Were you attached?

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Did you grow emotionally attached to any of the characters?

  • Yes

    Votes: 92 76.0%
  • No

    Votes: 29 24.0%

  • Total voters
Tycell said:
WHOOOOOA!! You guys need to step back and take a breather for a moment, there not real, I can understand if you can imagine what Gordon must be feeling but "getting attached" to the charicters?! There not charicters there pixels and sound waves.

How can you feel for somthing that isnt real, Oh BIG shock seeing a woman posting in here giving details and infact a list of there feelings towards the charicters by the way.

Some of you need to get out more.

It's not us that are emotionally disfunctional, looks to me that you are. It's perfectly normal to grow attached to a character, whether it be in a book, movie or game. But yes we get it, we are the people that "need to get out more" and you're the tough guy who doesn't feel anything for characters, that will earn you a medal some day.
PvtRyan said:
It's not us that are emotionally disfunctional, looks to me that you are. It's perfectly normal to grow attached to a character, whether it be in a book, movie or game. But yes we get it, we are the people that "need to get out more" and you're the tough guy who doesn't feel anything for characters, that will earn you a medal some day.


I got attached to the characters. 'Nuff said.

Mr.Wotsit said:
anyone who says that Alyx is attractive to them needs a kick in the balls. Or a girlfriend who will apply said kick.

In my opinion the video game characters felt exactly like video game characters. I couldn't care less about any of them. The random resistance fighters got in the way, didn't help and were extremely generic. A group would just appear out of nowhere. The named characters (Barney, Alyx, etc.) weren't really vulnerable and therefore didn't inspire me to care about them either. They got in the way too and I wished they would just die already.

All this time spent on the facial animations an lip synching was a waste of resources in my opinion. While they looked nicer than the other games they didn't feel more real than any other game out there. I cared about Alyx about as much as the balloon headed, mutant looking, retards from Doom 3.
Mr.Wotsit said:
anyone who says that Alyx is attractive to them needs a kick in the balls. Or a girlfriend who will apply said kick.

let's not start that old "it cant be attractive because it aint real" discussion.
you dont think she is, which is perfectly fine.

that doesnt mean that everyone who thinks she is and likes her is necessarily insane or a pervert .. or whatever you call it ;)


PvtRyan said:
It's not us that are emotionally disfunctional, looks to me that you are. It's perfectly normal to grow attached to a character, whether it be in a book, movie or game. But yes we get it, we are the people that "need to get out more" and you're the tough guy who doesn't feel anything for characters, that will earn you a medal some day.

/vote post of the day :thumbs:
ok i felt emotionally attached to most ov the chars... because to me they acted/sounder so real

and i was really sad about the ending... because there was no way that elyx/eli/mossman could get out

if that makes me sad... so be it.....
I grew attached to most of the characters. Alyx, Eli, Barney, and especially Kleiner with Lamar. I really liked each of their differing personalities, they didn't seem like 3d cardboard cutouts like some game characters can be. I got the feeling that they all have hopes and dreams and wants. That made this game truly special for me.

Well, that and I hoped that there was a secret ending with Mossman, Gordon, and Alyx in a gigantic threesome. ;) (Just kidding. :P)
I tried to save all the NPC's who were fighting along side you. I felt upset when they were killed. Barney, Kliener, Alyx and the rest i felt like i knew them if you know what i mean.
I liked Dog. WHen he gets on the gunship I said ou tloud "Nooo" as I kne who wmuch he meant to Alyx.

Father Grigori was awesome. What would of been cool was when he was fighting he if he said badass bibal quotes.
Lamarr > Everyone. When Kliener opens the door with the shotty, and Lamarr just creeps a look in, just awww. Like some weird alien cat type thing. Ish.
I loved my Antlions. They were just like, looking at you like you were mommy. Which you were, considering the noxious pheremones you were hauling about. I got kinda upset when this really pretty one with a purple abdomen that had been following me for like, half an hour, got killed (If anyone saw my post in the 'Stupid I'm Stuck' moments, this is the antlion I tried to ride. ;p )

Alyx is awesome. Strong, flirty, crazysexycool. x.- I'm terrible, I know.

Barney is alternately awesome. His voice acting was a little unstable at times, but I just remember thinking, "Awww, what a brave, dumb man. I wanna take you home."

But Mossman kicks the most ass. I HATE her. Like, if I saw someone like her walking down the street, i'd kick 'em in the box, point in their face, and laugh. If I saw someome like Breen walking down the street, I'd probably go, "Oh, awesome, it's Sean Connery!"

Ya for stupid obsessions! Time to recreate the cast in a long game of 'The Sims'.
I think Valve created an excellent cast in HL2. Each character was very memorable, though I think the player should have had the ability to 'interact' with them a bit more.
Like in the first game, if you were to walk up to Barney or one of the scientists, and press the 'use' key, you could get them to stay behind, follow you etc. and wrangle a comment out of him (I'm staying right here and waiting for my colleagues. Roger that lets run like hell!). In HL2, you can do that with squad members, but try it with Barney or Alyx and you just get a blank face, and that bugs me slightly as it doesnt feel as if they're really there and aware of your presence.

