Were the Earth forces too weak?

husk said:
I think Breen was the cause behind the mesa incedent, and that he planned the whole combine thing all along.

Of course he did. Where've you been?
and there's also... City 27. I wonder were that City is located though.
You don't have to destroy the Synths to defeat the Combine. You can reprogram them to serve you.
Huntoon said:
You don't have to destroy the Synths to defeat the Combine. You can reprogram them to serve you.

That would be awesome. Imagine busting out a 4th story window, landing on a Crab, and then hanging on for the ride as you try to reprogram it. Then when you succeed have it turn around and start attacking the Strider standing behind it.....
Jaded said:
That would be awesome. Imagine busting out a 4th story window, landing on a Crab, and then hanging on for the ride as you try to reprogram it. Then when you succeed have it turn around and start attacking the Strider standing behind it.....

Or a huge platoon of a hundred lambda troops raiding a citadel, each doing what you described and then storming the place, after you blow up a thing which allows Alyx to reprogram them. Oops, I forgot, she's dead.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this (haven't read every single post), but the combine did have the element of surprise. And with a weak leader, it is easily possible for the combine to take over with the assets that they had and the heavier weapons they possibly deployed.
Cecchino said:
I don't know if anyone mentioned this (haven't read every single post), but the combine did have the element of surprise. And with a weak leader, it is easily possible for the combine to take over with the assets that they had and the heavier weapons they possibly deployed.
Well, those heavier weapons were easily dispatched by Gordon Freeman himself(most of the times). Maybe the earth forces were too gay to fight the combines. lol... :smoking:
I doubt Crab-synths and Mortar-synths are reprogrammable. Most likely, being an amalgamation of organic stuff and metal, they have a biological 'brain'. I very much doubt you'd be able to recode a brain.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I doubt Crab-synths and Mortar-synths are reprogrammable. Most likely, being an amalgamation of organic stuff and metal, they have a biological 'brain'. I very much doubt you'd be able to recode a brain.

The Combine were having a crack at it in Nova Prospeckt...
But think how long it takes to do that, even with Combine technology. Resistance forces haven't got a chance at recoding something so...alien.
Besides, good luck opening the shells. Looks like there aren't many ways to get inside them.

-Angry Lawyer
I think the Crab-Synth and Mortar-Synth are both controlled by humans as well as being living creatures. I've always though that there were things inside the other synths controling them. I figured there were pilots and drivers for gunships and striders.
Samon said:
There isnt, theyre living, breathing things

Yep, they're just like us in that their alive....except bigger and have guns attached to them....envy overwhelms me.
They are living, breathing creatures built from scrape in Nova Prospekt? That makes no sense. If you see the stalkers building a gunship, they are built from metals or combine resources. But not from a living creature.

Mortal Synth and Crab synth are modified into machines tho.
Gunships arnt getting built, the stalkers are intallign them with combine technology, or rather enforcing it on them
Only Combine soldiers are manufactured at Nova Prospekt. All of the synth stuff seems to be either made within the Citadel, or made off-world, and gated in. Well, actually, as Samon said, they're not built. Rather, they're grown. They're alive. The Stalkers are performing repairs.

-Angry Lawyer
Only Combine soldiers are manufactured at Nova Prospekt. All of the synth stuff seems to be either made within the Citadel, or made off-world, and gated in. Well, actually, as Samon said, they're not built. Rather, they're grown. They're alive. The Stalkers are performing repairs.

Exactly, well said. I think practically most of the tech enforcment takes place off world...
I wonder where Ninhilianth was born ...certainly not Xen .
I'm assuming the Controllers sewed him together.

When Laidlaw done the storyline for the original game, he didn't have any idea about a storyline for HL2. Which gives lots of favour to my idea of Xen being completely seperate to the Combine.

I vote that the Controllers made Nihilanth.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
All of the synth stuff seems to be either made within the Citadel, or made off-world, and gated in. Well, actually, as Samon said, they're not built. Rather, they're grown. They're alive. The Stalkers are performing repairs.

-Angry Lawyer

If they're instinctive, like animals, they can be retrained like antlions. If they are intelligent, they can be persuaded towards the cause of their own liberation.
Ok this is my theory to why the rebels seem to be far more successful in the uprising then the 7 hour war. First I want to point out that the uprising have been going on for a week so it many times already more successful then the first one and it also shows Gordon was a decisive factor in the war as he was a huge moral boster and he also took out the supression field and the striders to the citidel but since it been going on for a week, I think it was only a matter of time till the rebels get to the cores and striders but just with alot more causulties.

