what are your feeling on the war on "terror"

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Absinthe said:
The war on terror is a sham and its sole purpose is to put you in a perpetual state of fear that causes you to believe that daddy USA is ****ing you in the ass for the greater good.

I see we have a Michael Moore fan.

"There is no terrorist threat."

CptStern said:
I edited nothing ..if you want to post what you believe to be the whole quote go ahead ..I can't find anything that expands from what I posted
Yes you did edit it.

"I killed little babies, except no I didnt"

Its like you quoting just the "I killed little babies" part. Selective quoting, dont try and defend it. Of course theres nothing that expands upon what you posted when you're looking at the world socialist daily, they are only going to lie to you - oh, and also, the only thing that expands upon what you posted is the truth which is there is MORE to that quote and you tried to get by, thinking no one here was smart enough to actually type the quote into google and tear your lies down, by posting the most false part of the quote to further your cause and damage his reputation.
Bodacious said:
I see we have a Michael Moore fan.

"There is no terrorist threat."


Wow, Bodacious, you really pulled out all the emotional stops on that one.

If you want to let your country screw your civil rights up, let them carry on. I'm not bothered, I don't live in the US
I see we have a Michael Moore fan.

"There is no terrorist threat."
You posted a 9/11 picture!?! We all know you are only gunning for a psychological reaction, it never happened!

Edit: i called it
Bodacious said:
I see we have a Michael Moore fan.

"There is no terrorist threat."


Ah, another shallow appeal to emotion that substitutes any real argument.

9/11 was one incident that came into being thanks to incompetence, intelligence failures, and things not being as tight as they should be. It happened not necessarily because of ingenious terrorist masterminding. It was an avoidable event that nobody bothered to avoid.

Something like 9/11 will not happen again for a long time, if ever. Unfortunately, the government would like you to believe otherwise since that's their way of keeping control. "Never forget" has been warped into a message claiming that you are always in danger and at risk. 9/11 has been used as a cheap excuse to curtail civil liberties and pursue an aggressive foreign policy in areas unrelated to the tragedy. The color coded terrorism threat level is a joke because we will never see a blue or green status. The supposed existence of terrorist sleeper cells in the United States has never been substantiated.

As long as the American people buy into this shit, the administration will not only continue play the fear card, but will go further and further with it. And everybody underneath it will get the shaft, yet comply any way because of the flawed idea that they're being kept safe.

I'm more likely to die from a number of other causes within America rather than a foreign act of violence.
9/11 was one incident that came into being thanks to incompetence, intelligence failures, and things not being as tight as they should be. It happened not necessarily because of ingenious terrorist masterminding. It was an avoidable event that nobody bothered to avoid.
How do you explain away all the other terrorist attacks pre-9/11 then. Terrorism isnt a figment of your imagination.
Absinthe, those intelligence failures occured because our defense budget was gutted by a certain man with high colesteral. Thank bush for improving them, maybe instead of complaining about it.
seinfeldrules said:
How do you explain away all the other terrorist attacks pre-9/11 then. Terrorism isnt a figment of your imagination.

Seinfeld, he's not trying to deny terrorism exists, he's just saying that the chances of being attacked are so slim that the fuss that's currently being made about terrorism is out-of-proportion, and the idea that civil liberties are being thrown out of the window in the name of an extremely remote threat is abhorrent.

gh0st said:
Absinthe, those intelligence failures occured because our defense budget was gutted by a certain man with high colesteral. Thank bush for improving them, maybe instead of complaining about it.

The intelligence was there. The reports were passed in front of the Administration, who then did nothing.
Seinfeld, he's not trying to deny terrorism exists, he's just saying that the chances of being attacked are so slim that the fuss that's currently being made about terrorism is out-of-proportion, and the idea that civil liberties are being thrown out of the window in the name of an extremely remote threat is abhorrent.
You're right, why care if a terrorist will smuggle a dirty bomb into the heart of DC? There is a slim chance of that happening, so why bother even preparing for it.
seinfeldrules said:
You're right, why care if a terrorist will smuggle a dirty bomb into the heart of DC? There is a slim chance of that happening, so why bother even preparing for it.

