we're back...kind of


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
As you might or might not of known our hosting decided to die on us. The chap paying for our dedicated server decided not to pay for the latest months hosting and didn't think to tell us. So we're left with an old forum backup - which has about 600 less members, 10,000 posts etc but at least most of the stuff is intact. Please, if you registered on or after the 24th of July then you need to register again. Lets try and get our posts back :)

The main site will take a few days to arrive mainly because we lost most the stuff and we are putting it all into a new design anyway.
I'm sure the 600 members will register again. How can they not, these are the Lord of the HL2 forums.
well munro, now it is up to you and the team to make this place even better then it was before. Great job on the effort of bringing the forum back.

welcome back everybody.
Thank god , I was stuck on the Steam forums. The gossip sucks over there.
Thank god I didnt get erased.... although most my posts are gone, but hey i can spam tha tback up in no time!
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Thank god , I was stuck on the Steam forums. The gossip sucks over there.

I don't think you quite get the concept of id's games. They're not really designed for us to enjoy anymore, they're glorified tech demos used to lure other companies to license their engines for enormous amounts of money. Sure, they're wankers, but they're wankers who are swimming in pools of money.

I don't really care when Doom3 is released; I'm waiting for games by other companies that use the Doom3 engine. They will be released much later than Doom3 itself.

lol.. what an arse. id licence is cheap 250.000 dollars. ut2003 asked double that
yayness!!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

i love this site and glad its back up :)

and thanks Munro for considering the idea i presented over at the steam forum.. it might lighten the load on the wallet just a little.. but hey. anything helps right? ;)
/me stumbles back into the Forums.

/me hits the ground and starts kissing it.

I'm back! Thanks to The Mullinator for posting the link to this place.
Cool. Hopefully the domain will be up soon too, so everybody not reading the Steam forums can visit this site again... ;)
Awesome!! :)

Can we get the old colors back though? .. I'm so used to them
The new forum style will be here tomorrow.
Excellent - welcome back everyone. Thanks for all of the effort Munro.




Good work Munro!

It's so good ta be home!
Ahh, I can finally stop sweating profusely! Glad to be back!
I thought that one dude that was threatening the website because it had "stolen" his design had it shut down or something. Glad thats not true. Nice to be back.
Wow, great job :)

Just curious ... how much does 800GB/mo of data transfer cost?
Originally posted by Dux
F A B U L O U S !!!!


Anyway, I think a lot of the people who lost their memberships might come back, only time will tell....
Back with a new layout,

This has nothing to do with the guy claiming the site's design was stolen does it? :P

Nah I'm just poking fun, I'm sure it wasn't. thanks for you hard work guys.
ah nice to see it back but wait ahhh purple still...
Good look finding a host.
Dang i lost about 20 posts arhg ill be a headcrab forever *snif*