Weirdest Computer Experiences...

Originally posted by FortisVir
On the subject of flash animations, has anyone seen the one where you are supposedly trying to find waldo? After about a half a minute, an image of a woman who looks like a freaking vampire comes up along with a loud screaming sound. I was screaming at the same time my computer was haha.

Also, even though this doesn't involve my computer, it creeped me out for a while:

I was playing the dam level on Goldeneye and I had killed everyone in the area with the little garage. I saw one guy in the distance and I went up to him but he wasn't moving at all.

You know how the models heads were kinda blocky? Well this guy had one face on each side of his head. I turned the power off and ran down the stairs haha.

This was years ago and I still remember it.

I've seen that one. Belive me, I've loged hundreds of hours playing Goldeneye. Sometimes the guy's hats would be made out of faces.
Its funny to screw around with the game once you know every single bit of it. Did you ever get ALL of the cheats? I DID!!! (without using any cheat codes)
Damn it, I want to play goldeneye!

Heres a scary thing in a ever play Metal Gear Solid 2? Ya know the part near the end when your running around naked and you keep getting the screwed up messages from that guy? My friends never told me about that and when I first got to that part it was 3 in the morning. I thought my ps2 was going to explode or somthing! Or ghosts had infected my game.
Ok, so mine's not strictly computer related but I think you'll agree its pretty weird. About a year or so ago when I was putting clothes into the washing machine I heard this faint sort of static noise. When I moved back from the unit to try and find the source, the noise got stronger, probably because I'd been blocking the frequency. Anyway, about five or so minutes later the static actually broke out into talking, just distinguishable as two or three guys chatting, I think via a CB radio. Having called by dad to see what the heck was going on, we managed to determine that it was actually the washing machine, picking up the radio frequency by itself.

Incredible as it may seem, I went and did some net research right after the noise faded again (a whack on the side of the machine and it faded with a crackle!) and apparently its not uncommon for household devices to pick up radio interference.
I'd say the weirdest thing for me was before I had a firewall. While playing games (Mostly CS, since I just learned about it and was playing it alot), my disk drive would get randomly read for about 1 minute every 5 or so minutes.. I assume it was a port scanner somehow accessing my disk drive, or something.. went away when I got my firewall
Originally posted by Fender357

Heres a scary thing in a ever play Metal Gear Solid 2? Ya know the part near the end when your running around naked and you keep getting the screwed up messages from that guy? My friends never told me about that and when I first got to that part it was 3 in the morning. I thought my ps2 was going to explode or somthing! Or ghosts had infected my game.

Yeah I remember that part, freaked me out too when I first started experiencing it. Heres an actual quote of one of the whacko conversations you have with him (source: gameFAQs)

*minor spoilers I guess*

Campbell: "Raiden, turn the game console off right now!"
Raiden: "What did you say?"
Campbell: "The mission is a failure! Cut the power right now!"
Raiden: "What's wrong with you?"
Campbell: "Don't worry, it's a game! It's a game just like usual."
Rose: "You'll ruin your eyes playing so close to the TV."
Raiden: "What are you talking about!?"

And Tommmo, how does a washing machine pick up and play radio signals? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Edit - Is it just me, or did MGS2 have the most complicated story ever devised by man? I still don't understand it completely.
The gamecube game, Eternal Darkness, has a lot of stuff like that. Fake game over screens, Bugs crawling across the screen, opening your inventory and all your items are gone, fake restarting, your TV turning black and you can still hear stuff happening.
The First time I played eternal darkness...
This... can't... be happening!!!!

That game packed some ****ed-up special effects.

Also, I was once downloading stuff from Kazaa a few years ago. And all of a sudden I got a window pop up with a message:

You think you're a god, but you're only a piece of shit.

Then I lost all my files...

I got a router and an anti-virus program after that....

EDIT: wow.. I wrote this at the same time has Blaze... :cheers:
I 'member when I first beat MGS2 on my XBOX like 6-8 months ago, I was soooo mo'fugging confused when all that weird stuff started happening towards the end of the game. I especially hated when you're fighting the Metal Gear Ray's, when the screen would get small and say, 'GAME OVER' etc. etc. >__< I HATED THAT!

Ok... my story actually is quite a bit freakier than some of the ones on here... I didn't think it would be, but it is.