That's not what I said, at all.

I'm just pointing out that you're more likely to kill yourself than die via terrorist attack; there's no 'war on suicide'. If you think that slim chance is worth throwing away your constitutional rights for, that's fine. If you want to live in fear of this kindof shit, that's cool. I'm very lucky I don't live in your country is all.

Terrorism needs to be dealt with; but the shit you're coming up with - star wars, the 'war on terror', pre-emptive doctrines - simply doesn't make a lot of rational sense
gh0st said:
Absinthe, those intelligence failures occured because our defense budget was gutted by a certain man with high colesteral. Thank bush for improving them, maybe instead of complaining about it.

I remember a certain memo coming across Bush's desk... never mind. Bush's impact on our defense budget is not what I'm discussing, so you're bringing up something irrelevant.

seinfeldrules said:
How do you explain away all the other terrorist attacks pre-9/11 then. Terrorism isnt a figment of your imagination.

Did I ever say that? Of course terrorism exists. But you know what? Life goes on. You are hardly any safer now than you were pre-9/11, but we managed to survive without all the fear and angst in the latter time period. The government exploited a fear in the American people after the attack and ran with it. The similarities to the Reichstag fire in Germany are so obvious it's not even funny. Shit happens, the government tightens its grip, and Average Joe thinks to himself "Yeah, this kinda sucks. But it's all for the better" when the reality of the situation is that he's gained nothing from it. In some ways, he's worse off.
seinfeldrules said:
You're right, why care if a terrorist will smuggle a dirty bomb into the heart of DC? There is a slim chance of that happening, so why bother even preparing for it.

Jondy said it for me.

"the chances of being attacked are so slim that the fuss that's currently being made about terrorism is out-of-proportion..."
yeah but will you be saying that when the terrorists are knocking at your door with an airplane/bomb of some kind?

I have said it before and I will say it again...THEY HATE YOU AS MUCH AS ME OR ANYONE ELSE!!

they will kill us all if given the chance...but notice the cowardice they exhibit***n and hide then sneak a pregnant woman in with a bomb on her belly..kill some more kids...

**** 'em...let them kill each other...let them do what they want...just don't leave your ****ing borders unless you want to grow up and play with the rest of the world nicely...

agree to disagree..compromise..leave your religious fanaticism at home..

its been how many thousands of years the Sunnis and Shiites have been killing each other? and still no end in sight..

go to it morons ,wipe each other out.spare the rest of us from your fanaticism..
gh0st said:
Absinthe, those intelligence failures occured because our defense budget was gutted by a certain man with high colesteral. Thank bush for improving them, maybe instead of complaining about it.

Bout time someone says the truth. :naughty:
T.H.C.138 said:
yeah but will you be saying that when the terrorists are knocking at your door with an airplane/bomb of some kind?

I have said it before and I will say it again...THEY HATE YOU AS MUCH AS ME OR ANYONE ELSE!!

You're not making much sense buddy, these guys aren't everywhere, they're a tiny, tiny minority
"Hey, there are these people that hate us!"

"Yeah, lets start a war, kill them and piss off even more people!"

You're not gonna stop people from hating you by blowing them up (well, you stop them but you'll make others hate you) you'll only make it worse.

Terror isn't a government you can overthrow or a leader you can kill, it's an ideal people live by, and you're only making them pass that idealism onto others.

You're not any safer than you were before, there are at the very least just as much people who want to see you dead than before this 'war'.
To coin a phrase that I've been wanting to use for a long time:

The "War on Terrorism": "Really stirred up the shit-hive"

I don't know about you, but I don't see some of these middle eastern people forgiving us for a long long time.
It's going to take at least fifty years (and I'm an optimist) for this violence to stop. And I wonder how many national landmarks too.

Let's wait and see.
T.H.C.138 said:
yeah but will you be saying that when the terrorists are knocking at your door with an airplane/bomb of some kind?

This is like asking an atheist what tune he'll be singing if it turns out God is real. It's a dumb hypothetical question that only leads to one desired response.

If we had things like 9/11 happening often and across the nation, then I'd say that some more drastic action is necessary. But that is not the case.
The hate is already there; it's not exarcebated.

