Well I am faced with quite a decision.


Space Core
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
The decision unfortunately regards my penis. I've alway been aware of the fact that I have phimosis (the condition where your foreskin is non retractable) but recently I decided to do something about it due to a failed attempt at sex, which was very embarrasing. I eventually got an appointment with a urologist who gave me two options: circumcision or a prepuciolplasty. I'm sure I won't have to describe circumcision. However, a prepuciolplasty is the act of making few alterations around the foreskin to loosen it up. The advantage of this is not losing your foreskin, but it may not solve the problem in the long-term. Circumcision apparently takes away sensitivity, but it completely eliminates the problem. I counting on your personal experiences or advice to help me here.

It has also quite a big psychological effect on me, due to the pressure for me at this age to lose your virginity. Not a single person knows about this, not even any family member. In fact you are all the first people to hear about this problem. The one time I tried to have sex it was too painful, however the person involved was a virgin so she wasn't completely aware, I just blamed my failing by saying I was a useless ****.

I'm leaving you all with probably my darkest secret, so please be respectful.
Did a google on prepuciolplasty, image results pretty much cleared up what that is:


It's a personal decision dude, you can try this out and if it works well enough after a number of times, it might be enough.
Based on shows like embarrassing bodies, some guys live with this problem for many years before going to get help for. It's really good you have decided to deal with it rather than letting the psychological effect spiral.

I'm not familiar with the prepuciolplasty, would the procedure be still be a full surgical procedure like the circumcision would be? The worry obviously being that it may not loosen up enough and needing to go back for a repeat procedure. Circumcision gives you a definitive solution which I think sounds like the best long term solution. Did the urologist talk to you about the sensitivity issue or are you basing that on the circumcision debates we've had in the past? I don't believe it will be significant enough issue when having sex, getting rid of the pain is the most important thing.

Also I know that it is hard at your age to talk about these kind of things to anyone, but I would say that you should talk to your parents about it sooner rather than later. It's not serious surgery but it still is surgery and I'm sure they'll support you in the decision you make. I don't think anyone would blame you for wanting to get this sorted.
I can tell you that being circumcised isn't as bad as what you may think. Of course I have no idea what having a foreskin is like, but there's still plenty of skin there that you can slide around... Eugh okay that's enough of that.

I vote get circumcised.
Yeah, I can't say what anything is like with foreskin, but I certainly have no complaints about sexy time without it.
"Off his shoulders"? You damn foreigners with your silly expressions.
Yeah I missed that ONE sentence. I stand by the fact that if you removed that sentence, his post would be a 'hl2.net, here's the situation' thread.

And I still don't think anyone here is qualified to give him advice on goddamn circumcision (except for that one person who, iirc, actually went through with it in their adulthood?). We're not doctors.
All I want is a second opinion, I'm not letting this forum make the decision for me.
Yeah I missed that ONE sentence. I stand by the fact that if you removed that sentence, his post would be a 'hl2.net, here's the situation' thread.
Wat? When do people ever post threads like this on hl2.net and not ask for advice? Have you never heard the term helplife2.net?

He can do with the advice what he wants.
Well I had a the same problem when I was younger and ended up going down the circumcision route (in fact I wasn't offered an alternative). It was pretty madcap tbh (it's a proper full op) and you're hands off for a good month or so (not that the old chap is in the mood for much action afterwards trust me). The downside from having the circumcision was definitely the head of my penis hardening up and the eventual loss of that sensitivity. That skin is just used to being covered up most of the time, so suddenly finding itself exposed to fabrics etc is a real shock to the system, but eventually it settles down and it desensitizes. The shaft still remains sensitive naturally. Pro: I can go hours Con: I can go for hours. In terms of impact I'd say it's like going from colour TV to Black & white. You still feel the orgasm when you come, but it's nowhere near as intense as it was before.

If it's possible to get away with just a prepuciolplasty I'd say give that a shot first (I'd say a loose sheathe is better than no sheathe), and if it doesn't work then consider circumcision. I'd say it sounds like the lesser of two evils. If the option were available to me albeit the wikipedia looks nasty, I'm of given it a shot first. Hope that helps dude. If you have further questions ask away.
From what I've been reading, it sounds like prepuciolplasty is pretty satisfactory if it works, sounds like it's worth a shot.
snip that shit

less sensitivity means longer sex sessions and more explosive orgasms

I made that up

the above statement is aligned like a penis, that wasn't intentional. I can't comment on issues of foreskin, for I have never possessed one in my conscious years.
It has also quite a big psychological effect on me, due to the pressure for me at this age to lose your virginity.

