What console.

What to do in my Gaming Console life.

  • Stay with the Xbox 360

    Votes: 16 40.0%
  • Sell Xbox 360, buy a PS3

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • Keep Xbox 360, and work all summer to buy a PS3.

    Votes: 13 32.5%
  • Buy a Wii, and then burn it.

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters


Party Escort Bot
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Alright. I own an Xbox 360, and so do ALL of my friends. But in that group of friends are some PS3 owners also. Most of my friends and say.... Stay on Xbox!.... but one of my friends, probably the most convincing person I know, says "sell your xbox and get a Ps3... there are so many better exclusives coming out."

Me of course, getting caught up in peer pressure, mainly thought about going with the PS3.
But for the 360, I already own 20+ games for it. So I have no Idea what to do.
That actually might be a great idea. Ive spent atleast 250$ on PC games that were completely unusable on my crap computers. And i've messed up my computers even more installing graphics cards. My brother had a great computer that he got for christmas $1500 one.... (i got some video games. My brothers a spoiled brat).... he had like, a 8800 gt gefore or something. It was perfectly fine for the game he wanted to play, but he had to have it bigger and better. He found the best graphics card affordable, put it in his computer, and forever F***** his computer. My dad was PISSSSSSSSED:angry:.

So yeah. That is probably a good idea. I'll try christmas though. Might get a laptop. idk.
if you're planning on getting a gaming computer, sell that 360. a quick search on any game website will tell you that most of the 360's big hitters are also on the PC.

the ps3 has more to offer for someone that already has a good computer.
Since you already have so many 360 games it would be silly to sell it. Absolutely silly. Also since you already have a 360 ... there's not a ton of need for a high end PC (and vice versa). I have a high end PC and a PS3 and the only game I want but can't have is the GTAIV DLC. The 360/PC overlap a lot. Switching from one to the other (and losing the games you already bought) just doesn't make much sense.

However, the PS3 does have a lot of great exclusives. So if you think it's worth it for those alone then save up and buy that too.
360 RROD
PS3 no gaems
Wii is for casuals

Invest in Super Nintendo.
360 RROD
PS3 no gaems
Wii is for casuals

Invest in Super Nintendo.
If that's how you feel Darkseid, then Wii. The virtual console has almost all of the best Super Nintendo games already, so why poke around on eBay in an attempt to find a used SNES that has no guarantee that it still works or how much longer it'll still work?

Also, that was my verdict on this console generation too, but things seem to be changing for the better. At least for the PS3 having more games that interest me. I got a great deal on a 360 recently because my PC is out of date for newer games on my radar and I can't afford any upgrades atm, but there's no telling when I'll get a RRoD. We'll see.
I've had my 360 for almost a year and so far no RROD. As long as you don't move the console around while there's a disk inserted and keep it laying horizontal you should be fine.
I had a friend who said the same thing. "My 360 is a generation 1 360 and I've never gotten RROD in all the years I've had it."

Less than a week later, RROD.
I've had my 360 for almost a year and so far no RROD. As long as you don't move the console around while there's a disk inserted and keep it laying horizontal you should be fine.
Wait, I thought laying it horizontal was bad and not standing it vertically?

I was told standing it vertically keeps the device on the DVD drive from meeting the disk which causes the circular scratching.
(which I haven't had any trouble with yet anyways)
PS3 no gaems


That's on top of the 7 PSN games I also have. I expect my collection to double within a year as well.
Definitely PC. PS3 is great for multimedia stuff as well as gaming though.
If you play games with friends and hang out with non-gamer friends often a Wii is excellent.
I just rather own everything on one system. The PC.

Multi-platform games usually come to the PS3, 360 and PC. The only system that has games that will never appear on any other system is the Wii. I mean, you get Call of Duty on the Wii as well, but it's a different game, and you could just get the better versions for the PC.

So if I were you, I'd skip the few exclusives that come for the PS3 and get the Wii, since there will be hundreds more of them.
Well Sedako sure showed me. He's got 10 games and one movie that he spent $300-500 on a system for. And Casual Shooter, Generic Action Garbage, Ken Fighter IV, Japanese Grinding Adventure, Little Big Not A Game, and Rehash and Clank 7 are all wonderful games.

Sedako why do you even reply to my trolling PS3 I am on your PSN friends list
Get PS3 and besides its not that expensive, 360 is the same price basically when you buy all the stuff you need.
Well Sedako sure showed me. He's got 10 games and one movie that he spent $300-500 on a system for. And Casual Shooter, Generic Action Garbage, Ken Fighter IV, Japanese Grinding Adventure, Little Big Not A Game, and Rehash and Clank 7 are all wonderful games.