Anyway, I don't consider terrorism a real threat to me/ the US right now.

However, this does not affect the War in Iraq, since that had **** all to do with terrorism.
it is a hatred that began with the crusades...how long ago did that happen?why is it MY fault for something that happened hundreds of years ago? I didn't vote for bush..does that make me any less likely to be kidnapped or killed for being an american on vacation? no,it does not...does it make it any less likely that the next time you get on a plane some asshole will declare "jihad" on the passengers?

the fact that these terrorists hide behind the religion and CORRUPT it doesn't seem to bother anyone...making a mockery of a religion is ok but not believing in it the EXACT same way is a blasphemy punishable by jihad and subsequent beheading/torture..which is ok as long as its americans being killed,right?

political correctness be damned

hey absinthe,where the hell were you during the late 70s through the 80s? GLOBAL acts of terrorism..and can you guess where the majority of the groups came from?
T.H.C.138 said:
it is a hatred that began with the crusades...how long ago did that happen?why is it MY fault for something that happened hundreds of years ago? I didn't vote for bush..does that make me any less likely to be kidnapped or killed for being an american on vacation? no,it does not...does it make it any less likely that the next time you get on a plane some asshole will declare "jihad" on the passengers?

the fact that these terrorists hide behind the religion and CORRUPT it doesn't seem to bother anyone...making a mockery of a religion is ok but not believing in it the EXACT same way is a blasphemy punishable by jihad and subsequent beheading/torture..which is ok as long as its americans being killed,right?

political correctness be damned

you think its such a great place to live? go right ahead and live there then

What on Earth are you going on about? Can you make one solid point without going all over the place?
yes..yes I can...whats the point though? no matter what america is the devil,right?

F this,I'm out
T.H.C.138 said:
yes..yes I can...whats the point though? no matter what america is the devil,right?

F this,I'm out

Good. Saves some bytes on the server.

You don't make any sense, I have absolutely no idea what you're saying or what your point is.
PvtRyan said:
Good. Saves some bytes on the server.

You don't make any sense, I have absolutely no idea what you're saying or what your point is.

I don't really care about the Terrorist threat any more, there are bigger worries in this world than a bunch of half assed terrorists (which 99% of the time they are) and since there's nothing I can really do about it I'm sure as hell not going to let it affect my life.

It's unlikely that any Terrorists will be targeting my little corner of the world anyhow.
cptstern, you might as well apologize now for lying so we can end this little tirade and move on with our lives, I'm not going to give this one up.

CptStern said:
For bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction (as justification for invading Iraq) because it was the one reason everyone could agree on.
What is this? Stern will not admit fault when it is in his face? Man, I wished I could be so closed minded!

"Man, you conservatives never admit it when you are wrong. You should do that more often because we are better"

What a crock.
If you want to live in fear of this kindof shit, that's cool. I'm very lucky I don't live in your country is all.
Thing is, you guys overexagerate just as much anyone else. I have felt no tightening of my civil rights whatsoever. The only way I have been directly affected is waiting a little longer at airport security. You admit you dont live in this country. Fine, dont pretend to know what it is like here then. Reading an article from commondreams.org doesnt mean you know what is really going on in America.

You are hardly any safer now than you were pre-9/11
From terrorism I am.
You don't feel it because its happening slowly and quietly. Think about it, if it happend abruptly and overtly, everyone would be up in arms about it. But a little snip here and there and before you know it, you're in deep.

I highly recommend reading this book. Any library should have it.


I'm not trying to compare bush to Hitler, I'm trying to point out that the errosion of rights doesn't happen all of a sudden. It happens very slowly, and as the author shows in the book, the German people didn't realize it until it was too late, while those who did were denounced as paranoid or imagining things. It doesn't have an agenda, it merely attempts to learn how the German people let that happen.
This entire war on terror is pure bullshit. Nuff said. If uou believe in theis whole "***** terrorist are everywhere" shit than I feel sorry for you.
You don't feel it because its happening slowly and quietly. Think about it, if it happend abruptly and overtly, everyone would be up in arms about it. But a little snip here and there and before you know it, you're in deep.