Before I got my new computer (the one that I'm on right now), our old one's speakers would pick up TONS of radio waves... but not from radio broadcasts; from truckers, lmao. But seriously though, I had heard some scary-ass shit on there, sometimes even at very early in the morning, too. I heard trucker lingo, I heard boring conversations on routes, I heard arguments about the stupidest things ever conceived... lmao... and yes, I had heard a couple *I think??* having s3cks. It was disturbing, to say the least.

But the scariest one that I had ever heard, which I can still play in my mind almost perfectly today, is one where all I heard was 2 fellows talkin' over their radios, then one's tire's screeched... short scream, cut off by static and wrecking noises, followed by more static, then moaning, then static again, and then it finally cut out. Never did find out what happened, exactly though :(.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
What was yours?

Mine was when I was connecting to the internet one day, and somehow managed to connect at the exact same time as someone phoned me (we only have one phone line). There was a really strange moment of electronic uncertainty, a strange squawk from my computer, and then this quiet little voice came through my computer speakers: "Hello? Who is this? Are you there?"

Post yours...

very easy to reproduce

ur comp just opens up the port to the phone and plays wat it receives on the speakers. so u can hear the dial tone, dialing and the annoying screeching comp language.

the phone call can be created b4 the dial-up is attempted

sorry to burst ur bubble

its a nice coincidence though.
After reading all this stuff you guys have posted, I am definitely getting a firewall.:(

And have you heard the old story about the (dental) braces that would pick up radio?:eek:

LMAO @ Dental Braces... yep, heard it. Donno' it that's 100% feasible though... o' well.

I'm off to bed too fella's. G'nite.
if your going to get a firewall I would suggest Zone Alarm. Its free and it works!
My father's Windows XP installation corrupted itself (evil spirits?), and it was time for the routine backup and reformat. Well, the cause of all this wasn't Windows XP, it was his motherboard, but now I'm deterring from the story...
He could not longer boot up his computer, since the MBR (master boot record) had also became corrupt (dark side?), along with the BIOS. The BIOS screen would not even appear, the keyboard was non-operational, and the graphics card would not be detected.
So, I took it upon myself to remove his nice 120 Gb hard-drive, insert it as a slave into my computer, and boot up. All cables where plugged in, all the switches in the back where set to cable-select, the slave cable was attached and ready for action. I boot up...
All of a sudden a stream of 0's and 1's are written across my screen, from left to right, followed by sporatic beeping.
The reason, pretty whacky. I already had a partly-operational-yet-stable-enough-to-run hard-disk attached as a slave, but since my strange motherboard will only take one master and one slave; I had to remove the slave, which contained my Debian Linux OS, as well as... Drum roll please... My bootloader.

I have a fun story to share with you guys, well it would count as someone else's weirdest computer experience:

While my friend was in the shower I took a screen of his desktop (printscreen) then removed all his icons (garbage bin) and lowered his windows taskbar so he couldn't click on it anymore. Then I pasted the desktop screen as a background so it appeared as if nothing changed even though the icons weren't there and the taskbar was hidden. Now you have to know that my friend is a total newbie when it comes to pcs so he never uses keyboard shortcuts like win+E, so when came back I was reading a magazine and he starts clicking on his icons but nothing happens. He starts panicking and says: "I've got a VIRUS!!!"... I laughed so hard, I let him go at it for 10 minutes before showing him the trick :D
LO bloody L! The world loves a bastard. That's the best prank I've heard of in ages.

Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
I have a fun story to share with you guys, well it would count as someone else's weirdest computer experience:

While my friend was in the shower I took a screen of his desktop (printscreen) then removed all his icons (garbage bin) and lowered his windows taskbar so he couldn't click on it anymore. Then I pasted the desktop screen as a background so it appeared as if nothing changed even though the icons weren't there and the taskbar was hidden. Now you have to know that my friend is a total newbie when it comes to pcs so he never uses keyboard shortcuts like win+E, so when came back I was reading a magazine and he starts clicking on his icons but nothing happens. He starts panicking and says: "I've got a VIRUS!!!"... I laughed so hard, I let him go at it for 10 minutes before showing him the trick :D


this is getting tried ...
My sister did that to her computer teacher. The teacher in question wasn't very adept at computers anyway. She (my sister) even did it to my mom. :D
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
I have a fun story to share with you guys, well it would count as someone else's weirdest computer experience:

