What character is the most interesting/do you want to learn more about in HL2?

Valve said the buggy atleast will not sustain any damage. I think you're getting a little carried away with those buggy questions... ;)
vegeta897 said:
Well... beta *COUGH* *COUGH* :O :O
Woah, I see you have a reputation for this kind of stuff... Bad boy...
you rang?

anyways i wanna know more about the g-man.
vegeta897 said:
Valve said the buggy atleast will not sustain any damage. I think you're getting a little carried away with those buggy questions... ;)

Lol lighten up, it was a joke :)
The buggy is rear-wheel drive, but that's the only answer I know.

Given it's patchwork design, I'd bet that Alyx built it. The concept art for DOG is similar in that manner.
a real man doesnt use a car, he walkes naked over hot coals in 120 degree Ferinheight weather while being whiped by a large tusked elephants, damn straight, none of those fancy go go gagets you kids use these days. Naw back in my day we walked 5 years from work to our home and we didnt complain. Dang wipper snappers.
I want to know more about the rumored monk.

sounds like a misterious and interesting character imo.
Welllll... The G-Man... Barney... Dr Kleiner... The Administrator... Shepherd...

Ooooh... Alyx. I want to know how and where she learned her skills (I'm betting her father taught her at least some of them), why she seems to wear old, worn-out stuff, and if that little charm around her neck means anything...
I wanna see the Alien Slaves again! And how fighting alongside them feels/works.
But also Father Grigori. And the G-Man, natch.
EVIL said:
I want to know more about the rumored monk.

sounds like a misterious and interesting character imo.

the rummor monk is father gregory... hes a "suvivalist monk" not a "ninja monk"
Whats all this talk about this administrator????

I've heard zip all about him/her and sounds like information from the beta tbh...
I think that the g-man, eli, the administrator, and (hopefully, or maybe in an expansion) adrian shepard are the most interesting.
It is the Laz That Would Not Die, eh, CB?

Request noted.

Anyway, I'd like to meet this father Gregory fellow, too... sounds like a bit of a nut...
i want to see his character model, i wonder what type of monk he is....
How would Gregory be a nut? He's setting up these genius traps that show off physics!
A religious guy who sets traps for weird masked soldier dudes...

I'm imagining wide, staring eyes, a bald head, or failing that, a fringe of white hair 'round the back of the head, a stained robe... that sort of stuff... probably calls the combine "demons", that sort of thing... I mean, c'mon, "Survivalist Monk"... doesn't really fit unless you imagine a nut, does it :P ?
Maybe he is like the prophets from Empire Earth, lol.
Ah? 'k. Guess I'd have to play the game... I think we've got it somewhere; my sis is more into that sort of game than I am...

[EDIT] Hey... Vegeta... you live in Leonardo Da Vinci's study?
definitely the g-man. hes the most mysterious character in the halflife-universe... i have to get to know him better ;o
I think I speak for most of the community when I say


Oh and for that matter the Administrator since the revelations about him and GMan being seperate.

"The Administrator is a beaurecrat not a scientist"
Brian Damage said:
A religious guy who sets traps for weird masked soldier dudes...

I'm imagining wide, staring eyes, a bald head, or failing that, a fringe of white hair 'round the back of the head, a stained robe... that sort of stuff... probably calls the combine "demons", that sort of thing... I mean, c'mon, "Survivalist Monk"... doesn't really fit unless you imagine a nut, does it :P ?

I'm imagining you imaginining the model from the stolen build.

Never seen it, sorry... so I'm hoping you haven't, and that that wasn't just a spoiler from you...
Brian Damage said:
Hey... Vegeta... you live in Leonardo Da Vinci's study?
Erm, excuse me? What do you mean?

EDIT: Ohhhh, that's not what I'm talking about lol.
I know, I was just kidding :E.

Kittyhawk? Is that what the place is called? Or is it Dayton, Ohio? Or am I totally on the wrong track?
Brian Damage said:
I know, I was just kidding :E.

Kittyhawk? Is that what the place is called? Or is it Dayton, Ohio? Or am I totally on the wrong track?

Ohio. Good old heart of it all. With the river that blew up. :upstare:
vegeta897 said:
They carry signs saying "THE END IS NEAR" :laugh:

Jehovah's Witness pays me to come to their "gatherings"
Barney! I want to know what he's been up to and whether he has finally worked out how to use bigger and better guns. Plus get told how he escaped from Black Mesa and how he ended up in City 17
Rupertvdb said:
Barney! I want to know what he's been up to and whether he has finally worked out how to use bigger and better guns. Plus get told how he escaped from Black Mesa and how he ended up in City 17

and wheres that beer he promised!?
That is an awesome idea for a mod.... get barney's beer, or maybe deliver barney's beer.
yea, they should make an expansion pack for it. btw what happens at the end of blue shift?
Cutey_Kaite said:
yea, they should make an expansion pack for it. btw what happens at the end of blue shift?

You Escape with Dr. Rossenberg and 2 other scientists in one of the Black Mesa Cars. Tidy little tinker before it ends though where you get teleported to see one of the events from Half-Life.