What are some of your most embarrassing fears?

Fishlore said:

Of course I didn't see any of this. I believe my girlfriend because she would be the last person to make this stuff up and she's still freaked out about it to this day. I guess the thought of standing face to face with a short guy dressed as a clown who broke into a house and stood like a statue for an hour while she cleaned is enough to freak someone out. Go figure.
Wooooh, that would be ..... Extreme.

I can see how that could scare you....shivers.
Shens said:
I question the meaning of this post. Is it sarcasm? Or is it true holy christianity?
I was merely expressing my belief that the clown was actually Jesus.
I just told one of my girl friends with an acute clown fear that story fishlore... now she's mad at me :D
xcellerate said:
This may explain why when i floss in the morning i pull little legs out from between my teeth.
Stop, i'll be afraid to sleep in your room now.
Ennui said:
some feelings and sounds annoy the hell out of me. Car roofs, I can't bear to scratch my fingertips along that soft fabric. Styrofoam, knives/plates, chalk on a blackboard, cardboard scraping on cardboard - it all makes me physically react, flinch.

dry bare feet on smooth fabric - IE barefoot in the morning in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower, standing on the shower rug bothers me.

I know I'm weird. Yes.

Weird, I've got that too...my speech will go slurred as well. Its really quite awful

So glass, clowns and fabric....:(
GAAAH okay i cant visit this thread anymore, everytime i read a description or think about those feelings or sounds i keep freaking out and flinching
I really haven't experienced something REALLY weird, although sometimes I feel these really weird vibes, like something invisible that moves around. Sometimes I tend to feel it and I get this feeling that there IS something just next to me, watching me. I tend to accept it and carry on, but sometimes it just freaks me out.
I really haven't experienced something REALLY weird, although sometimes I feel these really weird vibes, like something invisible that moves around. Sometimes I tend to feel it and I get this feeling that there IS something just next to me, watching me. I tend to accept it and carry on, but sometimes it just freaks me out.

Ah, yeah. Sorry about that. I'll stop now. :(
Weird vibes pwn. Vibes in general are awesome.
Beerdude26 said:
I really haven't experienced something REALLY weird, although sometimes I feel these really weird vibes, like something invisible that moves around. Sometimes I tend to feel it and I get this feeling that there IS something just next to me, watching me. I tend to accept it and carry on, but sometimes it just freaks me out.

*looks behind himself*
I've had random deafness in ears before. One second, I would be hearing things perfectly and the next second, there is this damned ringing. Not really scary though.

I made a thread about this once.

That's about it.
Shens said:
I've had random deafness in ears before. One second, I would be hearing things perfectly and the next second, there is this damned ringing. Not really scary though.

I made a thread about this once.

That's about it.
That'll stop when you stop stabbing people in the face randomly.
Beerdude26 said:
That'll stop when you stop stabbing people in the face randomly.

That's not me.

/me points you towards Pressure and outpost.
riding in the car with my cousin...worst driver in the family, we try to help her and give her pointers, but she just thinks that we are criticizing her, i really think that i am going to die if i keep riding with her...btw she has been in like 3 major accidents
Shens said:
I've had random deafness in ears before. One second, I would be hearing things perfectly and the next second, there is this damned ringing. Not really scary though.

I made a thread about this once.

That's about it.

Thats Tinnitus, I get it sometimes, its random.

That or when the 'nades are going off.
When i get off the bus in the dark i have to walk through a pitch black alley way, its really long and the street lamp doesnt work...crap myself all the time
maybe it did happen to him...or he's a LIAR!
whichever suits you
I'm quite worried that a giant otter will swim out of the plughole one day and eat my feet, but I'm learning to cope with that fear through hypnotherapy and extremely strong drugs.
Fishlore said:
My girlfriend is deathly afraid of clowns. Something she just recently developed. She was house sitting and cleaning the house of her mother's friend who was on an extended vacation. The woman had a nice, finished basement. So my girlfriend cleaned the upstairs one day, the ground floor the next day and the basement the day after. A week passes and the woman calls my girlfriend and asks her how everything is going.

My girlfriend says, "everything's fine no problems except that clown statue in the basement really freaks me out it gave me a real creepy vibe."

The woman was shocked and told my girlfriend, "I don't have a clown statue, I hate clowns."

Well needless to say my girlfriend freaked out. So, I had to go back to the house with her. She refused to go inside. So I went in, went straight to the basement and didn't see any clown statue anywhere. Upstairs I heard a door slam. I figured it was my girlfriend. I looked around a bit more and went back upstairs. Nothing there either. I went outside and my girlfriend was white as a ghost and asked me if I heard the door slam. I said yes and wondered why she did that. She said she didn't, but she heard a door slam too. I went back into the house and again nothing. Looked out into the backyard which had about a six foot high wooden fence. In the back of the yard the gate was wide open.

So now drama insued. She was absolutely freaked. She was nose to nose with this clown statue just a day or so before this. She called the police explained everything and they came out and looked around etc. They didn't really find anything, nothing appeared to be stolen. The police thought that this was probably a person dressed as a clown that might have broken in and stayed in the house while the owners were away. Apparently there were other break ins in the area over the course of a few months.

Of course I didn't see any of this. I believe my girlfriend because she would be the last person to make this stuff up and she's still freaked out about it to this day. I guess the thought of standing face to face with a short guy dressed as a clown who broke into a house and stood like a statue for an hour while she cleaned is enough to freak someone out. Go figure.

What the ****? I heard that on snopes awhile ago. I call BS
I have this fear of people touching me, its really weird. I really cant take anyone hugging me. Or if I'm in a somewhere, even if it is crowded, and I know someones right behind me it still scares the shit out of me.
Sanius said:
What the ****? I heard that on snopes awhile ago. I call BS

Same.......except in the story I heard the girl plus two children get murdered, and the clown was in the bedroom.
Skaadi said:
I have this fear of people touching me, its really weird. I really cant take anyone hugging me. Or if I'm in a somewhere, even if it is crowded, and I know someones right behind me it still scares the shit out of me.

:( hugs are the best thing ever
To the whole thing about clowns. I hate the IT too. I think thats the movie that started my whole paranoia of all things evil and dark. I was very, VERy young when I was allowed to watch it. <shudders>

I still imigine going into my kitchen at night, and looking through that picture window when its starting to get dark out(yes, I have the picture window in the kitchen), and seeing Pennywise out there digging a grave. When he notices me, He puts on this big, evil grin, and then those freakish teeth come out and he charges me busting through the window to devour me.

<laughs> :sleep:
fear of public speaking. the thing is, im a logical person and i know it isn't logical to be afraid of people because my whole attitude is against that, yet it always gets the best of me, thus is very embarrasing to me.
i'm not really afraid of the dark, not if i'm imagining things. i tend to like the dark because it allows me to chill (everything's silent) but when I start thinking of that ghost movie then i get freaked out. more annoying than scary, really.
my mom looked at me mean the other day...i still terrified of her.

no joke
Kamikazie said:
my mom looked at me mean the other day...i still terrified of her.

no joke

My mother is too old to be scary