What are some of your most embarrassing fears?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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I'll start it off with one thats close to me. I wish it wasn't so, but unfortunately it is.

I'm afraid of the dark, and i'm afraid of almost anything even remotely deemed 'scary'. Some corny ghost/monster movies/books scare me at times, unless they're just so wildly goofy.

Mainly though, its when i'm alone that its a problem. I can easily watch a scary film or walk around in the dark when i'm with somebody. Its when i'm alone, that I have the issues.

Also... Unusually enough, i'm afraid of many churchy type things. Not church things in general, but particular things like statues and paintings of Mary, etc. I don't know why, but they just freak me out at times. And churches in general freak me out at times.
Raziaar said:
I'm afraid of the dark, and i'm afraid of almost anything even remotely deemed 'scary'. Some corny ghost/monster movies/books scare me at times, unless they're just so wildly goofy.

I guess you're going to be avoiding Zombie Master then? ;)

-Angry Lawyer
Same here Raziaar :p

Guess I got from watching 'Ebola' at the age of 7 or something, I had nightmares and delusions of evehl monkeys then ^-^
dark. i hate walking down my long corridor at night with the lights turned off. i HAVE to look at every window i pass, and i always look behind me just before i reach my door.

also have a fear of big heights, not roofs or anything like that. im talking sheer vertical mountain drops..the thought that one slip could...*shudders*

oh and the girl from The Grudge...its those eyes i tell you!!!!
Angry Lawyer said:
I guess you're going to be avoiding Zombie Master then? ;)

-Angry Lawyer

Nah. I'll play it right now if you'll let me :-P

And you know, for all my fears of dark, evil things... I have an amazing, active imigination for those types of things. I could probably write a scary as hell novel if I really put my mind to it. But my writings freak the hell out of me as I do it. As I was writing that wolf thing(which was shitty writing, just so you know. rushed an such), it was early in the morning, dark out. Nothing but silence in the house. The house would settle and I would hear all sorts of noises and it terrified me, cause I was writing this thing about freaky encounter. lol.
Freezers, I cant stand the sound of the ice cluking and scraping, I really cannot be anywhere near someone opening a freezer. Also ceramics, whenever I feel them, I get the urge to scape my fingernails on them, and that is like the cringiest thing ever for me, so Im really scared of touching them.
solaris152000 said:
Freezers, I cant stand the sound of the ice cluking and scraping, I really cannot be anywhere near someone opening a freezer. Also ceramics, whenever I feel them, I get the urge to scape my fingernails on them, and that is like the cringiest thing ever for me, so Im really scared of touching them.

Are you afraid of... chalkboards?

I'm scratching my fingernails on a chalkboard right now. My nails are dry like the chalky black board, and it reverberates that awful dry scraping noise.

Chalkboards are amazing. If I just think about somebody scraping one with their fingernails, I get these violent shivers. That sound makes me shiver.
oh the worst is a knife and fork on a plate...that screeching sound you get some times...god it goes right through me
solaris152000 said:
Also ceramics, whenever I feel them, I get the urge to scape my fingernails on them, and that is like the cringiest thing ever for me, so Im really scared of touching them.

I too hate the feeling of unglazed pottery :(
Statues, especially the ones that are particularly detailed. I often get the feeling that if I get close to them they will come alive.

not really an interesting fear - in fact its downright boring
my ex girlfriend hated the sound of joints or bones cracking - bad luck for her that my ankles sound like cement mixers in the morning lol
john3571000 said:
my ex girlfriend hated the sound of joints or bones cracking - bad luck for her that my ankles sound like cement mixers in the morning lol
Lol yeah some people in my school downright hate that noise, and my finger joints crack loud as hell, and even louder if I do it right next to their ears :naughty:
Then they go all "Ewwwwwwwww"
Being exposed for the hollow shell of a human being that I am
Water. I'm sure everybody has it to an extent, and I'm 'fine' being in the water with other people, but i won't even go into a pool if it's only me. It's not even drowning that worries me because i'm not a bad swimmer, i just keep waiting for something to attack me. Could this have something to do with my dad showing me the jaws trilogy when i was like 7...probably not.

My girlfriend’s best friend is afraid of feet. She won't wear flip flops and always wears socks, i found this out when i propped my feet up on her legs during a movie and she flipped out and rolled off the couch taking her coke with her.
I am afraid of heights(but I love climbing) and my dad is afraid of needles.
I'm kinda scared of the dark like Razziar, :E mainly because I've experiacned some pretty freaky sh*t.... (or maybe I'm just crazy :D)

I had been sleeping in my basement for awhile. It had carpets and drywall and whatnot, so it wasn't excactly the creepiest basement. So I was lying there, when all of a sudden I hear this lip-smacking dripping kind of sound. I figured it was some pipe or something so I ignored it. Again, I hear this dripping sound, a little louder this time. Again, I ingnore it. A few seconds later I hear a new sound, It sounded like the little patter of feet on my basement floor.

