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Illegal Amigo

Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
This is on a 9800 pro.


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woo! virtual mushrooms!

ahem, check for drivers and stuff.
I have the 4.9 catalysts. I'm beginning to hate my card, even though I bought it in August.
Woah... very '60s, yeah baby swinging sixties here I come!
Illegal Amigo said:
I have the 4.9 catalysts. I'm beginning to hate my card, even though I bought it in August.

Let me guess its an ASUS card?
try older drivers. i always drop back to catalyst 3.6 drivers for my 9700 pro card. dunno where you can get hold of it though, just search around.
u got probs man, because my old 9800pro was fine. and it didnt look like that.
Try changing drivers and seeing if anything changes.
Illegal Amigo said:
I have the 4.9 catalysts. I'm beginning to hate my card, even though I bought it in August.
the 4.9's are for those with service pack 2 i didnt dowload 4.9's because i dont have SP2. that might be your problem .
Bad caps= let me give you a hint. Mario and luigi. Mushroom caps. Duh. I think it looks sweet. Looks like the first LSD mod for cs.s Nice.
Yarr, I changed drivers. I don't think my mobo's the problem, this only happens in CS source. Other games work fine, like Far Cry, Doom 3, and Max Payne 2.
I've done that, twice. I've also reformatted my hard drive, and completely reinstalled steam.
Keep the bong AWAY from the fan, mate...

Did you overclock your card?
Looks like an overklocking problem, if that is what you've done. Otherwise I don't know.
I have overclocked, but everyone said that I could get no permananent damage if I did it incrementally. It's not overclocked anymore, and it never froze when I did overclock it.
artifacting caused by your card overheating. clock it down with a utility such as powerstrip, or get better cooling.
You guys are definitely right. I have a pci fan card that I turned up to high and can now play CS:S at medium graphics. It still doesn't like the High texture setting, though. Also, I'm only getting like 30 fps with a 9800 pro with medium textures. I think that's a problem too.
I have, but it's no longer overclocked. It overclocked fine, too. This is the only problem I've had with it.
do you really need to OC a 9800pro? I have a 9500pro never overclocked and i get 75 fps with all the vid settings on high.
on DX 7.0, I might add. Or 8.1.

Don't forget, you're missing a lot of the programmable shaders with that there card, partner. ;-)
What the...?
I have a RADEON9600XT and I don't have that problem...
Maybe just check your ATI settings, check your in-game settings... Just mess around with the settings a bit.
Mr.Hankey said:
What the...?
I have a RADEON9600XT and I don't have that problem...
Maybe just check your ATI settings, check your in-game settings... Just mess around with the settings a bit.

its already been solved his card was overheating he clocked it back down.
Does it only happen with CS:S?

Maybe something dealing with that is giving you a problem... Reinstall?

Like the skies are really messed up.. but everything else is just slightly... Must be a bad install.. or something to to with the game itself...

(This is from a guy who doesn't know much about how cards work)