What are some 'insane' multiplayer ideas you have?

EVIL said:
the tought thing is that you can't pick up cars with the manipulator :)

melons maby? seeing them smash all over the place on the floor

Manipulator can pick up cars...
NeLi said:
I want a MP mod where I can fly around on a nuclear warhead. That's all I'm asking for.

the original UT had a "dr lovestrange" add on where you could do this with the redeemer.
1) A buggy race of course that is what everyone is going to do.

2) like mohaa and cod how about a Search and destroy. one team protect something and the other team have to destroy it...when a player dies he stays dead untill the round is over.

3) Pure Phsics map. manapultors only and it is a deah match hehehe Or last man standing.

4) if bots.... players lets say 6-10 vs loads of zombies...then aliens come...then harder monsters...then Striders maybe at the end.
players are in a building or a spooky house with a field all around it and the zombies come breaking in. makes it scary. then the aliens.. then the striders :D hehehe
Some crazy ideas i had awhile back in a community mod thread

Chump said:
Ive been thinking about something like this the past few days in school

You got a big map, City map W/ ever player for him self. It has to be very dark, kind of Splinter Cellish in the lighting aspect, maybe darker. There are a bunch of NPC’s (Michael Corleone types) randomly scattered at a bunch of points on the map. You talk to them and they give you a job to kill a random player. Think about it. Everyone has a contract. The suspense would be great. Weapons can be purchased from a location or I guess it could be like a counterstrike buy thing. You are penalized by killing a random player by having a bounty on your head. The more a random person is killed the higher the bounty until someone gets him, which is incentive for everyone to go after them. Obviously much of it is based on stealth and suspense but it would probly have a fair bit of action. I think there should be some sort of tracking system, that also makes you more vulnerable when using it.

Point System
1.)The more consecutive people you kill that your given a contract to the more $$ you get.
2.) The selection of who you (whoever you are) is to kill is not completely random. The more points (kills) some one has they have a higher percentage chance of getting a price put on there head. For example, Nikolai Zherdev is 18-1 he has like a 33% chance of getting a bounty on his head. Robert Kron is 0-7. He has a very small percent chance of having a bounty put on his head.
3.) You are penalized by killing a random player by having a bounty on your head. The more a random person is killed the higher the bounty until someone gets him.

Lots of things I haven’t really thought of, but I think that players that have the same contract should be able to work together. I don’t know if it would be continuous spawning of players or it could go round by round, or both modes could be thrown in there. It also seems like it could be kind of slow but there are of few things that could speed it up. I guess contracts could get to you via an intercom of something, so you wouldn’t have to go back to someone to get a contract every time I also don’t know if what time period it would be, Futuristic industrial looking, Right about nowish, WWII (just kidding), or even could be like a mafia thing.

I dunno. Sounds pretty fun to me. I’d probly try to mod it, if I had any Idea how to do any thing with making games.

Chump said:
Ok, I thinking of this as I go so it might not be too coherent but i like the potential.

Setting - futuristic as it would include things that we dont have today. Maps could range anyware from looking like Taris at the beggining of Star wars KOTOR , or a bombed out berlin, 3rd world country ect. All maps would have heavy machinery around though. A shiny clean city would have all the machinery and stuff organized, where as Bombed out berlin has it all scatterd about. Just stuff thats leftover and has no more use now but think big.

Teams (and Gameplay some what) - The game starts out every man to himself. Every body spawns in a different place and has total control over that building, street, square, park, floor of a huge building map ect. very specific places with in the map that take up a pretty small area (in other words the maps are big and the control points are very minute). As people are eliminated Their land is up for grabs. What ever they leave behind is there for the taker (more on that later ) Then, those elimintated players could choose to remain independent and spawn and try to retake or capture someone elses building for there own. The other option they have is to take sides with sombody. They would then spawn as an ally of the player whose side they picked. Eventually it would come down to a few teams, im assuming of which would team up to take out the other one, and then it would turn into a team vs. team game. Its never fun when one team has 20 more players that the other so as a rule a team should only be able to have like 5 more players than the other one.

Game play (with map stuff included) You may be asking, How can one person defend 5 buildings all by himself? Sounds pretty easy to take over a place. Not so. in fact it would be quite hard. When a player takes over a control point the building would spring up with defense systems, that a player can specify which type theyd like. The defense system springing out could be changed but the whole premise of this mod idea kinda came from the way buildings spring up instantly in comand and conquer (I always thought that was cool .).

The game would emphisize team work, as the number of teams got bigger and the size of teams grew, there would be attacks to gain territor, then counter attacks by the other team. After a control point (say a building) is taken, and all the defense systems start up, they would be able to be destroyed, but it wouldnt be completly easy and would probably take more than 1 or 2 players to do. but the payoff is the territory is yours. The game would end when a whole team has control of a map, or maybe when a it has a certain percentage of the map conquered.

Additions(which there will be more of)
When you chose a side, you have to stick with that side until they are eliminated. If not that would destroy the whole perpose of team, and cause people to continuosly switch to whoever they think will win. There would be different classes, such as Medics, engineers (to fix defenses), assualt, ect. but i dont want it to get too tfc-ish.

There you have my Medieval Total war/Comand and conquer/ many other influences mod . Any was its an action mod i think you could have guessed
"Team Manipulator Assault Course"

The players form into 2 teams, and work through an assault course using only the manipulators. Wall you can't climb, jump or find a way through? Get your friend to lift you over with the manipulator. Once you're over, clear the way for the rest of your team, and carry on. To win, you need the entire team into a safe zone.
The Manipulator Assualt Course would be cool indeed..

Chuck, you idea about the city and defending points sound actually pretty interesting as well.