What a way to die.

Thx dood, this information has just affected my daily life in such a way nothing could ever else do, wssapoint?

I've heard of worse deaths.
I think suffocation would be worse...but then again, it doesn't matter much how you die. I mean, you aren't really going to care are you?
well would you rather die of a shark bite wile saving a kid i\n the water or a tic bite.? O you guys may not know what a tic is.
Its a nasty little bug/thingy that sucks your blood.
Originally posted by thenerdguy
well would you rather die of a shark bite wile saving a kid i\n the water or a tic bite.? O you guys may not know what a tic is.
Its a nasty little bug/thingy that sucks your blood.

Some tics dont kill.
But they still can kill you. its like saying you wont get ran over by a stampeding rino. But some people do get killed by a stampeding rino.
Originally posted by Feath

I think that one is slightly worse.
My mom was just telling me about this one, she's a nurse so I guess it's the big story at work. Apparently the woman was trapped inside the elevator with the severed head until they were able to get her out.

I'm having trouble picturing how this all happened though...
The doors should on the Doctor's shoulders. The lift then started moving up. When it reached the top of the outter door, his head/shoulders kept on moving up, the rest of his body stopped.

Sounds really painful and he'll have been concious throughout it, I think.
The way I picture it, he was stuck in the doors and trying to get loose. The lift started going up and the floor of it lifted him by his arms/shoulders/head because he was leaning forward in his attempt to free himself. Then I guess once it reached the height of the door, it just severed whatever portion of himself he managed to get inside the elevator. After it started lifting him he probably tried to get out of the elevator completely by moving backwards, which could explain why he was decapitated.
the lady should have ****ing stopped the elevator with the emergency button and opened the doors.
Don't be ridiculous, this is a WOMAN were talking about. All they can do is bake delicious pies, don't expect them to do any more.

Seriously though, I guess she just didn't think quickly enough. Or maybe there was some kind of malfunction that stopped the button from working (well obviously there was, or else the doors would have popped back open when they closed on the guy).
yea well i think say being in a skyscraper which is on fire and soon to collapse, and just jumping from it would be a worse death.... sound familuar? (sp)
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
yea well i think say being in a skyscraper which is on fire and soon to collapse, and just jumping from it would be a worse death.... sound familuar? (sp)


I would have rather jumped, you'd pass out before you hit the ground.
I though elevators nowadays don't start moving when the doors aren't completely closed.

Oh, and why would you pass out from jumping out of the skyscraper before hitting the ground? To much speed? Shock?
You'd reach terminal velocity and pass out, you also have to factor in the strain on the heart and everything else. Most people who jump off cliffs etc are unconscious or even dead by the time they hit terrafirma.
I have to say....jumping out of a building or off say vicctoria falls would be a coolway to die...when im like 120 or something anyway.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I have to say....jumping out of a building or off say vicctoria falls would be a coolway to die...when im like 120 or something anyway.

If you lived to 120 I think guiness would put you in the books.

The oldest woman was like 115 or something.
Its raining, and shes not wearing shoes....

And for the other link: Cut your hair you stupid hippie.

They will respawn, right?
The worst way to die IMO is this:

Someone injecting 1mm of water just below your broncial (sp?)

And for those who don't know what that would do:

basically you would drown, but much more slowly and painfully, as its only 1mm of water, and it takes a while to cripple you and then kill you

Originally posted by nw909
If you lived to 120 I think guiness would put you in the books.

The oldest woman was like 115 or something.

That was probably the oldest woman in America. I think a woman in France lived to about 122.
Dunno if anyone's mentioned this but check out The Darwin Awards for stupid ways people have died.
A boy in Knoxville read in an adult magazine that you can make a simulated sex toy by hooking a cow's heart up to a battery. The boy decided to take it one step further by hooking it up to the mains. The boy electrocuted himself and burned his house down.

There's a couple more examples I can recall off memory but they're pretty gruesome.

EDIT: Sorry, but here's another good one off the site
"Late 1989s, Australia. A rather impressionable student of kung fu listened with rapt attention when his instructor dramatically informed the class, "Now that you have reached this level in your training, you can kill wild animals with your bare hands!"

The martial arts trainee took the statement as gospel, and headed to the Melbourne zoo to test his mettle with the wildest animal of all: the lion. In the dead of night, he slipped into the zoo, leapt into the lion enclosure, and engaged a suitable king of the jungle in combat.

He would probably have lost a one-on-one fight, but he never got to try. His naive fight plan didn't account for the enthusiasm of the lion's pride for a tender intruder; nor did it give sufficient weight to the possibility that his instructor didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

Zoo employees found his remains -- two arms and hands -- the following morning, with shreds of red fur grasped tightly in his fingers."
There was this news a couple of months ago about a guy who shot a really really big bear. really!
And there was a picture of a guy who had been eaten alive by the bear.
You could see a half eaten leg and his privates hanging out... it was nasty.
cant find the picture tough.
Anyway... that must be one of the more terrible ways to die.
Interestingly, one of the most gruesome deaths I can recall from memory from the Darwin Awards involves a bear. And lightning.
<Shudders even more>
If only he'd asked...
(7 September 1990, Sydney, Australia) Men seem to have an affinity for large trucks. What else can explain the actions of a 34-year-old thief who decided to take possession of the engine of an old Bedford tip-truck?

The truck was parked outside a glass recycling company in Alexandria. It generally takes three men to lift an engine block of this size, but our enterprising pilferer decided that the best way to remove the engine was from below, rather than the conventional out-the-top-with-a-crane technique.

He crawled under the cab and began to loosen the bolts.

Suddenly the engine block broke loose and landed on his face, killing him instantly. Police ascertained that he had at least one accomplice, judging by the pool of vomit found under a nearby bush.

An employee discovered his body early the next morning. The manager said that the truck was about to be scrapped. "If he had come and asked me for it, I would have given it to him."

thats pretty bad, it was probably worse for the other guy seeing it as the crushed idiot would have died fast.
under pressure

sound pretty bad

that crab got owned though!