What are some of the strangest gaming habits you've seen?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Well, i'm sure we all either have done it ouself, or know someone who does it... sticking your tongue out the corner of your mouth in concentration as you're in a tense moment in a video game.

But, what are some of the things you've seen others do, or you yourself do while gaming?

My little cousins, all three of whom, seem to be playing a game... and while they are doing that, like in a racing game, if they're making a sharp turn they'll lean hard to their right or left, as if somehow doing so will yield in a sharper turn. On the same note, whenever something happens to them in game, they shake around violently, and their hands fly up and to the side with controller in hand, as if casting an arcane sigil with the corded contraption.

It's humorous watching them play video games. :monkee:
I have seen people move their head to one side of the screen in an effort to try and see further the other way!
I have seen people jump and shriek if something scary happens all the sudden. (I've done it myself :dork: )

And sometimes I've witnessed people standing up and shouting "OH YEAHHHH!!"
It's actually not that strange, it just means they have'nt played enough yet to realize such actions in the real world have 0 effect on the game.

i.e. moving your head, wont let you see a greater angle of the screen, but it would in a car!

So all it means is they need more experience!
using the right mouse button to move foreward! wtf is up with that?
whenever im playing a game online im always checking the score every 2 seconds, and now im so used to do it i dont even look at the scores when i do it... im so sad.....
The Agent Smith said:
And sometimes I've witnessed people standing up and shouting "OH YEAHHHH!!"
That's me right there! On console games usually...

Strange gaming habit? Everquest.
I think it's a good sign that they react to sudden scary things popping out. Perfectly normal, and shows you have a good sense of... Sense..ory.. stuff.. things..
Epyon said:
whenever im playing a game online im always checking the score every 2 seconds, and now im so used to do it i dont even look at the scores when i do it... im so sad.....

Same here, my pinky constantly hovers above the 'tab' key.
Facial expressions change a lot.

:frown: - i keel u!

:E - i win

:x - i just getted shot

:borg: - ?
Umm... well, I still lean way back in my seat when I'm pulling up in a flight or space sim...

I also know someone who almost constantly smack talks to videogame enemies...

"Oh, YEAH? You think you're GOOD? HAH! Take THAT! And how about a little of THIS?! EAT RAILGUN!!"
I'm such a conservationist in FPS games. For example, if you get 10 grenades per level in a game, I'll only always use about one or two because I think that if I collect them, I'll be able to use everything saved in my arsenal later on in the game. Never usually happens. Then there's the areas in games where you lose all your weapons, and have to start collecting again, and I end up losing everything I'd strived to kept, heh.

I also always fire in single shots or small bursts, never full auto because I think I'll end up using everything and will have to go around with a knife or something.

Well, I think it's weird, anyway.
Sometimes I kiss the screen passionately when a beautiful female character comes on-screen.. ooh Alyxx...

EDIT: No, really, I don't...
As some of you guys mentioned, I find the physical movements the weirdest.

People who hold a controller for a PS2 and physically move the thing. Or people who duck and move their heads around when playing FPS games. It looks quite retarded.

Has anyone got a link to that guy playing CS and swearing his head off, i haven't seen it in ages.
It's funny to see people lean and move thier controllers in the direction their vehicle is movie while they are playing racing games.
When I get fragged I tend to punch my monitor, usually breaking it. I have an endless supply of monitors though.
I remember back with my Playstation in a rally game where we all leaned right or left in a sharp turn in the game.

Other than that I haven't seen any really strange habits
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I have seen people move their head to one side of the screen in an effort to try and see further the other way!

yeah i do this and realise im doing it, i think WTF?!?! how is that gonna help lol.
Weirdest gaming habit I have to say is what my gf's little brother does. Hes probably 10 years old and I swear the first time I went to her house I heard him having screaming orgasms in his room. I walked in to see him playing mario party 4, I asked her about it and she said he yells and screams while playing games. So all day I hear him yelling "OUCH! IM DEAD!" or "OIIII YEA!" its hilarious.
I think my habit while playing fps' is to quicksave/quickload an insane amout of time to make sure I live.

I hate it when people hold the controller wrong by having all four fingers on top and holding it with their thumbs.
A few times when I used to play Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, a rocket propelled grenade would come right at me and I'd move my head quickly in an effort to prevent my face from becoming smashed.

When I play motocross games, I sometimes lean in the direction that I want to turn. I take what I would do on a real bike and use it for the game too. I even find myself turning the controller as if it were a pair of handlebars.
I drink an absurd amount of water while gaming.
Its like in bowling, when somebody bowls, you can see them move to one side. While playing foosball, my friend used to involuntarily kick his foot in the air as he made a really hard shot with his wrist, it was hilarious.

Hazar Dakiri said:
I think my habit while playing fps' is to quicksave/quickload an insane amout of time to make sure I live.

I hate it when people hold the controller wrong by having all four fingers on top and holding it with their thumbs.

I used to do this [edit: the quicksaving] , but i kept quicksaving as i died, or walked into a hopeless scenario. Now i just quicksave before entering any door, or before any corners in hallways.
the wierdest thing i do during gaming?
1. I will literally jump in my seat if someone comes outta nowwhere and shoots me.

