Weird Phobias

AntiAnto said:
Oh! Once a girl in my classroom wanted to make a joke to my teacher who had a huge fear of spiders. She just brought a rubber spider in the classroom and put it on her desk. My teacher started to scream hystericaly and she got out of the classroom for at least 20 min. When she came back, she was crying. All that to say that sometimes phobeia can be really serious and you're better not make joke on it.

Which is why you have a Ronald McDonald avatar. :D
Shens said:
Which is why you have a Ronald McDonald avatar. :D

Hmmm... right. Well, at least I chose this avatar when I didn't know of his condition.
I dun have any phobias. :(

And on the topic of yer avatar AntiAnto... it's prolly the dumbest, most annoying avatar I've ever seen. I truly do hate it, and it makes me want to slap you through the computer for using such a stupid picture. Sorry, I just had to get that off me chest. :D
Samon said:
When i was younger, i used to have these nightmare type things in which i would shrink, and everything in the room would look as if it was far away, it completley freaked me out, and i would wake up sweating.
So I'm not alone! Wow, I thought I was the only one.

*Hugs everyone in a support group kind of way*
Letters said:
And on the topic of yer avatar AntiAnto... it's prolly the dumbest, most annoying avatar I've ever seen. I truly do hate it, and it makes me want to slap you through the computer for using such a stupid picture. Sorry, I just had to get that off me chest. :D

Guess why I chose this one :D And I'll probably keep it for the rest of my time here.
I know someone who has an intense phobia of.... peanut butter. She can't be in the same room if it's about.

But get this; She can handle it if it's in the jar with the lid on, but remove that lid and she's gone.

The one time she tried to explain it was something to do with bits of it getting stuck on the roof of her mouth...
qckbeam said:
I'm terribly afraid of clowns. I'm also terribly afraid of driving. I dread getting behind the wheel of a car, and I really do mean dread.

I think it goes without saying that this is just about the scariest goddamn thing my little mind can imagine.

You should read Stephen King's IT. It's got a scary clown in... as well as many other spooky stuff, like flying eye sucking leeches! Raaarr! It's a quality book too, of course.
burner69 said:
You should read Stephen King's IT. It's got a scary clown in... as well as many other spooky stuff, like flying eye sucking leeches! Raaarr! It's a quality book too, of course.
Look at his profile picture, dude. Cuz apparently you missed the little exchange in this thread between him and me.
Walloonaphobia...fear of the Walloons, or people from southern Belgium I think..I kid you not, check it out.
I use to have dreams where my neighbors dog would either start talking or eating my brother or chasing him or somthing and I would try to run or warn him but I would be in super slow motion and I couldn't really move or talk at all I could do is stand there and watch...I had these dreams A LOT when I was younger.
I have a big fear of spiders. When I was a kid, we used to get a few wolf spiders in the house and my mom would go nuts. To make it even worse, a few years later, I had another incident. I was getting ready for bed and changing into some more comfortable clothes. I slipped a t-shirt on but felt something moving around on my armpit. I slapped it off and saw a huge spider land on the floor. That threw me over the edge. I hate insects but spiders take the cake. :x

Wolf spider:


I used to have some social phobias but now Im getting over them. :)

I also fear losing a limb and having to live without the use of that appendage. Last night I had a dream that my hand got mangled in a car accident. The doctors showed up on the scene and had to amputate my hand right there on the spot. They didn't give me a painkiller or anything. I woke up soon after all sweaty. I have some terrible nightmares. :(
I woke up with a spider in my mouth once, I ate it on accident (was akuve when I first woke up and then I swallowed it) that scared me at first but then I laughed. But in general I cant stand spiders because they move really creepily and are just generally gross. ;(
qckbeam said:
I'm terribly afraid of clowns. I'm also terribly afraid of driving. I dread getting behind the wheel of a car, and I really do mean dread.

I think it goes without saying that this is just about the scariest goddamn thing my little mind can imagine.

Whats scary about clowns...?
DoctorGordon said:
Whats scary about clowns...?
Yeah! I've never really understood this phobia myself. But a whole bunch of people have it. Perhaps it stems from going to the circus as a child and being scared of them then?

johnnypoopoopant said:
i have (whatever you call height in latin + phobia)
Yeah, same here. It's called acrophobia (just remember acrobats are high in the air. Only really extreme heights though...but surprisingly I'm not scared when I look out the window of an air plane.
DoctorGordon said:
Whats scary about clowns...?
Its the whole super-happiness aspect. False sense of security I guess. Your in a circus, dragged there unwillingly, really unhappy then some clown comes up laughing and making jokes before throwing a bucket of shredded paper over you. :|

Watching IT at a young age didnt help...Damn you Tim Curry!!
Dude, there was this terribly geeky girl in my previous school that was afraid of anything that was made of rubber! It was so funny. But she was really annoying, she kept saying something blah blah Jesus and god, she just wouldn't shutup about religion and she got sooooooo bullied and she totally deserved it. If I'd tell you all I knew about her you would probably bully her too. I remember when I was like 9 and I chased her around the school garden with a brick hahaha :) :cheers:
-Viper- said:
So I'm not alone! Wow, I thought I was the only one.

*Hugs everyone in a support group kind of way*

Time to set up a charity. :cheers:

I'm actually quite glad, that i'm not the only one who had it.