I figured It was just my cat being ghey again. An instant later, something pulled down the corner of my bedsheet. I lauged, and called for my cat. Silence. It was then that I rememberd that my cat was lost outside that night. Naturally, this scared the sh*t out of me. I was about to get up and turn on the light, when suddenly a box fell off a shelf behind me. I just lay in my bed till morning.

This other time I was in my old bunk-bed trying to fall asleep, when I heard these soft, methodical footsteps coming fromdownstairs. It was wierd, because everybody was sleeping and none of the lights were turned on, except for one little nite-lite in the hall. At first I figured it was my little brother wandering around (he does that sometimes), but I looked at the bottom bunk and saw that he was sound asleep.

By now I was already kinda freaked out. I was going to get up and investigate... when I heard the footsteps coming upstairs! Now I was really starting to feel scared, the footsteps were definately too soft to be my parents'. I didn't know what to do, so I just lay there and waited. The footsteps started to get louder as they got closer.... then stopped. My door was opened a little, (so that my cat doesnt pee on me at nite :E) so I overcame my fear and brought myself to take a look. I saw a tall, black cloacked figure RIGHT IN MY F*CKING DOORWAY. It didn't make any sound, and I couldnt see any features- it was completely covered in black cloth. It looked into my room for about 5 seconds, turned away, and continued down the hall. I heard it go into the family room, and the footsteps stopped. I didn't see anything the next morning.

So ya you can kinda see why I'm afraid of the dark now... :LOL:
Teta_Bonita said:
I'm kinda scared of the dark like Razziar, :E mainly because I've experiacned some pretty freaky sh*t.... (or maybe I'm just crazy :D)

I had been sleeping in my basement for awhile. It had carpets and drywall and whatnot, so it wasn't excactly the creepiest basement. So I was lying there, when all of a sudden I hear this lip-smacking dripping kind of sound. I figured it was some pipe or something so I ignored it. Again, I hear this dripping sound, a little louder this time. Again, I ingnore it. A few seconds later I hear a new sound, It sounded like the little patter of feet on my basement floor.

I figured It was just my cat being ghey again. An instant later, something pulled down the corner of my bedsheet. I lauged, and called for my cat. Silence. It was then that I rememberd that my cat was lost outside that night. Naturally, this scared the sh*t out of me. I was about to get up and turn on the light, when suddenly a box fell off a shelf behind me. I just lay in my bed till morning.

This other time I was in my old bunk-bed trying to fall asleep, when I heard these soft, methodical footsteps coming fromdownstairs. It was wierd, because everybody was sleeping and none of the lights were turned on, except for one little nite-lite in the hall. At first I figured it was my little brother wandering around (he does that sometimes), but I looked at the bottom bunk and saw that he was sound asleep.

By now I was already kinda freaked out. I was going to get up and investigate... when I heard the footsteps coming upstairs! Now I was really starting to feel scared, the footsteps were definately too soft to be my parents'. I didn't know what to do, so I just lay there and waited. The footsteps started to get louder as they got closer.... then stopped. My door was opened a little, (so that my cat doesnt pee on me at nite :E) so I overcame my fear and brought myself to take a look. I saw a tall, black cloacked figure RIGHT IN MY F*CKING DOORWAY. It didn't make any sound, and I couldnt see any features- it was completely covered in black cloth. It looked into my room for about 5 seconds, turned away, and continued down the hall. I heard it go into the family room, and the footsteps stopped. I didn't see anything the next morning.

So ya you can kinda see why I'm afraid of the dark now... :LOL:

damnit, teta. Now i'm scared of the dark :(
Windows freak me out sometimes.. only when it's dark though. A few times I've walked into the hallway when everyone else was asleep and been overcome by this intense fear. There's this big window to the right, and each time I just couldn't bring myself to look at it.. also, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I can swear that there's something outside my window. Though I can't see out because of the curtains..
some feelings and sounds annoy the hell out of me. Car roofs, I can't bear to scratch my fingertips along that soft fabric. Styrofoam, knives/plates, chalk on a blackboard, cardboard scraping on cardboard - it all makes me physically react, flinch.

dry bare feet on smooth fabric - IE barefoot in the morning in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower, standing on the shower rug bothers me.

I know I'm weird. Yes.
SHIPPI said:
Windows freak me out sometimes.. only when it's dark though. A few times I've walked into the hallway when everyone else was asleep and been overcome by this intense fear. There's this big window to the right, and each time I just couldn't bring myself to look at it.. also, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I can swear that there's something outside my window. Though I can't see out because of the curtains..

oh ive had that before. its like you can hear movement.

worst ive had where i actually almost crapped my pants was when i woke up to a cat fight right outside my window...***k me was i scared as i had no clue what the hell the noises were.

and if i hear something i dont want to open my curtains for fear of having something look right back at me...sounds stupid but horror films get to me sometimes
Okay. I'm taking down all your fears, and i'm going to write down little short stories about them to scare the shit out of you all. :monkee:
My own imagination, I seriously need some help, I keep seeing things, the most worrying thing, is that I never take drugs and I rarely get pissed.

