What about Adrian Shepard from OpFor?

May 21, 2003
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We've seen a lot of the characters in HL2, including a couple from HL1, but what ever happened to Adrian Shepard? Anyone who beat OpFor knows that he also got to meet the G-Man and was put into a safe place untill later...like Gordon. Maybe you will meet Shepard in the game? Or, possibly, Opposing Force 2? :O
I think Adrian Shepard is a throw away character for now, as they concern themselves with the main story, that is hl1. but this would be an interesting part of the plot, if he was somehow included in the game. It's just that not everyone has played OpFor, and Valve knows this. Valve wants every1 to be able to understand the story, even if they havent played HL1, let alone OpFor. So, my guess is they'll leave adrian shepard out for hl2, and maybe include him in an expansion pack.
i want to know where the hell the g-man fits into it all.....
what side's he on etc. so far we dont have a clue about him.
I think Shepard will be involved since they would have started making hl2 when OpFor was being made or something.. so im sure they already had the basic foundations for the overall story set... So i would say Shepard would be a key player in hl2 imo.
bigun said:
well they put barney calhoun in the main story...

putting barney in makes sense though. putting adrian in doesnt. Barney was on your side in hl1, adrian wasnt.
I don't get what you mean, mac... there are people in HL2 that aren't on your side (Ie: Enemies)...
Barney was in HL1. Adrian wasn't.
People who've played Hl1 will recognise Barney but won't know who Adrian is...

Whats there not to understand?
I'm just gonna ask a pretty irrelevant question, but I've always wondered if Adrian (and the other marines) were regular Marines or the Marine Force Recon, specialforces that is...
Putting in Barney just because he also were in Half-Life makes no sense at all. Opposing Force was indeed an OFFICIAL expansion pack, so why not use that character as well? And I'm sure they will...
Bicka said:
Barney was in HL1. Adrian wasn't.
People who've played Hl1 will recognise Barney but won't know who Adrian is...

Whats there not to understand?

what he said..

If we went only by the original story of HL1, we'd be left with many dead Barneys and not one that escaped.
So how could he possibly be in City-17?
The story of Blue Shift explains that, so it's ok to assume that plot elements from OpFor will be included.
Champ said:
Putting in Barney just because he also were in Half-Life makes no sense at all. Opposing Force was indeed an OFFICIAL expansion pack, so why not use that character as well? And I'm sure they will...

HL2, is the sequal to HL1, not a sequal to OpFor.

Id say more than the majority have not even played OpFor, and therefore putting stuff about the OpFor storyline in HL2 wouldnt make sense to them. As valve wants to have the majority in mind when making hl2. I've read somewhere (cant remember where) that they were designing the game so that you could understand it even if you hadn't played HL1. Thats why i think stuff from OpFor may not be included in HL2.

i could be wrong of course, im merely speculating.
Please, give me a break. Op4 is almost identical as Half-Life. It's not your regular expansion pack. Op4 was about the same things as Half-Life was, and putting in Adrian in HL2 or a later expansion pack is a matter of storytelling...
Champ said:
Please, give me a break. Op4 is almost identical as Half-Life. It's not your regular expansion pack. Op4 was about the same things as Half-Life was, and putting in Adrian in HL2 or a later expansion pack is a matter of storytelling...

yah i could see him in an expansion pack..
Yeah, the "Barneys" in Half Life an OP4 were just generic security guards, they weren't the Barney Calhoun from BS (Except where you see him at the start in HL... he's the one banging on the door in the tunnel)...

Barney from BS is coming back in HL2... so why not Shepherd, or at the very least some reference to him?
I don't know, but it seems like the way Valve works (story first) I can see Shepherd being in there somewhere, even if a very very small part or just in passing.
Thats not fair to say that though Brain Damage. Barney was a generic guard in HL1 yes and everyone loved him. The generic soldiers on the other hand weren't all called Adrian and nobody really cared what happened to them.

It doesn't make sense if you try using Barney Calhoun from Blueshift because he never met or talked to Gordan in the game.
The Barney Calhoun in HL2 is not the guy from Blueshift only. He's every Barney mixed in one.
You have NO idea whatsoever if that last paragraph of yours is true
Err... no Bicka, he's Barney from Blue Shift. He's called Barney Calhoun in BS. He's called Barney Calhoun in HL2.

Adrian never met or talked to Gordon either, he merely saw a couple of glimpses of him... just like Barney...
I doubt shepard will appear, and to be quite frank I couldn't give a damn either, enjoyable as OPF was there isn't any relationship between Gordon and Adrian beyond situation. Subsequently there isn't any rhyme or reason to bring him into HL².

