What came first?

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What came first? The chicken or the egg?

  • Chicken

    Votes: 16 43.2%
  • Egg

    Votes: 21 56.8%

  • Total voters
It's a philosophycal question. I would say that the amino-acid came first.:)
I think egg, because a new species arrives from mutation etc etc... so lets say two chicken-like animals (lets call them hibjubs) get it on and the lady hibjub is going to have some babies. However, some mutation takes place and 1 little hibjub is different from all the other little hibjubs. We call this hibjub a chicken! so this first chicken came from the egg. the chicken could only exist because of the egg it came from....
well, if you believe in evolution, then it's a simple question; the answer, of course, is the egg...

if you go back in time to examine the ancestors of the modern chicken, you would see an increasing amount of differences as you travel further back through time. eventually you'd find some early ancestors of the chicken that are so dissimilar that they are not in fact chickens at all. however, their eggs would still be eggs, as indeed all eggs are eggs.

i assume you're really asking "which came first: the chicken or the "chicken-egg""? of course, if you're talking about the very egg that a specific chicken was hatched from, then again, the egg came first. however, perhaps you mean the general concepts of "chicken eggs" and "chickens" that you arbitrarily decide are distinct from their "proto-chicken" and "proto-chicken-egg" counterparts. in such a case, it entirely depends on how you want to draw the line between the proto- and modern- examples. if a proto-chicken laid a modern egg (as you're defined it), the egg came first. if a modern chicken hatched from a proto-egg (again, as you've defined it), then the chicken came first.

ok? :)
The real question is, who cares what came first?

All I know is that chicken tastes good, and so do eggs, so it don't matter.
Lil' Timmy said:
well, if you believe in evolution, then it's a simple question; the answer, of course, is the egg...

if you go back in time to examine the ancestors of the modern chicken, you would see an increasing amount of differences as you travel further back through time. eventually you'd find some early ancestors of the chicken that are so dissimilar that they are not in fact chickens at all. however, their eggs would still be eggs, as indeed all eggs are eggs.

i assume you're really asking "which came first: the chicken or the "chicken-egg""? of course, if you're talking about the very egg that a specific chicken was hatched from, then again, the egg came first. however, perhaps you mean the general concepts of "chicken eggs" and "chickens" that you arbitrarily decide are distinct from their "proto-chicken" and "proto-chicken-egg" counterparts. in such a case, it entirely depends on how you want to draw the line between the proto- and modern- examples. if a proto-chicken laid a modern egg (as you're defined it), the egg came first. if a modern chicken hatched from a proto-egg (again, as you've defined it), then the chicken came first.

ok? :)

Or maybe I just gave birth to it. :cheers:
Lil' Timmy said:
well, if you believe in evolution, then it's a simple question; the answer, of course, is the egg...

if you go back in time to...

ok? :)

Oh, damn! And my Time Machine is in the shop for repairs! :hmph:
Yeah, you also need moderation powers to say something like that.
I know what came last...the McNugget.
pk1209 said:
I think egg, because a new species arrives from mutation etc etc... so lets say two chicken-like animals (lets call them hibjubs) get it on and the lady hibjub is going to have some babies. However, some mutation takes place and 1 little hibjub is different from all the other little hibjubs. We call this hibjub a chicken! so this first chicken came from the egg. the chicken could only exist because of the egg it came from....
my thoughts exactly.
damn little hibjubs
Lil' Timmy said:
well, if you believe in evolution, then it's a simple question; the answer, of course, is the egg...

if you go back in time to examine the ancestors of the modern chicken, you would see an increasing amount of differences as you travel further back through time. eventually you'd find some early ancestors of the chicken that are so dissimilar that they are not in fact chickens at all. however, their eggs would still be eggs, as indeed all eggs are eggs.

i assume you're really asking "which came first: the chicken or the "chicken-egg""? of course, if you're talking about the very egg that a specific chicken was hatched from, then again, the egg came first. however, perhaps you mean the general concepts of "chicken eggs" and "chickens" that you arbitrarily decide are distinct from their "proto-chicken" and "proto-chicken-egg" counterparts. in such a case, it entirely depends on how you want to draw the line between the proto- and modern- examples. if a proto-chicken laid a modern egg (as you're defined it), the egg came first. if a modern chicken hatched from a proto-egg (again, as you've defined it), then the chicken came first.

ok? :)

lil timmy is a pretentious bastard :)
pk1209 said:
I think egg, because a new species arrives from mutation etc etc... so lets say two chicken-like animals (lets call them hibjubs) get it on and the lady hibjub is going to have some babies. However, some mutation takes place and 1 little hibjub is different from all the other little hibjubs. We call this hibjub a chicken! so this first chicken came from the egg. the chicken could only exist because of the egg it came from....

Do hibjubs tastes good? mmmmm
It's a false question because you could take the whole chicken-egg thing back to the first aminoacids and proteins and even further back before earth existed. So the real answer is none of the above, but the big bang was earlier.
Chicken came first, egg came from chicken, chicken came from prehistoric fishm prehistoric fish came from 10 tonne dinosaur, dinosaur came from egg, egg came from mommy chicken, mommy chicken came from ancient KFC, ancient KFC is run by... any ideas?
Chicken came first, egg came from chicken, chicken came from prehistoric fish prehistoric fish came from 10 tonne dinosaur, dinosaur came from egg, egg came from mommy chicken, mommy chicken came from ancient KFC, ancient KFC is run by... any ideas?
Are we talking about hard boiled eggs, soft boiled eggs or scrambled eggs? Oh and is it fried chicken, normal plucked chiken or TV-dinner kinds? :)
KFC also make dog food, they control Pedigree Chum, dogs like it as it contains a chemical called 'old chicken that isn't fit to feed to humans but is good enough for dogs' codenamed juicy bits

This has nothing to do with anything
WTF big bang? Its not what came first out of everything, its a simple question : who came into existance first? the egg??? or the chicken???? :| :P
Didnt god make the bird in the air the fish in the see. Well a chicken isnt really a bird it cant fly. But i think that the Rooster came 1st then the chicken.
Fat Tony! said:
WTF big bang? Its not what came first out of everything, its a simple question : who came into existance first? the egg??? or the chicken???? :| :P

What matters is, is what you define a 'chicken'. Is the chicken from 20,000 years ago any less chicken than now, because they are genetically different?
So you could eventually calculate the developement of the chicken back to aminoacids and if you take it back far enough to the beginning of time.

Ah, being philosophical :D
CyberSh33p said:
lil timmy is a pretentious bastard :)

\Pre*ten"tious\, a. [Cf. F. pr['e]tentieux. See Pretend.] Full of pretension; disposed to lay claim to more than is one's; presuming; assuming. -- Pre*ten\"tious*ly, adv. -- Pre*ten\"tious*ness, n.

I disagree that timmy is pretentious. ok, he's making a show of himself, but he's certainly not making claim to be more than he is. so he's not pretentious because he doesn't fit the full definition, imo.

thenerdguy said:
Didnt god make the bird in the air the fish in the see. Well a chicken isnt really a bird it cant fly. But i think that the Rooster came 1st then the chicken.

well tuna = fish = chicken of the sea, so there ya go!
wow this is getting silly..

the ogg of course.. er egg.