What did you possibly find to do for two days?


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
So the forums have been down for two days and, we all know, it's been a hard time for every single one of us.

So what on earth did you guys do to fill these two disasterous voids where we couldn't click refresh on HL2.net every three minutes to see if someone new had posted?

Personally, I clicked refresh every three minutes to check if the site had come back up. I also played a lot of Gmod and Mafia (which I just purchased for 3 pounds!!!)
I refreshed these forums nonstop, save for those times when I was sleeping, eating, or in the bathroom.

During those times... I ran my webpage refresh macro, with an alarm set so that if the page pops up... I can be alerted!
I relapsed and starting take H again, now i gotta back to rehab.....thx a lot HL2.net.

I took part in a BBC world service radio debate on religion to be aired Sunday. Thread to follow.
Solaris - sounds kinky. Was everyone naked, or just the Catholics?
I bet the afterparty was wild.
Was involved with serious discussions with CyberPitz on something which i've mentioned to a few of you..:shh:

Got the ball slowly rolling on long term cncnation work, got short term cncnation work done and kept the news there updated etc.

Also spoke to old DomoKun Kamikazie himself!

I read Richard Dawkins The God Delusion, and it was very good.

I also figured out that I can put the head of my penis in my belly button.
Dat's hawt.

I figured out I could put the head of my penis in a lightsocket. Unfortunately, Big Willie Wang won't be seeing much for a while.
it was out for 2 days? didnt noticed
it was out for 2 days? didnt noticed

Yet you happened to post immediately after it came back up. :cheese:

Does that mean you were refreshing it like the rest of us, or simply logged on after two days to make a post?
Either working, commuting, visiting my mum or sleeping.
And now I'm wondering why the site is only half working...
To be fair, I didn't notice either. Some of the OMG NOOOOO posts have made me giggle though, so thanks
i thought it was a day, i've been very ill and coughing, but yesterday i was christmas shopping in town, saw a film with mates, went clubbing in the evening and to a lecture in the morning.
Evo will be happy, I went on CNC Nation more than I would have.
Evo will be happy, I went on CNC Nation more than I would have.
Haha me too. Been living on Zombiemaster, pro evo forums and the other one we don't talk about. Glad to have halflife-****ed.net back.
Did some things related to my job here
Went to work
MSN'd a lot
Played some CSS and BF2 for first time in ages
Went out as always


p.s i sechsed all the other staff :naughty:
i did really damn cool things because i'm really damn cool.. yeah......
Did some things related to my job here
Went to work
MSN'd a lot
Played some CSS and BF2 for first time in ages
Went out as always


p.s i sechsed all the other staff :naughty:
Whore. D:
oh yes. yes that's.. oh. yes that's very good. oh my.
Lol, I MSN'd a lot and finished two of the campaigns from Dark Crusade...

What a sad under achieving life I lead...