Barney has more point and purpose to appear in HL² because he/they represent direct allies of Gordons from the original game. Barney from blue shift knows Gordon because they work in the same section albeit that barney is merely a security Gaurd, whilst Gordon is a scientist. I'm hoping that when Valve release the Redux editions of HL¹, BS, and OPF that they have developed and enriched the characters of all of the talking roles within the game environment. It would be disappointing if the security gaurds/scientists are anonymous as they were before.
It's still unclear if Adrian was taken in as another recruit of Gman or if he was simply detained. But if the 1st situation is true, then ´Gordon and Sherperd have alot more in common than Gordon and barney, and therefore qualify to be included. Ever wondered if Gordon isn't the only agent G-man sent to C17?
Well, I hope they have those randomised faces for the more generic security guards and scientists...

I still think that Shepherd was more than a throwaway character... his story was left open at the end, just like that of the other two... and OP4 was co-planned with VALVe and Mark Laidlaw...
Who the hell is brany? isn`t that the purple dino that kids like? :\.
No... I never heard of brany either, but barney is a purple dino that kids like, or a security guard in Black Mesa, New Mexico...
g man saved adrian at the end of op4

now why o you think that is? not to make him his biatch or ****-buddy thats for sure...

g man kept him alive because he has a use for him, just likehe has a use for gordon....
Barney Calhoun. He's the security guard you play in Blue Shift.

[EDIT]: Whoops. Too slow...
Yah i guess if Gman 'recruits' Adrian Shepard, than he should have some role in hl2. I guess we will all find out in due time :)
Ok. If Barney Calhoun is the guy in Blue-shift and Barney never met Gordan during that game (If you've played Blue-shift you know this to be true) then why does Barney say, in one of the e3 2003 vids 'Remeber when we thought Black-mesa was as bad as it would get'?
They've just used the Generic Barney and kept the Calhoun surname.

My only proof to this being the case is this:

I played Blue-shift yesterday. At the end the only 3 scientists to escape Black-Mesa are Walter, the white guy that you needed to save and a black guy whose name was not eli vance (The main guy called out the other 2's names as they entered the portal).
Further proof is in the e3 2004 vid when Eli says the last time he saw you was just before the cascade. Yet in HL1 you clearly meet the same scientist time and time again.

All I'm saying is that they've taken the generic characters and made them in to one person. The same with Barney. They've simply kept his surname from blue-shift.

Also: I don't like the idea that Barney went to Xen anyways (blue-shift) and I'm sure other people won't as well. Kinda spoils the story a bit.
Why does Adrian Shepherd have to be in HL2?

He could always turn up in HL3
I guess we'll see what happens with the expansion ports. No doubt the game plots will be cleaned up enough to make sense with HL2.
I doubt that the only scientists to escape were the ones with Barney at the end of Blue Shift...

The "Remember" quote only refers to the fact that they both went through similar experiences. They both fought through the little slice of hell at Black Mesa.

As for consolidating the characters into one, I agree they've done that, but only model wise. There won't have been only four scientists in the whole of Black Mesa...

And how does Barney going to Xen spoil the story?
Champ... no one really knows who adrian is because they never play op for... Half-Life 2 is not opposing forces 2. I am not saying that he isn't in hl 2 but just dont be surprised if he isnt.

barney was in hl1 he was the security officer. All the security guards are barney, you decide which one is in hl2. the story isnt suppose to exactly make sense. Just live with it newbs.
No the Barney in HL2 is the one you see at the start, banging on the door.

Amd what's with all this "No-one ever plays OP4" that I keep hearing?

At some point you take that white mask off from one of the combines and it's Adrian! And then he joins you! 000h! f3nb0y l33t 0v3rtk4e j00!
Having Aidrian show up in HL2 is no different from having the Vortigaunts on the same team as you.

Only, probably, it would make more sense.

There could easily be an Ex-Marine on the side of the resistance.
People who know OP4 would get bonus enjoyment out of seeing it's Aidrian, but to everyone else he's just a former marine. No major story changes needed.

I don't understand all these people protesting that a marine would re-appear.
Okay, if barney is all the security guards rolled into 1. Then Adrian is all the Marines rolled into 1....

Notice how it doesnt work? How many barneys got killed in HL1?

Okay, What im hoping is that they keep Shepard, and that you only get glimpses of him (even if u dont know its him) and that they make an expansion with him in. You couldnt really play as Barney cos he has lines to say and gets up close with Freeman.

This leaves room for another Expanison pack we hopefully a nice new character. Perhaps an rebel combine grunt (would add some new gameplay).
I hope opforce is completely forgotten and ignored. half life 2 shud be the sequel to hl, bs and of dont need to come in anywhere.
egon said:
I hope opforce is completely forgotten and ignored. half life 2 shud be the sequel to hl, bs and of dont need to come in anywhere.

I'm sorry to dissapoint you then, because all three are being extensively remade into the source engine.

I'd say part of that decision was to give new HL'ers better access to all the plotlines.

They're all written by Marc Laidlaw anyways, so they're meant to be seen and understood as part of the whole.