What about the AI ???



In the media (bugbait) the combine soldiers are "stand-only-turn-and-shoot-everything-that-moves-AIless-personas" ! Discuss?
Oh course they were toned down so they dont actually kill the guy with the camera :p
They were made that way specifically for the demo. Presumably, in the actual game, they will move around.
Originally posted by Killerlagger
Oh course they were toned down so they dont actually kill the guy with the camera :p

Couldnt of put it better myself :)
At the very least, the combine will likely be at least as mobile as the "allies" we'll soon see in the Barney video.
They will be more agile, now they can move and fire at the same time.
They should also be jumping out of the way and stuff at least. If not, it's not the best A.I. ever like everyone is claiming.
I dont know if i understand you correct but here goes.

The AI looks for the biggest threat, mostly regardless of objective.

I would go for the 5 aliens attacking, than the guy in the orange suit.
it has been stated that the AI was toned down/off for those demos.

In other words, we've yet to see it in action. Also note how he takes 1pt damage per bullet, seriously, you think its like that in game?
Originally posted by A2597
it has been stated that the AI was toned down/off for those demos.

In other words, we've yet to see it in action. Also note how he takes 1pt damage per bullet, seriously, you think its like that in game?

It's 2 and that was on Tunnels, on Bugbait Gord took more damage, but yes it was still toned down.

Also not only was the AI set very low, it was also a years worth of development in the past.
They are actually moving around before gordon see's them, if you turn up the sound you can hear tehm moving and talking.
Originally posted by AcousticToad
They are actually moving around before gordon see's them, if you turn up the sound you can hear tehm moving and talking.

They sure were, taking up positions, the footsteps sounded awsome too.
They toned down AI just to deviate us and keep it a surprise. I'm already scared...
Just the fact that they turned it down to make it a surprise scares me.

Originally posted by A.I.
They toned down AI just to deviate us and keep it a surprise. I'm already scared...

P.S QOTSA are awsome.
Mr.Magnetichead, your avatar it just gives me the creeps... uck!
yeah, what is that thing? a jellyfish with a gun? cthulhu with a gun? what?
hmmm ive noticed we are running out of things to discuss about the actuall Half life 2 game....hmmmm...maybe the e3 videos are actually gameplay that was developed a year ago and the real half life is even better! ~Discuss~
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
yeah, what is that thing? a jellyfish with a gun? cthulhu with a gun? what?

I think is an octopus with a crow-bar.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
P.S QOTSA are awsome.

:afro: :afro: oh yes endeed :D

BTW, I think we're discussing about AI here not avatars... csmighty's got the point. The AI might be more improved but it depends on the build which was shown on E3. When released we can expect AI which will make us more run than just hold down the fire button and keep the crosshair on the bad guys. The E3 vid gave me a feeling that you're going to be the pray (remember the hunt in the town?).
I hope Half-Life 2's allies AI would be more like Vietcong's team AI-AI that can actually kill your enemies.
What I didn't like is how they fired the second he came around the corner, as if they are all watching it expecting him to come.

It's almost like they shot before he came around the corner it was that quick. Of course I'm sure they are aware of that and fixing it too but it was really wierd to see.
his avatar is from metal slug, the best side scroller around (maybe codename:gordon can beat it, but it still rules!)
zigrah i chalked that up to the Ai communicating with eachother about his position since they use squad tactics right? but i could be wrong
Originally posted by Zigrah
What I didn't like is how they fired the second he came around the corner, as if they are all watching it expecting him to come.

It's almost like they shot before he came around the corner it was that quick. Of course I'm sure they are aware of that and fixing it too but it was really wierd to see.

Well, there was quite a big fight just some rooms away, soldiers firing, glass breaking, weird noises, screams, silence... kind of makes you pay a bit more attention.
Aye but if you listen closely you can hear them walking/talking in the room before you enter. When if they realistically were waiting for you they would be taking cover somewhere and keeping quiet as opposed to standing out in the open waiting to get shot.

You guys could very well be right. I just found their reaction time to be a little too good. they don't even hesitate as you round the corner... you'd think somebody would first pause well it sunk in somebody was there. I guess they don't worry too much about friendly fire either.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I hope Half-Life 2's allies AI would be more like Vietcong's team AI-AI that can actually kill your enemies.

Well, yes, but to a certain degree. The A.I. has to be balanced. Otherwise it'll all just be too easy. The player had a big advantage over the NPCs in the game, of course. So your allies should be relatively weaker than the overall enemy threat, because YOU have to make up for it. ;)
Well, Freeman does sport a nice bright orange suit, hard not to spot something like that walking around some dull prison.
In the videos, the enemies just stop, stand up, and reloads.. Shouldn't they like, jump behind a box and take cover to reload, then stick their gun out from their hiding place, and then try to kill whatever is trying to kill them?
That struck me as odd, the Combine soldiers were being attacked by antlions, the ran out of ammo, and just stood there..
"Take cover goddamnit! It's comming right for us!" .. Why didn't they say that? :)
I think we've established pretty clearly (for the bajillionth time) that the AI was toned down - most of the combine guys had "stay put" flags on, meaning all they could really do is look and shoot. I think we've also pretty clearly established that these vids are from an old build of HL2, so they don't represent the quality of the final game.

Anyone worried about the AI should think for a second - remember how good the squad AI was in the original HL? Do you honestly think that the guys who created HL would be dumb enough not to have at least the same level of AI in HL2? It was, after all, a major selling point of the game.

Trust me, guys, the AI in HL2 is going to be incredible. They'll relentlessly follow you until one of you is dead.
The AI was scripted in the videos, at least in the traptown video. Look at http://features.moddb.com/interview/52/?page=0 in the bottom, the last question

Were the I-beams and dumpster in the trap town demo scripted or physics + AI? They were all AI, we just hinted for the soldiers to stand in opportune spots so they could get smashed by the heavy physics objects.
No it wasn't scripted. It was AI. It's just that the creator of that particular demo had certain areas that the AI should stick to. EG. They weren't going to disappear down the stairs away from what was about to happen. And anyway that was just for demo purposes only so it'll be different when we play it if that part is in the game.
Yeah, part of it was scripted. It was scripted so they would get smashed.