We're under attack!

You misunderstand me. The ENTIRE city hears the alarm. All cars are supposed to stop. We had better and way more extensive (police controling) drills years back.
Oh shit, that's hardcore. But I guess it's neccessary, you're living next to some people wrong in the head (North Korea I mean, of course):dozey:

Was it like: sirens go off, cars stop, jets/helicopters start flying around, 15357 looks out of the window - "(translation)shiiit!" - *runs to the PC to tell hl2.net about it?
Unfocused said:
Oh shit, that's hardcore. But I guess it's neccessary, you're living next to some people wrong in the head (North Korea I mean, of course):dozey:

Was it like: sirens go off, cars stop, jets/helicopters start flying around, 15357 looks out of the window - "(translation)shiiit!" - *runs to the PC to tell hl2.net about it?
Hey, hl2.net is the first place I'd go to if something horribly nastey happens..you guys are like family!
Unfocused said:
Oh shit, that's hardcore. But I guess it's neccessary, you're living next to some people wrong in the head (North Korea I mean, of course):dozey:

Was it like: sirens go off, cars stop, jets/helicopters start flying around, 15357 looks out of the window - "(translation)shiiit!" - *runs to the PC to tell hl2.net about it?

I was on the forums when it happened. I quickly made a thread and went outside.
15357 said:
I was on the forums when it happened. I quickly made a thread and went outside.
What would be the punishment for setting off the air raid alarm for fun?
Man... I'd be scared crapless if some air-raid sirens were going off around here!

Glad to hear it was only a drill, numbers.
Icarusintel said:
What would be the punishment for setting off the air raid alarm for fun?

10 years in jail, maybe? Or it could be a violation of the national security law and they might execute you or do 15+ years.
15357 said:
10 years in jail, maybe? Or it could be a violation of the national security law and they might execute you or do 15+ years.
15+ years or execution....

Drills ey?

Last week our school firealrm went off, but nobody did anything becuase someone sets it off at least once a week. "Hey! I know what'll be fun! Lets break things that we need to survive!"
maybe they're just rounding up dissedents to be shot in the public square ...the proletariats are getting restless
CptStern said:
maybe they're just rounding up dissedents to be shot in the public square ...the proletariats are getting restless
Quick, start publising the lottery!
Free pornography for all! That had best keep them satisfied.
you said a forbidden word it's off to the re-education centre for you Citizen Solaris.
I always thought you actually lived in North Korea, because I think I'm very big dumbass.

But anyways, reading this thread all the way through made me realize how much I really love you, 128394!! When you didn't respond at first, I didn't know how I could go on without you!!!! :O

Although, I must say, my love for JNightshade is mostly carnal.
yay! dot woo!:P

mmmm, im tired! my bed is covered in cltohes, my room stinks of white spirti, and its making me woozy

and numbers isnt being shot at!:(


i kow my manlineess scared yout hat time we met in an alley sulk, but please it is nothing to be brgouht up here,

homosexuals and vikadin is nothing for little uns to know about:P
Joims said:

i kow my manlineess scared yout hat time we met in an alley sulk, but please it is nothing to be brgouht up here,

homosexuals and vikadin is nothing for little uns to know about:P

Typing skills ftw!
CptStern said:
maybe they're just rounding up dissedents to be shot in the public square ...the proletariats are getting restless

No, we hang them. Less blood.