Sedako why do you even reply to my trolling PS3 I am on your PSN friends list

Because I wanted an excuse to take a picture of something? I'll take a picture of my blu-ray collection if you're really nice to me.
Get PS3 and besides its not that expensive, 360 is the same price basically when you buy all the stuff you need.

you actually end up spending more on it too when you factor in XBL or potential RRoD repairs, thankfully i never had to deal with those.

i sold mine since it felt so useless to keep it around and pay XBL for it when I use my PC much more often. im waiting on a PS3 deal from cheap ass gamer or slickdeals.net now.

i repeat my suggestion: if you're planning on getting a PC, sell the 360 while you can still get a good price for it.
I've got my sights on an 80gb PS3 as soon as I rob a mother****er for the cash.
Well Sedako sure showed me. He's got 10 games and one movie that he spent $300-500 on a system for. And Casual Shooter, Generic Action Garbage, Ken Fighter IV, Japanese Grinding Adventure, Little Big Not A Game, and Rehash and Clank 7 are all wonderful games.

Sedako why do you even reply to my trolling PS3 I am on your PSN friends list
So? Almost every other game on PC, Wii, and 360 is a sequel, re-make, generic shooter too. Maybe your just fed up with gaming after all these years and your gamer days has run it's course Darkseid. Remember, more than half of HL2.net users weren't even conceived during the NES days, so there's still so much they prolly haven't seen yet.

I'm getting kinda bored with games nowadays too tbh apart from a few series and sequels that still interest me. Devs need moar original franchises and less sequels.
The 80gb ps3 was on amazon the other day for like $50 off. (I like my PS3 a lot but I do my multi-player games on the PC)

I would have also said get a PC but you have a xbox360 with a lot of friends playing the same games I'm assuming. That's what I do on the PC, which is better IMO, but a PC with no friends playing on the same online servers may not be better than an xbox360 with friends you know irl.
Now if those friends stop playing their games because they get lives...then get a PC and find a few good online servers for whatever game you are playing. ;)

Remember, more than half of HL2.net users weren't even conceived during the NES days, so there's still so much they prolly haven't seen yet.
I wish I still had an NES. My SNES gets a decent amount of playing time. Controllers are still in awesome shape.
So? Almost every other game on PC, Wii, and 360 is a sequel, re-make, generic shooter too. Maybe your just fed up with gaming after all these years and your gamer days has run it's course Darkseid. Remember, more than half of HL2.net users weren't even conceived during the NES days, so there's still so much they prolly haven't seen yet.

I'm getting kinda bored with games nowadays too tbh apart from a few series and sequels that still interest me. Devs need moar original franchises and less sequels.

I can't tell if you're trolling or not but did you read the spoiler?
Sony still hasn't convinced people to buy the PS3 yet. Every freakin year, people say "this is the year for Sony!!" and they fall short big time. TBH it will take another 2-3 years to see a noticeable improvement in the game selection and support for exclusives. By then the next xbox should be in mass production and we'll see something far greater in performance. but for Bluray, DVDs, and a few hand picked games it may be worth it. If you don't have the HDTV yet, don't even bother. the machine was designed for high def gaming. So go and save up for a nice TV before you torture yourself
I can't tell if you're trolling or not but did you read the spoiler?
I wasn't trolling, just giving my opinion on Darkseid's take on the current console generation based on his post alone, and I don't read spoilers.

They're called spoilers for a reason and I don't want anything to be spoiled. Plus I only have dial-up and I'm lazy, but mostly lazy.

How about did you read my sig instead? :P

EDIT> I'm also about Darkseid's age anyways and was playing games when most other HL2.net users were still filling their diapers, so I know how he feels. Been there, done that, but I recently purchased a 360 as proof my interest wick in gaming hasn't burned out just yet like I thought it would.
You're thinking about getting a PS3 because your closest friend is telling you to. You're thinking about selling your xbox 360 and games just to buy a PS3. Keep the 360, you already have games for it and most of your friends have 360's. Ultimately get the PS3 whether you're gonna buy it with work money or by selling your 360 because to me it just sounds like you just want something new to mess with.
wait for the price drop, in fact just this past friday Amazon had the PS3 for $350!! imagine what it could be like in 6 months. if your under 18, go enjoy yourself and have fun. go over a friends house who has the PS3 and just look at his PS3 collection. if you are impressed by it, then go for it. if not keep visiting and trying it out and make sure its something you want to lose a summer of fun and memories over
Keep Xbox 360, and work all summer to buy a PS3.

I wanted to vote for sell a 360 but the total 2 good games coming out for it is worth the keep.