2.During the american epilogue level in CoD, when you first start off and you're running towards the bunkers, hoping you don't get hit by artillery, whenever i hear the scream of the shells, i will lean to one side(in real life). I know im doing it, and i know it will do no good, but i do it anyway.
when i'm playing a shooter, i always HAVE to have a full mag. If i shoot of just one round, then seeing that 29 at the bottom of the screen will bother me and i have to have the full 30 mag there.
JonTheCanuck said:
when i'm playing a shooter, i always HAVE to have a full mag. If i shoot of just one round, then seeing that 29 at the bottom of the screen will bother me and i have to have the full 30 mag there.
I do that too. I don'tk now why, i just do.
JonTheCanuck said:
when i'm playing a shooter, i always HAVE to have a full mag. If i shoot of just one round, then seeing that 29 at the bottom of the screen will bother me and i have to have the full 30 mag there.

Yeah, me too. I'm obsessive about that; sometimes it messes me up too.

I actually do most of the things people mentioned here. No matter how much I play, I'll probably always be moving my head around. I realize what I'm doing as I'm doing it, but it's like a habit. I sometimes yell at my computer without realizing it :eek:. Once I was playing in my room and my sister had come in behind me while I was randomly talking, without me noticing... that was embarassing. I think what I say is usually limited to stuff like, "You idiot, grr," "Agh!" and "Ha, sucker" -- stuff I can say without thinking. I also say "ouch" sometimes.......
Yeah, that's my biggest weakness in multiplayer FPS games. I'm obsessed with little things like having full mags at all times. Most of the time it is a good habit if the game just tracks total ammo and not individual mags, because those last couple of shots can often be the difference between life and death. On the other hand, with my luck I often unknowingly reload right as I'm about to find the enemies, so that kind of offsets the benefits of doing it.

The other weird habit I had was that I sometimes balanced on the back two legs of my chair while playing CS when the games got interesting. It worked for me...
JonTheCanuck said:
when i'm playing a shooter, i always HAVE to have a full mag. If i shoot of just one round, then seeing that 29 at the bottom of the screen will bother me and i have to have the full 30 mag there.

Same thing here.. Absolutely the same thing here.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I have seen people move their head to one side of the screen in an effort to try and see further the other way!

Yes, same here, my cousins do that. :D My bro keeps his mouth open the whole time...
OCybrManO said:
Yeah, that's my biggest weakness in multiplayer FPS games. I'm obsessed with little things like having full mags at all times. Most of the time it is a good habit if the game just tracks total ammo and not individual mags, because those last couple of shots can often be the difference between life and death. On the other hand, with my luck I often unknowingly reload right as I'm about to find the enemies, so that kind of offsets the benefits of doing it.

Many suffer from FRS (Frequent Reloading Syndrome) Myself included. But the reason some games do it by mag (e.g. DoD) is because thats how rel life is. You don't pull out the magazine and top it off with bullets or save the rest in your pocket. It's 'realistic''.

The best system would be by bullets and magazine. So when you have time and you're not fighting, you can recover bullets from discarded partially-filled magazines. That way every bullet can be used, but you don't magically store half-filled clips to start with.
PunisherUSA said:
Many suffer from FRS (Frequent Reloading Syndrome) Myself included.
The other day I went paintballing and whenever I'd fired a few shots I had the urge to reaload, simply because that's what I'd do in an FPS shoot-duck-shoot-cover style fire-fight :)
I don't have any weird habits except my monitor has to be perfectly clean(don't want somthing I coughed up a week ago to be blocking my view) and my mouse and keyboard have to be in exactly the right position. When I am playing xbox live I change the position of the mic cord a lot, I prefer it to be on the right.
SHIPPI said:
I stick my tounge out when I'm concentrating. I never noticed till my friends pointed it out to me :p And when playing games I sometimes duck if something's heading towards my head. I don't really notice I do it, I just do, it's weird

lol, I allways used to do this. I prolly still do in fact. I'll try and see if i am doing next time I play Call of Duty or something.

I used to do it when I was younger and trying to learn to play the piano too!
I can't play n64 without a turned-off rumble pack. The controller is too light otherwise. :p
Well this might be considered weird...

Like when I play CS...and I die because 1.)Some gay random bullet hits me or 2.)I get my ass handed to me...I like cuss and grab my headset and throw it....
Nah, it's not weird. It's pretty light compared to a vid of a cs guy I saw, he completely destroyed the monitor after getting killed by a camper and stuff.. :)
Abom said:
I'm such a conservationist in FPS games. For example, if you get 10 grenades per level in a game, I'll only always use about one or two because I think that if I collect them, I'll be able to use everything saved in my arsenal later on in the game. Never usually happens. Then there's the areas in games where you lose all your weapons, and have to start collecting again, and I end up losing everything I'd strived to kept, heh.

I also always fire in single shots or small bursts, never full auto because I think I'll end up using everything and will have to go around with a knife or something.

Well, I think it's weird, anyway.

Ahhh... the ammo hoarder, yes, I know a few of those.. very closely related to the people in strategy games that build a defensive base, take all the resources they can and sit there building a massive army that they rarely use.. then they attack in surgical strikes to capture more resources. they never actually kill the enemy- but they have a real cool base, with streets built in, and soldiers all in little mini-armies etc etc