How do you spell, p a r a n o i a? The very tatics that conservatives are accused of using are being used by liberals.

I'm not trying to compare bush to Hitler, I'm trying to point out that the errosion of rights doesn't happen all of a sudden. It happens very slowly, and as the author shows in the book, the German people didn't realize it until it was too late, while those who did were denounced as paranoid or imagining things. It doesn't have an agenda, it merely attempts to learn how the German people let that happen.
You arent comparing Bush to Hitler, but then you compare America to the Germans under the Nazis. Either you meant to draw the comparison or not.
seinfeldrules said:
How do you spell, p a r a n o i a? The very tatics that conservatives are accused of using are being used by liberals.

me said:
the German people didn't realize it until it was too late, while those who did were denounced as paranoid or imagining things
Thanks so much for proving my point.

seinfeldrules said:
You arent comparing Bush to Hitler, but then you compare America to the Germans under the Nazis. Either you meant to draw the comparison or not.

I am trying to point out how civil rights can be curtailed without the general population noticing by giving an example. You may not feel it, but it doesn't mean its not happening, just like they didn't feel it. Now, we may never reach the extremety that they did, but the potential is there. Just ignoring it however, will not make it go away.
Thanks so much for proving my point.
Thanks for admitting you're paranoid.

I am trying to point out how civil rights can be curtailed without the general population noticing by giving an example. You may not feel it, but it doesn't mean its not happening, just like they didn't feel it. Now, we may never reach the extremety that they did, but the potential is there. Just ignoring it however, will not make it go away.
You may not feel it, but a massive comet is heading towards earth! I saw it on commondreams.org. I suggest you:

A. Blame Bush (as with everything)
B. Build a bunker and live there in fear for the rest of your life.

Again, you are playing off fear just as much as the Bush Administration is. Throwing out the Nazi example is evidence of this.
There is no comparison between bush and hitler at all... Not even a similarity.. so don't worry about it!

The patriot act is good.. and I doubt anyone can come forward and say that their civil liberties have gotten a kick in the shorts.
Touch'e good sir! I bow before your stunning use of sarcasm and marvelous wit!

Now if you would actually take the time to think instead reverting to the instinctual sarcasm, you can see that the claims that we are gradually losing civil rights is not completely unfounded (unlike your apocolyptic meteor). First there is the 'No Fly List', which I am sure you have heard of. Sure it sounds good on paper, but when you get put on it for having an arab name, having ties to an organization that may or may not support terrorists (read: Cat Stevens), and hell, you might just find yourself put on their just because your name is similar to some suspected terrorist you've never even heard of. Now tell me that isn't a violation of civil rights. In addition, theres the patriot act, the ability to arrest and hold people without charges on the basis that they are terrorists (don't worry, they get some phoney unrelated charge later). Personally, I think I have a good reason to be concerned. If we don't start questioning now, when do we?
seinfeldrules said:
Thanks for admitting you're paranoid.

You may not feel it, but a massive comet is heading towards earth! I saw it on commondreams.org. I suggest you:

A. Blame Bush (as with everything)
B. Build a bunker and live there in fear for the rest of your life.

Again, you are playing off fear just as much as the Bush Administration is. Throwing out the Nazi example is evidence of this.

You sure it was commondreams? Might have been csmonitor... You reference that site enough. The patriot act, and the color chart and all that nonsense is just that, nonsense. It useless and uncalled for.

I would like to hear you explain to me what the color coded terror chart is good for? What does it do? Will we ever be at blue or green or any of the safe colors? Obviously not, common sense tells us that if they drop the warning color to safe thats when we will be attacked again.

I hardly see how this administration has done anything good to protect us against terrorism, if I remember correctly, they were in office when 9/11 happened right. Wasn't the report titled "bin laden determined to strike within the united states"? I can't remember...
staticprimer said:
First there is the 'No Fly List', which I am sure you have heard of. Sure it sounds good on paper, but when you get put on it for having an arab name, having ties to an organization that may or may not support terrorists (read: Cat Stevens), and hell, you might just find yourself put on their just because your name is similar to some suspected terrorist you've never even heard of.

I thought that was how voting worked in florida? *drum hit* :angel: