What about the AI ???

We could argue all month about whether or not the AI was "scripted". Now, since these AI dudes aren't sentient beings who think for themselves, isn't ALL AI essentially scripted anyway? Sure, if the characters were just running pre-made animations (like some of the scripted scenes in HL), or following precision timed, sequenced events, then you could argue that it's not the AI at work.. but when the AI dudes are still going about their business on their own, but *some parameters have been changed or limited* in order to increase the likelyhood of something cool happening (such as the combine conveniently moving under the path of the falling dumpster), I don't think it's what you'd call scripted (not in the HL1 sense).

What the valve guys are doing is finding a balance between coming up with cool situations, and making them happen, and having things happen dynamically and spontaneously as a direct reaction to what you're doing. It's not as if the dumpster was scripted to fall - that was a decision made by the player.

I believe most things in HL2 will be like this - there will be NO SCRIPTING in the sense that you arrive, and something pre-animated happens, but rather the AI is programmed to look for cool things to do or be a part of. So if there's a dumpster about to fall, or a wall about to blow apart, the AI will make sure (within reason, and not in all situations) that there's someone there to be crushed, or blown aside from the explosion, etc, in order for "cool moments" that valve have come up with to take place, BUT NOT IF THE PLAYER OR THE AI DON'T INSTIGATE IT.

Gabe has mentioned this "look for something cool to do" trait in the AI, and I think it'll make for a lot more interesting scenarios, such as the AI taking advantage of the environment where appropriate. If that means that valve have to pre-set some markers that make suggestions to the AI, then so be it. It certainly doesn't mean it's scripted, and therefore it certainly doesn't detract from the interactivity of the game. Don't panic :cheers:
LOGIC i couldent have put it any beter myself, which is why i never bothered to try :p.

thanks for explaining it to those that dont know.

Just an opinion :)
Sorry if this has already been answered but if you kill all the members in a squad of Combine soldiers except one, will that last one get scared and run away, or will they fight on?