What could be more fun than blasting a horn 100x loader than normal...

Why not just post this in the other active thread with compfused videos...
He got compfused and made a new thread instead.

Ok nevermind.
it would have been funnier if they had shot them instead of honked a horn.
hehe that was funny and it dose sound excactly like a locomotive horn
giant384 said:
hehe that was funny and it dose sound excactly like a locomotive horn
That's because it is...check their site...
just watched it with sound which did help alot! LOL was pretty funny! You wonder how loud it was in real life!
duffers20 said:
just watched it with sound which did help alot! LOL was pretty funny! You wonder how loud it was in real life!

u must have not heard a train before then
I just ate a turkey sandwhich. It's not quite the same effect, but I just felt like letting you know.
I dunno, seemed pretty jerky, and rarely funny. The ones we're the punks freaked out and the people twitched in unison were pretty good though.
Video works all of the sudden for some odd reason. Good stuf though
What could be more fun?

Shitting in the powder drawer of a washing machine when someone is doing a load of towels or white sheets
Or painting a lightbulb black, so that when they turn it on the room gets darker! Mwhahahahahahha..... errr.... hmmm.... :p
I'm definitely liking the music they listen to.
Murray_H said:
What could be more fun?

Shitting in the powder drawer of a washing machine when someone is doing a load of towels or white sheets
I tried that once. Kids, never try that.:D

And in response, Blowing a horn 101x louder than normal, and beating the ****ing hell out of your best friends in public (Trust me you WILL regret it!).:cheers: :x
I love where they honked inside a mall-type them. Hahaha, the best.
I want one....

now if only it played "la cucharacha" (sp?)