While my friend was in the shower I took a screen of his desktop (printscreen) then removed all his icons (garbage bin) and lowered his windows taskbar so he couldn't click on it anymore. Then I pasted the desktop screen as a background so it appeared as if nothing changed even though the icons weren't there and the taskbar was hidden. Now you have to know that my friend is a total newbie when it comes to pcs so he never uses keyboard shortcuts like win+E, so when came back I was reading a magazine and he starts clicking on his icons but nothing happens. He starts panicking and says: "I've got a VIRUS!!!"... I laughed so hard, I let him go at it for 10 minutes before showing him the trick :D

lol, that reminds me of what one of my friends did at school when we were 14. There was a boy in my year who was extremely paranoid about people finding out his password and getting onto his account, so he resorted to having ridiculously long passwords consisting of symbols such as '#[@* etc. However, there was nothing of real importance on anyone's account to require such protection.

Anyway, my friend took a print screen of the desktop with the Start menu up, so that you could see the log-in name. Then, using Paint, and the Start menu font, he transferred his name out and replaced it with the boy's name. He then set the modified print screen as wallpaper.

He was doing this at the same time as the boy was in the room, and when my friend was finished he called him over claiming he was having computer troubles. When the boy glanced at the screen he reacted in a similar way to your friend, "How did YOU work out MY password!?" He looked on the verge of tears until we revealed what we had done, but alas he didn't see the funny side of it.

Also, someone posted earlier that their computer had once burst into flames. This happened with a computer at my school. It was one of those ancient Archimedes things which I think could only be obtained by collecting a few thousand Tesco vouchers or whatever. After all its loyal service over the years, one day the screen suddenly went blurred and smoke came billowing out from the ventilation, for no apparent reason.
Originally posted by Kyle2
once i asked the computer what one plus one is and it said 10


There are 10 types of people in the world; those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Originally posted by Krusty

There are 10 types of people in the world; those who understand binary, and those who don't.

You know the first time I read that, I read it literally as "There are TEN types of people..." I found it a lot funier then, before when I actually got what it meant! How strange.
Originally posted by crushenator 500
LMAO i love teachers that cant teach their own subject :D

Ever have one of those ones who only knows whatever thay read last night about the subject at hand? Or refers to their teachers handbook in the middle of class because they don't understand a shred of what they are doing? Or calls in another teacher to help them figure something out?

I tend to think of some teachers as information relays, instead of knowledge repositories.:E
I actually had an ICT teacher that had to ask me for help with MS, I'm serious! Mr. Wood was his name...thick as a plank ;).
Once...long ago in elementary school, I was sitting in my chair and I clenched my teeth and I could hear a radio station. It was crazy, I didn't move my head and listened to the radio instead of paying attention.

I think it was coming through a filling or something.
Found an interesting quote from this page on the topic of radio reception in odd devices:

"In fact there's been urban legends about a hobbyist whose 50kw transmitter in a residential area was picked up by a lady with her toilet.

"I don't mind it when they're playing music, but I really don't
like to be sitting on the toilet and hearing voices come out
from underneath me!"

I'm surprised the advertisers haven't figured out a way to do
intrusive residential advertising. It'd be like an ice cream
truck playing camp town races over and over again except with
no escape."

that'd be kinda' disturbing if the toilet started singing, "Do you seeee what IIIIII seeeee????"

When some smoke started to come out of my case. I thought the processor went on fire.
Weirdest Computer Experiences?