I feel very little of a psychological effect on me, and I'm several years older than you. You shouldn't feel anything either, a man does what he wants, don't give into peer pressure!

Regardless, you should probably do what you feel comfortable living with long term. Since both will pretty much just improve your efforts at love making, either is good.
when I'm fully erect I can't pull down my foreskin either,do i have the same thing as OP???

Having foreskin rocks.

Do whatever involves keeping it.
when I'm fully erect I can't pull down my foreskin either,do i have the same thing as OP???


By the sounds of it yes. It's surprisingly common tbh. Effectively the foreskin should roll all the way back and the head of your penis should be freely exposed. I'd go do as the OP has and arrange to see a urologist via your doctor. Be aware, naturally they will examine you and it's a little traumatic in the 'OMG I can't believe I'm being handled by another man stakes' (I quite literally shrunk to the size of an acorn when the doc was checking me out..) however it's far less embarrassing than having a girl trying to roughly jack you off and going 'why won't it roll back?' as you practically pass out from the pain.

Better to be safe than sorry and go get yourself checked out.
when I'm fully erect I can't pull down my foreskin either,do i have the same thing as OP???


I have the same condition, it can retract when not erect and sex isn't a problem for me. Although entry is a careful procedure.
Sounds like it's only a problem if you try to force it back, just try to go for it (the pussy) without pre-rolling.
Avoid circumcision, avoid any intense surgical interventions. My friend was pushed in to a circumcision by the medical system here, because it's the easy way out. My sincere advice to you is don't let the doctor man take away any of your penis, and to ignore all the circumcised people here saying "oh it's not so bad".

I'm not sure how serious your phimosis is, but there have been cases where people have treated it simply by spending a fairly long time with various steroid creams, massaging/stretching. This isn't some bullshit pseudo-medicine, your skin has incredible stretching abilities and honestly, if I was in your position, I'd do anything I could to keep a scalpel away from my dick, even if it meant I couldn't have sex for a few months (ps that means you can practice doing other, equally great things that don't involve playing hide the sausage.)

Finally, you are going to have to tell your parents. If you're going in for one of these operations, they'll have to know. Just put on your most gruff voice, and be like "Hey there Father, I'm having a bit of a man problem with my downstairs man parts, I need some money to get it fixed up, man"
Did you wear a condom? Was she wet? Did you use lube?

Be sure that the answer is yes to at least two of these questions before deeming you dick unusable for penetration.

But if that indeed is the case, I'd strongly recommend alternatives to circumcision. I've heard it's extremely painful for weeks.
Avoid circumcision, avoid any intense surgical interventions. My friend was pushed in to a circumcision by the medical system here, because it's the easy way out. My sincere advice to you is don't let the doctor man take away any of your penis, and to ignore all the circumcised people here saying "oh it's not so bad".

I'm not sure how serious your phimosis is, but there have been cases where people have treated it simply by spending a fairly long time with various steroid creams, massaging/stretching. This isn't some bullshit pseudo-medicine, your skin has incredible stretching abilities and honestly, if I was in your position, I'd do anything I could to keep a scalpel away from my dick, even if it meant I couldn't have sex for a few months (ps that means you can practice doing other, equally great things that don't involve playing hide the sausage.)

Finally, you are going to have to tell your parents. If you're going in for one of these operations, they'll have to know. Just put on your most gruff voice, and be like "Hey there Father, I'm having a bit of a man problem with my downstairs man parts, I need some money to get it fixed up, man"

Don't knock it unless you've been forced to live with it.
ignore all the circumcised people here saying "oh it's not so bad".
How respectful.
We're not telling him what to do, and we're certainly not telling him who to listen to or ignore in this thread. Why can't you just give your advice without being a big old uncircumcised penis?

Finally, you are going to have to tell your parents.
I second this.
I can retract about halfway down when non-erect, barely at all when it is erect. When I actually tried to have sex it was hard to put in and when I did my foreskin rolled right back which was quite painful. She was wet, but I wasn't wearing a condom. Also I'm willing to give stretching a go, if it does work.

