Well, balls.


Aug 24, 2008
Reaction score
My TV tube just popped. There goes my instant-gratification free time.

I'm primarily flustered because of two things:

1. I'm about 55-60 hours into Fallout 3, with no ending to the storyline in sight.
2. The TV broke the instant I was in the middle of my personally fastest run of HL2. I was a little more than 4 hours game time (4:15 +/-), just finishing up the Gordon + Turret showdown against the incoming Combine troops before Alyx joins your party once again, just moments before reaching Mossman.

Since those are the only two Xbox360 games I own (and 2 of the 3 games I currently own period... the third of which is Age of Empires II on my laptop), I don't watch TV, let alone cable TV, and it was an old TV my mom was going to throw away if I didn't take it with me to college... all things considered, I'm not in a terribly piss-poor state of affairs. Just needed to vent that is all. Somewhere down the line I'll probably buy another one. Any suggestions for relatively low-cost TV sets? X < $200.00 would be fantastic.

To keep this relevant to the Half Life series, post the fastest time you recall getting through any of the Half Life franchise.
10 hours.

If I don't bother to get side-tracked by Zero-Point Energy Manipulator hijinks.
People often put smaller CRT TVs up on freecycle for collection. May be worth checking out your local list.
People often put smaller CRT TVs up on freecycle for collection. May be worth checking out your local list.

absolutely thats a good place to start if you dont want to spend tooo much. otherwise just scour the net
You will die in seven days.
Half-Life: 15 Hours, my least played game in the Half-Life Series, only beaten 4 Times.

Half-Life 2: 12 Hours straight, but that was when I got HL2 working again after months of only playing it about 3 times, now a year later I can beat it in about 6 hours.

Half-Life 2: Episode One: 2 Hours, Easily.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two: 6 Hours, Only ever played on my PS3 because my PC can't handle it.

Portal: 3 Hours first time, now in about 50 minutes.