1. My Hardrive blowing up (honestly) I FREAKED out.. AND I WAS DOWNLOADING DAMN IT :p
2. A virus that made a window with OK and Cansel and the text "Not today!" You click cansel it goes away, click ok and it resets.. wow, Hard h4xing stuff ni?
3. When my radeon 7000 out-did a game of mine running on a radeon 9600 (fixed now, just a lil driver prob ;))
My weirdest computer moment was when my monitor stopped working. I was terrified, I did not know there was such a world outside of the computer.
This happened to me a year ago.
I was playing Half-Life and I have to lay a steamer. So I go and while crapping I smell something that's not crap. It smelled like smoke. So I pull up my pants run downstairs and go my way out of the house because I thought it was on fire. I run through my room with my computer in it and I find my monitor sitting there smoking through all of its holes and cracks. Glass is all over and there is some melted plastic on the monitor. After running around in circles screaming that I don't know how to use a fire extiguisher, I calm down and realize my monitor blew up. Scary!
Alright, I just remembered this one. I was sitting at my computer one day talking on IRC when out of nowhere *BAM* a praying mantis landed on my keyboard. I jumped like 10 feet into the air going WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!!?!?! I than turned on my webcam and forced the praying mantis to do battle with Stone Cold Steve Austin :D
A pretty funny thing happened just now in the Doom 3 alpha. It's around 1:00 AM here and I had the lights turned off. I've got the Z key bound to quickly spawn ragdoll zombies so I can pile them up. The thing is, the zombies are "alive" when you spawn them. Anyway, I was walking around the first map and I went over to that HellKnight standing in the shadows. If you've played the alpha you'd know he doesn't do anything, he just stands there. I guess the AI hasn't implemented into him yet. I was shining my flashlight at him and throwing flares to mess around with the shadows. All of I hear a roar, and it startles me so much that my finger slips and hits Z. A groaning zombie spawns right in my face. That scares the hell out of me, so I jerk the mouse around and try to run away. But when I went for the shift key (to run) I missed in the dark and hit Z again. Another zombie popped up right in front of me, multiplying the freak-out factor by about 10 (<-- That's not binary, I actually mean ten). I backed up and turned around to get away, but theres the first zombie, smacking me with his pudgy arms. By that time I was so shell-shocked it took me a couple seconds to switch to my machine gun and blow them both away. Not too wierd, but damn scary. I did have fun playing with the alpha though. Take a look at how I pinned these zombies underneath eachother so they couldn't get up. Only the fat one with the torn gut is dead but he's keeping all of the others down.
Wierd piccy.

Those Doom 3 zombies can revive, can't they? I read a story by someone with the D3 alpha, and he says that he had just shot a zombie to the ground and was crouched to take a look at the texturing on its face, and the bloomin' thing opened its eyes and tried to grab him, causing him to **** himself.

Cool, eh?
That IS pretty cool, is it true though?
Anyways, Doom3 is going to be great.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
That IS pretty cool, is it true though?
Anyways, Doom3 is going to be great.

You bet it is. All these fanboy arguments about "D3 is better than HL2" or vice versa, are pretty silly. Both games will rock, just in different areas. Doom 3 is intended to scare you silly with all that shadowplay and demonicity :)E), and HL2 is going to break the bar in immersiveness and interactivity.

And, yes, I'm pretty sure that it was true.
Originally posted by Krusty
There are 10 types of people in the world; those who understand binary, and those who don't.

you know you're a geek when you get that joke! :E
Ok, I have 2. One happend 2 my friend and one 2 me.

My friend was playing Diablo 2 with the play disc in his cd rom. All of a sudden the cd rom shoots the whole cd tray out and it whizzes just past his head. It was some no name brand CD rom 12x piece o' shit but it tried 2 kill him !!!

My problem. I have an aopen 48x Cd writer and when I write CDRW the drive makes no sound @ all. When I click "write" in nero, the little green light comes on and thats all that happens. I put my ear next 2 the drive and I hear nothing. When I write 2 normal cd's it makes a hell of a noise even if I reduce it to 24x which is what it writes @ when writing CDRW.

Are all the newer cd writers like this nowadays or just my freaky ass one ?
One time about 4 years ago we were in keyboarding class and our computers were so old you had to boot up the program in DOS. Before class started I switched the keyboard plugs with the person sitting opposite of me. When he turned on his computer I could see he was trying to type something but it showed up on my screen. After about 15 seconds I type "Hello David"(his name) to his screen. It took all the willpower I had to keep from laughing at the look on his face. Then to make it even funnier the teacher walked by me and faced him to where she could see him but not his screen and she leaned on this moniter and started to talk to him about something. When that happened I typed "Tell that bitch to get off of me now OR I WILL KILL BOTH OF YOU" and kept hitting enter and f1 so it scrolled down his screen. I was told that his scream was heard throughout the entire building. :eek:

Another funny thing I did in that class... the computers had that keyboard lock where you could use a key to lock/unlock it. The day before the finals I locked ALL of the computers and the following day we were unable to take the final! (I thought for sure they would know how to fix it but I guess they didnt.)
That's so damn funny...

Okay, this is now officialy a "Weird Computer Experiences and Computer Pranks" thread. Some of these jokes are just to funny to pass up.