Well let's see if we can't figure this out



Source games do not work for me (hl2.exe will start and terminate before anything happens).

I'm on:
WinXP Home SP2
512 MB
6800 Ultra (driver ver.
3.0 P4
I bought the HL2 Gold package

I've tried:
Validating HL2DM
Validating HL2
Restarting Steam
Restarting Computer
Running Steam in offline mode

If you're having trouble too, let's see what we have in common. If it works for you, let's see what's different. If you were having trouble but now it works, tell us what you did.

And let's see if we can't figure this out.
Steam is under a massive overload of downloads... just wait till tomorrow
Try getting rid of everything in your Steam folder and starting freash?
Its most likely because HL2.exe probably has to connect to the steam network in order to play and Steam right now is way too overloaded to allow for that to happen.

Just wait until the load isn't so bad and then try.
Holy hell my steam just connected finally out of no where.

Ok here is what I did:

After waiting for at least 10 minues for steam to connect I disconected my network and then quickly connected it again while Steam was still trying to connect. Suddenly it worked and I could start downloading HL2DM.

For anyone unable to connect try that and see what happens.

EDIT: Sorry about the double post, I was expecting someone else to have replied by now.

Anyway its currently updating HL2 and downloading DM but its going extremelly slow thanks in part to my crapy university connection as well as the steam server load so I won't be playing tonight at all.
WinXP Home SP2
512 MB
R9700 Pro, Catalyst 4.9
Athlon XP 2700+
HL2 Bronze

Validated HL2DM
Validated HL2
Restarted Steam
Ran Steam in offline mode
OMG IT GOTS TA BE SP2!!!11!!111!1!11!111!!!!1 11!!!11!!1111


Actually, I meant to ask, is this problem a really recient event, or has this been happening since a while?
did u just validate via the 320 command or did u install with that little "my games" icon. i tried to start after the first downloadinng, nothing happened, then i realised there is an extra hl2dm icon, some extra downloading, now it works.
WinXP Home SP2
512 MB
Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 61.77
P4 1.614 Ghz
HL2 Gold

Waiting to hear a good solution.