I need to escape this village, if anyone will let me move in with them, I'd really appreciate it, I can pay by doing all the house work, incidently, I'm a Ninja, so home security is not a problem. :p
Daddy Longlegs.

Due to me going to bed with two in my room and hearing strange noises and then something brushed my face....

Most things that are supposed to frighten me dont. I saw Land of the Dead today (rules BTW) and I just loved the gory zombies and the eating scenes. Oh well. :)
Im going to halloween haunt on the first and I think I will have an acute heart attack.
Grey aliens and demonic little girls! (seriously)
My girlfriend is deathly afraid of clowns. Something she just recently developed. She was house sitting and cleaning the house of her mother's friend who was on an extended vacation. The woman had a nice, finished basement. So my girlfriend cleaned the upstairs one day, the ground floor the next day and the basement the day after. A week passes and the woman calls my girlfriend and asks her how everything is going.

My girlfriend says, "everything's fine no problems except that clown statue in the basement really freaks me out it gave me a real creepy vibe."

The woman was shocked and told my girlfriend, "I don't have a clown statue, I hate clowns."

Well needless to say my girlfriend freaked out. So, I had to go back to the house with her. She refused to go inside. So I went in, went straight to the basement and didn't see any clown statue anywhere. Upstairs I heard a door slam. I figured it was my girlfriend. I looked around a bit more and went back upstairs. Nothing there either. I went outside and my girlfriend was white as a ghost and asked me if I heard the door slam. I said yes and wondered why she did that. She said she didn't, but she heard a door slam too. I went back into the house and again nothing. Looked out into the backyard which had about a six foot high wooden fence. In the back of the yard the gate was wide open.

So now drama insued. She was absolutely freaked. She was nose to nose with this clown statue just a day or so before this. She called the police explained everything and they came out and looked around etc. They didn't really find anything, nothing appeared to be stolen. The police thought that this was probably a person dressed as a clown that might have broken in and stayed in the house while the owners were away. Apparently there were other break ins in the area over the course of a few months.

Of course I didn't see any of this. I believe my girlfriend because she would be the last person to make this stuff up and she's still freaked out about it to this day. I guess the thought of standing face to face with a short guy dressed as a clown who broke into a house and stood like a statue for an hour while she cleaned is enough to freak someone out. Go figure.
jabberwock95 said:
I just loved the gory zombies and the eating scenes. Oh well.
I accidently lol'ed (in the true meaning of the word) at the cinema that was platying a movie that had this gory zombie scene. Everyone was looking at me :eek:
jabberwock95 said:
Daddy Longlegs.

You'd love my room then. My bed is right below our a/c vent and three times now, i have been laying in bed (you know, that 10 minutes when you watch tv before you go to sleep) and had the a/c kick on, and feel something fall on me, whether it be my hair or my stomach, or the back of my neck. I brush it off only to see this same kind of spider. There must be a nest up there or something and they crawl in the vent at the wrong time. But anyway, i just love to ponder how many fall on my while i'm sleeping. This may explain why when i floss in the morning i pull little legs out from between my teeth.
Fishlore said:
My girlfriend is deathly afraid of clowns. Something she just recently developed. She was house sitting and cleaning the house of her mother's friend who was on an extended vacation. The woman had a nice, finished basement. So my girlfriend cleaned the upstairs one day, the ground floor the next day and the basement the day after. A week passes and the woman calls my girlfriend and asks her how everything is going.

My girlfriend says, "everything's fine no problems except that clown statue in the basement really freaks me out it gave me a real creepy vibe."

The woman was shocked and told my girlfriend, "I don't have a clown statue, I hate clowns."

Well needless to say my girlfriend freaked out. So, I had to go back to the house with her. She refused to go inside. So I went in, went straight to the basement and didn't see any clown statue anywhere. Upstairs I heard a door slam. I figured it was my girlfriend. I looked around a bit more and went back upstairs. Nothing there either. I went outside and my girlfriend was white as a ghost and asked me if I heard the door slam. I said yes and wondered why she did that. She said she didn't, but she heard a door slam too. I went back into the house and again nothing. Looked out into the backyard which had about a six foot high wooden fence. In the back of the yard the gate was wide open.

So now drama insued. She was absolutely freaked. She was nose to nose with this clown statue just a day or so before this. She called the police explained everything and they came out and looked around etc. They didn't really find anything, nothing appeared to be stolen. The police thought that this was probably a person dressed as a clown that might have broken in and stayed in the house while the owners were away. Apparently there were other break ins in the area over the course of a few months.

Of course I didn't see any of this. I believe my girlfriend because she would be the last person to make this stuff up and she's still freaked out about it to this day. I guess the thought of standing face to face with a short guy dressed as a clown who broke into a house and stood like a statue for an hour while she cleaned is enough to freak someone out. Go figure.

Holy christ!