Weird questions....


Jul 25, 2004
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ah yes the riddles of life!

why do men have nipples?
why does george bush at official events throw up the horns? is he phucking metal?
Why does ozzy osbourne, a rock legend, have his own tv show?

ask away!
i dont know the awnser to the second 2 but the first one is because we are all originally female in the womb, males develop in the womb from a common female embryo.
short recoil said:
i dont know the awnser to the second 2 but the first one is because we are all originally female in the womb, males develop in the womb from a common female embryo.
really? well, you learn something new every day!

post your questions, will educate you. :LOL:
HAHA.. lol

Why do people say lol?

Why do people ¨ Waste¨ their time on the internet? ( As my mom says sometimes ) [ I DO not think it is a waste of time ]
why do people drive slow in the fast lane? ...a cookie for anyone who can answer that
"Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"
ahh, yes.

But to answer your question, i dont know :(
SupremePain said:
why does george bush at official events throw up the horns? is he phucking metal?

University of Texas, goof. "Hook 'em, horns!"
People drive slow in the fast lane to annoy you, CptStern.
The horns has a lot of symbolic meaning. Probably goes back to the illuminati or one of the various shadowy organizations that control the world. Kinda like the pyramid and eye on the dollar bill
Why do we exist?

Ohhh, if someone can answer that, well... hmmm... he has the right to not being called a garbage disposer.
Why do we instinctively stand in lines, even when there's no sign or when no one asks us to? Better yet, when someone cuts in front, why do we have to make a scene and aruge with them? Why don't we just cut in front of them?
Why is it when some homophobe hugs you, they'll tell you not to worry because; "They aren't gay."

Surely by that logic they could f**k me in the ass, and it would all be fine because "They're not gay." Crazy people.
We are just an Ultra Uber leet video game and god Is the haxxor!
Wait a homophode hugs you and you're bothered about it?

What makes Chocolate Oranges so eatable? Really, I enver used to be able to but I just can't help myself now.
Who ate all the pies?

...oh...right...that fat bastard. Nevermind!
KagePrototype said:
Why do we instinctively stand in lines, even when there's no sign or when no one asks us to? Better yet, when someone cuts in front, why do we have to make a scene and aruge with them? Why don't we just cut in front of them?

That's ancient British tradition, ingrained into our psyche from the day of our birth.

In other many other countries it's every man for himself.

Edit: Hoho Marksman :p
KagePrototype said:
Why do we instinctively stand in lines, even when there's no sign or when no one asks us to? Better yet, when someone cuts in front, why do we have to make a scene and aruge with them? Why don't we just cut in front of them?

You know I think thats a British thing..... strange :rolling:

Oh and I agree about the chocolate orange thing..... :thumbs:
Naw, we stand in lines here...we're just not as good at it. They're more like funnels here...
Or funnerals

Actually thats a good point. Why don't we party at funnerals? The Irish do, and if they do it then by jove so will I.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Or funnerals

Actually thats a good point. Why don't we party at funnerals? The Irish do, and if they do it then by jove so will I.
That's like a funeral, only happier, right?
Why does it bleed when I puncture my skin with knives...:(

Nah, j/k. I'm in a funny mood today :rolling:

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...Does
that mean the fifth one enjoys it?
Here at Ed the clown's morgue and Pizza place/arcade, We have tons of things to do you can have a slice while we burry your loved one or play SONIC THE HEDDGE HOG until we are done with the creamation...So come on down caz we put the FUN in funeral home!
3 out of 4 girls have a problem with incest in their home......does that mean the other one doesn't mind?

Edit: sry bout the double post.
what EXACTLY are hiccups?

Why does sleeping longer make you more tired?

Stole these from an Irish comedian...classic!!!!
Are people without legs offend By the phrase "United we stand, Divided we fall" btw the site for redundant Q's is This Site
Farrowlesparrow said:
What makes Chocolate Oranges so eatable? Really, I enver used to be able to but I just can't help myself now.
They're so good... Mmmmmm. but why do they say "Tap and unwrap" when actually they're one of the hardest things to batter apart?
I once saw a girl bludgeon her boyfriend over the head with one of those bastards in an attempt get it open. It was hilarious.
el Chi said:
They're so good... Mmmmmm. but why do they say "Tap and unwrap" when actually they're one of the hardest things to batter apart?
I once saw a girl bludgeon her boyfriend over the head with one of those bastards in an attempt get it open. It was hilarious.
Use a sledgehammer.
If you were driving a car at the speed of light, what would happen when you turn your head lights on?
Because they are over-paranoid sometimes :p

btw, I got one question : Why do we need to use 3 instead of E?
Blakeb155 said:
If you were driving a car at the speed of light, what would happen when you turn your head lights on?

Ah the realms of special relativity.
The light would be travelling at the speed of light from the point of view of you, and a stationary observer.

Time dialates and length contracts in various reference frames just to make sure that light consistently travels at a constant speed for everyone.
Why do we park in a driveway and drive in a parkway?

If olive oil comes from olives, what does baby oil come from?

How long DOES it take to get to the center of a tootise roll pop?

If you set fire to a stinky sock, would it burn faster?
Javes said:
Is religion relevant in modern day society?
How could such a large percentage of women think Hitler was good looking?
Why do i care about this thread?
1. in young countrys, yes (america)
2. because he.... uhm was short, ugly and....
3. because you, like the rest of us, have little or no life at all and hang out at a internet forum ;)
kirovman said:
Ah the realms of special relativity.
The light would be travelling at the speed of light from the point of view of you, and a stationary observer.

Time dialates and length contracts in various reference frames just to make sure that light consistently travels at a constant speed for everyone.

yes :rolling:

erm.. i agree!