Xbox 360

Splinter Cell: Conviction
Mass Effect 2
Forza Motorsport 3
Alan Wake
Left 4 Dead 2
Halo: Reach
Halo: ODST
Crackdown 2
Lionhead Milo Project

PlayStation 3

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Gran Turismo 5
God Of War 3
Heavy Rain
Final Fantasy Versus 13
Final Fantasy 14
The Last Guardian
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
ModNation Racers


Xbox 360

Halo 3
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Forza Motorsport 2
Left 4 Dead
Fable II
Mass Effect
Condemned: Criminal Origins

Playstation 3

Resistence 2
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Killzone 2
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Valkyria Chronicles
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue


Xbox 360

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2
Rez HD
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned
Castle Crashers

Playstation 3

WipEout HD
ZEN Pinball
Noby Noby Boy
Fat Princess
Linger in Shadows
The Last Guy
PixelJunk Eden
Burn Zombie Burn!

PS3 wins by a long shot..
So? Almost every other game on PC, Wii, and 360 is a sequel, re-make, generic shooter too. Maybe your just fed up with gaming after all these years and your gamer days has run it's course Darkseid. Remember, more than half of HL2.net users weren't even conceived during the NES days, so there's still so much they prolly haven't seen yet.

I'm getting kinda bored with games nowadays too tbh apart from a few series and sequels that still interest me. Devs need moar original franchises and less sequels.
Well, I still think there's things we've left to see. Which is why I completely agree that we need to see some new, good IPs. Actually more than that, we need new mechanics, or tightening of old mechanics. At this point, playing games for a long time, everything does start to feel generic, stale, and boring. That's not due to age or time spent gaming, though--it's due to lazy developers and old rehash ideas.

Like, this board has got what? A couple different threads on the first page about Infamous and Prototype? Those are the "big names" right now, you see ads everywhere for them, they're getting good reviews...but they're garbage. Formulaic garbage. It's the same stuff I was playing with Crackdown and Hulk Ultimate Destruction. Hell they're practically the same game with each other, even though I'm certainly going to draw people in here telling me "NO THEY'RE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PROTOTYPE IS LIKE THIS AND INFAMOUS IS LIKE THIS." They're the same shit man. The same shit. And it's not even good shit. It's rehash.

You know while I was kind of joking with the crack I made about Ratchet and Clank, it's actually not that much of a joke. Smash stuff, run around and collect these trinkets, get new weapons. You do a couple platform sequences...eh it's all the same stuff from the previous games (seven games in this series), and there's hundreds of other action titles that play just like it.

Same like the generic shooters. Same shit, different space marine.

If developers aren't going to bother with actually innovating something your best bet is no current-gen console at all. I mean, just look at Asuka's list: the most interesting games on there are the downloadables by small developers. All I see on the list of "New" games are sequels and rehash. And all I see on the list of "Old" games is older rehash.

It's terrible for old guys like us too because, at least for me, my gamer days haven't run out. I don't want them to ever run out. I still enjoy playing video games. I just want to see new things, that's all. Better things.

Not shit like Crackdown 2 and God of War 3.

Ugh. God of War almost made me hate action games. I almost hung up the genre for good, if it wasn't for God Hand. After that, though, I think that's probably the end of the action genre. It's unlikely that it will get any better.

I've always understood what your opinions are about the state of gaming today. I do agree to an extent that the amount of fun to be had is on the decline from the days of old. That said, I can still enjoy many of the newer games despite any similarities to previous titles, as long as they are well-crafted and not simply spat out by the developers to make a quick profit. It's a shame you don't enjoy God of War though. I've played through both of them many times on varying difficulties, and to me, it's a genuinely fun/challenging experience.
On the 360 you can play Left 4 Dead.

Stick with 360 and work to summer to get a pc.
Fixed by removing pc games.

I was being "fair"

On the 360 you can play Left 4 Dead.

Stick with 360 and work to summer to get a pc.

LMFAO! Left4Dead over the PS3 games? Are you ****ing serious? Im a hardcore Valve fan and can admit its their weakest title to date and doesn't compare to the countless titles you unlock by having a PS3. Not to ****ing mention you can play the game on the PC and anyone in their right mind would do so.

Use your BRAIN!
Sell your 360 and buy a SNES and N64 + as many controllers and games as you can find off Ebay and enjoy retro gaming with your friends for the next half a decade. Seriously, all I have anymore is my 64 and it got more play in my dorm the first two years of university than any of my friend's PS3s or 360s or Wiis.

Or sell your 360 and get you a nice gaming rig.
On the 360 you can play Left 4 Dead.

Stick with 360 and work to summer to get a pc.

You're telling him to keep a 360 just for L4D...but then you tell him to get a good pc on which he could clearly play L4D? lol
Update. I will probably have to work all year now to get a new console/pc. I just got a new phone because I switched to verizon, and the bill is pretty.... expensive. So yeah....