Edit: I'm also getting it off the NHS, so there would be no need to tell my parents for money.
I'm not sure how serious your phimosis is, but there have been cases where people have treated it simply by spending a fairly long time with various steroid creams, massaging/stretching. This isn't some bullshit pseudo-medicine, your skin has incredible stretching abilities and honestly, if I was in your position, I'd do anything I could to keep a scalpel away from my dick
The stretchiness of skin varies across the body and between people. In this case phimosis has the foreskin already stretched quite a lot. I'm not sure if you were being serious though (if you weren't it's was pretty shitty).

The downside from having the circumcision was definitely the head of my penis hardening up and the eventual loss of that sensitivity. That skin is just used to being covered up most of the time, so suddenly finding itself exposed to fabrics etc is a real shock to the system, but eventually it settles down and it desensitizes. The shaft still remains sensitive naturally.
Also I thought I would point out to Mellish that this is completely normal and something which happens to all guys when they go through puberty and everything develops a little more. If the glans of the penis remains covered at all times by the foreskin you never go through the desensitisation. It may sound uncomfortable right now because of what you are used to but you'll adjust quickly.
How respectful.
The circumcised are right above "mass genocide practitioners" in my book.
Also I thought I would point out to Mellish that this is completely normal and something which happens to all guys when they go through puberty and everything develops a little more. If the glans of the penis remains covered at all times by the foreskin you never go through the desensitisation. It may sound uncomfortable right now because of what you are used to but you'll adjust quickly.
Not all guys, but yeah, you have a point. However, possibly because I'm quite anti-surgery for many things, I don't think Mellish should jump to a surgical solution - it may be possible to restore partial or full functionality through another, more safe, less slice-y method.
I can tell you that being circumcised isn't as bad as what you may think. Of course I have no idea what having a foreskin is like

I vote get circumcised.

How respectful.Why can't you just give your advice without being a big old uncircumcised penis
Would it be wrong to generalise that all circumcision defenders have all themselves been circumcised? Yeah, no issue there.

It's essentially a self-mutilation cult. Everyone who was circumcised at birth gets it done to them involuntarily, and they have to live with it for the rest of their lives. When the opportunity arises for an adult male to undergo it, circumcised males jump onto the pressure wagon, 'recommending' it because it's seen as normal to them.

It's not normal. It's like removing a baby's ear or the tip of their tongue. It serves no purpose. Sure, they'll heal through it fairly well, and it won't affect them too much later in life, but doing it to an adult would be excrutiatingly painful, pointless, and alter their experience of sex. Yet people (in particular, Americans) come in and defend it with no other knowledge other than 'it was done to me at an age where I could heal a lot better than I can now, and I've never known my body elsewise, so you should do it too!' Circumcised males have no idea what it's like to be uncircumcised, yet they prescribe the procedure to normalise an unnecessary modification that was done to them at an early age.

If you're arguing for it as a last resort, no-alternative treatment to a condition that absolutely must be treated, fine. But don't parade the schlock of 'trust my experience; I know because I've had it done to me.' You don't remember being born, you certainly don't remember life before being circumcised. Uncircumcised adult men do.

Yeah, I just opened a bunch of ass-shitting worms with this post, but your ignorance to your own self-delusion really bothered me.
I agree with Viper for the most part, except that he neglects to point out that, like circumcised people, uncircumcised people also jump onto the pressure bandwagon saying how its self mutilation and unnatural. If getting a circumcision solves a problem, then I wouldn't view it differently than any other surgery, like getting your appendix removed, but on your dangly bits.
I only read like the first sentence of each paragraph and assumed the rest, like usual.
I'm not self-deluded. You're throwing in a load of shit that I never said. I know it's not ****ing normal. You're giving me this huge lecture for no reason. I realize that I'm in no position to compare uncircumcised vs. circumcised. I said right in my post "Of course I have no idea what having a foreskin is like" Those who aren't circumcised aren't in a position to compare them either. The only ones who can are people like Kadayi, who have lived in both states. "But don't parade the schlock of 'trust my experience; I know because I've had it done to me.'" When did I ever do anything even close to that? I just wanted to tell him that you don't lose all sensitivity. I'm sorry if this bothers you that I'm stating a fact as a circumcised male.