What did you get for Christmas?

Ooo, have fun in Montreal! I've always loved visiting that city. Make sure you grab some smoked meat while you are there, its the best :D

Awesome city, I went there for my birthday in April and had a freaking blast - try a bar called foufounes electrique. It's a metal bar. Pool tables, slayer playing.. It's awesome.

One other thing about Montreal though, in that metal bar I did get roofied. It was meant for my girlfriend I'm sure (I downed most of her drinks because I'm a gentleman like that), but it was still fun so be all ****ed up in MTL :laugh:
$200 check from girlfriend's grandma, 25 ounces of silver coins from dad, Ipod touch from girlfriend, some screamers (climbing stuff) from brother in law.
HDD Enclosure arrived. 105 MB/s, is this what it's like to own an SSD? ;(
The flu.

No but really I got some nice clothes, lots of candy LOTS of candy, some cash and gift cards from family, and a nice cologne from my woman.
This is thread is akin to 8 year olds in a school yard learning where they stand in the 'my mummy and daddy are richer than your mummy and daddy' hierarchy.

I got new headphones, not that anybody here really cares what anyone got.
^Maybe I should've asked for headphones/earbuds. Mine haven't worked properly for the past 6 months and I haven't bothered to get new ones.

I got socks, chocolate covered popcorn, and some home made cookies. And my sister got me some jeans. I'm too old to be given games anymore.

I also got a really awesome outdoor-indoor digital thermometer clock thing from a friend. This is cool because I have a crappy heater/AC and have never known the temperature in my apartment aside from "kinda chilly."

I'll probably hang out at Target today looking for Christmas clearance items, yay awesome.
This is thread is akin to 8 year olds in a school yard learning where they stand in the 'my mummy and daddy are richer than your mummy and daddy' hierarchy.

I got new headphones, not that anybody here really cares what anyone got.

Straight Bullshit. We all know it's who got more presents from Santa based on how good they were.
Am I the only one who didn't get an iPhone this year? Seriously my parents are total ****wads and I hope they die leaving me alone to play my video games and listen to shitty music.
I got an iPhone but it's the ****ing white one. **** my parents I hope they die horribly, then I'd get to be Batman anyway whatup. #winning.
I'm sad because I can't tell if Mutoid was serious or not.
I got clothes from everyone but my girlfriends dad, who got me a bottle of Black label. That was awesome though cause now I don't have to go clothes shopping for years, and that's the greatest gift of all.