Saying that though, I loved Barneys more important role in this one, and I loved the bit where you had to rescue him from the snipers, it felt as if he was actually in danger. When I saw him crouched down on the roof I was like "Dude, dont move! I'll get you out of this!"
Just finished HL2. I'd have to say: when Alyx looks at you in the elevator .... Emotionally attached is a bit overstated, but in a movie kind of way, I'd have to say: yes.
I really grew attached to my squad of resistance soldiers in anticitizen one and follow freeman too, although there generic "use"-dialog sometimes sounds a bit weird and even really cruel.
Man: "they sure aren't gonna turn me into a Stalker!"
Female medic: "You never know!"
Revenge said:
While that may apply to many people here, personally I view the characters in HL2 in the same way I view the characters in books I read, tv series I watch or even characters I acted as when I used to do those school plays back in high school. Yes I realise these people are not real, but the idea is to get fully immersed in the story and enjoy it to it's fullest.

I work 50 hours a week minimum, go out drinking atleast 2 nights a week if not more, and the majority of my friends absolutely hate gaming and computers in general. I get out plenty, but that shouldn't in any way stop me from being able to enjoy HL2 and get emotionally invested in the story and characters in it. I am only on the computer for roughly 2-3 hours a night, and I like to make the most of my time. Note that the more time I spend here is less time I spend ingame, and I am enjoying the debates here so much that I haven't even run HL2 in 3 days, but fully intend to try out a few things next time I do.
Well said.
alyx drove me freakin insane in the end when I'm heading up to blow the bloke to bits with my super-a-gun:

"dont forget to charge you suit..." (sounding like alittle sad teen)
"gordon, do your worse"

mainly, she's a pain, all I wanted todo was to glance down her thong to really tell IF she had purble g's or if it just was my horny system playing pranks on me
What attached me the most to Alyx was when she just finished arguing with Dr. Mossman and took me to the gravity gun; she started to go off about how she didn't like Mossman. Then when she said "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't talk about her behind her back." I thought "Damn, I have never heard a woman say that before! If I heard a woman say that in real life I'd marry her."
i actually caught myself smiling backa t Alyx once, when she smiled her awkward smile at me....
kzi- said:
alyx drove me freakin insane in the end when I'm heading up to blow the bloke to bits with my super-a-gun:

"dont forget to charge you suit..." (sounding like alittle sad teen)
"gordon, do your worse"

well, i think gordon knows he should charge his suit, but whats wrong with what she says? shes merely concerned about him ..

When I was fighting with Barney or Alyx, I would hide to conserve ammo, and let them blast away, since they are invincible :) Emotionally attached? No. It was a good story, but it doesn't feel like they are talking to ME.
Well i got attached to my antlions, really!
First i hated them when i had to fight against them, but after you get the pheromones the just rock and they give me that feeling of family and beeing safe :)
While movements and expressions were good, the very nature of the game restricted character development a lot, so I didn't really feel connected to any of them. This is pretty much my favourite game, ever, but the only real emotion it made me feel was caused by setting zombies on fire. The screaming is horrible!
mowgli said:
i actually caught myself smiling backa t Alyx once, when she smiled her awkward smile at me....

yeah. She gave off a friendly warmth which is more than that, it seems. What really got me was the WHAT CAT looks, and when she crossed her arms or leaned on it, once. there are a million other times with alyx. Oh and when the teleporter worked, and she kissed her dad, that scene was quite convincing.
Barney seemed like he was your dorm-mate that you haven't seen in a year or two. like "yo homie".
kleiner... he's getting old, and they played that out very well.
Mossman, they did exactly what they wanted to do. make an annoying character. and they did a good job. It wasn't surprising that she was double-playing the field, but it still shocked me a little, like "damn, they pulled out the I'm betraying you card" and the "Wow, she's double betraying the enemy card." That was a little more surprising.
Lamarr/kleiner at the end was great.
Breen - good character, but that doesn't mean I have to like him.
La Resistance - the auto responces got lame FAST. I would rather have them shot or be silent most of the time.
Combine soldiers - IMO, they were 150% of what the (forgot the name) OPFOR soldiers were.
Striders had character to them a little and it made me giggle when they made that "berrrrrrrrrrrr" noise when hit.
Hehe, yeah, the Striders made awesome computery noises.

Like it's gonna be such a suprise when we find out that there's a super intelligent speak-and-spell with a lisp piloting each Strider.
I didn't really feel all that attached to Alyx, but I really liked Eli. He seemed like an old friend.
I felt sorry for that Lazlow guy who died from the antlions in the sand. :(
Messermeier said:
well, i think gordon knows he should charge his suit, but whats wrong with what she says? shes merely concerned about him ..


lol. taking this WAY to seriouse man, chillout, do you also cry when windows gives you an critical error mess?


i thought alyx was cool. mossman annoyed me, even before she does her... thing, eli was like an old friend, partially because he was on the cast of Sports Night, one of the best series ever, kleiner was funny with his headcrab, barney was the man, and the resistance people in general filled me with passion.
i felt bad for dog when he first disappeared, i felt like i will never see him again. i felt bad mostly for father greg, he was a lunitic, but who cares? he spent all those things for you! all the traps, wasted for one man, and finally, he sacrofices himself! hl2 did a very good job of making the characters very realistic