we're back!


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Finally we're back! I can hear the cheers from down the road!

The reason for our down time is the extreme amount of people coming to our site from just about every gaming news site in the world. Not to mention several newspapers and the BBC.

Hopefully with our new database server we can handle the load better and ensure we're up and running for for you all.
well done! the site is really fast now with over 700 members browsing!
Ahhh finally. I was beggining to suffer from forum withdrawl syndrome. Thankfully I had IRC to keep me going but it was next to impossible to read anyones messages when over 580 people are in there at any one time!

So ya these servers are now capable of taking on more than 5000 people viewing the forums at any one time now?
i'm back too :)
Great Web Site
Many News
Huge Work and good work