What did you possibly find to do for two days?

It was down for so long that it disappeared from my address history, and I had to type the address in.... manually... :O:O:O

That was some crazy times.
Grrr, it ain't lettin me view page 2 of this thread!
I sat here... waiting.
I had my mother bring a bucket over for me to shit and piss in.
I had a large supply of chips and beer to quench my hunger and thirst.
I never slept nor bathed, there are now flies hovering above me.

My dog doesn't go near me anymore, nor does my cat.
I can't get up, it feels like the muscles in my legs are going to rip apart.
I was fired from my well-paying job.
My car was impounded for missing its payment.
My girlfriend dumped me and threw the ring I gave her at me.

The downtime ruined my life. :(

We should all send our monies and house's no xlucidx. Now.
I did! As soon as I posted... he may not have recieved it yet though.


Shut down the PC and turned on GoW. Then my Xbox broke! \o/
I did my physics and math homework. An entire month worth.
Surprisingly I thought my internet brosweer was ****ed when this site didn't pop up.

I visited my regular flow of forums, played games, had college, ate, slept and got up early in the dark ;(
Shut down the PC and turned on GoW. Then my Xbox broke! \o/
It does that. Gears is a rapist. F***ing raped my tv after I left the screen on too long. I had the "You guys sound like two assholes on their first date" line and the pause menu burned into the screen for 4 days.

I also sat by my computer during day 1 with an almost endless supply of bacons, refreshing the page over and over again while eating the bacony goodness. Day 2, I gave up. Damn school.....
It does that. Gears is a rapist. F***ing raped my tv after I left the screen on too long. I had the "You guys sound like two assholes on their first date" line and the pause menu burned into the screen for 4 days.
Nah, it's not the game, it's the power block thingy. Damn damn damn. Just when I get a subscription to Live too. >: (