What are you going to do to HL?

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I have... but this whole AWP thing isn't really on topic is it...

I plan to keep HL1, but I won't be playing it much. I might play a mod occasionally... I'm still a fan of rocket crowbar, even though it's not very popular... so I might pick that up once and a while. Other than that... nah. I've beaten SP 4 times now, that's enough for me.
Originally posted by EVIL
RIGHT.. and cs2 would be something totally new in your oppginion. nah. lets cut the crap with all these realistic shooters. its time for a new concept to take the crown of most played mod on the hl2 engine.

i don't know how you can call CS a realistic shooter

the fact of the matter is, i've NEVER seen a game that comes close to something sembling realism in every mod i've ever played on Half Life

i don't know what it is, i think movement speed has a lot to do with it though. all these mods claiming realism, you run around like you just did 3 oz. of crack, everything just kinda zipping buy

real combat isn't like that, in real combat, most bullets never find their mark and proper tactics of covering fire and cover can be used to effect, unlike any mod claiming realism i've ever played for HL
CS Rulez...CS never fall down.
i think people will be continue to play CS 1.5 because if on CPL play CS 2 there's problems.
when HL2 relase im keep HL1 and all games i dont know why you hate CS, i know CS old 5 years but games is soo popular, soo chiteri CS RUUUUUUUUULEZ
Originally posted by eyesore
Um, yes you will get killed by getting shot anywhere with an awp. the mod is crap. end of story.

you twat.....if you get shot in the legs or toes:dozey: and your on 100 % healt you wont die.
To be realistic CS has progessively become worse and worse of a game. I still stand by my covictions that a randomizer is built into that game judgeing if some of your bullets hit or not. Things are constantly nerfed in that game in an effort to make it easier for people to buy it and be good at it from the moment they start playing. or else a ton of people wouldn't play it if you actually required skill to stay alive. Of course there are those who play alot and have skill but alot of those people can agree with me that the game was so much better in the beginning.

All I mean to say by this is don't expect huge things of CS2. It's gonna be the same old stuff on a revamped engine. I know I will play it, like I play cs now.

But I'm hoping someone out there will make the new and far more superior mod and that it will be recognized for just that and CS can fade away, corrupted by it's commercialization.

I'm gonna get flamed for this post I realize this, I don't blame the CS guys for turning their mod into a goldmine. I just hope someone makes another game for the pure enjoyment of it and it becomes the new CS.
If you dislike CS I have an idea for you, don't play it!!! Just stop whining about it. if you don't go anywhere near it you can't get annoyed by it can you.

Just to clarrify the awp point, cs1.4 (i think, but it may have been 1.3 or 1.5) reduced the damage done by the awp on the leg hit locations it now only does about 83 damage to the legs.

Anyway back to topic. I will keep my HL1 so I can play cs. I'll probably do a HL1 run through towards the end of september too. After that I may use it as a novely drinks coaster.
I have an idea... lets not pee our pants arguing over a mod that if it sucked it wouldn't have gotten a Retail version and had its team aquired by valve... The same goes for DoD.
a shot to the foot will usually do about 84 damage. wont kill but very close. i did 84 damage to someone who went on to kill me and my whole team...

by now i'm used to people attacking CS though. i don't see why, really, it's almost never justified.

as for HL1, i'm gonna keep it. i'm playing it again right now, almost done... might play it again in the future, and since poop wouldn't be great for my CD-rom, that's right out :rolleyes:

when hl2 comes out the hl1 community will die off slowly and the major mods will get a hl2 version so i think i'l keep it in my closet and never use it again
Originally posted by Stingey
when hl2 comes out the hl1 community will die off slowly and the major mods will get a hl2 version so i think i'l keep it in my closet and never use it again

I'll think ill eat mine
I probably keep it on my hdd til HL2 get as many servers as HL have.
HL is starting to piss me off so much right now....i cant wait to get HL2 and freaking break my hl cd in half. I play dod, but since 1.0 i F*ing hate it. If 1.1 makes me love dod again than that will be the only reason i keep hl.
I didn't say it sucked. just that it was better before it went retail. I still play CS and like it but it is old and something new is needed.

My expecations for CS2 is that it will be pretty much the same old game with improved graphics and better physics. Degrading in quality as the versions keep coming out... it's just the way it's been working out. I'll keep playing it until something better comes around.
I didn't say it sucked. just that it was better before it went retail. I still play CS and like it but it is old and something new is needed.

i do agree with that.