:
US has air superiority over China (and just about all countries with the exception of England and maybe Russia (soon to change with the F/A-22)). If we fought them on Chinese soil, we would most probably win statistically speaking. Now if they came over here ... uh oh.

Yeah the US is kinda weak on the homefront right now with most of their troops abroad "fighting terrorism"
Datrix said:
Yeah the US is kinda weak on the homefront right now with most of their troops abroad "fighting terrorism"
You'd better hope Jacques Chirac isn't reading these forums, he'd take that piece of info and put it to good use.