The reason why we lost in only 7 hours was a combinations of reasons.
1. We were weaken heavly by the headcrabs and others and the mass urbanization of people. (though I still think the humans race populations still number in the billions)
2. Combine cordination and intelligence, the combine basicly blitz us. According to my memory when they attack they started basicly with a giant hole in the ground and then a giant tower comming out of a sudden IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITIES. If they can do that with the portal storms then why can they also just teleport right in the middle of airports and bases. I think if they started outside and move to lay siege to the cities, the combine would get screwed (I think our f-16 and tanks will lay waste to the styders and gunships they attack us with). They attack from the inside out and took out our air force and our vehicals in matters of minutes, so the only thing we can mobilize is infantry.
3. Moral- No mater what war, moral is a huge factor as no matter what the army size is, if they don't want to fight then we lose. I think after the portal storms and the sudden attack, I don't think we would have much of a will to fight.

I also like to point out that they only manage to defeat us militarialy but only conqured the cities. I don't think the combine have too much of a strong hold over the countryside and some small villages. The reason why is because of the rebels bases. The rebel base at the highway (where we first get the rpg) sticks our like a sort thumb and yet why haven't been face the full strengh of the combine? (I know they send a gunship but it stickout so badly with it walls and all that I think the combine don't have the resources to hold down the territoes (like iraq, we might have defeated them but they appear in many place we can't always patrol)) Another base is the only near nova prospekt, it might be more hidden but being that close to nova just shows how well they can hold just outside of their base.
The Combine don't have a stronghold over the countryside and villages because they're infested with headcrabs. The outlying areas were bombarded by alien creatures, forcing the majority of the population into the urban areas. So, basically, nobody has control of the countryside.

Except the headcrabs. And their queen, Lamarr.
BTW, i dont know who posted thus but the Synths in the Citadel are NOT huge, both types are shorter than gordon. (I nocliped up too them)
Remember that when the Combine Invaded, they had to face the invasion force. When Gordan came, they had to face the occupationary force. BIG DIFFERENCE
Mortar Synths are smaller than Gordon, but Crab Synths are pretty damn big!
Noclipped there again, I did try to put some in a better lit map in Hammer, but couldnt get a Crab Synth or Mortar Synth to be created, anyone get around this? Screenies:
File upload limit, sorry for triple post. :eek: With an extra shot put up because it took me ages to take it right. :E
Tight-ass Llama said:
BTW, i dont know who posted thus but the Synths in the Citadel are NOT huge, both types are shorter than gordon. (I nocliped up too them)
Height is definately not the only factor in determining if something is bigger than another thing. Besides, a poison headcrab and a regular headcrab can kill you easily, and they are small compared to gordon. Size doesn't always matter, so these creatures could be just as deadly as strider, but smaller. With the weaponry provided in the game, it would probably be very hard to kill a Crab-Synth, since they would be similar to antlion guards, but would be shooting you while you were trying to aviod their melee attacks. SimonomiS, could you noclip into a crab-synth because it looked to me like they had seats inside them when I did it.
Hmmm, just done that, dont think theyre seats, just the gun on the bottom of it, apologies for the bad shots.
NimChimpsky said:
Height is definately not the only factor in determining if something is bigger than another thing. Besides, a poison headcrab and a regular headcrab can kill you easily, and they are small compared to gordon. Size doesn't always matter, so these creatures could be just as deadly as strider, but smaller. With the weaponry provided in the game, it would probably be very hard to kill a Crab-Synth, since they would be similar to antlion guards, but would be shooting you while you were trying to aviod their melee attacks. SimonomiS, could you noclip into a crab-synth because it looked to me like they had seats inside them when I did it.

good point. If they are self-reparing them Earth is screwed :eek:

P.S. My spelling sucks
I have a speculation... The Xen wildlife first infested US right? and US was also the first country to be invaded by combines right? since its the most powerful country and was sadly defeated by combines. Maybe the rest of the world gave up having seen or heard US destroyed.
I think the whole combine thing, merging living things with machines is how the creatures are controlled. The Synths use to be living there lives on some planet some when when the combines decided to control, via technology. None of the synths have pilots, they either have an AI, using there own thought processes, or are remotley controlled

Just like how scientist now can control rodents
SimonomiS, I meant looking at it straight on. Noclip to the head and go into the middle of its body. I'm talking about the glowing blue thing that looks like the energy fields. Now that I think about more, it might have just been a strange part of it's body, but I really thougt it was a seat before.
Combines obviously got all these striders / synths from the worlds they've enslaved. So they're probably just slaves to their master, ordered around to do things. It's not like they know anything else, it's like humans with horses (not that I'm a tree hugger or anything, but it's a good analogy)
Sid Burn said:
I have a speculation... The Xen wildlife first infested US right? and US was also the first country to be invaded by combines right? since its the most powerful country and was sadly defeated by combines. Maybe the rest of the world gave up having seen or heard US destroyed.
Good point. I mean, why else is so much of Europe intact?